Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hey fellow bloggers. I recently became FUNemployed (I decided working in a cube was NOT my thing and now I do the multiple part time job thing!) and am trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, much like a lot of you all are I’m sure! I’m an aspiring writer and was actually really nervous about putting myself out there in the way that I did. If you could read my first post and tell me what you think of the overall concept of my blog and ideas on where I could potentially go with it, I would appreciate it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So, I just posted something , and instead of using the date when I hit Publish, it went with the 29th, which is when I started the post. So much for any hits from WordPress. This buries my post way back, and I do not know how to fix it. Does anyone else know what to do about such things? This has never happened before, and I can’t think what i did to trigger it,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Posts tend to publish for the time you started drafting them, especially if you save them and go back to them, when you’re in the post editor (where you put tags and categories in) then always click the ‘publish immediately’ button, it should change it and publish it for then, alternatively, before hitting publish, alter the date it’s set for. Hope that helps 🙂


      1. It doesn’t.

        I have posted over 200 times, many of them being on pots I edited several times. This has NEVER happened before. Right now the interface for editing a post looks very different than it ever has before, and it does NOT have a “Publish immediately” option.


      2. I know. I’m not a fan of the new format either. If you go into a browser and type in your blog address then put /dashboard at the end, it will take you to the original dash x


    1. Knowing the right genre is certainly important, and also knowing what they already have. You don’t want to get them a book they already own 3 copies of!

      One thing I’d add from personal experience – if the Booklover is learning a foreign language, a great gift is one of their favorite books (maybe a children’s book) translated into the language they’re learning.

      Also, you have a small typo – second paragraph of point 1: “will cheer u a booklover” instead of “cheer UP”.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for all the wonderful advice, Alex. I’ll definitely keep it in mind. I am trying my best to create original content that is fresh for the readers.

        I really like the idea of getting a translation of a booklover’s favourite book in a language they might be learning. I hadn’t thought of that.

        I’m so sorry about the typo. I’ll try to edit better in the future.

        Also, I’m really sorry for the late response.


      2. No worries about the response time – the Community Pool gives a lot of great feedback and it can take a while to sort through everything! No need to apologize about the typo – they happen to us all. One thing I have found helpful in catching my own typos is to “preview” the post and read through it as it will appear on my blog. Seeing it in a different format than in the editor makes it easier to spot typos!

        I’ve given your blog a follow and I look forward to reading more great bookish posts 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, guys. Badfish, here. I didn’t see the no running sign? This is my first time in the Pool. When I started blogging (not long ago), I imagined myself as a travel writer, but my posts are not your “usual” start with a person already in the journey and follow him through the trek until he’s finally sipping a brew by the beach (although I like those). I’d like some feedback on style. I wonder if you get my humor? You can find my latest on the Condors of Peru, here:


    1. BadFish [hi, BrettFish here, we might be cousins?] – love your post dude – great elements of humour, good pictures and really grab the attention of the reader and draw them in – loved how you set that piece up and executed it – really good!

      All the best
      love brett fish

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for visiting, Bill. And appreciate the comments! You have some pretty interesting stuff on your site, as well! Thanks again


    1. Hey profundareflexion. I am the kyleinator. Even though travel isn’t my normal forte I loved your post on Hong Kong. I like your layout and I think what you really doing with your widgets and background is great. I think you picked a great theme for your post. I like your layout and I can’t wait to hear more from you! I would like if you checked out my blog. any feedback on my posts or layout would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



    1. Hi, I tried to read your post by following the link but I couldn’t actually find it. Maybe try making your writing more accessible and you’ll gain readers and followers much quicker.


  4. Hi guys!

    I would love to have some overall feedback, basically related to usability, navigation and stuff of the new layout and design I have implemented.

    Is it easy on the eyes? Is it engaging enough to make sure the reader is not bored of the look and feel after a while?

    The to my blog is:

    Also, if the content interests you, please scroll though and leave your thoughts in the comments.

    To start with, here’s a post I hope you guys would like:



  5. Hi.. I started blogging recently. I had been planning to do this for quite sometime now and have finally made it 🙂 .. I write about a wide variety of topics but mainly on travel experiences and motivational genres… My main aim is to provide some cool posts that can put a smile on your face.. you busy readers out there.. 🙂

    Please provide your feedback ..


  6. Hello everyone! I haven’t been blogging for long and I recently posted a longer more serious story than I had posted in the past. I find it easier to write short stories that will hopefully make others laugh, so I would love some feedback on how I might be able to write about the heavier stuff in a way that hooks the reader. The post I’m referring to is One Year Ago | My Invenstory

    One Year Ago


  7. Just looked at your blog and maybe you’re loosing traffic because when people visit, they can’t fin your posts? I couldn’t, having your about page as your front page makes navigating your site difficult, especially on a mobile device where there’s no side bar and all the widgets appear at the bottom. Also, I think your blog has a specific audience, many people might visit but not stay


    1. Hi Poppy, as a student myself I found your post really interesting, however I think it could be improved by maybe adding some pictures or using smaller paragraphs to break up the large amounts of text. I really enjoyed some of your other posts as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hiya! Thanks for the comments, I’ll try to take them on board whilst writing my next blogpost. I am pleased you liked some of my other posts as well 😊


  8. Really looking for some feedback for my new challenge…. I’d really appreciate some feedback on it, it hasn’t been as well received as I’d hoped and I figured maybe there’s something that’s not likeable about it…. Nobody has really said much about it to me though. I’d really like it to be a success so if any feedback good or bad I’d love to find out what you think…will reay the favour by heading on over to your blog and doing feedback for you too 🙂 thanks!


  9. Hi guys,
    I first started my blog as a fashion blog but got distracted by doing reviews and just writing about my general thoughts on the world, something which I enjoyed more, felt it showed off my writing style and was slightly more original than the endless personal style blogs that are around.

    However, I did do a fashion post the other day,, and it’s easily the most liked post I’ve ever done even though to me it seemed a bit like superficial drivel that anyone could have dne with no writing talent at all.

    Does anyone maybe have any insight as to why these posts do better than the others? Here’s an example of a post that I feel has more substance that hasn’t done very well,

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Katie x


  10. I’ve been blogging for almost a year now and haven’t changed my layout.

    Partly this is due to the thought of yet more hassle – I just want a clean, no fuss, easy to read layout, partly because I think the content matters more and partly because some of the blogs I follow that have layouts that I admire, those layouts are no longer available.

    To see what I mean, here’s my latest post:

    Suggestions as to what designs might be beneficial much appreciated.


    1. You were the one below me, so being lazy….

      Having read all three of your posts, let me say that you write well. Possessed both with interesting things to write about and much, much more importantly, interesting ways in which to convey them.

      Jolly good show!


      1. Thanks very much for taking the time to read not 1, but all 3! I’m very pleased that you found them interesting, I greatly appreciate the feedback.


    1. Hi – your blog is refreshingly honest and it would be interesting to see how you look back on your initial reactions to Italy once you’ve been there a while. Are you there for a year? I’d bet that you’ll feel odd drinking cappuccino in the afternoon once you go back to the US. These things sneak up on you!

      Good luck with your blog and with your life abroad


  11. Hello everyone. I’m new here, well sort of. I’ve tried this blogging thing a few times and it always fails but here I am trying again. My blog is about my life as a mommy, as well as a few other things. So far I only have an “About” page, but if I can get some feedback for it, that would think. be much appreciated. I can only get better, if I know what the readers think. Thank you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi,
      Having just read your ‘About’ page, I can honestly say that I found it very endearing, and not in a sugary sweet ‘I may barf if I read anymore’ way, which is refreshing.

      Great job!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. Being basically new to this, I worry about what people will think, so hearing the good things, really boosts my confidence, although I do take criticism too, so I know where to improve.


    1. Holly, I like the post about power poses and how they can help boost confidence! Great topic. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the black/white stripe theme, but it does catch one’s eye.


  12. hey guys just started blogging just been getting back in the game would really appreciate it if you guys can check out my blog thanks in advance.


    1. Cool blog design Kelsey! Beautiful pictures.

      One concern I have: the more you post, the farther down on your site your about me square will fall. Is there any way you could add another link to the top of your site? (or maybe I just missed it)

      On your about me page, add in a couple sentences about what your blog is going to be about. Tell us as your readers how your experiences and passions tie into your writing, and why we should be interested.

      Overall I really like it! Feel free to check out my site

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hey everyone, I just posted my first blog after taking some time off. I am trying to find ways to incorporate older posts with my new ones so the content doesn’t get buried. Please let me know what you think of my attempt and if you have any other suggestions that may help with this. Thanks!
