Discover: The Best Content Across WordPress

How excited are we about our new space for editors’ picks, recommended sites, and more? Let us count the ways!

Bloggers do incredible things on their sites: they share powerful stories, poems, and essays. They amaze us with their photography, illustration, and other creative projects. Sometimes they just speak directly to us, the readers, in a way that is so moving that their voices stay with us for days (if not more).

Since 2009, we on the team have highlighted the strongest posts we could find on Freshly Pressed, a showcase of the very best of the blogosphere. Six years — and almost 15,000 posts — later, we couldn’t be prouder of the community of bloggers and readers that has formed around it.

Many of you have followed Freshly Pressed for years, and we’re grateful for your readership! This week, we’re retiring Freshly Pressed, with Discover replacing this tab in your Reader.

Just like the slickest theme from 2009 might start to show its age by 2015, though, so did Freshly Pressed. Which is why we’re thrilled to unveil Discover. It’s our new destination for the best content from across WordPress — and a real labor of love for everyone who’s worked on it these past few months.


Discover… I like the sound of it. Tell me more.

You might read our features on a desktop computer or check us out on your smartphone. Maybe you follow our latest posts in the Reader, or visit our website. No matter your preference, at Discover you can expect to find the best writing, photography, art, and more. And all of it is by bloggers, online zines, and major publications that have chosen WordPress for their home on the web.

Don’t take our word for it — give our homepage a try for the day’s selection of editors’ picks, recommended sites, and features. Browse our extensive (and growing) archive. Or look up posts on the topics that matter to you, from writing and travel to history and music.

Like Freshly Pressed before it, Discover is all about celebrating the talents and achievements of members of this community. So if you’re curious about being featured, or would like to recommend someone else to us — don’t be shy!

We can’t wait to welcome you at Discover.

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