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  1. Hello everyone :),
    This is my second blog post for my blog. I’m trying to openly express and explore my journey through philosophy. I’ve been sharing my posts privately and would love to have some feedback on the layout and presentation of my post. To be honest I’m mostly worried about my paragraphing and grammar. Hope you enjoy the read!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved your second blog post–it’s very thoughtfully written and different from a lot of blogs I’ve read. I think the layout is great. It’s clear and easy to read, which keeps the focus on your words. I didn’t see any problems with grammar, and your paragraphs seemed well-organized–great work! 🙂


  2. Hello, I’m D.A. Smith. I write about alternatives to college. And, I want to help the generations behind me get ahead in life without the stress of attending college (or at least paying for it). I recently wrote a blog post, that I put my heart into. I’m a long-winded writer. So, this post will be great with a cup of coffee (or tea), and maybe a snack or two. Comment about the style, or your feelings towards my thoughts regarding higher ed. You’re really awesome for helping me out. I may return the favor wink, wink. And, yes, that’s a bribe, lol. https://thelifemajor.com/2016/12/02/5-brilliant-reasons-why-successful-students-should-avoid-college/


  3. Hi everyone!
    I’ve been blogging for a few months about challenges I’ve faced in life, relationships, and writing. However, I’d love to get some fresh voices on my blog. I’ve never featured a guest post before, but I’d like to try it!
    If any of my blog’s topics resonate with you, and you are interested in writing a guest post, please check out my blog (https://thesyntaxofthingsblog.wordpress.com/) and leave a comment on my about page with a link back to your blog!

    Here’s a recent post of mine: https://thesyntaxofthingsblog.wordpress.com/2016/12/06/goal-setting-shoot-for-the-moon/


  4. In your blog about goal setting shoot for the moon, I like that you included a photo attribution to the artist. I’m going to start doing that on my blog, thelifemajor.com. Now for a suggestion, I like the simplicity of the title. But, maybe you could remaster the headline, example: Shoot for the Moon: 3 Ways to Set Goals that Reach the Stars (I know cheesy). But, you can work along those lines. That way, people know and expect you to give them three things in your post. Otherwise, it was a good read.


  5. Hello world! I have a web site and blog here: http://riversblessings.com that I like the looks of, but that has very weak blog functionality.

    I need a stronger blog. So I have re-posted my blog entries here: http://riversblessings.blog

    Can someone please help me find a template that I can use to make my new blog and web site pretty like my old one? Is the issue one of choosing a template, or do I need to just pick one and customize the heck out of it? If it’s the latter, do y’all know a template that would be easiest to work with?

    (My apologies, but I’m trying to juggle a full-time day job, running a farm, and caring for my 93-year-old mom. I hope I’m missing something easy…)


  6. Hey guys! It’s really good to see everyone supporting each other on this! There should be more of this on the internet where we encourage people to think and share ideas. 😊👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey all,
    Here’s an excerpt from my new post that holds my thoughts on the transitional time I am going through.
    “I think of leaving so many things. I think of how empty my life will be. I think some more, and decide that my life will not be empty but more open, and I will get to choose how to fill it. While a lot is ending, a lot of space is opening up for other things to begin.”
    It’s been over a month since I’m made a post like this, and even this one is a little more personal than things I’ve written. I’d love to hear what you think of it!


  8. Hello dear all,
    I just finished a new post. The idea is to share thoughts on how the simple action of walking can transform into a powerful tool and allow you to re-discover the best yourself. It is named “walk away”. Feel free to pop-in.

    Walk away


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi, community! Today I wrote a poignant story about two people who once hated each other, but through a long and hard journey of pain and reconciliation are now best friends. In other words, Japan and America.

    General feedback is good, but I want to know how you feel about the illustrations I used on this post and this other one. I want to start using them in all my stories, as my character are central to my branding. Thoughts?



    I just posted a new blog with some old photos from a photography class I took in high school. Grab a photo and write a short story or blog from the image or any of the images from my flickr page. Comment with a link to your creations! I can’t wait to see what you write from my photos!!

    A Trip Back In Time In Photos

    Please share this challenge!


  11. Hello/Hola my amazing fellow bloggers!
    If you could please check out my a new 100-word piece I published regarding the WP’s Daily Prompt of ‘treasure’, you would make my day!
    Also, if you disagree with my thoughts or have anything to add to it, please leave a comment. I love reading your thoughts!
    And if you need my feedback, just let me know. Love ya’ll!


  12. Hi, I started blogging around a year ago (it all started with a post about poor service with American Airlines) but posts have been few and far between. In the last few weeks I’ve been trying to get back to it and have written some quick how to’s. I’d really appreciate some feedback on these. In the background I’m also writing a more lengthy piece of my recent experience of Hong Kong and the perils of a houseshare. Any thoughts/ comments on my posts and those I’m still drafting I’d really appreciate. Here’s my most recent post: DIY Christmas advent .. with 4 craft items
    https://lifeasiknowitbyshaa.wordpress.com/2016/12/07/diy-christmas-advent-with-4-craft-items/ thanks 🙂


    1. The story in your post is great. I like the way you unfolded it to reach the conclusion. You might want to edit for word usage. I noticed several errors there. For instance, “day and night in pursue of his passion” should be “day and night in pursuit of his passion.” https://gracelead.co
