First Friday

New blogger? Welcome! Share a link to your first post, and say hello to some other fresh faces.

If you’re already a few posts into your blog and are looking for support or feedback, the Community Pool is the place for you!

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If a blogger publishes her first post and no one reads it, did it really happen? Of course it did! But when someone does read it, even better. Welcome to First Friday, a weekly open thread where any new blogger can share a link to his or her very first post with the larger community.

To share your first post with us, copy and paste the link right into a comment here; feel free to introduce yourself, and tell us what you hope to blog about. If you’re not new, you can still be a part of First Fridays: visit a link or two, and leave the blogger a like or comment. The first recognition a blogger gets is powerful, and you can provide that for someone brand-new!

Need help finding, copying, and pasting your link?

Head to your blog’s home page.

Click on the title of your post to open the individual post page.

Highlight and copy the URL you see in your browser’s address bar. You can copy by going to the Edit menu in your browser and selecting Copy, or with a keyboard shortcut (Control+C for a PC, Command+C on a Mac).

Paste the URL into a comment here. You can paste by going to the Edit menu in your browser and selecting Paste, or with a keyboard shortcut (Control+V for a PC, Command+V on a Mac).

That’s it!

You can make this a useful space for new bloggers with a few simple guidelines:

  • We encourage anyone who shares a link to visit one or two other bloggers here. New readers for all!
  • When commenting, the third time is not the charm: don’t share the same link repeatedly, or in multiple First Friday threads. We’ll remove repeat posts to keep this space focused for new bloggers.
  • Please don’t use this as a space to share your first post…. that you published three years ago; ditto for simply sharing your latest post. Posts should have been published within the last month, and should be your first post. We’ll remove other posts to keep this space focused for new bloggers.
  • Link directly to your new post, rather than to your blog generally — it makes it that much easier for folks to like the post or leave you comments.
  • Keep comments civil. Even better: visit a blogger and leave your comment directly on their blog!
  • To keep from losing your place while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • If you’ve never looked at our Commenting Guidelines, now might be a good time.
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    1. Please visit my blog… I’m a young girl who dreams of one day becoming a writer. I’m discovering who I am in the world through the tough world and impossible standards society set for us. Thanks so much xoxo anonymous


    1. FYI: that link goes to your dashboard, which is private, so people won’t be able to see your site. The simplest way to get the public link is = to go to your blog’s main page and click on the post title. Then, copy the address you see in your browser’s address bar and use that.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, I love your photograph of Uluru.. I can’t even think that word without putting on an Australian accent in my head!

      I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey! New blogger…no subscribers (but thats okay!!)

    Here is a link to my blog! Would love feedback and maybe advice on how to catch people’s interest in wanting to subscribe.

    _isn’t there a way you could “tag” words that will help people find it when searching for certain words?

    Here it is: ENJOY!


  2. Hi Everyone! There’s a lot of changes going on in my life and I decided to blog through it all (for myself and possibly for anyone else that might be able to relate in some small way.) Super new to writing for an audience, especially about such personal things. Any kind of feedback would be great! Thanks!

    Hello World!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey guys!! I’m new to the blogging world and am really just wanting to show the world what I have to offer and hopefully help someone along the way.. Thanks in advance.
    Over and out,


  4. Hello bloggers!
    I started blogging a few weeks ago. I’m (slowly) learning the ropes. I’d love to see more traffic/comments on my blogs. I write about Vikings, Celts, history, the social and cultural settings of Europeans in the 1st millennium. Thanks for spreading the love


  5. hi, getting a lot of how to use word press as a newbie. and finding out all the weird, wonderful, frustrating things, using a screen reader. any tips, tricks, hints, advice, would be appreciated.


  6. I started my blog about 2 months ago. I would love some feedback because I’m not very good at this writing thing I started writing my history in chronological order. Please tell me what you like and/or don’t like about it.


  7. Hi we’ve started a new blog and not bring terribly technical are struggling with up loading photos! Have a look and see what you think so far…. It all feels a bit flat to us but hopefully will pick up the pace soon


    1. FYI: that link goes to your dashboard, which is private, so people won’t be able to see your site. The simplest way to get the public link is = to go to your blog’s main page and click on the post title. Then, copy the address you see in your browser’s address bar and use that.

      And welcome 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Kids can be so nasty can’t they! I love your honesty and I am so glad that you eventually found out why they treated you that way… What a nightmare! Your blog helped me to understand the emotions behind eating issues and its not all, ‘They do it to look like models.’ rubbish that you read in the newspapers.

      You are beautiful and thats why this happened to you! Good luck on the journey… You will get there and when you do the best revenge is to be soooo happy…

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey everybody, I posted my first post a week ago today and only just discovered this little community so I’m looking through some of your first posts and trying to give some positive/constructive feedback and I would love if some of you could take a look at my first post and do the same! I also have no idea what to properly title my blog, I’m experiencing writer’s block on a suitable witty pun 😭 let me know what you think!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s great Rachel… I have left a few comments… all positive on the site… Good lucky with it all… I will be thinking of you on New years eve….!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Everyone,

    I have been off sick from work for ages with a nasty long term illness and I am so bored! So I decided to have my first attempt at blogging. I am not very technical but I am slowly learning the ropes through trial and lots of error!

    I love Tudor history so thats what my site is about. I am finding it addictive!

    Please have a look and tell me what you think…

    I have permission to use the photographs but I am worried about plagiarism… Any tips would be very welcome. I have emailed an author and her publisher whose book I have reviewed and I can’t think what else I could do….

    Thanks so much for having a peek and for any tips:


    1. Hi, I have followed you and liked your site because I love the way you write. So open and so friendly. You are doing great keep going…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Whoopsy sorry I really am bad with techs! I thought it would go to the top!


    1. Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at blogging and would love and appreciate it if you guys can have a look, give feedback, comment, on the things I write. This is where I put words into writing, anything from poems, writers quotes, short stories, novel ideas and general writing. Hope that you would enjoy the blog and that someone finds something useful for the heart.


    1. Hey there fella “work-in-progress”! 🙂 I just visited your site and I think there’s a problem at the HOME and ABOUT page…but the BLOG page is good. I like the picture that you used in the Home screen. Hope to be reading more from you. 🙂

      You can check out my blog site too.


  11. Hey everyone. Would be greatly appreciated if you could check out my first blog. I’m super embarrassed and nervous by all of this. I’ve never spoken out.
    I need tips and some guidance on how to interest my readers. My goal as a blogger is to inspire and create a comfort zone. Thanks for your time.
