Community Pool

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  1. Hello fellow bloggers,

    Thank you again for being such a supportive community. I remember coming upon a quote that said “anything that makes you feel the most alone also has the greatest power to connect you” – Ze Frank

    And from that moment I realized that I needed to start writing and blogging. Whether it be personal thoughts, life lessons or just stories my goal is to help people learn from mistakes so they wont have to make them on their own. I hope to start a podcast in the near future.

    Below is a link to my blog:

    I welcome any feedback and criticism to help me both improve as a writer and to be a better person. Many thanks.

    Just another Blogger

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love that you feel comfortable enough to be able to share your personal stories, but your blog could use some life. Don’t be afraid to branch out from what’s personal just to create something with beauty. Also, you blog needs some color to bring the text to life. Images would help too.
      Good luck on your journey to better writing!
      -Author S

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I love the idea of travelling on a budget, considering the economic situations of most people. The post needs some work, though. The tips are lovely and useful, but they’re often long and wordy. Spacing things out as well as using bold/italic headers can make for a much easier read. Try summarizing your points more to make the post flow, and you’ve got yourself some happy readers!
      Happy trails!
      -Author S

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello. I write about the minute details of life. I love writing about the things you usually miss in the busy schedules of life. Check out my blog and tell me what you think. I put in a few poems from time to time. Well, have a great day!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hey, I’m fairly new with this second blog of mine all about makeup/reviews and skincare. I would love to meet some fellow bloggers and also am in need of some feedback!
    Please do visit my blog 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. My favorite part of your posts are your topics. They are interesting. Anxiety about giving a speech is something that affects many people. I like the way you unfolded the story.
      For my feedback, I suggest that you try to keep the verb tense consistent within a paragraph. For example, Here’s a rewrite of one of your paragraphs. It keeps the tense consistent and also makes the writing more concise.
      I didn’t know what topic to choose. I finally decided to choose a topic from sports and I collected few pieces of information. I wrote all the information in a paper then showed it to my mom. Then I formed my sentences with the relevant information and finally wrote my speech. Next, I fully memorized it and practiced in front of my mom. I started with, “Good morning everyone. Today I am going to give a speech on sports.“ As I continued to speak, I got stuck and had to start from the beginning. I repeated that speech for about 15 to 20 times. My mom kept on listening. She told me to speak boldly and not be nervous. That whole night, I didn’t sleep. I was thinking how I was going to speak to my class.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. It is really nice to see your feedback. It keeps me motivating to write. I will try to rectify all my mistakes. Keep supporting me.
        With love – Rey

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sunidhi,
      Nice posts and since you want a feedback. I am all about helping out and supporting so my suggestions will be giving your blogs some pics to them and give your background some light. It is too dark. Let it shine a little.
      Have fun on this journey ok. Its about to be a memorable good one to remember. Salute!



  4. Hello everybody. I posted at the beginning of this thread (the third one on page one) about a recent post, Taylor Maid. It’s a tongue-in-cheek Sci-Fi type thing and has been quite a bit more popular than I’d expected. It’s 600 words. Please check it out!

    Also, I run a fortnightly 300 word writing group, details on my blog if you are interested. New members always welcome!

    In the meantime, here’s a link to my latest post, 20 short (clickable) extracts from stories with a supernatural element on my blog, To Cut a Short Story Short. You might check it out if you are interested in flash-fiction.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Hello Andrea, many thanks for checking my blog out and glad you liked the stories! Thanks for the ‘follow’ too. Incidentally, there’s a sequel to Taylor Maid, scheduled for the 14th April, in which you get to find out what (one) robot gets to spend her 10% on! It’s called Heartless Desires.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello everyone! Happy Thurday!
    I am Jeiji and I write about life general on my blog ‘Beyond the Black Sea’. I recently tried my hands on a fictional piece about a day in the life of a shy girl. I would appreciate it if you could look at the piece and tell me your thoughts. Does it your attention? What about the writing style? Anything that got on your nerves? Please let me know.
    Thank You! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Hey y’all!!! 👋🏽👋🏽😄

    Long time no see…

    I make music and it would be cool I feel you could check out my page here on WordPress!!🎧🎧

    Yesterday I put links in the posts to access the music if you are on a mobile. You don’t have to have an account to listen!!

    I love giving and receiving feedback so… comment away!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I like the perspective you used, looking out the window. You conveyed the difference between being an observer or participant in life. Some of the wording was a bit awkward. For instance, “Although I had decided on my next post topic , but now I am feeling too exhausted to…” would read better as, “Although I had decided on my next post topic, I felt too exhausted to…”

      Liked by 3 people

    1. You have some valuable content, but be sure to keep an eye on your grammar and transitions to deliver a more powerful message. In the future, you can add things you think would help reduce anxiety/stress, which is relatable for most people.
      Good luck!
      -Author S

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for your advice, i will do some edits for the essay. To be honest, i did not do proofread before publishing it. Thanks you so much for taking time reading it. 🙂hailangeliccreation!


      2. Of course, and thank you for the follow! I hope to hear what you think of my work soon.
        Happy reading!
        -Author S


    1. Perhaps you could shorten this post by making it more resource-based. This will inspire people with doubts about starting to learn how to play an instrument. Music is a wonderful thing to spread, so you could start with some resources for common instruments like the guitar, piano, etc.
      Good luck and happy playing!
      -Author S

      Liked by 2 people