Introducing Blogging U. On Demand

Never miss a registration window for Blogging U. again!

Over the past two and a half years, tens of thousands of newly-minted bloggers have kicked off their blogging careers with a Blogging U. course to help them learn the WordPress ropes and get comfortable with the ins and outs of blogging. Now that’s even easier: Blogging U. courses are available on demand.

Effective help is available when you need it, not on someone else’s schedule. Starting today, you can begin a Blogging U. course whenever you’d like! Visit the Blogging U. home page at any time to get started. Blogging: Learning the Fundamentals (formerly Blogging 101: Zero to Hero), Blogging: Commenting Basics (formerly Commenting Bootcamp), and a new course, Writing: Intro to Poetry, are available right now, with more courses on blogging, writing, photography, and website building coming soon.

Click on any course title to visit that course’s page for more detail on what it covers and click the “Start” button to begin a course, or read on to learn more about the changes to Blogging U. and what’s coming next.


I’ve been to blogger conferences, and this has more meat and potatoes, advice, and real help than I’ve ever gotten anywhere else… plus this is free, which is remarkable!

– A Mother’s Shadow

How do I start a course?

Visit the page for the course you’re interested in and click the “Start” button — that’s it! If you’re logged in to, you’ll receive an introductory email right away, and your first assignment a few minutes later. If you’re not logged in, we’ll prompt you to do so, and you’re off and running.

What if I want to stop?

No problem — every email you’ll receive includes an unsubscribe link at the bottom. Click it, and the course stops.

This won’t affect any of your other emails, like notifications. And if you want to give the course another try, you can register again.

How many courses can I take? Can I take them more than once?

As many as you’d like, as many times as you’d like. We recommend taking one course at a time — blogging is fun, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be overwhelming! — but you’re free to take multiple courses simultaneously.

What happened to the courses on writing, photography, and intermediate/advanced blogging?

We haven’t forgotten about them. We’re working hard to adapt them, and will be adding them to the lineup as soon as we can, along with other, brand-new courses on building a website, advanced photography, and more.

Hey, the course names seem different! Are these the same courses that have been offered in the past?

We’ve updated the course names to make them clearer and more descriptive, so you can more easily decide exactly what course is right for you. We’ll always let you know if a course is the same as something we’ve offered previously, or something new.

What if I need assistance during the course?

Every assignment includes expert advice from our staff as well as links to more resources and to our customer support folks, called Happiness Engineers. Blogging U. courses no longer have private sites for those participating — but that doesn’t mean there’s no way to get support when you need it!

How do I connect with other bloggers during my course?

Reaching out to other bloggers helps participants get the most out of Blogging U. courses. We encourage you to use the tag for your course when publishing posts (e.g., #bloggingfundamentals) and to browse that tag in the Reader to find and connect with other bloggers. If you don’t know what tag to use or browse, don’t worry — when you begin a course, we’ll tell you.

We also have a weekly Community Pool thread here where anyone can seek or give feedback on any aspect of blogging. A new thread opens every Monday.

What if I don’t blog on

All general assignments (publishing posts, customizing your blog, leaving comments, etc) are applicable to any blog, anywhere. However, you’ll need to have a account to register for a Blogging U. course, and any specific how-to guidance we offer will be specific to

How much does each course cost?

Nothing. Blogging U. courses have always been free, and still are.

Ready to register? Head to the Blogging U. home page to get started!

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