Community Pool

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To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

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      1. Honey, I have changed the look of my blog as much times as Liz Taylor changes husbands!(Just kidding, of course!)-JW


    1. This is a totally cool idea! I love Calvin and Hobbes, and I love exploring. Can we be friends now? 🙂
      If you would like to swap travel tales, check out the Travel Tales section of my blog (just click on my name above).


  1. Hey everyone, same as usual. If you’d like to look at my blog (specifically my last post) I’d really appreciate it and any feedback, and I will also reciprocate. Cheers guys ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hilarious how your convictions change day to day! Such a funny premise. Great writing style and fun to read. Keep up the great work. I followed your blog so I can see what’s new and come back to read more – because of your latest story is anything like the rest of your blog, it’s going to be some great reading!


      1. I’m glad you noticed! I don’t have one particular writing style or subject to write about (plus my life isn’t exciting enough to document) which is why my tagline is ‘expect nothing but also a bit of everything’ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s my philosophy on it to. My style is my style. I don’t know much about anything and my interest in things is half-baked at best but I can write about seemingly trivial stuff so that’s what I do. I figure that somebody will read it and if not, at least I get it off my chest!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeh they are, even if it is not my kind of content. But I think some of the content was good 🙂


    1. A science teacher (high school, sixth form, what have you) could really benefit from posts like that (and a few others I’ve seen in your blog). I know there’s got to be quite a few teacher-bloggers on WordPress, and if you find them, you’re going to become their best friends. There are far too many studies in chemistry and physics education about how students can recite equations and have no idea what any of it conceptually means; imagine what a teacher can do if they got a hold of your blog…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The post was interesting. A little proofreading would improve clarity. For example, “…she has managed to do and still are doing in her age…” should be “…she has managed to do and is still doing at her age…”


      1. Sorry to reply on someone else’s post, but I like the layout and content of your blog Luna and I’m afraid I’ll also have to agree that zeckrombryan’s first crush explore the subject well. Thank you both for sharing. ^_^

        Liked by 1 person

      2. *explores

        Also I guess it reminded me a lot about my own crush. I think maybe just by revisiting things every so often, we can make sense of who we have been or are or something like that. Thanks for the opportunity.


  2. Hello All! I have just recently started a blog here and have only 1 follower (haha) I have a post that I am pretty proud of and want to get it out there more. It is the one on my blog called How Can Our Society Be This Wrong?! I am hoping to get some input on the actual post such as phrasing and construction of the information given. Does it make sense how it is structured. I sincerely appreciate any help that can be given as I am very new to this. Also if there are ways to get the post in rotation I would honestly and sincerely appreciate it.

    I would love to leave comments for people as well to help put but I feel like I am not seasoned enough to do so.


    1. I think your thoughts about our lack of training on taxes and finances could be a post by itself. The lead-in seemed too long and unnecessary. It would be nice to see something on your About page (perhaps excerpts from your first post). Your blog has a lot of potential.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Those are exactly the kinds of thoughts that I am looking for! The About page has been a thorn in my side. I really don’t know exactly what to put there, so I truly appreciate the tips there as well. I will definitely do that right away.


    2. Well, my no. 1 piece of feedback for new bloggers is the about page, but it seems from previous comments that you know you need to put something there. Good start!

      As to your post, I recommend using a bright font against a dark backdrop, or a dark font against a bright backdrop. Blue on darker blue is a little difficult to discern.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. With Japan as the second addition after North Korea, I’ve been seriously considering it. It sounds pretty fun and, hey, people love self-improvement.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello Everyone! I am a younger blogger ( almost 18 ), but I think I have some intelligent things to write about. I would be absolutely thrilled if anyone would give me feedback on any element/post on my blog as I am new to the community.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Okay, my question to seasoned bloggers is, how can I subtitle my contents list? For example, my blog is about permaculture (growing food organically with nature instead of against nature and living a sustainable lifestyle) so I would like composting, mulching, bio char etc. under the main content title of Soil, when they click the + symbol next to soil a drop down menu should show the sub titles … please point me out where to get this feature, my contents list is too big.
    many thanks


    1. I use Genesis for WordPress and heres how I do that: Go to appearance > Menus and then look at where your menu items are listed. Here you can drag them to wherever you want them (up and down). To make a sub-item, just drag it a little bit to the right, right underneath the parent-item. It will show a little indent, which tells you it’s now a sub under the parent.
      If you are unsure of how to add more menu items – use the box to the left and there you can choose from your categories, tags, etc. Just check the box and click add (or whatever the button says!).

      I hope that makes sense and helps! I am new to all of this too, but I’m lucky that my work IT guy was able to show me some little things 🙂


    2. Do you mean in the categories section of your sidebar? I don’t think you can have category subsections, but you can have subsections in menu items. On my blog, I have two subsections under ‘General’ and one under ‘About’.
      So assuming I’m understanding you correctly, my best tip is to set up a menu (if your theme allows) and organize it from there.


  5. Hey there, I am just starting my very own blog and as exciting as it is, I am a little intimidated by the layout design aspect. I would love some feedback on how I can improve the home page. Any input is greatly appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not a huge fan of the white background, as you can probably tell from my own blog xD, so I would inject some more color into it. Also, I feel like a sans serif look could be more peaceful and modern and I sort of get that vibe from you blog, so I’d probably change to that. Last but not least, some more text on the home page would be cool, I think. Tell us more about this thing!
      Good luck! 🙂
      Also, stop by Axis of Action, you might love it. xD


      1. Thank you, I do really appreciate your feedback and I certainly agree with more text is needed! I will also give sans serif a try and see if that works better! I will also try to experiment with different colored backgrounds. Thanks again 🙂 Will certainly take a look at Axis of Action as well. Good luck to you as well!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’d like to share my weekly poem with everyone. It’s called “Burnt-Out Star” and has nothing to do with space. I post a poem a week, so if you like this check the categories for more and follow so you don’t miss the next one. Please leave all likes/comments/feedback on the post page. Thanks for reading.

    Burnt-Out Star

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey everyone! I have a book blog where I talk about books (obviously… Haha), do book reviews and the odd tag.
    I’ve recently started doing author interviews as well but I’m not sure what people think of them. Could you please visit the “Author Interviews” tab on my blog and give me some feedback?
    I’d be forever grateful 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi! I just looked at the page and I have to say it was really well done. I liked the content of the questions and you really got to get a feel for the writer and their book through your interview. Really enjoyed it!! If you have time please check out my blog’s latest post and the ‘About’ page I’d really appreciate it, thank you!


      1. Your “about” page is great! And I love the fact that I got most of your references 😀 If you want some feedback on it, I’d say just put up a photo in your “about” page. People like having a mental picture of who they’re interacting with, so a photo (even if you’re not showing your face in it) helps a lot! 😀 Great blog btw!


    2. Hi Mystery Date with a Book,

      I have just looked at your blog and found it very enjoyable. Really nice professional layout and design, well crafted and easy to navigate, lovely. Read your review of the Lemony Snicket series, as I read them as a youth and wanted a none nostalgic view on the literature. Very good review with great energy and content, question do you find it harder to read and imagine a book after seeing the film? This is only to ask as I really disliked the movie portrayal, even though the main three characters were fine, I thought the tone and dark humor were missing. Anyhoo I’m rambling, in all good stuff and I’m going back to reading other reviews.

      Yours Sincerely

      Mr WindUpToy

      Liked by 2 people

    3. I read the interview with Don Keane and really liked it. Asking questions which require narratives somehow seems to be a lost art with many interviewers (myself included!).

      For improvements, I do wish that a personal page for the author and a purchasing option were more prominently displayed.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Don’t be. I did a Facebook boost (I thought, what the heck, I could waste that money on a cup of coffee) — just one time gets you that many. But only a few of them read my posts regularly, so I don’t think it’s worth it.


  8. Hello everyone. My name is Malik Anderson, and I run a skateboarding blog. I cover news about skating, as well as how I feel about it. Come check it out, and I’ll gladly return the favor. Some feedback – negative or positive – would be gladly appreciated 🙂


    1. Hi Malik! I just read your post on Skateboarding being in the Olympics and I really enjoyed it! I liked your unique perspective on how you would rather it had not become an Olympic sport so your content is captivating. The only criticism I have is I had wished the article to be a little longer and inform the people more on how the sport will be conducted, who are likely competitors, etc. Just a little more about the topic would have been nice but other than that I really liked it!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Malik, I read a couple of posts and really liked what I read. One small complaint is that the grey text on a white background tired my eyes out after a bit.

      I like the project a lot and am glad to see it online. Like you said in your rant, “It’s as simple as that, don’t take it too serious, have some fun!”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Jason, thanks a lot for the feedback. I appreciate you taking the time out to read my content, and it makes me extremely happy that you also enjoyed it. I can see how the background combined with the light colored lettering can cause some strain, I will work on that. Thanks again, lets keep on not taking it “too serious.”


    1. Very real. I could really feel your struggles. Thanks for sharing. One quick suggestion – the black background made it a little difficult to read the words. But maybe it’s just my old eyes! 🙂


    1. I really love the perspective of your blog, it being from a piece of clothing talking about fashion. Although I’m not at all into fashion, I think that it is a brilliant idea! Mannequin Monday was quite an interesting read – in a good way haha.


    2. Since you’re likely to be using a lot of copyrighted material, it’s a good thing that you’re making attempts to credit the right people and even linking to them (your Mannequin Monday posts are a good example). After all, it may be a free blog and you’re about as freelance as can be (you’re not making money off of this thing), but that doesn’t mean one can shrug off copyright law.

      That said, it’s an easy read, nice pictures to look at. A question: will you be focusing on all fashion, or just women’s? Nothing wrong with either answer, I’m just curious.


    1. Hi Fernanda,
      I absolutely loved your writing! “Sitting On a Bench” was a very well thought out piece of narrative and it was one of the best blog fictions I have read. If you get a chance could you possibly look at my blog’s last post and the ‘About’ page, I’d be forever grateful! Again, wonderful job.

      -Arya (The White Tee

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I really love the perspective of your blog, it being from a piece of clothing talking about fashion. Although I’m not at all into fashion, I think that it is a brilliant idea! Mannequin Monday was quite an interesting read – in a good way haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your blog has a really good balance of words and pictures… the wordier it gets, the more dedicated your reader must be to keep reading. One thing that is difficult to read is your heading font, at least in smaller titles (like your sidebar headers). Otherwise I think you’ve got a great start!

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    2. Hi, I read through the life hacks entry and liked it, especially the part about wrapping lids with rubber bands for grip. Do you plan to write DIY and lifehack posts for your entire blog?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No just some of them I’m planning to do more writing ones of stories and experiences and also baking!


    3. My biggest suggestion is to make it more personal. Keeping altering your blog until you feel that it is the right one for you. Keep up the great work! I look forward to more posts.


  10. I’ve been blogging for a little more than a year now, but I’m starting a series on my senior capstone project for my environmental studies major and I’m unsure how to structure the series. Should I start another folder, or do I let them blend with my Horses category? Anybody got any tips for creating a series? Thanks! is my site but the first post in the series is

    Liked by 2 people