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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  1. I’m extremely new to this blogging thing. I’m more doing it for myself, a way to express my feelings.. But apon reading other people’s blogs I have come to realise that I am a terrible writer and have no idea how to actually blog 😂
    Any advice on how to get started would be Muchly appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re a great writer. The way to blog is to write whatever you feel the need to write about. You seem like an interesting person and will therefore naturally write interesting things. Even if you believe it to be mundane, it won’t be to others and it’s such a nice way to release pent-up feelings. Keep it up!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi, I’m new to blogging, and technology. And interacting with people other than my personality disorders. Ive put a couple of posts up. They are rough, but I still wouldn’t mind some feedback, I’m hoping this is how I get it. I’m English, if that’s any consolation. I’m spooky (Not my real name by the way). Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you could probably do with some better formatting. Having the actual “Lifted” and “Drinks” posts on the right, with small quotables from the beginning of each on both the left and in the middle – it makes it difficult to find the posts. Which is a shame, because the posts are fantastically written and I enjoyed them, It’s just a mess trying to actually find the writing.


      1. Thanks Jake, I appreciate it. I’ll try to format it differently, but first i’ll endeavour to find out what that means. I’m one of those people who thought computers would either destroy the world, or not catch on at all. I’m starting to realise that this whole ‘internet’ thing might take off. Seriously though, it’ll look into it. Thanks mate.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, we’re halfway to destroying the world, so don’t count yourself wrong just yet. I do love the writing though, definitely pulled me in – so keep it up.


      3. I agree. The content is clever but maybe your theme is all wrong? Your writing has a dark feel to it, but your feature image has swans on it? I noticed some duplication of your posts as well. I never criticize anyone’s work but I don’t want yours to get lost under swans and clutter 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ho boy. So today I made huge changes to my theme and I’m looking for feedback.

    My goal was to switch to something simple, clean, and minimal. The only drawback is that instead of having my characters in the header, I have opted for my simplistic logo instead. To compensate, I’ve decided to use illustrations now whenever I post a story. That way, the effect is not lost.

    I guess my biggest question after “Does it look bad?” is whether or not it’s interesting enough to hold your attention even if the characters are now in the posts instead of in the header. Thanks.


    1. Very clean, that’s the upside as you said. I really like the logo and the minimalist design. The only issue is that it doesn’t really stand out. It’s a lot like many other blogs I’ve seen, so while it does look very nice and clean, it doesn’t really stand out. Perhaps some illustrations just on the top left and right would be good – still leaving space for the logo and minimalist design, but adding a little bit more interest to the page.


      1. That’s a really good idea. The header is really the only thing, image wise, I have control over, sooo I updated it to implement your idea. Any better?


      2. I think that looks great! It’s in keeping with the clean look, but it adds intrigue and tells you a lot more about what’s going to be going on with the posts. Well done, I say.


  4. Good afternoon!
    How is everyone doing this fine afternoon? I just wanted to stop by and drop off the link to our newest blog. Oat pizza crust. It’s a great alternative to white flour pizza crust if you’re trying to get healthy, but it’s also a way to mix up your meal plan! Stop by and see us. Check out the blog and leave me your feed back. Anyone that would like our feed back as well.

    Oat pizza crust.

    Thanks in advance.
    -Jamie Rose

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello everyone, happy Wednesday!
    I recently tried something different on my blog and I’m looking for all of your great feedback. I wrote a response piece to a philosophical paper published by another author, as opposed to purely original content. I feel that the content is good, but I’m not sure whether I should continue with this style of post since it might assume some previous knowledge and understanding of the paper to which I’m responding.

    You can find the post here:

    Do you think I’ve done a good enough job of capturing the background information such that my response is meaningful, and do you think more posts like this in the future would be a good thing, or a bad thing for readers?

    Thank you all for your time!


    1. To me, your background information was adequate. Your response was logical and meaningful. Whether posts like this would be good in the future depends on your intended audience. While a general audience might not appreciate this type of post, those interested in philosophy or gaming theory likely would.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think you gave a proper analysis of/response to Kania’s article. Although most of it went over my head (philosophy and I don’t mix well), I’m sure your followers probably understood it just fine. At a glance, it does seem a little more “technical” than your others posts and that’s always something to consider. I’d keep an eye on the traffic it gets and compare it to that of your other posts.


  6. Hey there!
    I would love for you to check out my post about self worth and how we deal when the people around us say things that can drag us down. I’d love some feedback here if you have some because I love blogging here, and I’m always looking to get better.
    Hopefully it encourages you, and if it does, leave a comment. I always love to see how what I say impacts someone else.
    I’d love to check out your blog too!

    Fearfully and Wonderfully Created

    Thanks for checking it out!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Joshua!
      I loved your blog and just want to say keep doing what you are doing! It is easy to get caught up in all the powerful feelings and write like massive paragraphs so just be aware of that going forward. Aside from that I adored this! I also write about spreading positivity and more specifically the wonderful women in my life that inspire me! I would appreciate you checking out my blog and letting me know what you think!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi everyone, I started my personal blog about a month ago. I am trying to write from an authentic point of view about my current experiences through eating disorder struggles (and recovery) – any feedback you have would be appreciated. I write so personally because I want people to feel the realness of the experience – in an effort to, ultimately, reduce stigma.
    Thank you

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love quotes and while I was initially surprised that your offering was from a Stephen King novel, you were right, it was a great perspective of 2 sides of a coin. Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Hi guys!,
    So I am apart of two blogs: 1. I am the VP of the blogging club at my college and 2. I have my own personal blog. This particular post was my first make-up review and I am looking for some feed back on it and maybe some advice for going forward. I appreciate your time and advice!

    Make-up Review Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love it! Great insight into not only pottery in a potters hands, but us in God’s hands. The Bible has so many analogies that go deeper than we first realize. Looking forward to reading some more posts of yours!


    1. Load time was fine for me. I did notice that you have two menu bars at the top and that seems a bit unnecessary. Perhaps just keep the blue one that always stays on screen?
      Happy Blogging!


  9. *sigh* I’ve been blogging for a year, and I just find myself a little lost and looking for a bit of direction. I can’t seem to find my niche in the wordpress world, which I guess is par for the course, because I never quite fit in in the real world either. If anybody knows any fellow Cractpots out there, if you could please send them over, that would be great 😉 Until then…I’ll just be wandering aimlessly…


    1. Just went and checked out your blog and read the procrastinating one about posting about halloween after its all said and done. I like your tone- it’s a little dry, sarcastic, and very funny. I love what you did with your steps. I could imagine you stuck to everything and I empathize with your struggle of what the hell to do with your blog after so long. I’m 7months in and I’ve had some shining moments, but I don’t have a lot of followers, I’m not a regular contributor anywhere as I’d hoped to be by now, and a lot of my goals are yet to be accomplished. It’s frustrating. I will check out more of it here after I rangle my kids back in line, somewhat and keep posting comments there instead of here. Please check out my site as well:

      Happy blogging- I think you may be a kindred spirit as I have sent that picture of cookie monster to many of my friends on days when I feel the same….. which is most days.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Maybe niche is the wrong word. I’m looking for a purpose, a goal? And I think I’m translating that as an audience and I’m not sure how to target them when I’m all over the map with content


      2. That makes a bit more sense. It can be hard to figure out what you want and what people want to read, but that’s something you have to decide for yourself. Blogging is a hobby so you gotta do what you like to do. 😛 I know that wasn’t much help, but I think everyone struggles with it. I sure do!

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