Writing 101 starts Monday. Have you registered yet?

If you’ve taken Writing 101 before: yes, these will be the same prompts and twists. Blogging U. courses always repeat unless we specifically indicate that a course is new.

Writing 101: Building a Blogging Habit is a write-every-day challenge designed to help you create a writing habit and push you as a writer.  Read on, or jump right to registration.

What is Writing 101?

Who else is really building their writing habit?… I wake up multiple times each night to check the time and see if it’s time to get up and write because I’m so excited. I’ve never felt this way before! I think I’m in lurve.
Molly, Knocked Up Knocked Over

Writing 101 is a four-week course that runs from Monday, April 6, to Friday, May 1, 2015. Each weekday, you’ll get an assignment that includes a writing prompt and an optional “twist”; prompts are your topic inspiration for the day, while twists push you to experiment with writing techniques and tools.

You can mix assignments however you like: Respond to the prompt, and ignore the twist. Try the twist, but write on your own topic. Use both the prompt and the twist. Publish what you write on your blog, or use it as private writing practice. It’s up to you! The only mandate is that you write every weekday.

The nitty-gritty:

  • You’ll receive a new writing prompt via email each day at 12AM UTC. (Not sure what time that is for you? Use this converter to figure out your local time.)
  • There are no weekend assignments — you’re free to expand on a weekday post, write something unrelated, or (gasp!) spend some time away from your blog.
  • As in all Blogging U. courses, participants will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand in the comments to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

Ready to register?

Registration for this course is now closed! Keep an eye on The Daily Post for announcements on future courses. 

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  1. I challenged myself to write 365 words every day for 365 days (today is day 95) – but I write in my native language (Norwegian). It´s not always easy to find something to write about, so I look forward to this challenge/inspiration. And to try to write in English 🙂 Good luck everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I would love to do this too, but I don’t have any time to do this right now. Thus I have a question: Is there going to be another session in summer? Like, maybe, in June?


    1. There will definitely be 201 courses this summer; Michelle can let you know whether there will be 101. However, just thought I’d stick my nose where it wasn’t invited… 🙂 It’s worth signing up; even if you can’t do all of the assignments, doing a few will get you further along than not doing any. Unless you’re busier than me (we can have a “what I do” competition if you want), you can DO it! 🙂


    2. Yup, there will definitely be other sessions in the summer and fall — the next one will mostly likely be in July. And yes, there will be 201 courses as well 🙂
