Photography 101 and Commenting Bootcamp: March in Blogging U.

Ready to give Blogging U. a try? Explore next month’s courses, and register today!

Photography 101: A Shot a Day
March 7 – April 1, 2016

Take this four-week course to hone your photographer’s eye. We’ll give you a new photography theme and a related photography tip each weekday. You’ll take photos, publish them to your blog, and get feedback and support on your efforts from other participants. Everyone is welcome, from first-time photographer to pro. Learn more.

Commenting Bootcamp
March 21-25, 2016

This one-week challenge will push you out of your commenting comfort zone and help you make the connections with other bloggers that ultimately make blogging so rewarding. You’ll get a new commenting-related task each day, along with commenting etiquette tips — and if you’re not sure about what you want to say, your fellow bootcampers will be there to help. Learn more.

Ready to register?

Fill out this short form! Please note: you won’t get an automated confirmation of your registration. Look for a welcome email just prior to the start of your course(s).

NOTE: this will only register you for Commenting Bootcamp. Registration for Photo 101 is now closed.

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      1. No, this photography one will be my second. I did try to sign up for the Blogging 201, but that was full I assume since I didn’t get the email. Looking forward to this class (also the commenting one, obviously….I can’t seem to stop talking. I’m so shy in real life too) đŸ™‚

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    1. You’ll get an email with complete instructions just before the course starts, and you can use the “learn more” link in the post to get more detail on the course.


  1. This definitely will help me I have a camera and have not used it in about a year or so. I am so excited to be able to learn all that I can to grow my blog and capture some amazing pictures!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I am so excited about the Photography course. I have done Writing101 and Blogging101 earlier and I had a great time, not to mention the learning experience. So, I know this one would be just as great too.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m a reasonably experienced photographer but a photo a day challenge sounds fun and there is always an opportunity to learn more. Is it worth signing up for if you are experienced? Also, I couldn’t see whether there is a cost(?)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I used to be menace to my teachers during my college days because I used to comment about everything basically make a nuisance of myself. Guess commenting on other writers work is pretty different…. Or is it? 😜😜

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