Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

Photo by <a href="">Beachfront Solutions</a> <a href="">(CC BY-SA 2.0)</a>

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  1. Hi guys!

    I run a relatively laid-back blog that incorporates personal opinion, a bit of comedy and a young voice (Hence the blog title: The Thoughts of a Millennial). The URL is and I’d appreciate some feedback if possible!

    I do appreciate that my blog differs from bigger blogs that are very theme-oriented, so it may not be everybody’s cup of tea.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. My apologies, since I didn’t read your new post but I did check out your home page and let me say it’s gorgeous. Your first post also has inviting tone that makes me want to follow it.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Also, I’m a newbie at blogging and got into it after helping multiple people design and set up their webpages. I was hoping for some feedback about my post and some tips for increasing traffic or views to my blog for free. My post is the “Ultimate Back to School (9th Grade) Supplies Haul” in my school survival guide column – I would love any feedback (good,bad, harsh, or even blatant) and can give any advice on graphic design.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your post looks great! Very professional looking. I found the best thing for my post was adding at least one photo (which you did) because when you share it it looks so much better. I post my blogs on Google+ I find it really helps drive people to my blog


  2. Hello Blogosphere:)
    My blog is about everything I love, a bit of fashion, amazing cooking and quality movies:)
    I love writing and recently I’ve discovered I have a passion for photography!
    I am hosting each week a photo and a quote challenge, so if you want to meet other bloggers and share your best work, come and visit MyRedPage:)
    I would love some feedback about the layout of my blog as I’ve recently changed the theme?!
    Thank you:)

    this is me

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your blog is definitely easily to navigate but you may want to start using the read more button in your posts because all your full posts can be viewed on your homepage. This could also limit the views each post individually gets. Your color scheme for your webpage is inviting and the side bar widgets are organized into an effective order. Nice work on your webpage design

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi. I like your title. Iit’s snappy and memorable. I teach in the UK so I’m not sure what age 9th grade is – our Yr9 would be year would be 13 and 14 yr olds. Is that the same for you?? Your stationary list is very helpful – I’m hoping that you don’t carry ALL of that around in your backpack all day! On your tech and TV pages you could put a little message from you as you just get a “not found” message so it’s a bit offputting as it makes the site feel a bit unfinished as a visitor. I’m still trying to work out how to drive traffic – I use twitter quite a lot to publicise posts. hope that helps!


      2. Thanks for the advice on my “TVTIME” and “NDGTECH” pages, and my cousin told me that Yr10 is actually equivalent to grade 9. Also, for the read more edit, all you need to do is once your new posts are complete go to the tool bar and insert the “Read More Tag” in where you think would be the best for your post. I think this may solve your problem and increase your views per post. LINK:


    2. Very well laid out, I can tell a lot of time and effort has gone into the overall presentation and it’s well worth a visit.


  3. Totally, totally, totally new at blogging – Loving it but feeling a little overwhelmed. Would welcome feedback to the blog so far including the overall concept and possible ways to help reach my target audience. The ultimate goal of the blog is to inspire new entrepreneurs through the stories of others.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, hello, that is a lot of pink. (I wouldn’t take it personally; pink just isn’t my color.) I can see that you have a definite theme in mind and you appear to be sticking to it. I might recommend reworking your widgets to help others better connect with you; I had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog to find your social media accounts and Follow option. Not everyone is willing to make the effort to scroll through to find all that.


      1. Also, I’m a newbie at blogging and got into it after helping multiple people design and set up their webpages. I was hoping for some feedback about my post and some tips for increasing traffic or views to my blog for free. My post is the “Ultimate Back to School (9th Grade) Supplies Haul” in my school survival guide column – I would love any feedback (good,bad, harsh, or even blatant) and can give any advice on graphic design.


    1. The dancer in me loved the piece on Misty Copeland and the photographer in me loved your compositions. Wasn’t able to go too far back in your history but was intrigued enough to follow – can’t wait to see/read more!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with debooWORKS. All of the badges and such have turned your widgets area into a bit of a crowded, unintelligible mess. You may want to look into reorganizing the area or creating a separate page for your affiliations and such.


  4. Hi everyone, I write a lifestyle blog about how natives like me stay busy in New York City, please giveme any feedback relating to the post or layout, or any tweeks I could make for the reading to be as enjoyable as possible . Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello, all.
    I have few questions this week, but they’re all interrelated. I have been getting a great deal of likes and gain a follower or two every week, but my views continue to be fairly low. My girlfriend, who started her blog at the same time (in the same class, no less) has the opposite trend, she gets a lot of views but fewer followers and likes. She suggested my lack of views might stem from my layout, as cleaner, less organic themes seem to be popular lately and mine is deliberately reminiscent of a landscape. Do you think she might be right? Would changing my layout help me with views, or, as I said in defense of my plant pictures, would the changes not matter given that people would need to be visiting in the first place to be turned off by my page’s appearance?

    Thanks for any advice,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Are you’re followers subscribed by email? Make sure that you’re only sending the excerpts and not the full post in the email subscription. When you send them the full post, they can read straight from their email without viewing your blog, meaning you’re loosing a lot of views for each post. I would suggest adding a read more break after you feel liked you have hooked the reader in each post.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’m still looking for where the settings are for email. I’d like to think your surmise is correct and that I’m, in reality, incredibly popular, ha. Thanks for your suggestion.


      3. Also you’re layout looks great so only change if you feel like it. Also, I was hoping for some feedback about my post and some tips for increasing traffic or views to my blog for free. My post is the “Ultimate Back to School (9th Grade) Supplies Haul” in my school survival guide column – I would love any feedback (good,bad, harsh, or even blatant).


      4. I think your post looks good, but it is a bit long. I’ve read several times from several sources that 650 words is about the limit for the internet’s attention span. I realize that doing a comprehensive back to school supply review in 650 words is nearly impossible, so the only thing I can think of would be to add more pictures of your materials earlier in your post. Break up the text into smaller chunks so that a reader gets less a sense of an overwhelming number of words.

        As for the content, you’re spot on. The post was very well written.

        I hope this is of some help, good luck in your future posting.


    1. Thank you for your advice on the word limit. Also, for the email subscription edit, all you need to do is once your new posts are complete go to the tool bar and insert the “Read More Tag” in where you think would be the best for your post. I think this may solve your problem and increase your views per post. LINK:


    2. Do you have a link to your girlfriend’s blog so that we might compare and contrast?

      Right now all I can really say would be to reduce your tags on your posts to 10 or less, otherwise it’s harder for people to find you.


      1. @Leisel — you’re absolutely right about not over-tagging, just slightly off with the number: posts become invisible in the Reader once they have more than 15 tags and categories in total. Anything under than is fine, though it’s obviously not necessary to use up all 15 with every single post.


  6. Hello everyone, I write an art blog focusing not just on my own artwork but works of other artists both past and present, I’d greatly appreciate any feedback on my blog and new followers if you find it interesting. I’m also happy to check out other people’s blogs of similar interests just let me know the link. Thank you and my link is

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the feedback, to be honest most of them are scanned and any that aren’t were too big for my scanner; I appreciate your comment!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting, but woah. So. Many. Tags. Did you know it’s actually harder for people to find you on WordPress if you have over 10 tags for a post?

      As a fellow caffeine addict, love your coffee art!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I literally found that out yesterday so my newer post has got a lot less haha, I must admit I have been overly zealous with tagging in the past but I’ve grasped the concept now. Thank you very much for you comment and yes caffeine addiction is certainly a plus in that respect!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey (again!) I have a little question.. So, I love taking photographs and I only am an amateur therefore my pictures do not equal a talent of any kind. Yet, I would love to share them.. So I’m asking you, according to you what does i take to create a photo blog? (I’d rather not post them on my current blog as they are not very special).

    Giulia x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi there fellow bloggers!

    Hope you’re all doing well today! It’s a hot one here in TN. We’re not sure our AC unit can keep up with our plans to make homemade sauce from (the garden) tomatoes today. Just wanted to pop by to ask if you take a gander at our blog. We’d love the feed back.
    We also recently wrote a tutorial on skillet Flatbread. This no bake bread is delightful. Coming soon the recipe on grilled Flatbread pizza! Lots of yummy stuff going on.

    Thanks so much in advance.
    Jamie & Jeffrey

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Did you know that everything at the bottom of your blog has been posted twice? It’s a little odd. I would also recommend adding a tagline to your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello,
    I’m one of the writers from i just posted a piece about how I decided to unfriend my ex on Facebook and would appreciate any feedback on it.

    Also, I need some advice on arranging the posts since they are written by two different authors; do you guys think it would be a good idea if we post the name of the authors in the titles or should we just leave it the way it is? ?

    Thanks in advance! Also please let me know if you want any feedback on your blog.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello. I like the idea of the two of you co-posting. I have seen it elsewhere, but you are each doing your own thing, while still collaborating. I would say 2 options on the arrangement of post. Leave like it is (I like that) or, do separate pages, but I think that takes away from what you two have. Its a good looking site, thank you for sharing.


  10. Hello! I’d love to use this opportunity to network and connect with you amazing bloggers. I’m fairly new in the blogging game, and I’d like to reach out to you all. I love connecting with creatives alike. So please stop by my blog, leave me a message, and let’s get this ball rolling! Love you all. (SN: I’d also like feedback on my writing and layout, if you don’t mind) Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love the overall layout of your website but it seems more suitable for a photography website. Is your website more focused on photography? Also, it would’ve been easier to navigate throughout your website if I could get a glimpse of an excerpt of each post instead of just photos, if that makes any sense..Other than that, very beautiful website! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. As I acquire more resources, I plan to change the theme. I realized that using the current layout displays all my posts upfront, which is easier than scrolling down for those who want to browse the site. I definitely will consider your advice. Thank you!


      2. Thank you so much! I’ve pondered on your advice. I think that was a brilliant suggestion. As a college student, funds are tight, but as soon as I make the changes. I’ll let you know. Thank you, and keep in touch (idk if that’s weird)

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello all! I’m starting to get the hang of blogging and would appreciate if you could all spare a minute to check it out and tell me your thoughts. It’s a book, travel, and personal blog, although until now I’ve only managed to post things about books.

    Hopefully you enjoy it!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s really getting there. My only recommendation at this time would be to move up the email follow widget up. When it’s down at the bottom it makes it seem like gaining followers is a sort of afterthought.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the suggestion. I was having quite a difficult time to find the perfect place for it, so I’ll definitely move it up.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Good afternoon. I’m a newbie at blogging and got into it after helping multiple people design and set up their webpages. I was hopping for some feedback about my post and some tips for increasing traffic or views to my blog for free. My post is the “Ultimate Back to School (9th Grade) Supplies Haul” in my school survival guide column – I would love any feedback (good,bad, harsh, or even blatant). Also if you need tips or advice on graphic design, don’t be afraid to ask.

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Greetings and happy early Bastille Day!!! I wanted to share my latest post on a really cool Bastille celebration I went to over the weekend in Philadelphia, the “Storming of the Bastille” at Eastern State Penitentiary. It had a caberet singer in drag as Edith Piaf, Ben Franklin and his liberty belles, a bunch of Tastykakes flung from the roof of a prison, and dance routines. C’mon. You know you want to see pictures 😉

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Initial reaction: Oh God, you’re not serious. Tell me you’re not serious.
      Upon clicking: Oh… oh dear. You’re serious and this is happening. And I can’t click away from this. Why can I not click away from this?
      This seems like a great way to piss off a lot of people all at once, and it is criminal for guys to look that good in a dress. (Oh, those legs…)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My reaction was the same way when I found out about it. “Wait… What? Is it… OH MY GOD! I HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!” And it was really well done. It made no pretense about historical accuracy and are very cutting in its contemporary social and political commentary. It was brilliant. And, yeah, I wish my legs could look like that in a mini-skirt. Or walk and dance well in heels…

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re blog is looking great, but I would suggest using the “Read More Tag” on your posts so you analyze how they’re doing individually and to add follow button on your sidebar, so people without wordpress can subscribe. I am also a newbie blogger and found these tips sort of helped

      Liked by 2 people

    2. For the read more edit, all you need to do is once your new posts are complete go to the tool bar and insert the “Read More Tag” in where you think would be the best for your post. I think this may solve your problem and increase your views per post. LINK:


  14. I have just written a couple new posts on my infant of a blog. I just started my blog less than 2 weeks ago and have been loving and struggling at the same time. So far it’s mostly about adventures, nature, and personal ideas and what not. It would mean the world to me if someone could give me some feedback as i take these shots in the dark when it comes to blogging!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I am also new to blogging as well, and while your blog seems intriguing – the dark background kind of scared me off. If it’s your preference leave it alone, but I would suggest making it white or a brighter color so it seems more inviting. Also add a follow button and work on your widget side bar.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Hello:)
      Your blog looks really great, your header picture is really good:)
      I do like your theme and I think the black background adds a bit of personality, if you are ever unsure of the theme you’re using, you can always try others:)
      Keep writing about what you love, categorise your posts so it’s easier to find the old one:)
      Add pictures to your posts, people are more visual these days:)
      Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Hi guys! I hope you’re having a good evening.

    I run a literature lifestyle blog called Little Litterateur. In case my avatar still doesn’t link to it, here is the URL:

    I would love to know if you guys think I’m striking the right kind of note with my content! The aim is to be serious about literature but for an everyday type of audience, and to engage with people who study literature for a living as well as those who are only casual readers.

    Additionally, my layout and background, as well as About and Author pages, have been updated.

    Please let me know what you think!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Dear Abby (couldn’t resist 🙂 ) I think overall you’re headed in the right direction but here were my specific thoughts.
        Things that work:
        -The Content is great. I especially enjoyed “Beautiful Words Online: Religion”
        -The header, and the background suit the content.

        Things that I think would make it better:
        -I don’t think you need two separate About Pages and might want to think about combining them.

        Otherwise great job! Also, nice to meet another diehard fallout fan!


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello:)
      Your blog looks amazing and I love your enthusiasm and energy that comes across tom your writing:)
      The only suggestion I would give you is about the background of the blog…it looks great but I found it sometimes difficult to read your posts with all the lines behind it:) It’s just a thought:)
      Otherwise…great work so far:)


  16. Hi all! I am still fairly new to the blogging world. I started up my blog at the beginning of June and have been trying to keep up with it ever since. I don’t really have anything specific I want to write about, I just enjoy writing. However, I have recently started a weekly feature and that is chemistry lessons (I am a major in chemistry and it is kind of the name of my blog). I also have been doing a few book reviews too of recent novels I have read, as well as just writing about what I kind of feel like. Here is the link to my blog. I will also take comments and advice on the appearance of my blog too as well as my writing. I was thinking about changing some widgets and moving them around. Constructive criticism is always welcome!! Thank you!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi

      Initial thoughts: make use of tags and categories. Not all readers will want to read all your posts, so (for instance) will look at only book reviews, or only chemistry stuff.

      Check out the use of Menu options – this is available in wordpress, and is not too hard when you get used to the idea. As an example, I have one across the top of my blog (

      Check out your blog in several different browsers – is it coming out like you want it too? I’d encourage using different layouts until you find the one you like

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I like your menu! I definitely am interested in making one of my own and will have to look into it, as well as different layouts, although I do like this one. But thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Samantha,

      I have a couple comments about the layout:

      -I think the double row of widgets on the side is perhaps a bit busy, especially because it means you just have a huge margin of white space as you scroll down the page. You should probably think, with each widget you add, about whether or not the widget fits your blog theme. Your music and your gallery, for instance, may not fit the theme of ‘casual chemistry and other thoughts’ because it’s much more personal, like a travel diary blog.

      However, if you want to keep them or add different ones (things to consider: Twitter? Goodreads? You can also add a text box with a bit about you/the blog to sit in your sidebar!) you can just add them going down in a single column. Your reader has to scroll down the entire page to get to the rest of your posts anyway! Just put the important ones (subscribe, categories) at the top. 🙂

      -Make sure you find high-quality pictures to feature on your posts! If you look at a single post, like the one about vanilla or your book review, you’ll see that a low-res or small picture gets pixelly when blown up so big. Additionally, think about using your own pictures, or at least giving credit to the source of your pics!

      -I’m a fan of putting the Archives widget at the bottom of the page, but that’s up to you.

      -The About page is waaay at the top, where it’s easy to miss. This is ok, if the About page (or any other future pages!) isn’t very important to the blog content, but I second another commenter’s thought about looking through different themes.

      -I love the header!

      Sorry for the long comment, I just think that layout is really important when it comes to catching the readers’ eye! Best of luck working it out, feel free to contact me if you have questions.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t mind that it’s long! I need criticism to see what I can fix. I agree about widgets and I think I will take some out and move them, I will try things out and see what I like. I definitely need a time to sit down and sort everything out. I love your advice! Thank you very much!


      2. But also, for the pictures, I usually just find something I like on Google to use, but I really don’t like how they get blown up so big. I have tried fixing the pictures by changing sizes, but it doesn’t help and I’m at a loss for things to do to change it.


      3. Unfortunately, without wordpress premium/whatever you need to be able to edit themes’ CSS coding, you probably won’t be able to stop the pictures from being fitted to the premade template for the blog. Your best bet is just to find the biggest (file size & canvas size) pictures you can for what you’re doing so they will fit the template. I think the WordPress Daily Blog did a post on where to find free not-Shutterstock photos, so that might be a good place to start– they’ll be big enough for anything you want to use, pretty, and rather ambiguous so you can use them for whatever kind of post. Otherwise, I would just leave out a picture (I believe what you’re doing is making one the “Featured Image”, right?) if you don’t have a big enough one, and just add the picture (the “Add Media” button in a post editor) to the main post so you can adjust its’ size.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I am doing the featured image on most of my posts. From now on I will try to find bigger images, or just pick a different layout so the picture isn’t huge.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello:)
      Loved reading your last post:)
      As feedback, I would say maybe add some colour to your blog, use pictures alongside your posts but if the idea was to keep it very simple, you can always keep it as it is:)
      For future posts, decide what topics you are going to touch and categorise/tag your posts so your readers will find them easier:)
      You are on the right track, there are just a few bits and bobs along the way….visit other blogs and get some inspiration, connect with others and your blog will be growing in no time:)
      Best of luck,


      1. Thank you for your feedback!
        Yeah, the idea is to keep my blog as simple as possible. But, I will try to add a matching picture, at least a featured pic, for my future posts.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Anything you do, make sure your blog reflects what you want it to be about..if you are happy with it, that is the most important:)
        Good luck!


    1. Hello! I guess you’re talking about the piece “Turners to See” because it’s your most recent.

      To start, I think the phrase “turners to see” is a unique one that feels good rolling off the tongue, so I think it’s a good choice to leave in the last line and the title.

      Here are some thoughts:

      -I’m not sure what Turners are. I can’t tell, from context, if they are a type of boat or a type of painting! I Googled it and it looks like they’re a painting from an artist named Turner, right? While it’s good to have a bit of mystery in flash fiction, when a concept is this important to your theme, you should be as explicit as possible. It’s likely no one would know who this guy is. Maybe your narrator ruminates on his life while painting the boats– I’m sure I would wonder why a guy would paint so many boats at sea, and use so much yellow paint. I think being clearer about this will help the readability of the story a lot.

      -Think about what you want out of the microfiction when you go to edit it. Microfiction is great because it really allows you to get out an impressionistic moment in time with beautiful language, but it should still have weight for the character and for the reader.

      I think the ending is almost there in terms of this; you can tell there is something bothering the narrator (“I was the one swelled [should be swollen] and weighted with salt water”, I love it) but there are no hints to what they’re thinking or what impression the painting really made on them. Do they look at the yellow paradises in a different light, now? Also, who is the “us” that gets consumed?

      -I do not think you need the line “I glanced slightly to the left, slightly to the right, as I passed.” and I think that “They merged together, a collective blur” is somewhat lazy/ does not say much on its own– make sure you ask yourself, for every single word in your microfiction, “is this purposeful?”

      I really loved the writing of the second half especially! Just make sure you pin down what the theme/purpose/emotion of the microfiction is going to be and then revise words to fit that theme. Sorry for the lengthy comment. I wish there was a better way to give critique!

      Best of luck & keep writing. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for your feedback! It’s really helpful to get comments like this, and I really appreciate the time and thought that went into your comment. You had really good advice too, which is what I’m really interested in so I can improve my writing 🙂


    1. Hi Patricia, the following is only advice and you may take or ignore it as you please.
      *I’m not sure how big your site is traffic wise, but I think the general failing with these things is a lack of traffic and people don’t want to be there on their own
      *However, traffic does not always translate into participation. and from what I can see the challenge is quite general. Too general? Possibly, you may find it better to concentrate on (for example) flash fiction inspired by the quote so that you appeal to the niche (this is pure theorising though)
      *If you have not already, consider getting a listing at the Daily Post events page
      *I think what you need is regular participants. I run a weekly flash fiction event (Flash Fiction Foray) and the entries usually come from a core of about 4 (very nice) bloggers, so if possible I think building a core participation is a good idea
      *I’m not sure if you already do, but consider a round-up post linking and commenting on entrants’ posts with a link to their work
      *Blogging 101 is likely a good place to meet potential entrants
      These are only ideas and it looks like an event that is full of potential, so please ignore or act on them as you see fit.
      Best, Matt

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Matt, thanks for the advice. I am going to take your suggestion about the Daily Post listing. I’m not sure about the hop being too general because I like having the option to write in different forms, but I may rethink it. The round-up​ post sounds like a good idea…now all I need is something to round-up. 🙂 Again thanks for giving me some of your insight. I appreciate it.

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi everyone, I am a girl who writes a blog about…whatever I feel like writing about! I would love any and all feedback and would love to gain some new readers!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. hey there – enjoyed your post – i would remove the last paragraph though or at least the first line – NEVER APOLoGISE for what you write – if people don’t like it they will not come back but don’t suggest to people that what you have written is not worth reading – be bold in your writing and let people make their own decisions on whether to stay or leave…

        Keep on
        love brett fish


      2. Thank you so much, I never thought of that. I will go edit right now, thanks for the encouragement! This will definitely change my writing! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person