Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and blogging camaraderie.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Are you redesigning your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

The Community Pool is for peer feedback and advice. Looking for more specific information? Check out some of these resources:

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Looking for free, self-guided courses to help you get started with your blog (or revive a dormant one)? Check out our current offerings at Blogging U.

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips and guidelines you might find useful:

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once, as well as for not starting numerous threads in a single Pool.
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother. Also note that including multiple links in your comment might automatically put it in the moderation queue, which will delay its publication.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

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    Hi! I’m a high school student who started this blog as an outlet. It is full of ramblings, and I’d like some help with figuring out which direction to take it in and a good title for it. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi lovely people. I would love for you to check out my new post and get some feedback 🙂 thanks for your time 😘

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hey guys! I blog to create dialogue. From politics to parenting, from sports to relationships! From Dak Prescott to Donald Trump lol. I look forward to building a relationship with you guys! Check some of my pieces out, I’ll make sure I do the same for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi!

    Ohmy I’m late to this week’s community pool! >_<

    Anw I just posted something, trying to reach new genre (romance? drama?) but still with my write-style so I was wondering if it worked out. So just visit me, and read the last post, and put comments about anything, constructive critics are always well received, destructive critics not so much but it's still probably worth something.

    So yea, if you just come and leave something, that'd be great.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m glad I scrolled so far down the comments, your 52 week journal made for some really interesting reading! I actually haven’t read the story, uhm, but I will read it pretty soon. I guess the only part of the blog which bugs me a bit is that the ending letters of the blog name are nearly indistinguishable from the photo that serves as its background. It took me some frowning and virtually touching my nose to the laptop in the process of understanding what the last two letters were. Otherwise, I really like the stuff you’ve been writing about and I’m a follower now!

      P.S: I’d love some criticism/feeback/suggestions too, so if you’re free, do drop in at and help me out,


      1. Hi Vineeth!

        Thanks for the input, yeah I’d wanted to change that background for a while (or changet the font collor but I dont know how :D), thanks for the input! And thanks for the compliment too! You’re too kind. I haven’t had the time to quite explore your blog yet, but chronicles at Hogwarts looks promising. I wish you can write more from now on, to whatever direction you wanted your blog to go. For now I’ve followed your blog, I’ll be sure to be back.

        Thanks! 😀


      2. Well, Asna, I guess you can change the image by going to the Customize option on the Dashboard. There you should find Header Image where you’ll have an option to change the header image. Hope this helps. 🙂


    1. I didn’t see anything new on your site. It was dated 2006. If this is the beginning of your new blog, you might want to write a new post. Have you decided the purpose of your site? Is there a particular topic where you’ll focus your posts or will it be a life journal of daily happenings? Have you read the getting started information at: ? I found it helpful when I began to build my site.


  5. Hi everyone I’m an artist/illustrator focused on storytelling through art, the fantasy genre is my main influence amongst other various forms of stories such as history, folklore, mythology and so on.

    I’m looking to connect with others who have similar interests, please feel free to check out my blog and leave any feedback and follow, it’s much appreciated and I’m happy to do the same for you.


    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi, everyone! I’ve started a blog about travelling. I’m an experienced traveller but a novice blogger. What do you think? How to start? Please, leave comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi guys. I just recently started a poetry blog and could really use some feedback on the quality of my work. Take a look at what I have at
    Looking forward to hearing from you! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Question: why do some people I follow have their posts repeatedly show up at the top of my reader? Are they gaming the system to get more traffic or am I misunderstanding something here?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s this little trick where you can change the time of a post as long as it’s in the same day and it’ll refresh on the Reader. It is 100% just a way to get more traffic, and personally, I see it as slightly shady and I only did it once just to try.
      If the blog(s) you follow are doing it so often that it becomes spammy, perhaps let them know.


  9. Hey I’d love your views on my blog! I took a break but now I’m back and have posted something I’m quite happy with. Please leave comments and feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello everyone. I’m not new to WordPress, but I just moved off my own server to WordPressCom this month as I prefer to simply write and show off my travel photographs rather than deal with mods, addons, updates, and theme coding. However, I am noticing that my photos look great viewed on mobile but they tend to have a slight blur on my monitor no matter which browser I use. I do upload HD 1080p photos as I use a Nikon and my LG v10 UHD phone camera (specifically for photo enthusiasts), so I think it just might be my monitor. Can I get some valued input about my blog and photos at ? I ALWAYS subscribe back to REAL wp subscribers (unless it’s spam of course), so looking forward to making new friends!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks Allie! I too love the layout wordpress gives for photoblogging! And this community of photo bloggers is amazing! And THANK YOU for your post on Spread A Little Love. We are a military family just retired after 23 years and that was very heart touching. =D


      1. Thank you Pam! Much appreciated for taking the time to check! It has to be something with my monitor settings then, which is a good thing because I’d rather my audience see the better photos. =)
