Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

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Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.
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  1. I’d appreciate a review/feedback of my blog-site. Take a look at the header and suggest how I may make the whole image visible. Is there a way [widget] of showing the current date and time? Thanks.


  2. Ephemeral Enigma. The very existence of human is a mystery. In midst of the survival, we often tend to search for the future and dissolve in the past. Discover the present with our amazing blog feeds.

    I am Tarun. The founder and author of the blog. Ephemeral Enigma is a blog that was created in July 2015. True to its words, life is a short-lived mystery. Within this short period we are always in the verge of discovering the future. But, the fact is future is permanent and cannot be discovered as we are still in the present. So, we should take time and appreciate the happenings of today. This blog will provide the readers a chance to learn more about the places, activities, and increase the interest level.


    Please like and Subscribe 😀 If you feel that there are any changes to be made in the blog please feel free to comment. Cheers, Tarun

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hey everyone!
    Did you miss out on this year’s Gamescom? Do you think Windows 10 is the right choice for you? Well, even if you do, I bet you wanna check out the latest F2P game and other relevant tech news and reviews.

    Just visit

    I’d also love to visit your blog if you need feedback.



      1. Mine is not a blog about a hobby or business. I think having a brief description of my blog in the footer is enough. And yes, I was thinking about creating social media accounts too. But I’m having a hard time figuring it all out by myself. I will have to create a logo for the site first which is taking time.
        Anyway, thanks for the feedback!


  4. Recently started blogging, but I fear it is all boring tex, with a basic Theme. Advice on how to become more interesting would be most welcome even to the extent of don’t bother pack it up. However It has been designed for those that know me and have the same interests. Come go for it with the comments and advice

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello I am brand new to blogging. Wrote a few post I was really looking forward to sharing with everyone, but I can not seem to get views, likes..followers, I think I did my tags and category right and my post are popping up in the reader..does that mean many see it?
    I would love if I could start getting some people to view my blog, comment etc. It would mean a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yours is really good! Honestly I have a friend on WordPress with a successful blog and I’ve been picking her brain over the layouts and technical stuff for them. If you need any help with layout questions, I’ll be happy to help!


      2. Oh I just figured out how to add a background! Thank so much. Hopefully I can start getting views to my blog, likes, and comments.
        Wish you the best 🙂


      3. You will. The more you post and the longer your posts, the more it will be picked up on google. I didn’t know that but posts over 500 words get bumped up. So keep posting! You will get the traffic to your blog before you know it. 🙂


      1. Thank you very much! You honestly made my day..yes one like, follow, and nice comment made my day. I am going to go check out your blog and I responded to your comment 🙂 thank you so much again!


    1. Hello! I am also new to this bloging thing, and still finding my Niche in this world. But what I can tell you is that this community pool is a great way to start getting feedback, views and traffic to your site. Also add the follow and sign up widgets so people know when you post something new. Tags, categories and menu slections get the readers to poke around your site a little more as well! My first day posting to the Community Pool brought in a great flow of people and a lot of great feedback!
      I hope your blogging journey goes smooth!


      1. Wow thank you that a lone had some great information! How do I add the follow and sign up widget? I thought I had a follow button somewhere because I woke up to someone in my notification said following, which made me happy! Would love to know more about the button though! When someone follows they see my new post , right?
        Oh okay I think I did my tag and category right..does everyone pop up in the reader?
        Thank you so much! I do hope it starts to pick up and best wishes to you too in your new blogging journey!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay, first things first. Widgets.
        Go to your WP Admin page. Hover over the “Appearance” tab and click on the widget option. It will take you to all of your widget options. Choose which ones you want and add to your site. I will prompt you, where you want it placed on your site and the content you want in it.
        I’m still trying to figure out the reader. I have not personally seen my pieces in the reader, so I am not sure how it works and how people are seeing it. (I think in order to see your own stuff you have to be following yourself. But unsure)
        Add in as many tags as you want. The more the better I think. Having a selection of tags will increase your traffic. Categories, I am still trying to get the hang of. I think I have them right on my site, but since I am still new, another thing I am unsure of.
        I wish I could give you some more definite answers, but being in the same boat as you on this new blogging adventure, I am limited to the knowledge. I do hope this helped some, at least get you pointed in the right direction!
        Happy Blogging fellow Blogger! 🙂


      3. Thank you SO much! I greatly appreciate all the information you have given me! I think I just added the follow button so I think you are right that is much easier! Thank you so much!
        I wish you the best too with your blogging journey!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Okay…when you are writing your post and before publishing, in the right hand top corner of your text box, you will see the words text/html. Click the HTML tab and insert this code (I would copy and save this code!) This is the little red pin it button html code. insert this code into the html spot and it will pop up automatically. (you can click back over to text and see it right there!) Hope this helped!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. PS- This was brought up to me when I first started and I’ll share with you. Add more to your About page. Your readers want a good look into who you are and why you are writing your blog. It doesn’t have to be a novel but a good description to who you are. Hope this helps..helped me bring traffic!


      6. I just read yours and thought it was very well written! I enjoyed getting to know more about you! I took your advice I actually just added some to my about page if you would not mind telling me your thoughts?

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Very nice! I commented right on your page! I am glad I know a little more about you! 🙂 Maybe possibly add a little bit about who you are as a person aside from your aspirations about getting through school and what your blog will be about. Maybe a little about family, work, hobbies? I’ve noticed, followers want to connect with others. Your traffic is based on what you publish and how well it interacts with other writers. Your about me should draw the reader into your life, so that everyday you post, they will want to read it! I’m no expert, but since I added more personal things in my about me, I noticed I had more likes, more followers and more views. Obviously, the content in which you write will ultimately bring in your following, but they do want to relate to you as well!


  6. Hi all! I’m Carla and my blog is Think Out Loud. My blog is pretty new, but I think it is starting to take shape. However, before I start promoting my blog on other channels, I would love to get some feedback on it so far. I just published the first post of a series called The Art of Building Community ( Any feedback on this post or the site would be greatly appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’ve got yourself a great thing going! It really looks like you know what your doing! I may inquire to you for help! 🙂 I can’t wait to see more of what you write.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey everyone! I started a blog a few weeks ago, so im still new! The name of my blog is The New(ish) Wife, and it’s really a lifestyle blog on a bit of everything! I havent really started promoting my blog, so before I do i would love some feedback on it! The link is below…any help would be appreciated!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I recently have posted on this particular blogspot, and I have decided to post again. The entire reason I have decided to blog is to not only boost my self-confidence, but to push that every single soul out there, no matter your race, color, sexual orientation, upbringing, or ANYTHING, is worth so much more as a person than you could ever imagine. If you are looking for the desire to live, some inspiration to pursue the hard times, or motivation in your educational, relationship, or health and fitness goals, I am the person to read! All this stuff influences my self-esteem. And that’s what I like to share with others.

    About Me


  9. hey! This feed has been so good to me already, but can I ask for more help? I’m blogging about a smile challenge in my site about finding happiness, and in my latest blog, I’m completely stuck, no idea what’s going on. take a look and see if you can steer me in the right direction?


    1. It kind of seems like your instructions want you to spend time outside in order to improve your mood and get in an appreciative mode… but it seems you basically found it in your book instead:)

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Hi, Ever’body!

    Is there anything, ANYTHING, better’n breakfast? Just recalling the dance of biscuits and breakfast at the family table!

    Go ahead….just ASK me what we’re having for breakfast tomorrow!!!

    Belles and Whistles


    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hello all!
    I would sincerely appreciate some feedback and insight on my newest post. I am just getting back into writing and am still finding the right “style” for me. I am looking for any feedback as to how I may write better and make it more interesting for other readers.
    I Thank all of you who have already given me feedback and checking out my blog. It is still a work in progress, but I think It could be a great addition to my life!
    Here is the link to my post! I hope you all enjoy!

    Nothing Beats A Good Ol’ Trip to The Sticks


    1. Hey, there!

      I really liked it, but some of the picture’s descriptions are too big for me, they distract me from the text.

      But good work!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Has someone ever asked you if you’re gay when you’re not? Actually, that happens to me more than I’d like to admit. I wrote about this yesterday and I invite you to read it.

    Oye, ¿Tú crees que Rosie sea lesbiana?

    I am a Spanish-speaking blogger, so I hope some of you could give me feedback 🙂

    If you want me to read your posts (both in English or Spanish), feel free to share them with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was too lazy to open Google Translate in another tab and understood that a lot better than I thought I would. I’ve had people assume similar things about me and it used to irritate me so much. Nice writing!

      (Your About page is also lovely.)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This is an iOS question, but with the WordPress app, is there a way to delete sites from your list? I have my main blog, but I have joined others (Photo 101, etc) which were month long courses, but still show up when I go to My sites –> Edit. I can toggle the switch to have them show or not on the list, but is there a way to just completely remove them since they are no longer active?



    1. You can remove them, but I believe you’d need to do it from a computer (or from a regular browser on your phone/iPad, so you can access the area of the dashboard you need). Head to your blog, then My Sites > WP Admin > My Blogs. Hover over any blog on that list, and you’ll see a “leave” link appear underneath.


      1. Thank you very much. On a second note, do you have any idea what the topics will be for September courses for bloggers? I liked them and signed up before, but would like to do it again and be more proactive.


  14. HI everyone 🙂 I hope you’re all well! I just wrote a piece about mental health in the workspace. Mental health is a topic close to my heart and I believe we could also use some tips to help us in our regular work days to help stay calm in anxious situations. I hope you’ll take the time to read the piece. Please like, reblog, share and comment. If you like my work PLEASE subscribe! 😀 thank you in advance for taking the time to read my post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “If you do not receive a pat on the back from your boss, reward yourself anyways. Do something that makes you feel alive and like you’re pampering yourself, you DESERVE IT!” I loved the entire thing, but that quote resonated with me. This is something I struggle with as well, I couldn’t go in to work because of it, so I stayed home and wrote about it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind words Jenn! I assure you,you’re not alone! I know many individuals feel the same way. Please share this piece with others so they don’t feel alone either. I hope you’ll subscribe! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Okay swimmers. Here is a deep end question for you!
    We are all writers on here. We flow ideas in our heads over and over. Multiple ideas. My question is…how the heck do you manage what you think and want to write.
    For me, on a daily basis, I have many ideas, some are great, some need work, but all things I want to share. How do I share my multitude of ideas with out overwhelming my audience with a post every few hours? What is the best way to manage them all, get them all shared and do it it an orderly fashion?
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good question. Other than a Christmas series I did where I wrote a blog a day from December 1st to the 24th I write on average one blog per month. They tend to be longer as a result. For those, I keep a notebook with me at all times to jot all those fleeting thoughts down before I lose them. I may not know where I want to go with them, but I have found it to be incredibly useful. The Christmas ones on the other hand were an interesting exercise, because I wrote much shorter blogs since they were daily. The notebook wasn’t used then because the thought I had that day while commuting, or walking was the blog for that particular day. Do what works best for you, but try something like a notebook, or even the voice memo option on a smartphone. Hope that helped!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That helps tremendously. I think the notebook will help me a lot, and if anything, it could be a good way to get some journal done. Thank You so much for you input!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My pleasure. I like the look and feel to your blog. You may find something else ultimately works, but sometimes I feel like the old school way of doing things is the best, i.e, the simple act of writing a word down, underlining it for emphasis and then a few days later know exactly why you wrote it down and what you want to do with it. That is how my blog started as a matter of fact!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. My blog has been 4 years in the making and I am still stuck on what my true calling is. My photography is a great big deal of it all so I think I will branch off of that. Nothing beats old school my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. For me it was a very long road. I’m 47 and for years I yearned to have a voice in some type of artistic expression but never could find it. I don’t sing, I play guitar terribly, and I certainly didn’t write creatively after college. Then about 15 years ago I took up photography. Eventually when friends saw some of them they would tell me, you have a good eye, keep it up. And I did. I had one small exhibit at a local pub, and I have never stopped taking photos. But then it wasn’t enough, and I looked for another outlet to showcase them. I had scrapped a first blog attempt two years ago because I felt it did not have a sufficient hook to it. A few months later I took a day off from work and was sitting in a coffee shop and wrote two words down which described my two passions-music, photography. I put my Ipod on and chose the song that wound up being in my very first blog. I had thought about the idea before in fleeting ways (before I jotted in that notebook!) and very quickly Soundtrack Of A Photograph was born. So stay with it my friend. From what I have read already, you have a voice. And we are listening!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You are so kind! I am so glad your journey has brought you to where you are today. I’m almost 30, which is a few years lived and I feel, now that my daughter is in school full time, I can now focus on what makes me happy and peaceful. Writing and photography. My blog might have taken a few years to come about, but I feel that it will be something I keep for a long time.
        I truly Thank You for all your kind words and generous input. I do look forward to seeing more of your stuff! Have a great and lovely day!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I definitely second the notebook idea. I never know when an idea will pop into my head, so I keep little spiral bound notebooks handy everywhere, like on my nightstand and in the car. Once a week or so, I’ll flip through the ideas I’ve written and consolidate them in a Word doc, arranging them by category. When I have time to write, I’ll look through whatever category I feel like writing on that day and pick an idea from the list. Another useful side effect is that it gives you a visual of where your interests are going/what topics have been working for you and your audience. If one category really gets cooking, it might be a clue that there’s the potential for a book there. The leap from blog series to chapter book really isn’t that big. It’s amazing how quickly you can accrue materiel for a rough manuscript if you’re diligent about blogging regularly like you’re doing. Just keep it organized, keep a notebook on hand at all times, and you’re on your way to being both a blogger and author. 🙂 Hope that helps

        Liked by 2 people

      7. This helps tremendously. Thank You! I just cleaned out my office and have placed a notebook where I know my ideas pop up. I do think this will help in more ways than one!

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    2. I have an online journal on my facebook page where I just jot down any and everything. Then you can go back and edit yourself. I sometimes have the same problem. And other days I have the opposite problem. That’s when the journal comes in handy.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I am not the most experienced. However, I feel if you have an idea. whether it’s good or bad you should share in the hopes that the feedback you get enables you to learn from what you have shared and helps other bloggers too. Once again, I am not experienced

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your review of Shea Moisture. Natural hair can be a guessing game so it’s good to get recommendations. What is your hair type, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m probably a 4c, not sure.


  16. I would love some feedback! I have been doing a blog of sorts in an online group that I run, but nothing as public as this. I attempted this 2 years ago, but the fear of criticism sent me packing lol I’m ready now! Like I said, I’ve been here 3 days, it is a work in progress, I’m still finding my “flow”, so be gentle lol And I would love to give feedback to anyone else who would like it! Thanks 🙂


    1. Adding the nutritional info for your recipes is an interesting and informative touch. Regarding your writing, it’s a little hard to read through as some of your paragraphs run long and there are a few instances of misspelled words, grammatical errors, and text-speak (lol). I would recommend looking into some widgets and working on your photography if possible. Great to see that you’re diving right in; good luck!


      1. Thank you for your time! I know, I really need to pull out my digital camera instead of using my phone. 🙂 I also understand there is some “text speak”…. a little more personal. I did spell check, and you are probably right about a few grammatical errors. My writing has been flowing like crazy and then when I decided to start blogging I suddenly froze up. I hope that it smooth’s out after I get over my intense fear of criticism. 🙂 Thank you again and I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to give me some feedback.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I just did this one…. Still need to get out my digital camera, but I’m hoping that this is a little easier to read. 🙂 I guess trying to be personable, and possibly relatable turned into to much blabbing? Thanks again :)
