Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

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    1. Hi Nicola, the best suggestion that I can give at the moment is to put that information on your blog. I couldnt find anywhere that your name was and since your blog is about intimacy of thoughts..and the fact that you have the first section saying open seems weird to not see your name anywhere. Other than that the blog layout seems airy and fresh. The white background makes the atmosphere appear clean and your thoughts. I like the picture, but one with a clear pic of the cool water rippling would be nice. Maybe a pic of inside a cave (to go along with your name) and the lights reflecting off of the water. That would really set the mood. I hope this helps. Please check out my blog also if you have time

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I loved it! Your writing is very sublime and introspective. I absolutely love this style of writing and blogging. The pictures you use also bring much depth into your posts. I gave you an immediate follow 🙂 Keep up the great work!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hey all newbie here!! New to the blogging world , decided I want to start out with blogging as I launched my own business last June & want to blog my journey through it , what I find difficult , challenges I come across etc a bit like a diary . But like I said I am new and would love any tips, inspiration and advice to get me on my way . Thank you for taking the time to read this. Rachel

    Liked by 8 people

      1. I am really new to WordPress so you will have to help me out to understand what that means lol sorry I’m pretty useless with new stuff

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t blogged at all yet I’ve literally just set up WordPress in the last hour and I am trying to learn my way around it and have absolutely no idea where to begin lol . Sorry I’m pretty useless

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome to the blogosphere!
      The biggest tip for new bloggers is to make an About page so readers can easily get a sense of who you are and what your blog will be about!
      Happy Blogging!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I would simply say to start, make an about me page or an introduction to who you are. it doesn’t have to be a lot of info, just the basics to let people know you a bit. then maybe a page on your project, job, shop whatever. after that go on to make individual posts about your thoughts, problems, desires for your venture etc.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello – I write self-depriating, permanent existential crisis’ kind of humour crap in my blog. It’ll get you a good laugh, I promise.
    I’m currently taking suggestions for my weekly posting “Worst People Wednesday.”

    Inaugural post here:

    Feedback, comments, suggestions are appreciated. Did I make you laugh? That’s appreciated 10-fold.
    Love your faces WordPress community.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. That was excellently funny. I left you a comment on the blog. Sorry if it was a bit long. But since I’m not at the gym, I have enough energy to use my fingers to type away. I agree with how ridiculous these gyms charge when a person can be healthy without using all that equipment inside a sweaty smelly gym. Bravo!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I laughed so much I may have snorted a wee bit. Followed immediately because you seem like my kind of people. Also, completely jealous of your blog title and adore the tag “Failures in Adulting”. I can often be heard lamenting how much adulting sucks.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha I’m so glad you enjoyed! Sarcastic bullshit seems to be one of the few things I can articulate well.

        Hilariously enough I was googling oxymorons to figure out the name of my blog – the people in my life always tell me I’m hostile so when I saw that it just fit! Adulting does suck … Glad to have you aboard !

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Meagan – I left a comment on your blog and while that kind of humor is not my thing – I can see your talent and your pure love for people – I also disagreed with some of the points made – just felt it was from a somewhat narrow view of what gyms are like – (not all are gym rats with $gear) – but I guess that anchored view is partly what fueled the humor – anyhow – best wishes to you because there is much value in looking at social things from many ways and humor pieces are just fun and hard to do- best wishes

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Hi Meagan! I checked out your post about gym rats. I’m honestly pretty torn on it. I do understand it is meant to be humor, but the cursing seemed rather excessive to me and made me want to stop reading it. I think most good adult humor blogs (and I don’t mean Adult *wink* humor) will have some cursing, which is great, but this post seemed to have an awful lot.

      As a marathoner who truly does love the gym (not lying), I personally had a hard time finding the humor in some of what you wrote since it made some pretty blanket statements (which I honestly couldn’t tell if they were sarcasm or not), but I did get a chuckle out of the descriptions of the people who use the gym in social media. I can’t stand that habit either!

      Happy blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good morrow my friends!

    My name is Benjamin Solak, and on my blog,, I write/speak on personal development and self-betterment: thoughts, lessons, and strategies on reaching the next level of external productivity and internal integrity.

    I just recently wrote a two-part post on Why I Never Have Bad Days: you can see them here ( and here: (

    Thanks everybody for the read! Have an awesome day:)

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Hi Benjamin, thank you for sharing here in the Community Pool! I read the entirety of the first post you linked.

      From a writing/blogging perspective, I think you did a good job with pacing, sentence structure, and word choice, along with bits of humor.

      From a content perspective, I’m rather torn. On the one hand, I 100% agree with some of what you said here, about how so much of life is a personal choice. How are we going to face the day? How are we going to handle curve balls? Etc. I do very strongly believe in self fulfilling prophecies, all of which begin with choices.

      That said, the post honestly came off as a big smug, condescending even. As someone who has struggled greatly with clinical depression, it’s a bit off putting to encounter something that basically implies “it’s your fault, you chose this.” I’m sure that’s not the message you were trying to send, but your argument about choosing to have good days and always be happy was so dogmatic that the inevitable logical conclusion is that not choosing happiness leads to depression. At least, that’s how it seemed to me.

      This is just my personal opinion, so take it as you will, but to me someone has to be relatable to be truly likeable, and if you present yourself as too perfect, well… I just wouldn’t personally find that attractive in a blog.

      Hope this feedback helps, and happy blogging!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, Charlotte, thank you so much for the feedback. I can absolutely see from where you drew the implicit claim that you either elect happiness or depression–I completely didn’t recognize that in my presentation of my ideas, and that is absolutely something I’ll try to be aware of in the future. Thank you again:)

        Liked by 2 people

    1. You have a great blog. Keep it up. Wishing you all the best for the future from Debra @

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I love your washi-tape ideas! I have been making cards using washi tape myself, and I always use it when I write letters if I’m using notebook paper. The stuff is addictive!
      I also like the layout of your blog!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy Monday everyone.

    I was in a bit of a hiatus and I’m hoping 2016 will be hugely inspirational to me. I’m in the process of refining my writing skills in hopes to move up to book writing one day.

    Yesterday I posted up a possible short story. My little boy was my inspiration since he has quite the inquisitive mind. Can you read it and let me know if the story was touching or emotional enough? Was the dialogue believable? Was a point brought across to you? And do you think it calls for a second part or would you at least be interested in knowing more of the characters?

    Thanks again for your time and insight. I respect everyone here and all you have to say.


    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi Elke! I read the first installment in your short story. The dialogue between the mother and child was believable and well written. My only feedback would be adding more descriptions — what did the room, the mom, the boy look like? Also I would recommend proofreading for grammar.

      Hope this helps!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Charlotte, thank you so much for your feedback. So appreciated. I did go back and caught a few errors. I’ve read and reread it a few times over. Now I will review my notes about adding a few more descriptions to connect the reader more to the characters. Thanks again. You rock!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi everyone,
    If you’re interested in Iggy Pop or Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age), you should check out the blog I wrote recently. It’s about the new music they are releasing together. Check it out. 🙂 As always, any feedback is appreciated, especially notes about my writing style. Was the article smooth? Easy to read? Enough detail? Thanks so much!

    Iggy, Josh, and their baby, Gardenia.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Hey Lovelies!

    I have a challenge for all you writers out there! It’s called The Topic Thingy and it is ridiculously simple to participate! Here is the link just check it out !

    The Topic Thingie

    Also! Are you thinking of giving up on your dream? I really think you should read my latest write up –

    Oh you can also connect with me on Insta! I’ll follow back 😉

    Happy swimming!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi guys, I have a blog where I rant about general things. I talk about beauty too but I mostly focus on saying what I want to say and what I feel is important, and needs to be said. Its always been my dream to be a successful blogger, would love if you could check my blog out 💞

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Hello my fellow bloggers!

    My blog is about my pieces of writing. I’m a writer and I write whenever I get the required inspiration. So, if you’re looking for some poetry, or fiction, or non-fiction, or any other kind of writing that’s raw or is thrilling, I welcome you to my blog.

    And here are a few posts of mine.


    Midnight Stroll

    I’d also be overwhelmed if I receive precious views from you guys, both appreciation and sharp criticism.
    Happy blogging guys! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi I’ve just checked out your blog. Can I suggest you now add something to your ‘about’page. I assume you don’t have one because I couldn’t find one. It will give readers an idea about who you are and what you are planning to blog about. If you are not sure what I mean, please feel free to check out my ‘about’. Good luck with your blog from Debra @

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have one. Here it is. Thanks for the comment.

        Hi my name is Laura. I graduated from University College Cork in 2013 with an honours degree in English and Sociology. I returned to do a taught Masters in English: Modernities Romanticism, Modernism and Post-Modernism. My thesis looked at how Race, Gender and Disability are represented in Literature. I have continued to use this blog, which I started as part of my M.A. to discuss topics that interest me such as books, movies, music etc. All blogs are my own work. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for visiting.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. I have questions about awards? Are they the blogosphere version of chainmail? I’m a still learning my way around the community and truthfully if my real life is any example, I don’t have high hopes on being in the top echelon anytime soon, but do I understand that you are offered an award but only if you then agree to do something and if that something is then awful, can the award be taken away? Is it an honour or a responsibility? Can you politely decline (or just pretend you didn’t notice) Who makes up these awards? Give me the dirt

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Good question!
      From what I know, blogging awards are just fun ways to connect with the blogging community. There are many awards but what people don’t understand sometimes is that there are no winners. It’s just a way to recognize and support a blog you like.
      Most of the awards follow the same format, having you make your own post that thanks the person who nominated you then answer a question or share facts and then nominate a certain number of other blogs. It’s fun and I use it as a way to connect and let readers learn more about me.
      There are several awards that have been circulating for years so people have been nominated many, many times. I don’t know who started them. I suppose anyone can and hope the chain goes on, but one times a blog I followed tried to start one and it went nowhere.
      You can politely decline or ignore it, and some people choose to do that, so don’t feel bad. Nothing happens if you don’t participate. I’ve seen some bloggers say that they did several award posts and will no longer participate.
      My beef with the blog awards is that you almost feel obligated and some circulate so much that you’re nominated for like three in a week and it gets awkward. Plus, in some blogging circles where there’s a bit more of a community, the awards just keep getting passed around to the same people so you can’t avoid it.
      It is nice to be recognized and if you’re a new blogger they can be a lot of fun, but all in all, they’re just a fun little game in the blogging world.

      Liked by 5 people

    2. I think they’re like chainmail personally. But I’ve accepted them and given my thanks to people for recognizing my blog. I don’t usually pass the buck, though. I’m going to try a thing where I feature some blogs that I enjoy on my own, without it feeling like an obligation lol.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Are they the blogosphere version of chainmail?

      Can the award be taken away?

      Is it an honour or a responsibility?
      >If you want it to

      Can you politely decline (or just pretend you didn’t notice)
      >Better to politely decline if you want

      Who makes up these awards?
      >Don’t know

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi everyone,

    I just made my first blog about three weeks ago and I am currently in grad school for creative writing.

    Basically I am just trying to get my writing samples out there to be seen. I have posted short stories, poems, and also educational material that I have done as classwork in the past.

    I am also a world traveler and am posting information that I deem as necessary if someone wants to live abroad (from the US). Please let me know if this style works or if there is something that I can add to make it more appealing. I do have a spot asking for comments if there is a story that someone wants expanded (to give ideas of novels)..and I occasionally post music there to try and set the mood as if it was my own cafe spot.

    Any suggestion is helpful..especially if you think there is something not working in unison. Thanks!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Hi there! I really like your style 🙂
      One tip for your most recent article: write the number of points in the title so that the reader knows what to expect. Simple, but in terms of a reading experience, it changes everything! I love the addition of memes/gifs, it gives a tumblr-like feel to it, which is always nice. And I can never applaud Pr. McGonagall enough. 😉

      If you’d like to have a look at my blog, here it is:
      It’s brand new but I’m still looking for criticism and any sort of advice! 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Your blog is extremely well crafted. It’s clean, straightforward and uncluttered. All good stuff. Also, the length of your posts will encourage reading. They all seem to be in the 250 to 300 range. I find it difficult to write anything less than 1200 words (and that definitely hinders readership – I need followers with way too much time on their hands).

        I’m not sure if I like the device at the end of each of your posts inviting discussion. It seems a little contrived. But it might just be me. I’d like to hear about impressions on that from other bloggers – oops, look, I just did it too. But seriously, I’d like to hear what others think.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. I enjoyed your last post (I’ve also worked retail so I can agree with your assessment). One thing I would suggest is using the “read more” line when you write your posts. It will help make your homepage more concise and it will also give you a better idea of which posts are being read (in the case the post isn’t getting many likes) because your readers will actually have to go into the post to read them instead of staying on the home page.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. It’s okay (not a stupid question) when you’re editing your post the button for it is at the end of the first row (after the paragraph alignment buttons). wherever your cursor is in the text is where it will insert the line (I usually put mine after 3-5 lines — basically wherever there’s a good/interesting spot).

        Liked by 2 people

    3. Your blog was really easy to navigate! I just read your retail post and loved the tongue in cheek style! I’ve never worked in retail but I hate it when I see people be rude to people trying to offer the best customer service they can! Some of my friends work in retail and some of their stories sound horrible!

      Have a good day 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    4. My new favourite WordPress site! It reminds me a bit of the Very British Problems twitter feed. Your writing style is very engaging and feels like chatting to a friend over a coffee (or tea)

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Hello there! 🙂
    My blog is freshly hatched and looking for some caring advice… I write about pieces of life – I haven’t found a better way to qualify it yet – and I like to throw in some travel stories, Harry Potter geek-outs, and life appreciation. There’s only three posts so far so a quick glance should be enough for you to get an idea of what my blog is like!
    Please feel free to leave any feedback at all, that will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all 🙂 x

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I like the layout and the ideas you plan on bringing to the blog. Its also great that your social media links are in multiple spots for potential readers. Only thing I did not see was a way to follow your blog on WordPress (unless I somehow missed it) because I would give you a follow here if I can!

        Liked by 3 people

      2. I completely agree with Robert; your writing style is quite good, the design is great, but I have one big complaint.

        Where. Are. The. Stories?!

        I mean, your blog is called thestoriesiknow, there’s that one post about ‘My Grandmother’s Travel Stories’… and I’d really like to see some!

        Have a nice day.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Your blog is extremely well crafted. It’s clean, straightforward and uncluttered. All good stuff. Also, the length of your posts will encourage reading. They all seem to be in the 250 to 300 range. I find it difficult to write anything less than 1200 words (and that definitely hinders readership – I need followers with way too much time on their hands).

      I’m not sure if I like the device at the end of each of your posts inviting discussion. It seems a little contrived. But it might just be me. I’d like to hear about impressions on that from other bloggers – oops, look, I just did it too. But seriously, I’d like to hear what others think.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for your input! 🙂
        I have fixed the follow thing, there is now a button on the bottom right-hand corner. However since my blog is self-hosted my future posts won’t show in the WP Reader but directly in your e-mail inbox!
        I’m ambivalent about the ‘let’s hear what you have to say’ bits at the end of my posts, too – it’s nice to hear that it does stand out.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Smile:

      I love your blog; it made me… well, Smile (please don’t kill me). Just let me point out two things (if you care about writing, if you just want to write stories, then ignore me, that’s OK)

      – When a character speaks in a story, you should place their intervention in a new paragraph. I.E:

      Our little Sally run through the corridor as fast as a thousand devils, chasing after poor Jim. Oh, what a lovely scene!

      “Jim, I swear; when I get my hands on you, I’ll kick your butt and send you flying straight to China!” she yelled.

      – Read, read, read! If you want to become a good writer, then read ’til your eyes bleed! OK, maybe not that much, but still. Maybe read about things that you like, for example, things that you have already read in your mother tongue.

      Have a lovely day!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for telling my mistakes.. Of course I am not going to kill you rather I appreciate it so that I can improve my writing.. And yes I love to read that is why I do keep reading books.. Thanks for you advice.. Do keep giving me advices to improve it more..

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi everyone 🙂 I was just wondering if any of you bloggers followed a schedule for your posts? I’m trying really hard, but as its more of a creative blog, I find that I’m “going with the flow” of how I feel that day. Its getting annoying, ha! I need a plan of action (otherwise known as a kick up the backside). If you do have a schedule of *proper* blog posts, or some sort of plan, please advise on how you keep motivated to follow it through, and not just write about something different – if you even get to write at all that day. Cheers! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey! It’s not that difficult to be honest. I do write whenever I feel like it but in a note pad. And only publish it on Fridays…say one day a week you can do more if you like. That way I have time for the post to sit out and I can keep editing them and find a suitable piture to along with it too. Once you get in the routine and you see the difference…even letting a post sit out for a week or few days gives people to check it out and read it before it goes down. That way it gets more views and more likes per post…so whenever I have the urge to post in between the schedule i remind myself it will be unfair for my previous post. Oh! And if you aren’t ready for the on day…still till 2 am and finish it. That way you’ll do it on time next week . goodluck! I have a creative blog too. Maybe you could check it out and understand better! Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey thanks for the long thoughtful reply! I really appreciate that. I kind of like the idea of letting people know exactly when a post is due, thats a good one. Also the notebook, yeah I can do that too I guess. I’m quite spontaneous – whatever I’m doing, i like to share it quick before I move on, ha! I didn’t quite understand what you meant by “letting the post sit out for a while” Do you mean sit in Drafts, before posting? Also, I really like your blog 😀

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No problem 😉 I meant on the blog. Oops! Should have specified. If it stays on the top of your blog for longer it kinda gets more views…it works for me tho. Yeah I know what you mean by spontaneous but I guess it’s better this way xD Thank you! I hope it helped you 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      3. If you’re anything like me, my head swirls with ideas for new posts. I used to jot notes on One-Note or in a loose leaf binder. Needless to say, I’d forget about them. An ingenious idea, if I say so myself, is to use the Draft Feature of WordPress. I can jot down notes for future posts. Make sure you title your draft so you know what the content is about.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. That is me all the time. By notepad I meant the feature on the phone xD But that had word limit so now I use an app called Jotter pad. It’s free and really simple. And it looks pretty also xD

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I actually struggle with “scheduled” posts (the ones you actually do inside the Admin area), because I like my topics to be very current, as I relate to things in the news or “Trending” a fair bit…I schedule them, but only in that I make a note on the calendar (BLOG SOMETHING). I saw a lot of your art, love the textures. How much time do you spend doing the art versus doing the blog about the art?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh I don’t “schedule” posts, like the proper admin ones. I meant mostly like having a regular blogging plan, so that no matter what, you write a post. I’m an “on the spot” kind of gal, ha! I tend to spend most of my time making art, then if I like it enough to share, its BAM! up on the blog. This is what I struggle with y’see. I need some focus, haha!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I write…so I guess the art is the blog, in my case. 😛 Either way, it really is a hit and miss affair. I think I am brilliant, until I hit the post button, then world comes at ya with a broom! haha

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Aww, I’m sure its wonderful really. I write too – terribly bad actually. Did you see my poem about the toothpaste? I really appreciate the follow, thank you! I tried to peek over at yours, but its protected, which is fair enough. 🙂 Thank you for helping me with this conundrum – I’m getting a clearer picture of what I should be doing now.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I click on the link that comes up under your name. It says the blog is marked private, the posts are protected, and I need an invite from you 😦 I just tried it again and it says the same thing.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. I find it important to post on a more-or-less regular basis. My starting philosophy for my blog was to post a minimum of twice per week. To help move that forward in weeks where I had other things to accomplish, I created a specific category on my site, “Blogs of Lightness” (BOL). Normally I strive to write more comprehensively; but the “BOL” was intended for that moment when I found an amusing but relevant link to someone else’s work; or if I had something short and snarky to say. I also started a weekly feature, the Quote of the Week, where each weekend I post a (supposedly short – but not always) thought about someone else’s words. These have helped me to keep to a 2+ posts/week routine. I know as the weekend comes up that before it’s over I need to produce something, even if it’s short.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oooh, i like your organisation! I also like the way you always have something in the background, as in the BOL posts, or the quotes. I might try something like that in relation to my own blog. I guess it gives the readers a change, doesn’t it? Keeps things fresh. Wow so much stuff to think about 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah….thanks for that. I did read all of it, actually. I’m grateful for the heads up – looks like I should really shake up my game, rather than skittering around! Do you get paid for this level of work, because to honest, blogging (for me at this stage anyway) is secondary to my real life. You schedule TV that your recorded while blogging, and you go to dinner with your husband, because you are keeping up your life due to it being taken up with blogging. Fair enough if its an actual profitable business, but right now….my real life takes priority. Its an interesting view though, for later on down the line – Thanks! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for commenting 🙂 Yes, I like the Daily Post as well, but generally write the response in a paper journal, because my blog is for crafty stuff, not general blogging. At least that’s the way I’m trying to streamline it, ha!

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