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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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      1. @BookLover44: I appreciate your participation and your input on others’ blogs. But I’d like to suggest that you avoid adding a plug to your own site along with every single comment you leave — that distracts from your helpful feedback, and makes your comments read as borderline-spammy, something that I’m sure you don’t intend to do. Thanks in advance for your understanding!


    1. Hello there!

      I believe your blog greets us with a static page, which means we need to make an extra click to get to the content. It may be the theme, or a setting. From my experience as a blog reader, it’s usually best to have the content display right away.

      Other than that, I really like 30 Seconds to Mars’ Hurricane!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hello Angela!

      Thank you so much for sharing.

      Your writing is very powerful. I was really taken in by your post ‘Be proud of who you are…’. Your message is strong, and your words really resonate with me as a reader.

      I absolutely love your quote ‘And you, scare people because you are whole all by yourself’. I am just finishing a book, and I have quotes for each chapter. I would love to use this, and mention that you contributed it – would that be ok ?

      I think that your site would be even more powerful if you added a header photo that was more personal. Something that really means something to you and conveys your message.

      I look forward to reading more!


      Liked by 4 people

    1. Hello Vandana,

      Thank you so much for sharing your site.

      What a wonderful festival this sound like!! To celebrate light and positivity. I really enjoyed your description of the festival, and all of the pictures and link that you provided within the post. It would have been lovely to see more of you in the post….what do you experience on a personal level?

      I think that your love for people and celebration clearly comes through on your posts. It would be fabulous to see this come through on the header of your main page.

      Your site is very well laid out and has a lot of wonderful content and visual stimulation 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I will keep your feedback in mind in my coming posts. Thanks for visiting.
        I am a very private person, and at the time of conception I had thought about only sharing recipes in my blog. As I started writing, my relationship with my readers changed, and I have now opened up a little, and have started shearing some incidents of my life as well. In future I will be more open and share more of my experiences in my posts.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’re off to a great start because that header photo is gorgeous!

      As for advice, I’m definitely not an expert, but I think getting traffic is 50% honest and quality content, and 50% interacting with the community. Write about what you love, in your voice. And visit other bloggers and make friends 🙂 Eventually, the traffic will come!

      Good luck!

      Liked by 5 people

    2. Hello humble new beginning!

      Welcome to the world of blogging, and to the community pool 🙂

      I do think you are off to a great start!! Keep joining the rest of us here on the community pool to get suggestions, and also to provide your own input on other people’s posts.

      When I started, I took one of the WordPress universities (the one on branding), and it really helped me. I learned so much about how to set up my set to focus on my message and how to interact with other bloggers.

      I agree with Jade’s comments. Take the time to put quality into your site and your posts, but also take time to interact. That is really important.

      And, you are busy, so take a deep breath, and do it one step at a time. I got overwhelmed with how much you can do to your site, so I picked one thing to learn at a time.

      Maybe just start by playing with header photos or backgrounds, or side widgets.


      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hey everyone, I have a project in my AP language class in high school, and it would love for you to check out my blog on the beginning of the ghetto projects in america!


    Liked by 8 people

    1. You had me cracking up reading your post! It’s great and your personality shines through your writing! I’m so glad I clicked on your blog and gave you a follow! Already looking forward to more!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Your blog is very colorful and your writing is raw and real. Can definitely tell that you are a sarcastic one (same here!). I look forward to reading more from you!

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Hello all!

    I’ve been writing poetry for October Poetry Writing Month, and would love to hear your thoughts. This is the most recent poem, as of now ~>

    A little bio about me: I’m a writer at heart, a fangirl by DNA, and a struggling human until further notice. I always welcome visitors to my little corner of WordPress, and visitors who bring pizza are even more so 😉

    Hope everyone’s beating the Monday blues ~ Jade

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Hello Misstery!

      Thank you for sharing you site!

      I think your writing is really creative. I love your use of italics and bold to highlight certain words.

      I think you title ‘Misstery’ is really cute and catchy.

      You may want to consider using more photos, perhaps one to go along with each post to draw the reader in on the main page.

      I think your site is very well organized, and easy to navigate. Nice and clean.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey very cool blog idea! As an introvert, I can totally identify with your theme. I liked your post about souls! I’m always very intrigued by the existence (or non-existence) of the soul.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. This has fascinating possibilites. Would a person exercising heavily cause both a shirt-circuit and a shorts-circuit from perspiration? Wearing solar hats and wristbands coated with a stain resistant and water resistant material might be more practical than weaving into overall shirts, slacks, and dresses.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! I have been having extreme travel nostalgia lately and I desperately want to be on a vacation but I can’t because life is a busy thing.Hence,I wrote about why I love travel so much.I interspersed it with shots I’ve found good from my last few vacations . Can you please see if they go with the post and give me your opinion on it? I would really appreciate it and would love to return the favour.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Hello, everybody!
    I’m currently working on a food memoir about my deceased mom’s recipe box! I would love some feedback, constructive criticism is humbly accepted. I feel like I’m having trouble showing emotion as well as making the reader feel emotion. Thanks for your time!

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Tasting Memories is a wonderful tribute to your mom. If you are wanting to add some emotion, consider adding a short memory about eating the food item with your mom. It could be about watching her make the dish, about the occasion for making the dish, about how the house smelled when she made the dish, or about what was special in her version of the dish.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi everyone – I’m looking for some feedback on creative writing I’ve done in the recent past (but haven’t had time to come back to). I’d like to hear what people think on the quality of the writing, the subject material etc – many thanks in advance! (if you choose to comment it would help me if you did so on the blog post itself rather than here!)

    The Orchard – I

    Liked by 7 people

    1. I enjoyed your Finding Sleep poem. On moving pictures: The picture goes where you place the cursor then click Add Media. After that, there are some options in a menu block on the right side of your page next to your post. It should let you pick left, center, or right justify. You should also see some sizing options.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Here we go, folks. My latest post, as of yesterday. As always, I invite comment, dissent and even snide remarks. Y’all have a blessed day. /read/feeds/41357876/posts/1197931644

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Hi everyone, Im just an ordinary person with a restless mind and big dreams.
    This post explains the phases I experienced in my life towards the broadening of my dream. It also contains a short video I made to elaborate further.
    I would like to know your take on it.
    On my homepage I have set a video on precise terms for what the blog is all about. Please please please…have a look and join the cause, would love to check out your blog too and share the support.
    Lots of love.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Your image was striking and set the mood. You writing had high emotional impact. There was one long run-on sentence that was difficult to read. Here is a possible rewrite of that sentence. “I stand alone, recalling what now is lost. Even the lifeless around me know. They understand as they have began to decay and refuse to flourish as they once did. They mock me or pity me. I refuse to acknowledge them, for the storm within me erupts like a volcano gushing forth its pain and anger with all its might to destroy everything within its reach. The pain builds and subsides at its leisure beyond my control.”

      Liked by 3 people

  8. Hello everyone!

    I am still continuing with my feature series on people that have inspired me.

    This week is a very special, and emotional, post about the strongest person I know 🙂

    I would love any feedback that you have. I would like to improve my writing, so please let me know if you did or did not enjoy the post, and any specific things that you think I can improve on.

    Thank you!!!

    Liked by 9 people

  9. Hey everyone, I was thinking of using a blog website as a way of sharing my short stories. Would people be interested in reading them if I followed through? I am a rookie to web development and any advice would certainly go a long way for me. Thanks for the time!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. You won’t know until you try. There are some people that focus on short stories on their blog sites. It might help to visit some of those sites. Go to your WordPress Reader. Set up a tag “short story” or “short stories” and see what posts it returns to you.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. That was a pretty long post…I don’t recommend doing that often. And while you did have those nice quote things in to break up text a little, consider adding a few pictures in too.
      I also suggest moving your ‘Blog’ tab over closer to ‘Home’ because chances are, that’s the first thing they’ll click after landing on your page.
      Happy Blogging!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. My other posts are closer to the standard 1500 word size, but I felt this one needed all the details. I will add more pics in the future too. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.Thanks


    2. I really like how you weaved The Lord’s Prayer into what was a beautiful devotion to your mother. A little longform now and again never hurt anyone. I will second Donovan’s suggestion about adding pictures.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Yes it was long, but so beautiful! Your writing is honest and the love for your Mom is clearly obvious. I was interested through the last word. Thank you for sharing such an emotional experience.


      1. I know this was a longer one – my other blog posts are closer to the standard 1500 words or so – but I felt this one needed all the details! So glad you enjoyed it.

        Liked by 1 person