Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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    1. Hello, I visited your blog…it is pretty cool!

      Really like your gratefulness post 🙂

      One suggestion that try to change your main font.

      Add some widgets to your main page … rest is great 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I enjoyed your post on gratefulness. You make an overall excellent point and give good examples. A couple of tiny things to consider on the post. The title appears to have incorrect spelling. On the paragraph focused on parents, you have a sentence about friends. The thoughts would flow better if that sentence was in the paragraph about friends. Regarding your site, it would be nice to have an About page where you tell us the purpose of your blog site.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey Guys, in this comment, I am not promoting my site but someone else’s! Thank you to Newswire ( for leaving some really nice comments on one of my posts! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Izzley! .. thank you so much .. I just feel like crying ;(.. You can call it tears of happiness ❤ … Thank you so much for show your love and sharing my site ❤ … I am glad and yes a bit touchy ..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello!

    So I just wrote my second post. And since I started off only two days ago, I don’t really have a reader base. This one’s about a not-so-usual hobby idea, do have a read and see if it sparks your interest in the world of numismatics. Will appreciate feedback about the general layout of the blog, any other advice and comments on the post.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for the feedback paminat0r. Good to know I finally got the layout right. I’m still not very sure about where my blog is going, I’m probably just going to wing it haha


  3. ATTENTION, EVERYONE: I have just selected three posts from three blogs to receive a very nice comment from yours truly as well as 11 rose emojis! Next time I visit the Community Pool, I just might be selecting 5 posts from 5 blogs to receive nice comments and 11🌹! Be watching for me at the Community Pool-Some lucky blogger might be showered with roses and nice compliments on their blog post! In the meantime, may I ask that you please check out mine if you can at! Thanks and au revior!-JW 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I was so surprised by the support for my first post this thread got me!!
    You guys encouraged me to write a second post, its a response to a poem I found through this thread. I’ll be on here for a couple more hours so check my new post out, and I’ll return the favor.
    This one is a little less funny, and a little more real and raw. So any comments are appreciated.

    The Universe’s Gift

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I copied and pasted yesterday’s post from a Microsoft word document into my blog – I was surprised and dismayed to see that my font styles varied – and I can’t seem to correct them. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the images I’ve inserted into the post, or if my blog is haunted – has anyone had problems like this?

    I Am Not aMused

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your blog is probably not haunted. Anything you cut and paste will convert to whatever you have set for your site’s font. Look under Appearance and see what font options you have available for the theme you are using. You may find one that is more to your liking. Also note that things such as table or graphics that you have in your Word doc will not be likely to feed properly into your post. If Word or Powerpoint allow you to export a table as a graphic you can upload the graphic into your Media bucket on WordPress and insert it into your post. For an example of that, see my most recent post on


    1. Since your blog appears to be about photography, it would be nice to see a photo on each post. Another idea is to move the information about yourself to an About page. If you are planning to store a portfolio of your work on your site, you might want to consider a theme that is designed for that. There are several with names that end in “folio” that might work for you.


    2. I feel… well… un-hip (is that a word)… I am going to ask anyway… (no mocking)… “life babbler” what is it?.. I agree with paminatOr that a photo would be nice… even in the intros… (sorry you can’t sleep… is that tied to the “babbler” stuff?)


    1. Your site is attractive. I read your latest culinary post. It gave me a new appreciation about what goes into a dish like that. As you continue to add posts, you may want to change your setting so only the last few show on your Home page.


    1. I’m not sure what I’m missing…but, I read 3 of your posts, and for the life of me, can’t figure out where to click “like” or where I can leave a comment…I’m sure it must be me, since this problem has never come up before…at this moment, I must be a lot more tired (read as “clueless”) than I thought. Anyway, your posts are so wonderful….entertaining, made me smile, so well-written, and engaging…thanks for sharing 🙂


  6. Hi mysteries!!!

    So I recently discovered WordPress and it has to be the most addictive site ever!! Being able to write my thoughts outs and others having a good read…I couldn’t ask for more 🙂
    So now a little bit about me.. well I’m socially awkward and have a hilarious/hard yet successful time fitting it and finding my crowd…. yes I make mistakes but that’s normal right hey ho it’s part of life and the whole growing up thing which I hope some of you can relate to if not at least I can try to entertain you with my musings of daily life.
    I also have a deep sentimental side which sometimes gets the better of me and it’d be nice having people relate to even a single sentence and knowing that we all have something in common…..
    I’d be honoured if you guys followed my blog and even commented sharing your thoughts as I’d love to know what you all think!

    Mysterious LIfe

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Heeellllooooo! I run a general interest blog where I research and write about anything I am pulled to learn about. I would really appreciate some feedback/tips for my blog! I’ve only started it in January so it’s probably got a few kinks. Also, any content ideas would be VERY helpful. Check it out, and I wouldn’t mind doing the same.

    Cheers! xx – Rebecka, 15

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your post on filibusters was informative and enjoyable to read. I like the combination of researched information with personal observation. One thing to consider on your blog is to move the welcome post to an About page. Since you have dates prominently displayed, it looks odd to see a January post at the top of your Home page. For content ideas, since you did such a nice job with filibuster, you might pick a few odd expressions we use and tell us their origin.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. The tip about moving the welcome post was absolutely helpful, and I didn’t even consider how it could be odd looking. Thank you for that. Also, I will absolutely check those out. Thank you so much!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. thank you for your kindness, feel free to show the candle on your blog if you don’t mind!


  8. Hello! I hope you are well, my name is Jane. I have recently started a blog about our journey to adopt our youngest daughter. The blog is about adoption and faith and things I have learnt from God along the way. I have two questions, 1 is the layout attractive / easy to navigate? – any feedback appreciated 2. Are there any adoption blogging communities out there ? Many thanks Jane

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi! I loved your blog.. Yes, it is very easy to navigate and you are also a very talented writer. What a wonderful story you are sharing with the world.

      My only comment would be that the name of your blog is lengthy and when it runs all together as one word, it is a bit difficult to read. They always say less is more…just my thoughts.

      You are well on your way!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello, Truly here…I’m hoping to (and, I say this with humility) entertain some new readers with my my most recent offering–“A Briar Rose By Any Other Name”. All of my writings have a whimsical, philosophical, and optimistic flair…and reflect my love of wordplay, puns, and metaphors…so, you could read any one of them and get a great feel for my style and personality, so really, I’d be grateful for any feedback at all. It’s a privilege to know that I can encourage and make someone smile 🙂 And, I love discovering new blogs, so I’d be honoured to return the favour 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Truly
      When you said “reflect my love of wordplay, puns and metaphors” you really meant it, didn’t you? It was a really pleasant read, I enjoyed it. It just so happens I read it as a supplement to my night time reading material 😃

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Hello to my fellow WordPressians here on the Community Pool!
    I started my blog last year (November 2015) but I’m new to the Community Pool. My blog contains my candid recall of my studies and blogging my journey as I fulfil my aspirations. I would greatly appreciate some feedback on my latest blog and would be happy to read anyone’s blog in return if you also want some feedback. Thanks!!



    Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and the feedback. Your self-assessment blog really got me thinking. I scored the lowest on performance and discipline (2-3). I’m always striving to improve despite the many obstacles standing before me.


    1. Hey, I agree with the previous comment and enjoyed your writing. You make your points well and I think everyone will recognise the situations. I certainly wanted to comment on pretty much every post I read! I’ve given you a follow because I’d like to see how things unfold.


    1. I tutored teens in algebra for several years..never went the traditional classroom path. Hated the idea of a ton of teens all bored out of their skulls at the same time. I actually like the way you teach them as described in the last post. But, I can’t see American kids going for it. I tried taking them outside the box and they just didn’t understand it at all.


  11. Anyone interested in the real estate industry. I am a realtor by day but I enjoy writing so I’ve created this blog It is where my clients or potential clients can go to gather information and insight about the process. I’d also appreciate if anyone who wants general information about real estate would check it out and leave a comment or two. Thanks!

    Liked by 3 people