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    1. Hey there!
      I’m not sure if you meant to title the two chapters the same thing, you may or may not want to change that. It’s a tad confusing. Also in the first chapter, your tone shifts from present tense in the first few paragraphs, to past tense with “I didn’t have to wait long.”
      Also, the first chapter and second chapter seem mostly unrelated. Again, I don’t know if you meant to do that, I just figured I ought to bring attention to it.
      Other than that, the errors seem to be small, such as a missed capitalization, or saying “shocked” where you meant to say “shock.” Stuff like that.

      Anyhow, you’re doing all right. Keep uploading content. Happy blogging! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    1. I loved your introduction and even loved some of the big words that you used. One of the great things about being a writer is trying to see behind the smile, everyone experiences pain. Life is not about how we celebrate the good times but how we survive the bad times. You seem like you are doing a great job of seeing it for what it is and moving forward. Good luck!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey there. I like the content on your blog, it’s pretty neat. Just a few recommendations: 1) be sure to search for grammar errors on your blog “Your the favorite child” should be “you’re” (but you got that right in the post itself, so it’s not a big deal), and 2) when putting in images, center them or align them with the text, it’ll make your posts very visually appealing.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Your header is beautiful. Have you considering establishing categories for the main topics you will likely use for your posts? This could be helpful for your viewers who might be interested in one aspect of your blog over another. Your writing style is personable and easy to read. Personally, I like crazy combos. I’m guessing God likes them too since He creates many of them 🙂 http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I read your post about your mom. The best thing about it is that you were able to express yourself deeply from your heart. On your blog, you might want to add an About page that tells us the purpose of your blog. You seem to have your latest post on there twice with the most recent one being incomplete. I had to look at the second one to get the full post. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I am kind of in love with your post about going off in a tangent. I also like to obsess over people I admire. Having a good background on an author often helps to understand their writing. Right now I’m in love with female literary giants such as Sylvia Plath, Mary Shelley and Simone de Beauvoir. I look forward to reading more from you 🙂

      Would love some thoughts on my blog if you have time.


      Liked by 4 people

    1. Please add an About page to your site that lets readers know the purpose of your site. Is it primarily as an outlet for the two of you or are you hoping others will be able to identify with your experiences or does it have another purpose? http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, it was made with the sole purpose of sharing our experiences and others be able to identify with them.
        As I stated, this blog is new we will pay attention to those formalities soon.
        Thank you so much for the feedback! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve got it together girl. The blog layout is good. Your header graphic is clever. You have a clearly-stated purpose on your About page. Your site is one of the best organized I’ve seen. For year 2, I’m thinking some Lessons Learned would be good. You could look back at the previous few years and identify key things you’ve learned that might help others. My suggestion would be to cover just one per post and really unpack it for us. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi everyone! I expect most people won’t be reading these comments right now, but I just uploaded a new post about Marvel’s Daredevil, since the second season debuts on Netflix this week. Feedback would mean the world to me. Read that post here:

    The Nature of Good and Evil in Marvel’s Daredevil

    I’d appreciate feedback; is it a good post, do I ramble too much, does everything make sense? let me know, thanks.
    Happy blogging! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hello all, I’ve recently received some praise for the recent stories that I have posted, and would love to share them with others. Any feedback would make my day and I would kindly return the favour.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Am I the only one who gets annoyed when the stats Like count is substantially higher than the Views count? Should the Like button be removed from the Reader so certain people have to actually go to a post and read it before liking it? (The Reader excerpts page doesn’t count as a view, nor should it).

    I’d be curious if folks who actually read my posts like them. The latest topic is a take on all the different eco-zones in Costa Rica, including pictures of a few of them: https://daveplyadventures.wordpress.com/2016/03/14/mother-earths-indigestion/

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I had that this morning – 3 likes with no hits. I wondered if it was just an anomaly in the tracking but, as you rightly point out, it is possibly to Like without reading. Maybe if Ben reads this he can comment.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi everyone!

    I have recently started up a brand new blog and I would love some feedback/advice. About 3 years ago I had a beauty blog, but I have decided to change routes.

    With a brand new blog, which is something very important to me, I am wondering a few things:

    1) How do I make my new blog successful?
    2) How can I encourage other bloggers to follow me/reblog?

    Thanks so much!


    Liked by 4 people

  5. Hello, everyone. I recently started my blog to help keep me sane. I have moved to the middle east to earn a bit more to help my family. It can get a little sad and lonely in this country, sometimes. I’m young and with everything else going on in my life, blogging somehow helps me.

    You may check my random rants here: https://sillyshutter.wordpress.com

    Your thoughts and suggestions would be highly appreciated. 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Hi! I’m new to this! Would love any input on my first post and would be great to conect with a few other newbies 🙂
    My blog is a sort of blur between all this sort of “girl about town”. I’m hoping to do fashion and beauty updates, but also recipes/book reviews/travel updates and my opinions and advice on day to day topics such as relationships and general outlooks on life. Hoping someone finds it interesting enough to follow 🙂 x

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Hi Laura, always hard to appraise a blog from just one post but that one post looks interesting enough (even to a guy!) to give you a follow!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, had a look at your blog on my chromebook. Looks good. Only problem I see is that due to the layout when I scroll further down the screen the right hand side is fairly empty (at the top is all your info etc on the right). Makes it look a bit lop-sided. Overall I like the style though. Congrats on the blog

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Your poems are great. I love poetry and you get right to the essence of feeling.
      “Besotted, he pays no heed
      Desires paving his way to disasters
      Ready to sin, ready to sink
      His salvation, a taste of her ruby lips.”
      “Confusions, inhibitions
      Eyes eager for respite but none
      All craves body, none lusts soul.”
      Keep writing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, had a look at your blog on my chromebook. Nice first post. Have you thought long(er) term about the look you want? I see a lot of blogs that simply have post after post on the main screen- unless you capture the interest with whatever the top post is, people won’t scroll down. Have you looked at diff layouts? I use the cubic theme so it presents the image and title of all my posts on the home page and normally a few very different articles are on offer- the variety on offer at first glance should help you capture a bit more interest. Other than that the first post is interesting and a couple hints of what is to come works well. Don’t forget to link to facebook, twitter etc and use tags when appropriate. Good luck

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Greetings fellow bloggers!
    I’m still navigating my way through this world and would appreciate any constructive feedback or comments … my blog is a personal one based on life lessons and spiritual awakenings/awareness….
    Thanking you in advance,


    Liked by 5 people

      1. My vision for my blog is very similar. I love it. I’ve come to realize my layout is a little boring. I like yours a lot. But I also have only been on here not even a month yet.

        Liked by 2 people