Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Are you redesigning your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

The Community Pool is for peer feedback and advice. Looking for more specific information? Check out some of these resources:

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Are you a new blogger looking to share your very first post? We have a special forum for bloggers just like you in our weekly First Friday posts.

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  1. Hey guys,
    I’m a new blogger from Iceland and I cover a variety of topics ranging from literature, everyday life, history and more. Please check out my blog and tell me what you think.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love it! You have a very user-friendly site that is easy to navigate. The variety of topics on which you write is also great! I enjoyed your review of the alternative history book Guns of the South, in particular. Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Hi – impressed by your blog and I’m following you now. Wandering from post to post felt a bit like wandering around a good independent bookshop. Fascinating variety. I like the fact that your posts range from Icelandic swimming pools to Medieval Japan and Takeda Shingen.

      I couldn’t see a way to ‘like’ individual posts, otherwise I would have done!

      Seeing your poetry, thought you might find this BBC programme ‘Why Poetry’ interesting:

      Do you write poetry in Icelandic too?

      All best wishes


      1. Hi Singbetterenglish, thank you for following me. Thanks for the link I’ll definitely check out the programme. I do write a bit of poetry in Icelandic but I find the rules too overwhelming when compared to English.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello,
    On Eiwawar this week, you can see a few bird pics, and read a snake story! Doesn’t that sound awesome?
    Don’t hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments, I guarantee an answer 😀 Welcome!


    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hello! I’m brand new to the blogging world and started up my site a little over a week ago. Right now I’m focusing on my experiences TTC but would love to write about other things in the future as well. To be honest I have no idea how to link my latest post in this comment, but I’ll provide my blog name for you. I’d love advice on Pages and Widgets, I’ve only added a couple and would like to know what works best for you!

    Thanks! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  4. If there’s any teen/young blogger who would like to be featured in a blog post about young people who are ambitious and answer a few quick questions (e.g changing the world, making a difference, having precise life goals…) please contact me!


    Liked by 4 people

      1. Well, it’s aimed at young people in general so it’s fine. It’s about Generation Y & Ambitions. I’d love to prove that young people are ambitious so I’m looking for people to be featured in a blog post about it. They would write a little paragraph about this topic from whatever angle they want (their own dreams and ambitions, why generation Y has all the tools to succeed, why G.Y is as ambitious as any other generation, someone that inspires you to be ambitious…). If you’re interested, let’s keep in touch!



  5. In March I asked a question of you, my fellow bloggers. “To Reblog or Not & If So How?” After much thought and reading all the feedback, I try to answer the question and arrive at a solution or two. I end the piece with a question or two for the reader. What are your thoughts after reading this? Feedback is welcome please leave all likes/comments, ect. on the post page. Thanks in advance for reading and contributing.

    To Reblog or Not & If So How? Part II

    Liked by 4 people

    1. your blog is cool.. I liked your DIY ideas.. !!!
      your site header is awesome…

      ou are welcome to visit my blog…. and give me some feedback on my blog layout 🙂 I have customized it all //*excited*

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi,

      I would suggest adding a ‘Contact’ tab at the top. Handy if you people want to contact you about writing a guest post, or if you’ve inspired someone to make changes in their life (and they don’t want to reveal it in a blog comment).

      The home page – Taking Charge – is sandwiched between two images. I would suggest changing that. It was a little confusing at first. I would suggest moving the sunshine photo into the header above your title, or making your blog image a little smaller so you can nudge some text alongside to differentiate it from the image above.

      I’d encourage you to add a few widgets (social ideally), or a little archives section. It would be hard for me as it stands to find an older post – I’m not a patient person generally and might not have the time to scroll all the way down the page and wait for older posts to load.

      Best of luck and great job with what you have!


      Liked by 3 people

  6. Hi, everyone….I hope you found things to smile about today…My most recent post has just gone up, and it, too, just might do the trick (if you like wordplay)…or perhaps it will give you some encouraging perspective if you ever feel as though what you share on social media doesn’t always matter…you can find it at
    Truly (that’s my name 🙂 )

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Your theme allows for post images to be displayed, so I think you should start making sure you add a picture to each post so your homepage isn’t just blue squares.
      Happy Blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks…I’m technologically challenged, so will need to find time to figure it all out…but, thanks for taking the time to offer a suggestion 🙂


      1. Hey there, I’ve left a comment on your blog in relation to your actual content 🙂 looking great so far! Here are some of my suggestions for your next film review:
        It would be awesome to know in more detail what made the movie so amazing (or not amazing). Was there a particular scene that you loved? An awesome line in the script? Great photography? Acting? An unexpected plot? Maybe you can warn your reader of any spoiler alerts and describe the film in more detail?
        Best wishes for your blog!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I agree with tinacypark. Expand your writing a little bit! In terms of your layout, I think you should try personalizing your blog a little. Add a header or something to spruce it up!
        Happy Blogging!


    1. Hi, I just followed you! I’m looking forward to more songs of the week!
      I think you should expand your About page a little. Introduce readers to you and your blog. I know you have that welcome blurb on your homepage, but you might as well take the opportunity to say more!
      Happy Blogging!


    1. Very well done. The page gives a good idea what you’re up to. The only thing I don’t like are the hyphenated words at the end of sentences. Does your theme do that automatically?

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you so much for your feedback. I agree with you about the hyphenated words. The theme does do it automatically, but I know I’ve fixed it in the past. I can’t remember how, so I’ll have to work on that some more. Thanks again!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Great about page. I like how you plugged your social media and some of your regular series. Gives readers a reason to keep clickin’ around your blog.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. excellent post. I wish you could send it to every person who is making a change in their life as it would be an easier transition for them after reading it! Amazing stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey guys! My name is Chay Antonio and i’m from Manila. I just started a few months ago and my goal really is to share my travel experiences. I only have a few entries but I would love to hear what you think. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I like the way it’s set up, it’s easy to choose what I want to read about. I really like the tips you add, or the things you had issues with on your travels. I’m an avid traveler and I hare when people only give you the good things – You don’t know what to avoid!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi Emily! Thank you so much for taking the time. I appreciate your insights. 🙂 Should you decide on travelling to the Philippines anytime soon, hope my entries help you 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

  8. Hi everyone! I have never blogged before, so I have no idea if I’m doing a good job. I’m trying to share my experiences and day to day ups and downs with my autistic son. I’ve only done 3 posts, but I feel like I’m missing hashtags, categories, widgets, and probably other things! I’d love any feedback, please. Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Emily,

      First of all, welcome! With regards tags, you could (and should) use up to ten tags. This will help people find you on their Reader. For example, I like to trawl through posts where people might have tagged the words ‘inspiration’. I read your post, ‘A Second Child’ and thought it very good. You’ve only used one tag so you’re limiting your chances to get found. Suggestion? Add similar words, some specific, some a little broader (within reason) so that people are more likely to find you.

      Widgets are useful only if they serve a purpose. I have an author profile on Facebook and Twitter so it’s important for me – maybe not for you. Categories are a nice way to organise your posts, e.g. Health, Family, Community – might be broad categories for you. One category for each post. Up to ten relevant tags for that post, and then you’re on the right track.

      I don’t want to confuse you too much at this stage, but the steps above will certainly make a difference.

      Look at other peoples blogs. Copy the best ideas you see. There are many great free themes you can try on for size. Ultimately, don’t judge whether you’re doing a good job by the number of people who are following or views you get. You’re only 3 blog posts in. Marathon, not a sprint.

      Best of luck,

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I have one more question you may be able to help me with, if you don’t mind! On my main page, it shows excerpts from each post, except my first one. I can’t find a way to make that one show correctly. I’d love your input!

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Your blogs Rock! I love the page! use the hashtag #autism… or #autismbirthday etc… You go! You rock!!!

      Liked by 3 people