Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

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  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
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    1. I thoroughly enjoyed popping over. I left several comments on the blog. Love the way you are mixing it up over there. Your artwork is very creative. If that’s what you can get from collecting rubbish…alrighty then!

      Also, love the conversational tone of your site. Very personable. As I know very well, Scots are uber friendly folk.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi! Thanks so much for coming over, I really appreciate it 😀 Your comments are making me grin like a loony – I’m fair chuffed (it means I’m very pleased) Thanks very much 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I have a blog on American politics from a republican conservative perspective, and I was wondering if anyone would want to participate in writing for the blog. It would be nice if you had good grammar. You could write on anything you wanted, such as- the presidential election, or any issue. Just comment below if you are interested.(Click on my name to view the blog)

    Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I clicked on your name and got a message that your blog is no longer available. I’ll try again in a bit. I jotted down some thoughts about Christian Republicans who say they will abstain from voting in the general election if Trump gets the nomination. If he does, I’ll likely turn those jottings into a post. I’ll let you know… if you’re still here.


      1. Yep, this link worked. Left a comment on one of your posts.

        As for your most recent post: Though I agree with you that demands for special treatment, etc. sometimes go too far, your analogy seems a bit simplistic. Some would argue that people do not choose the gender issues with which they struggle. Your post did not strike me as offensive and I applaud you for that. Unless we’ve walked in someone’s shoes, and even when we have, it’s best to factor in some compassion.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I appreciate the feedback! 🙂 Most analogies break down if you take them too far. I agree that we need to be more compassionate towards these people; I just think there is a difference between compassion and letting them take advantage of us. I am trying to write these posts without degrading the people. I try to love the people, and hate the actions.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Loved your blog. Looks really professional. I think you will do great out here. Read the review on ‘Not a penny more, not a penny less’. Was the first Jeffery Archer book that i read.

        If your interested in movie titles, keep an eye out on my blog since i include one in every post.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I liked your post but the only suggestion I would like to give is that, as it’s not something with a story line or something so I think the shorter the post will be, the better.
      Just a thought.
      Hope you don’t mind. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just liked a post! 🙂 Good content, good use of photos. Yay! One thing – one of the pictures was so big that there was one word per line on my monitor – this looks a little messy.

        But it’s awesome to meet a fellow reader and reviewer 🙂 I just added you on GR as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I didn’t find a pic like that, could you tell me which line was it?
        Also, regarding yours, I felt that the menu could be used in a better fashion to make surfing the site easier!
        I will check out GR right away!


      3. It’s in the Michael Crichton review, the picture of the man in the suit. On my monitor, the paragraph is on the left, one word per line!
        And yeah, good point. I’m never sure what to do with that darn menu!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh, sure, maybe I forgot to decrease the size of it! Thank you!
        well regarding the ‘darn spooky horrendous’ vibes you get about your menu, for starters you can add your present categories as menu titles!
        You can refine it later and whenever you want!


    2. Hi Natalie,

      Thanks for the direction to your post above. I also enjoy Goodreads and had not considered it might have an effect my my writing skills. I never pursued writing post high school and honestly should have paid more attention in English. But, I think I have the essentials, and I read, a lot! Now I find myself running my photography blog and trying my darndest to articulate well what I want to say about the photos. I’m really just starting, and hopefully improving. I’d value your feedback as well. One of the elements from my Goodreads experience is the use of relevant quotes following my photo and leading into the narrative.


    1. Hi Cassie,
      What your post conveyed to me is that you were overwhelmed with new emotions and increased panic attacks. I’m glad help helped. If I were a reader who was suffering from PPD, I’d want details about what help and recovery looked like and how long it took, etc. In other words, I’d want detailed hope to which I could cling. Perhaps you’ll do that in future posts. Best wishes for your blog.


      1. Thanks for the feedback! I will be covering those topics in future posts, but should explicitly say that.


    1. May I suggest creating larger line breaks on some of your posts. Your travel tips on China were great but I could have done with a gap between each one as the very white background made the text seem more squashed together.


  2. Have you ever looked at a photo you took and had a song pop up in your head? That is what my blog aims to do-finding a connection between a still photo and the music I love. My newest one celebrates the start of the baseball season. Have a look right here and all feedback appreciated!

    Opening Day

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Great post. I find I have the same experiences with images and music.
      My only feedback, and this is strictly my personal preference, is that it was a bit long. I tend to gravitate to blogs for short articles and inspiration. Perhaps a short lead i that summarizes with a link the the more in-depth post?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Ed, I appreciate you taking the time to look at it. I’ve been writing the blog for over two and a half years and believe it or not, I used to write ones way longer than this one. Typically now I have made them much shorter, and I even do a series called Photo Shuffle that is purposely no more than two or three paragraphs. Occasionally the longer ones still escape though! Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks very much! Sometimes a movie does for me as well, but I’m all about the music so I thought that would be my focus. Thanks for the comment and I’ll be checking your blog out too. Appreciate it.


  3. Hey there! My husband and I started a blog together called “Both Sides of the Bed”. We discuss a variety of topics from both of our perspectives. Our most recent posts cover topics like breastfeeding in public, how we affect those around us, and our daughters birth story. Would love some feedback on our posts and the general usability of our page. Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Just commented. Looks like there are a couple of places where the article could be shortened to pack a more powerful punch, but otherwise, good colors, good use of image (though maybe add more), and good content. Yay!

        Would you be willing to review one of mine?

        But You’re Not a REAL Tomboy!


      1. I know vaguely where it is. I moved to Crewe from Shropshire eight months back so the North is still something of a mystery to me. Despite the fact that many Southerners believe the Midlands are the North.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello — this is just a gentle reminder that we ask bloggers only to post once with a link to their blog or post.

      You can of course comment on others’ work as much as you see fit.



      1. Hi Natalie,

        While it’s great that you respond to others’ posts and offer your feedback, I think you’re undermining your comments by adding a link to your own blog — what we call a “plug” — each time. Thank you for considering focusing squarely on the post in question. All interested bloggers can find your site easily by clicking on your user name.

        You can read more about this issue here:


    1. I enjoyed the humor in your post, though I kept hoping to see a picture of your hair style. Also, I didn’t see an About page on your site. Many of us look for an About page on our first visit to a site wanting to know the purpose of the site.


  4. Hey everyone!
    Just a simple question – how to you discipline yourself into making regular updates on your blog? Dealing with Writers’ Block as well as uploading whatever you DO write.

    Also, I’d really really appreciate it if you could check out my blog and tell me what parts you like and what you don’t? It’s
    I’d also love to lend an ear or give an opinion to anyone on the Community Pool, so feel free to ask!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi,

      I got into blogging exactly for the reason of creating that discipline. I make it a habit to keep a few draft posts ahead. So, if i’m having an off day creatively, I have a few posts waiting. Then there is the opposite end of teh spectrum, where I have written several post and want to publish them right away. So, I force myself to one per day and hopefully create a desire from my readers for the next post. Things are slowly but surely growing. Hope that helps.

      When I looked at your blog, I loved your writing, but the backgrounds seemed to distract from your words. Perhaps consider a layout that allows you to isolate the writing for the images. I tend to read blogs like newspaper articles in the morning and evening, anything too wordy, unless it grabs me right away, tends to get overlooked. Just my personal preference though 🙂


      1. Thank you so much!
        Yes, the part of having bursts of inspiration followed by a dry spell is really, really relatable. It helps.
        Thank you for your input about my theme! I will definitely consider customising it/changing it altogether. It’s a great help!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello again 🙂
      Insofar as writers’ block goes, I’m not so sure what advice you’ve already received. In other words, I’m sorry if any of this is old news. A lot of people will tell you “find new things to inspire you”, “do something different today”, “change one of your habits”, “climb a tree, go scuba-diving” etc. I’ve never done any of that. It’s silly and hardly “down-to-earth”.

      My advice to you would be to write about what you’re FEELING, not necessarily for the sake of having anyone else read it (like what you might put on your blog). Write something personal “diary style”. Don’t be afraid to write about something that you don’t usually write about, whether it’s something you write for yourself or something that you write for your blog. And don’t focus on finding the “correct word” and using it “correctly” in a sentence. Write EXACTLY what comes into your head, grammatically correct or not. You have to be a human before you can be a writer.

      Recently, to overcome writers’ block, I started using intense/emotional pictures to spur my imagination. Make note, I write fiction, so maybe this may not help you. But having something to look at, something that arouses your emotions, can do wonders. It’s a simple thing to do, but don’t doubt it.

      Last of all, be patient. It might take time for you to find inspiration. Who knows, maybe that’s just the Author of Life (*ahem* God) telling you to focus on something else in your life for a little bit 😉

      It can be difficult not being able to write. I sympathize with your struggles. And I hope everything turns out well in the end…and I hope this helps! Sorry for writing a novel :S
      Dominic (Aul)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This really did help. I appreciate it so much!
        What you say makes perfect sense to me. I do write a lot, but I mostly post what I like in hindsight. I never just write anything on my blog directly and post it, freshly pressed. :3
        The idea with the pictures it so good! I thank you for that. It’s been a while since I indulged into photography, and perhaps that could strike a match.
        And lastly, I can’t show enough gratitude for the faith and the encouragement. I really wish I’d found Community Pool sooner.
        All the best!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi
      You can always schedule a few blogs for the future that when you have a writers block you have a little time to get over it without disrupting the schedule and discipline of your blog which inadvertantly affects the raders too!
      Also I liked your style of writing and your vocabulary in the blog!
      One this that seemed out of place was the logo on the top. It stands out awkwardly ( I felt so) it suddenly is a bright image over a pleasant translucent background.
      Also I think adding a few menu items woul help in going through different parts of the blog easier!
      And yes if i were a girl i wouldve been fangirling about the language you use!
      and if possible it would be a pleasure to check out my blog too!
      I also happen to write a short story and it would be awesome if you could walk me through it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks a lot for giving me your opinions! They matter a lot, and definitely, there’s a lot of work to do on my blog.
        And ahahahaha, I just went through a fangirling session over your short story. It’s so simple, yet so enigmatic! I love the plot. All I suggest that to add a little more flow to the writing as to the passage of time and the intensity of emotions, you add some descriptive content. Just to create an aura and a picture in the head.
        Otherwise, like I said, the plot was genius.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was oncerned about the length and was unsure if people read long articles like these on blogs… So if you have any more views it would be cool!


      3. Yes, that is a bit of a challenge. Some do, some don’t; as for myself, it depends on how engaging the story is, how attractive it looks (i.e. pictures/title) and whether I have the time. Granted, they’re not visited as often, but after building a proper readership for you blog, they are sought after immensely.
        And besides. Your blog is you, yes? All that you think, feel and experience. If a 2k words+ story it is, then that’s no problem.


      4. Thank you! That was an interesting insight! I believe you took the tag line a bit too much to heart! (It’s true though, no second thoughts!)

        Liked by 1 person

    4. First, I make a schedule to post once a week. Then, because I tend to work in spurts, I create several draft posts when I am in writing mode. I schedule those posts over the next several weeks. That allows me to relax when I am not in the mood to write. I don’t have to worry, since I already have several weeks in the bank. Regarding your site, I like the look, though it did seem like a long scroll down the page to see your list of posts. I read the first few posts and truly enjoyed your poetry.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! You advice is certainly very helpful. I do intend to make major modifications in the theme, so thank you for your opinion! I will definitely work on it.


    5. Finding events can be helpful, such as National Poetry Writing Month [NaPoWriMo]. If I’m honest, I’m quite careful about what I upload. I don’t put up anything I want to use for poetry competitions or work that I want to publish. DVerse Poets do a few prompts a week which are great for helping with post ideas. The Daily Post is also useful as is Friday Fictioneers, 100 word challenge, Visdare…
      You just have to play around and see what works for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! This does make a lot of sense, in concept. However… could explain what’s “DVerse Poets”, “Friday Fictioneers” and the rest? Currently, I’m clueless.


    6. I’ve never really had a huge problem with discipline because I genuinely love blogging, so I actively look forward to doing it…but I totally understand how writer’s block sucks. Use The Daily Post’s daily prompts if you need some quick inspiration, and one thing I find that helps me is that when I am in a real writing flow to write a lot and save as stuff drafts to be posted when I am a little dry on content.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Though I wouldn’t call myself seasoned, I’ve had one blog for a year and another for 7 months. I characterize stats on both of them as “spikey.” Some days have few views and others have abundant views. Sometimes views seem to occur within a day or two of when I post, though other times there seems to be no relationship. My strategy is to make it as easy as I can for people to find posts that interest them by using relevant tags.


      1. Thanks, I’ve been much more deliberate in using effective tags and cross pollinating between my website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts. “Spikey” drives me crazy, and then a few days later, I see more traffic. Ultimately, I want to connect with my audience and know that what I’m producing has meaning to them.


    1. Your post makes a valuable point. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that the other person understands what you thought you said to him? I wish a little light would go on over the other person’s head to let me know that I got through to him.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was reading the other day that we owe magpies an apology because they actually don’t like shiny objects and they are not thieves. I wonder where the rumor came from.


      1. Thanks for saying that! I will definitely keep writing. And I’ve really thought about how to start a blog that’s why the Categories and About pages are like that. 😉 Thanks again!


  5. Hi, everyone. I’m pretty new to this whole blogging thing, so I would love some advice on my blog. I know that I can probably use some photos, but I don’t know what types of photos I can use, other than tv show logos.

    Also, what do you think of the length of my posts and the subjects that I’m posting? Should I try more variety (meaning different forms of entertainment) or can I continue on the road that I’m on?

    Heres the link:

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your site is well-organized and easy to navigate. Your About page makes your blog purpose clear. I read your recent post. The length seems appropriate to me. In my opinion, you did a better job of recapping an episode of a show than what I often see on other sites. Regarding the photos, on shows about food, you might add a clipart related to one of the food items you mention.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. One quick suggestion that I think has been posted here before, is make your posts more engaging. Talk about your pictures. What are the pictures of and explain why you took them. Explain not just what you did on your trips, but why other people might want to go there too.

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  6. As an aspiring historian I have the privilege of guest lecturing and writing short articles. I’m experimenting with more of the implications of history in todays culture, getting into more of the implications. I would ask if you could read my latest post, and tell me what you get out of it and how I can improve my writings on history. Thank you!

    The Blur of Reality

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can see where you’re trying to go with this article but you need to be careful with grammar and tense. There were a few places where capital letters were missed and some words just didn’t quite fit. It’s a good post, it just needs a good proof read.


      1. I’m having a read through, there’s still a few grammar errors.
        First paragraph – comma after however in the second line.
        Upper case ‘j’ for January.
        No capital ‘W’ in which.
        you need an of in between ‘significance later’ so it reads ‘significance of later’.
        Boom and increase mean the same thing. As this is a historical article I would suggest trying to be succinct and avoid repetition. Also trading is buying and selling you just need one or the other.
        When writing historical pieces be careful with too much description and with sentences that ramble on. Focus on clearly stating what you want to tell the reader. Also be careful when talking about the Whig Party as I’m assuming your talking about an American political party. There was at this time a British Whig Party as well.
        There were other missing capital letters for names and places and a few other points where you seemed to be saying the exactly same thing such as ‘His biggest concern, most pressing matter’. For a post like this, in my opinion [which your more than welcome to ignore], you need to focus on writing a tight, punchy post.

        I’d love to hear if you have any thoughts on a history post I did a while back if you don’t mind. I’m always happy to read history blogs so if you ever need an opinion feel free to call.


    2. Your work sounds interesting (I’ve followed you so I can read your work more closely when I have a bit more time). But just a quick glance at your site, I would suggest adding an “about” page to give the site more context and also maybe adding in “read more” breaks in the posts so your home page is a little easier to navigate (it will also help you more accurately track your views of each post if you were interested in that because your readers would have to go into the post instead of being able to read everything from the homepage). I hope this helps and I’m looking forward to reading your work more closely!


    1. I had a look through a few of your poems and you use rhyme a lot. My advice would be to experiment with different forms of poetry, listen to spoken word poets of youtube and read as much poetry as you can.
      If you lean on rhyme too much you’ll box yourself in. For instance, in Wolf Calls there were some lines that just seemed to be there to tick the rhyme box. I felt like the focus was on the rhyme and not the poem.
      It was by no means a terrible poem. In fact you handled the rhyme very well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the compliment and for the advice! Yeah, I know I seem really big on the rhyming scheme, and a lot of my readers have been telling me to branch out more, but the whole point of my blog was to write rhyming poems that weren’t as dumb as the ones I’d seen out there. However, I think I will take your advice and branch out a little more. Thank you again! -WOLFCALLS


      2. I can empathise with you goal for the blog. There’s a lot of crappy rhyming poetry out there, which is one of the reasons I was impressed with yours. It’s never good to limit yourself though. Keep writing with rhyme but have a go at experimenting as well. It’s half the fun. 🙂
        I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of my own poetry if you’ve got the time?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Wolfcalls,
      Had a quick look at one of your posts and noticed, mainly, that you’re really good at poetry, you have some nice concepts that translate into good poems. You may want to keep an eye out for spelling and grammar (nothing massive), and maybe try to maintain a sort of flow. I read poems out loud, and when I was doing so with yours, there were times that lacked flow. I don’t know if you do already, but maybe try reading them out loud to yourself will help you to see whether the stanzas flow.
      Apart from that, lovely stuff 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Hey, I’m an aspiring writer too; I write poetry too.
      I just read through some of your work, and I like it.It’s really good, but there were some places where it seemed forced, so I say try writing some free verse. Also, proof read before you upload? I know that sounds boring – I myself don’t do it – but it prevents mistakes, say like your instead of you’re?
      I’d love to follow your blog, and I’ll be sure to drop by feedback every once in a while. 🙂

      If you want, check out my site:

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, some nice pieces from what I’ve seen so far. The only thing that stuck out to me immediately is that many of your sentences are slightly more elongated than they possibly should be. Shortening some of your sentences where appropriate will add more effect to your writing.
      Otherwise, keep it up 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I checked out your blog. I enjoyed your recent music addition. I left you a comment. Was happy to actually.

        The blog itself shows time, creative thought and effort. I got through your post without spotting one typo.

        Whatever you are conceiving next…bring it on!!!

        Liked by 1 person