Registration is open for August in Blogging U.

Next month, we’ll offer Blogging 101. Get your blog off the ground with the help of a supportive community and our expert advice!

Note: this is the same Blogging 101 course previously offered by Blogging U. Feel free to take it again, but be aware that we’ll cover the same topics.

Have you just started blogging (welcome!), or are you looking to breathe new life into a blogging habit that’s fallen by the wayside? Blogging U. is a great way to get on track, with bite-size assignments, a supportive community, and staff to support you. This August, we’re offering Blogging 101— and registration is now open!

Blogging 101: Zero to Hero — August 3 – 21

Blogging 101 is three weeks of bite-size blogging assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” Every weekday, you’ll get a new assignment to help you publish a post, customize your blog, or engage with the community.

You’ll walk away with a stronger focus for your blog, several published posts and a handful of drafts, a theme that reflects your personality, a small (but growing!) audience, a grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new friends.

How do Blogging U. courses work?

Blogging U. courses exist for one reason: to help you meet your own blogging and writing goals.

  • Courses are free, flexible, and open to all.
  • You’ll get a new task to complete each day, along with our best advice and favorite resources. Do them on your own time, and interpret them however makes sense for your specific blog and personal goals — we’re not grading you, we’re not checking to make sure you complete every task, and there’s no “wrong” way to use the resources we give you.
  • We’ll send you a new assignment via email each weekday at midnight GMT. Weekends are free.
  • Each course will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

Registration is now closed! To see what’s coming up in September, visit the Blogging U. home page.

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  1. Hi! I have registered but I’m kind of hesitant since my classes will start on August 3rd and I might be too busy to comply with your requirements. Anyway, I still do hope I’d have time for this and learn a lot! Thanks so much 😀


  2. Hi! So, if you email a new assignment every day, does that mean I can do each assignment in my own time? It’s just that I’ll be away during much of the course. I’m hesitant to sign up incase I miss too much 😦


  3. Sounds cool! On the registration, do you want our real name or “blog name”aka pen name. My family don’t know about my blog – cheers


  4. This sounds great! I’d love to try something like this during the school year – will Blogging 101 be offered again sometime in September or the months after?


    1. We only offer the course in English at the moment, although we always have non-English-blogging bloggers participate — the assignments are all n English, but you’re free to blog in any language you like.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Any blogger can participate; we usually have a number of self-hosted bloggers, and we’ve had folks using other platforms entirely, like Blogger or Tumblr.

      While most of the more step-by-step how-tos we have are focused, the assignments overall can be completed by any blogger, and we always try to include extra tips and suggestions for those with self-hosted blogs.


  5. Yes, I’d love to do this again ….. daily is a bit much for me as I found out …. so can polish up those I did and move on another few lessons 🙂


  6. I’m super excited to join in on the fun. Now that the blog will be used for more than just fun (although fun is still a must) I think I need all the help I can get.


  7. Hi,

    This sounds great, thank you. Just one question .. I am still putting my blog together and it is presently (and has been for some time) ‘under construction’. If its not up and running by the time the course starts does it matter? I see from the registration form that my URL is required.

    Many thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope, it doesn’t matter. Some of the aspects of the course might help you move your blog forward and you might be able to take your “under construction” sign down. 🙂


    2. No, it doesn’t matter, and URL isn’t required — the only mandatory field is your email address, as that’s how you get assignments and access to the private course site.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Hi, just signed up. Not totally sure if I’ll be able to complete all the assignments as currently nomadding around Europe but will do my best. Just want to learn as much as possible and any tips or advice would be great.


  9. I just registered. I published my first 2 days ago. This is a whole new world! I am looking forward to a new adventure!

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