Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

Photo by <a href="">redjar</a> <a href="">(CC BY-SA 2.0)</a>

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

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  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once! We tend to delete duplicate comments asking for feedback on the same post.
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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    1. Hello, again! I wonder why you are always the first to comment. But anyways, I love the interview/post. Can I ask something? How did you do the “Follow me on Social Media” part on your sidebar? It is not like the design I’ve seen.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I found the icons I wanted through google and made them into buttons that are linked to my social media accounts. I created HTML codes for all of them and put them in a Text Widget on the sidebar

        Liked by 5 people

    2. Loved this post so much I shared it on my Facebook page. I did catch a few grammatical errors but I am a teacher so they may not bother anybody else. Other than that it was amazing. Loved you pictures.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Howdy amigos,

    I’m putting the finishing touches on a post about my favorite street art but I’m not sure how to go about the layout.
    If you could look at an old photo post I did about street art and offer feedback I would be forever in your debt.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. I love the uniqueness and creativity in your style so much, that you gained a follower. I feel, however, maybe you drift off too much in emotions, thus the language suffers sometimes. A solution for that is to write more, edit more.

        Keep posting!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Just took a look. I enjoyed the photos, but like other commenters have mentioned it would be great if the text and photos could be larger. It was hard to read the photos that had something written on signs.
        I don’t have specific about the layout — I think you can pretty much do whatever makes sense for you. But on the post you linked to — I had a little trouble following which photos were being compared, so maybe keep that in mind if you follow the same format for the new post.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks a ton for the feedback everyone!
        I like the theme I’m using but I’ll try to use a bigger font, in addition to formatting the photos in a more uniform way.
        May all your dreams come true!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your pictures…they tell so many stories:)
      I love photography so I am always glad to look around other blogs:) Keep doing what you are doing, because it looks great!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I like the ominous tone, and the short sentences set it up well. The “him” and Evil references do a great job of introducing and reinforcing the supposed antagonist without revealing what/who it is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome. That’s what I wanted to hear. Thanks for reading and I hope you stop by again.


    2. Why do you use quotes around “he”? It works the first few times, but then it just seems redundant. Wouldn’t it make just as much sense without them? Otherwise, nice story idea!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I do it just so that people know I’m talking about the same person, and also to emphasize that that is not his real name. Thanks! I hope you stop by again.


  2. Hey everyone, do you guys have any thoughts on “Time Management”? Well…now you can share your views with us over here:
    It is mainly a one line post but there are some poll questions. All you have to do is comment you opinion on “Time Management”. It can be anything; facts, information or pure opinions. Once you have done so, I’ll reply to your comment and we will start a disscussion. So, I’ll be waiting to hear out you thoughts.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Lilypups,
        I actually quite like the photo. For me it portrays the high, the low and the powers that be – which I associate with being bipolar. And the person in the field having to deal with it. I think it is a good photo but if you have been looking at it for too long, by al means… change it. 🙂
        Hope my comment, undecisive as it is, still helps you.
        Regards, Martine

        Liked by 3 people

    1. I like the image but I think that maybe you can experiment with another picture. That’s all! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think your header pictorially represents the theme of your blog, with the stark contrast in colours and it blends with the background. If you really want to change it, try a picture which does that! My personal suggestion would be to stay with it.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I understand, I actually have mine forever on a rotating banner. It makes things a little fun. But I actually really like your header image. If you want a change maybe it is time for a new one, it’s up to you!

      Liked by 2 people

    4. I really liked your header, because like most of the others said, it’s a pretty good representation of the theme of your blog. Also I feel nice, like I’m standing in an open space when I look at it. But if you want to change it because it’s been there too long, you should go ahead! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    5. A change of header image is a personal thing really, if you want to change it then change it. My theme I think has about 5 images that it automatically rotates between, you may be able to choose that with your theme.

      I would say that the image has to match the blog not really the writing per se, but it is all down to personal choice.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello, everyone! I am Jerrod and I blog about my random thoughts and likes. Lately, i have been editing my blog so I would like to hear something from you if you love it or not.
    How can I improve my writing style?
    Did you like my blog?
    Any suggestions or advices?

    Here is the link to my blog:

    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello!
      I really liked your style, the only thing that sometimes broke my flow was how you sometimes have posts which have paragraphs lasting a single sentence. Other than that, you have a lot of links leading to the same page, for example, to go to DIY’s, there are a few different ways. I feel that could be simplified.

      Other than that, I had a nice time going through your posts, which are simple, yet deliver a larger message

      Keep posting!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I really enjoyed going through your blog! You have a very simple and unique style of writing and it’s fun to read. Also, I loved the layout of your blog – I’m partial to blogs with big letters and headers! Good job. 🙂


    2. Your blog looks really neat…organised, love it:)
      For me personally the blue picture in the background it’s a little bit distracting, but that’s just me:)
      I love your recipes…yummmmmm:)

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I’ll start by saying I do like your blog!

      When it comes to improving your writing style, my best advice would be to just write as much as possible. I know it sounds simplistic, but that’s what all the articles I’ve read have said.

      The more you write, the better you’ll get. I went back and read my first blog post and compared it to my latest and saw a HUGE difference.

      Keep up the good work!


    4. Jerrod, I am assuming English is not your first language? Still, your english is pretty good. Some grammar could be improved but that’s ok, you’ll get there with time!
      The layout is awesome. Bright, easy to navigate and easy to read. Well done with that, my friend!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. it is “good”, not “great” 😦 i always want my readers to experience the “great”

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Then they will! You obviously have the motivation. You will learn! And seriously your English is really good now. You only need a few tweeks


      1. Thank you! I spent quite a while looking at which layouts worked for me so I’m pleased to have some good feedback about that! I appreciate the feedback, I’ll come and look at your blog now too 🙂


      1. Thank you! Most of them are my own, either taken the day I post or in my archive. I’ve used a couple of borrowed images when I’ve been really stuck but I always edit them and try and rejig them into something new… I explained one for you on another post 🙂


    1. I love your photos and how you word things. I do find that sometimes the tone of voice goes suddenly from this fluttery, nuanced language, to an abrupt halt, likely brought on by the use of a more common word or phrase. Perhaps that’s what you’re going for? It doesn’t happen in every piece. Just here and there.
      I also love the layout of your blog. Clean and easy to navigate. Well done.
      P.s. mind checking my blog and letting me know what you think?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi April! Thank you for visiting my blog and for the great feedback. It guess it’s the style I’ve coined for my personal writing really. I’m quite descriptive and I love literary pieces, but I’ve also got a very dry humour, and that sarcasm seeps into a few posts, that’s probably what you’re seeing! I like a long sentence, but sometimes I feel the need to bring it back a little so it’s not too verbose, as I’m not sure my readers would appreciate it, so that’s another reason I go from one to another in one piece! I shall come and visit you now 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I love how you use your own voice in that post. I never seen any review like that. You are so unique.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ll leave a comment over on the actual post bc I just watched the movie and am excited to hear other’s thoughts. My one piece of constructive feedback would be to consider including fewer spoilers. As a reviewer, I think you want to have a good balance between explaining what happens in the movie generally and sharing your opinion on what works and doesn’t, without ruining the movie for anyone who hasn’t watched it yet.
      That said, I appreciated how in depth and though-out your post was!


      1. I have not read the post, because I saw your suggestion about less spoilers. A review (in my opinion) should contain very few, if any, spoilers to the film, if that review contains multiple spoilers to the film then regardless how good the writing is I wouldn’t want to read it before I saw the movie.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting post. I remember a big controversy about that, specifically Traffic Sports, a year or two ago, but I never looked into what (if anything) was done about it.

      I would maybe add a little more information about third party ownership to your post – why does Falcao have it, how does it happen, etc. – to flesh it out a bit.

      Your opening paragraph is also a bit choppy – try combining some of the sentences, especially the ones that start with conjunctions, and keep an eye on your punctuation – you tend to skip the space after commas and you’re also missing one before an opening parentheses. You might also want to spell out that “WC” is “World Cup” for any readers who may be new to soccer/football.

      Overall an interesting intro to an often overlooked sports topic.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I would suggest giving each post an individual title. Even if you want to keep the category of “My Thoughts May” (which I imagine will later become “My Thoughts June”…July…etc.), add a specific title to it with a colon. “My Thoughts May: My First Book” or “My Thoughts May: Interesting Things About Me”. Because for someone just looking at your homepage, there are three posts with the same exact title listed under “Recent Posts” and then you start to wonder if the same post somehow got duplicated or triplicated. It’s not clear that there are 3 separate posts on distinct topics.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey Alex! I really like how you review things and how you allow your quirky voice to come through! However, Maybe try to let the posts flow a bit more instead of chopping them up into such short sentances. I really like a few instances of a quick sentence to make a point, but too many makes a post difficult to read.
      P.s. do you mind reviewing my blog?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey all,

    I recently started an education blog and would love for any feedback and support you might be able to provide. I’m trying to become more regular with my posts, but any input on design would be much appreciated!


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hello, I suggest making a menu. Just that but other than that, your blog is amazing. I love the theme!


    1. Your posts are very well-written and engaging. Your About page might do with an edit, it seems a bit rambling to me…

      One thing I was wondering and wasn’t really clear on after scrolling through your recent articles – are you writing about football generally (any league/player that strikes your interest), or do you focus on any particular aspects? I saw posts about the Champions League, the Bundesliga, the Premier League, Ligue 1. Is it all of European football? Is it only European football?

      Either way, that could be something you add to your About page. “I cover everything interesting in football from everywhere” or “I write mainly about European football” or what have you. You could also add a tagline to your site it make it less generic while you work on that witty title you mentioned 🙂


      1. Thanks Alex! That’s some really good feedback.
        I’ll have a look at the About page, my style is usually rambly without editing and I just put this together on a whim.
        In terms of what I write about, it’s everything football. Whatever catches my eye, If I think it’s worth writing about, I will do so.
        I do have a tagline, but it seems this theme may well have hidden it. I’ll have another look and perhaps add something else.
        I really appreciate all the feedback, as I said, it’s really helpful and exactly what I was looking for.
        Thank you!


  5. Hello everyone!

    I really like the pool, it gives me a great opportunity to discover new blogs. When I first posted here, I mostly searched for poetry blogs, since that was the theme of my page.

    I ended up discovering great photography and travel pages too!

    I’d love to discover pages related to diverse genres, to open up my mind more. I’ll definitely try to give feedback if I love your work! I’d love to receive feedback on my posts as well. I’m relatively new here, thus still unsure whether I am posting the right stuff, and with the right theme. I’d also like suggestions on how to diversify my work.

    Happy Monday, and happy posting!
    Any type of feedback is welcome!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I don’t like the font of your header, learn how to change it ! Also do write some humorous stuff ! I read your the blog awards post it was really funny ! so do write more humorous.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello Noor. I did like your poetry, though some of it is a little dark for my taste. Although your layout is simplistic, I think some design may enhance your blog. I am currently working on that myself, though so I don’t have any advice in that area. I am currently reading Blog Design for Dummies and WordPress for Dummies. I do recommend them as they are easy to read and give great tips.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I am not big on poetry so don’t really follow blogs dedicated to that, however from a layout point of view I think that your site looks pretty good, although I will say that because the theme is quite predominantly grey I think your posts/blog as a whole would benefit from good sized pictures at the top of each of your posts to break up the greyness. (Something along the size of picture as in your waterfall post).

      You have an about page but it doesn’t really tell us much, this is more of a personal thing (on my part) I guess.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi everyone!

    I published a new book review yesterday and would love to know what non-bookworms and readers think: Also, if you can, do critique and give me suggestions for the overall layout and readability of my blog. I would love to know how I can improve. Thank you so much!

    I also enjoy browsing and contributing to the community pool, so don’t hesitant to ask me to take a look at your blog. I’d love to help in any way I can and meet new bloggers!

    Happy Monday! 😀

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Overall, I really like the format and flow! Just a matter of personal taste: there are a couple “big” paragraphs in the middle. I, being impatient, initially skipped through to the last paragraph, then worked my way back up. I might have been more likely to read straight through on the first time if either the piece was streamlined a little bit or if the paragraphs were broken up a little bit.

      But, overall, I liked it!

      Liked by 4 people

    2. A little long winded for a book review I think. I ended up scanning through the last couple of paragraphs. Your enthusiasm for the author, though, has made me want to read her books. I just started a new blog about everything in my mind so feel free to pop over and give me some constructive criticism. I am a science nerd too and love to read. Book reviews are on my list of things to add to my blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! And thank you for your honesty! I will try to work on making things more pithy so it holds the readers’ attention hopefully. And I clicked to your blog and it worked, but for some reason when I click on a post in comes up blank. It could be the univ’s wifi. But I will definitely get back to you when I get home with more stable internet! Thanks again!


      2. Hi again! I’m home and tried to check out the posts on your blog. Unfortunately, I’m still receiving the error and coming up with blank posts. :/


      3. I’ll check it out. Right now I only have 4 posts on my home page and the other pages I’ve created are blank. I’m trying to figure out how to get a post linked to certain pages.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes minimalistic and simple blogs are the best. Since your blog is more tailored for people that want a good laugh, this is probably the best layout since the simplicity doesn’t distract your readers away from the humor. Like your main blog, I would suggest maybe adding a follow widget on one of your sidebars. Since it’s seems like you already have blogging experience down, I think it’s on a great start! Good luck with side blog, and I appreciate the feedback you gave me (mine was about the book review)!


  7. Hello lovelies!
    I am still quite new to blogging and would love some more support and ideas for how I could improve and things! I am a teenage Christian girl blogging about my life and lots of other things!

    I’ll be sure to return any favours 🙂

    Thank you!! Xxx

    Liked by 5 people

    1. What a great post. It’s hard trying to come up with something that hasn’t been fully formed – my blog’s certainly morphed over the time I’ve been writing it. And that’s before running into the problem of someone having got to the best names already. (At least you can name a baby the same as someone else’s kid.)
      But I think your blog name is great. It gives you scope.

      Liked by 4 people

  8. I would love help with themes and how to fix my blog so it looks more aesthetically pleasing instead of just bland and boring. I’m new to the site so I’m still trying to figure things out. I would also love help getting more readers for my blog, but I know that being new I need to be patient with this. My main issue is figure out how to navigate the themes and customization settings so that I can have a good looking blog such as this one. Thank you!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I used to use the Edin theme (I’m now using Sela) but it looked a lot different as I take and share a lot of pictures.

      I’d suggest either making simple graphics for the titles of each post (I sometimes use Canva which is free and easy to learn) or adding in a few pictures.

      There’s a new Blogging101 course starting next month – you might enjoy that and make some friends – I did.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello bloggers:)
    I’ve been blogging for three months and it’s been great…recently I’ve just finished Writing 101 challenge and I would love any feedback from you about the content of my blog.
    I am thinking to change the layout/theme but I am not really sure!
    Help, please:)

    this is me

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Julia, I think that header and theme is just a bit too stark for the style of your writing. I have never liked that theme…I think it just screams when you open it. BUT your writing and the format on that post about the award was excellent.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for feedback…I had a look around and I just don’t know what would work better:) But I’ll look some more:)
        Thank you again for the lovely feedback about my posts:)


      1. Thank you! I really appreciate your comment! hehe! 🙂

        Have a great day to you too 😀


    1. Sueju,

      This is the first time I’ve seen your blog. I absolutely loved your poetry and the unique style of the poem ‘Forget Me’. The only slight problem I faced was the clutter around it, maybe you could compress the links on the sidebar, since a lot of them pint to the same page, that is improve the navigation a bit.

      Keep posting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Noor! I really appreciate your comment, and I’ll be trying to fix these navigation issues soon!

        Anyway, why can’t I find your blog? 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! haha I know I see your love stories but I just want our fellow blogger to know that you are such a great writer. You have a potential. I really wish that you will be an author!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. you will make a post about the award and there you will nominate someone and you nominated me right?


    1. I like your writing style, but the gray background for the site makes it a bit hard to read. I think the niche is just what you say in your About section: You’re trying to figure out life. I like those kind of blogs. 🙂


      1. Thank you, Sue. I did play around with the background a bit. I didn’t want too much color, but I didn’t want just white.
        I will see if I can come up with something better!
        Eventually I may change direction, but for now, I wanted to keep the content pretty open to things that I do, as well as things that interest me. Also, some current events that are relevant.
        Thank you for your time!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. hello, i am Monique and i just started up my blog, and i was wondering, how do you categorise blog post so that they are linked? thank you for your time and i really enjoy reading and learning from this blog

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hai Monique, welcome to our family..Its easy go to Wp-admin page, select post, it will show options choose category then add your category, after writing post, the side bar shows the categories you saved in your blog, pick your post’s category thats it..


    2. I love your gift giving challenge…such a brilliant idea:)
      I’ve enjoyed reading them…it’s very personal, which makes it even more interesting to your readers:)
      When you write a post on the left side of the screen you have the choice to add a category or tags…if you want more posts to be in one place, always add them to same category:)
      Hope it helps:)


  11. I’d love to get feedback on my last few posts. I write stories – most of what I post on my blog is probably classified as flash fiction. Happy to give feedback in return! (Keep in mind it’s 1AM here so I might reply tomorrow or in gibberish)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are spot-on with your theme, I love the minimalism of each post, and the whole page in general. The only problem I have is that there are too few posts! Please keep posting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoyed your argument. Well written. Love the inclusion of the historical context. Will definitely be looking for more posts! Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I like your post. The history was great to learn, and your arguments are expressed well. I am an accountant for a construction company. Although I have none, tattoos are the norm around here.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and for your reply. What is strange is that where I am from originally, many people do have or want tattoos, however they are either forced to relocate which can be expensive and sometimes impossible or are forced into jobs that may not pay well to “keep the ‘undesirables’ where they belong.” It’s not the case everywhere of course, and not every profession is as strict (thank my lucky stars I am going to cosmetology school at AVEDA), but everyone is different and may not have the opportunity that others have based on location, or may not desire the specific jobs that allow it in the area. Here is hoping it will be remedied soon when more people voice their opinion.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I live in the Bible belt and I don’t find many people opposed to tattoos. Or maybe I’m not around them. Even where I go to church, most of the people have tattoos, even the pastors. My husband and I are odd because we don’t have tattoos.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think it is just the caliber of people that lived where I did. It was a small town. Some people didn’t mind it, but the problem was that the people that DID made such a fuss about it. The voice of the few tainting the voice of the silent majority perhaps. There was however a new church set up that welcomed people no matter what they looked like or wore. They set it up because so many of the younger generation was feeling the judgement of the people from other churches, and they felt they had no where to go. But that’s just the mentality some of the people hold, and it’s one of “those” towns that just refuses to progress. It’s changing now, but slowly.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You have an interesting style of writing, it’s very conversational and really draws in the reader. It almost feels like a dialogue.

      I personally found the layout of your blog a little confusing initially (I couldn’t find the previous/next arrows to navigate between posts) but that’s probably just me being technologically inept!


    1. Can you change the font color in your sidebar? Right now the only text you can read is what’s over the dress – the site title/tagline aren’t visible and as you scroll down and the sidebar moves up, you can’t read what’s at the top.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I really like the content, but going with it, I feel the blog deserves to be more colourful! You should probably experiment with the theme?
