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  1. hello my blog is 3days old today, i will greatly appreciate you to stop by and give me some insight, advice or just follow me

    p.s for every follow i follow back, keep the love coming..xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Though I’m not an expert, I thought your poem was quite good. On your other posts, it would improve readability if you had shorter sentences and began each sentence with a capital letter. Your blog’s appearance is appealing to me, especially the header. Please put something on your About page that tells us the purpose of your blog. http://gracelead.co


      1. thank you so much for the good advice, am going to try to do that and also update my about page asap! i appreciate so much your help and would like you to stop by a few times and give me more advice as my blog grows, thanks alot !!!


    1. Great article! I have a Wantrepreneur blog I am starting up and I have been thinking about a post I want to write about “Things you need to stop asking/saying to your Business Owner friend.” Some of these are dead on what I have been thinking.

      The article is well written, the paragraphs are broken up well without too much text. My advice would be to add a few bold or italic words when you are making a point. Possibly find a way to add a bit of color or pictures. It will make it a bit more attractive to look at. I would also suggest another article based upon what you are learning in your year off and another that would give a review of your year. Would you recommend it to others and if so, what do you think they should and shouldn’t do in that time off.

      Best of luck going forward!


      1. Thanks for the advice and the suggestions for future posts. I completely agree that I could make my blog more visually appealing with color and text manipulation. I am always looking for ways to improve my blog so I really appreciate that you responded to my question.


  2. I’m pretty new, and would love feedback on mine. I only have 2 posts, but I plan to add content regularly, and write about what is on my mind at the time. No agenda, just what i’m thinking or feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Once again my comments to people are not showing up once i post them. i cleared the cache and it is still happening. any ideas on how to fix that?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I notice that your latest comments don’t show up on our page. Our team will look into it and try to figure out what the issue is and how we might fix it. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

      I should add that your comments still generate notifications, etc., so if you reply to another blogger, they should still be able to see your comments and respond to them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. oh well thank goodness! I should probably send a note to a blogger then for multiple answers when it didn’t post. sheesh. I appreciate any help Ben. and question for you. Since I am self hosted no one can immediately get to my blog unless it is through fb or google, etc. is it rude to post a link to it in my comments to people? or should I wait to be asked. so new to the community I just am not sure what to do about it. thanks


      2. The fact that you’re self-hosted doesn’t actually matter in this case — anyone can find and head to your site simply by clicking on your name above the comment, so adding the link in the body of the comment itself is unnecessary and more or less redundant.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi! I´m new at the blogging world but i think my blog is worth it. Follow for follow! I would really appreciate feedback and comments. Thanks, The lens

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Regarding your Harrod’s post it seems to end abruptly. It seems like you were starting on a history lesson and a very intriguing post but stopped. I would continue along that path with short paragraphs and more great pictures. You’re onto something!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, I like the clean, spartan look except for the header. Perhaps, create a header graphic that repeats your icon graphic across the top of the page. You could give it a light gray background as long as it doesn’t lessen the visual impact of your icon. http://gracelead.co


    2. I love the content of your posts, very informative. The header and the logo kind of confuse you at first. When I first click on to the blog, I have no idea that it is about gaming at all. Maybe add some gaming elements to the logo or the header.


  5. It took me 10 minutes to find out how to comment haha . Please give me some feedback on my site. Its a comedy sketch blog about two fictional characters, Frank and Bob. If you leave some feedback, I would be glad to checkout your sites as well. 🙂 Sorry if this is long winded, but I’m not really quite good at writing seriously.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frank and Bob are hysterical! I am a bit concerned about the effect that Frank and Bob may have on your mental health 🙂 Your site is organized and easy to navigate. Your About page makes it clear why you are blogging and what we can expect. I do so appreciate the warning. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  6. that would be a really good idea, I know I am not the person you wanted but to let them now how it went is good because if they want to do it they will want to know the problems that might be caused while trying it

    Liked by 1 person

  7. To add/edit your About Me page, click on WP Admin, then Pages. If “About” is listed as a page, select it and edit it. If it’s not listed, then select Add a Page, title it About Me (or About), then write something on the page and publish it. http://gracelead.co

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I am working on my blog for my clothing company, please let me know what you think. I don’t want to pay for the domain or extra features quite yet but I am starting to push it. I will be adding a few guest bloggers in the near future and adding posts every week. Let me know how you think I can make it better and what I am doing right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You may want to create an About page to explain the purpose of your blog. You would then remove the first sentence of your first post and put in on your About page. Do you have some topics planned for your next several posts? Will you be sharing what you are learning in class? http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I have a topic I am required to post about every day. It is to be about what I am learning. There are three questions I am expected to address. I am learning, this is something I’ve never done. I appreciate any advice.


  9. I started my site about 5 months ago, my posts are photography focused and my blog is a 365 project. I’m wondering if beyond setting up tags, if there are other ways to find like minded individuals who are seeking/willing to provide feedback. Here’s my site if anyone is willing to provide any other thoughts, tips or feedback. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just paid a visit, and was very impressed. I love the contrasts that are represented — the bright colors and the drabs, the pensive and the whimsical, and of course the range of human experience depicted in your shots. You have a new follower. : )

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Love your blog! As a dog owner and dog lover, I adore the concept. After all, plenty of moms blog about their kids, so why not?

      Just a tip, your first post would make a really good about page. You can just make a page and copy/paste the whole thing into it. Then put the about page in a menu so that people could find it.


    1. Your blog should be helpful to many people and also document your journey. The overall look is good. Your About page makes it clear on the purpose of your blog. My only suggestion is to make the text a little larger. It was difficult to read. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I am new to blogging, and I invite you all to take a look at my posts and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just started reading the first post I saw on your blog and it really kept my interest. Unfortunately it is almost 4am and I have been on here much too long. I have added it to my reader so I am sure to finish the read. I am looking forward to it.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I think that the discussion about how it went and what you would have done differently is pretty standard, from what I’ve seen, in crafting/sewing/cooking etc. blogs. Definitely a good idea. Your skirt turned out really awesome! Good job, both on your blog and your sewing project.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hello all. I have started a blog on being an over 40s new parent. I’m a novice at that and at blogging. I hope to provide amusing observations, stories people can relate to, and encouragement for other parents. Any tips on what might make my blog easier for people to enjoy or engage with? Thanks in advance.

    Liked by 1 person