Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. It’s a very nice and personal post. I can relate to it. When you return to this pool, (if you haven’t already) check out the first poster’s link on outgoing introverts. I think that label will fit better.

      Check out my blog. It’s somewhere on the bottom.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for punting it out to me. I am also having such a hard time because I’m not on my conputer right now, I’m using my phone and it’s a nightmare to navigate and I couldn’t find your post, can you tell me which one of our posts you’d like me to look at or the link. In the meantime I’m heading over to have a look


      2. Sorry, I should’ve mentioned it like I did with a couple of the others. Mine is all the way at the bottom, but since I have you here, can you please take a look at two pieces of my work? and When people read first link, they don’t come back. What am I doing wrong and right? Any turn-offs? What’s your impression? For the second link, I’ve been using that one recently as a sample for job applications and I usually don’t hear back – at all. I would also like the same questions answered, if not, just some would be ok. Nobody reads my stuff so I don’t know what people think. If you have the time, what’s the blog’s layout feel to you? User-friendly or not? Is it too black and white? Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hey Leanne, it’s four in the morning here and I’m up cause my little one isn’t well but I’ve had a skim through your work, I’ll probable read it properly during the day when he’s asleep


      4. Argh this phone is a nightmare, it cuts buts out when I am typing so this was immured from the frat comment. Lord help me. Leanne thank you so much for your feeback. I also read the post on outgoing introverts, I really saw myself in there.


      5. Hey Leanne, I just finished reading the 2. I’m not really a fiction person but I liked your writing, it was very descriptive and made me imagine the scenes vividly in my mind. I think this is something that could appeal to a younger audience, I would think teenagers to early 20s. I don’t know if you tag your work every time you publish it, but appropriate tags which would attract that audience might help get more of a readership. Something like ‘book for teenagers’, ‘teen reads’, ‘Jay Z’ as in the rapper. I’m not an expert on that, I’m quite new myself. Also I thought you don’t have make the heading of your post the same as the chapter title. You can use the title of the post to give people an insight to what they should expect. A new reader won’t know the book these chapters belong to so they won’t be inclined to click and read. For example for ‘chapter 11:hand’, you could title it something like ‘time to meet his parents’ and then insert a punchy short excerpt, followed by a ‘read more’ tag followed by the chapter heading and the rest of the body. The read more tag will make people click into your post when they find it on their reader if they find the excerpt interesting.

        I hope this was what you were looking for and hope that it will help. The main thing is to Keep writing and enjoy it.


      6. Thank you so much for taking the time to read all that and give me such valuable feedback. I’m resistant in giving something as specific as meeting the parents because I think it’s revealing too much and takes the mystery out of the section, but I will work on something catchy that applies to each section.

        The links I gave were to pages, so the read more tag doesn’t work and the tags doesn’t exist, but I use both for blog posts.

        I don’t think teenagers’ parents would allow them to read it, but people in their 20’s and above are applicable.

        Thank you again for taking the time to be so specific with your constructive criticisms. I hope your little one gets well soon.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi everyone, I was here last week and asked for some feedback and got some great ideas. So in gratitude I am here today only as an observer, reader, suggestion maker and objective but kind critique.
    p.s. Thanks to everyone for their ideas last week!

    Liked by 11 people

      1. Hi Leanne, Your blog is beautiful and you have set it up in a lovely unique way. I read a few of your chapters and of course I’m guessing that you are using your blog to write a book. A lot of authors start off the same way. My only suggestion is that I did see a few grammatical errors. Do you use the proof-reading editor on the new post page when you’re writing? Good luck!


      2. Thanks for the compliment; the time jump in themes was a big step. Yes, I’m writing a book and I hope to gain at least a readership before anything more serious happens.

        I have the proofreading on, but I ignore it because it usually doesn’t show me any grammatical errors; just word usage/choice, and of course, names.

        Thanks again! Same to you!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Varsha, Sorry that I have kept you waiting since I read in your “About” that you hate waiting! Anyway here’s what I think about your blog. You’ve done a fantastic job in so many ways especially with the amazing images. This is great especially for a fashion blog.
        I would suggest: You have to set up some very specific categories and use them for all of your posts. Readers will want to read about specific types of posts. Also I noticed that your Summer Beauty Hacks post in fact covered many different categories and could have been broken down into different posts by category of items.
        I would also suggest if you can putting widgets and pictures and stuff down your right side to fill out the page. All fashion magazines and blogs I know have very full pages.
        Last thing….in your About section maybe list something professional sounding as experience so that readers trust your posts as accurate and knowledgeable. Sorry this is so long and I hope you aren’t offended in any way because I do love your blog I’m just making suggestions from my experience. Have a great day.:-)


      2. Oh wow, please don’t apologise, your feedback is very constructive and useful. I’m so happy you enjoyed my blog, and read the posts too! I will keep the tip about separating posts into more categories and do a reorganisation of my posts sometime after my exams! And will definitely look into more widgets.
        Once again, thank you so much, I really appreciate your feedback! Good day right back at’cha!


    1. I really like your blog. It’sinteresting, well written and best of all some great photos. Perhaps because the photos are sonice you could post them a little larger to make a bigger impact? Just an idea.:-) You got a new follower.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for the feedback. That’s a really useful tip so will look at that. I feel like there’s so much to learn and some of its quite technical!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Blogging is so much more once you get started than it looks. lol Any questions ask away and I’ll do my best to help if I can.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I popped over on an iPhone 4s and the page set up was really poor, it was really narrow and I could read two words per line and other parts were hidden, sorry I couldn’t actually feedback your content but I couldn’t read it x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the tip that’s now added! I was having a mess around with the different themes yesterday & didn’t realise that was missing.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I really enjoyed reading some of your posts! Your photos are great! Like Amanda said, maybe making them just a little larger would be good, because they really are lovely photos! I really enjoyed reading your blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    4. You travel so much, I’m so jealous! But I like how each post is short and crisp. Keep doing what you’re doing! And the layout is great for your purpose!
      Just a small tip about the photography, some of the photos are dark and that makes them less appealing. But other photos are beautifully exposed. So maybe it’s just a few? Anyway that was what I thought. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Surprising lives
        Skip to content


        Nothing Found

        I tried your wordpress blog and this shows.
        Surprising Lives, Apologies, but no results were found. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.
        Search for:
        Search for:


      2. Okay,I finally got onto your blog! Unfortunately my spanish is not very good anymore which is too bad because I think I would have understood a lot more if I could have read more.
        I liked all of the pictures and videos, but it seemed that most of your blog was about your book and interviews. Maybe try adding some regular posts just about interesting things related to the museum.


    1. I’m not a poet so I won’t pretend to know what I’m talking about I’ll just give you my impression. Wonderful, intense incredibly strong phrases and visions. However, I did get a little lost in the flow a couple of times. Overall very ambitious. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I can tell you it’s different. I’m in a literal mood so I’m giving you my literal impression. I think your choice of words is really good and really smart. Though I have a feeling this piece is supposed to go somewhere, the paragraph-sized parts are jumbling it up – but they have their own poetic characteristics to them – I can clearly see the shorter parts actually take me through the day. And it’s “timber” not “tinder.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. And yes, I struggled for a while because i wasn’t sure about the use of prose as well as verse, but in the end, it was the only thing that made sense (because, as I see it, moments in life either slip away, as in verse, or elongate, feeling eternal almost, interminable).
        Again thank you! And ugh, that typo… I was walking while I wrote it so I had to check it several times for some of the mistakes were simply outrageous; I guess I was bound to miss one or two, but it still nags me when it happens.


    1. Great message and good for you starting a blog in your teen years. Just a couple of minor things, I noticed that would enhance your writing. Shorter sentences are easier to read and people tend to prefer them. Make your point once, clearly and concisely and then move on to the next point. Don’t keep referring back to stuff already said.
      Keep up the great work. 🙂


      1. Thanks so much! Yeah, I have a tendency to ramble on, but I’ll definitely try to work on that 🙂


    2. Your post lived up to its billing. I agree with the others about keeping it a bit more concise but you express yourself well and it’s your soap box, so shout as loud as you want;)


    3. I read your post on Asian parents, because I get curious on what people say or what stereotypes they have about Asian parents and parenting.


  2. Good evening to one and all. I am a new author and part way through my first psychological thriller. I need as many followers as possible and I am trying to build the hype through my blog and various other channels. Please visit and let me know what you think. Thanks! Mark

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’d be cool to check out your book. Can you tell me a bit about the book? I’m a sucker for triller books, and I’m looking for a new one to read 🙂

      I’m writing a book (or at least trying to) myself, so if you have any advice for me, please drop by my page.


      1. Hi there. Thanks for your reply. My book is a work in progress and will not be finished for a while yet. Do follow my blog if you can and I’ll keep the updates coming! Glad to hear tho that you are in my boat. The main tips I’ve been given by established authors is write, re write and re write again if you have to until you are totally happy with it. I’ve been told as well that it’s important to start a following early in preparation for the release. It’s good to have a backing when publishers get involved. Thanks again! 🙂


  3. Hello everyone! I hope this meets you well 🙂 I just wrote a new poem from a male perspective and it will be so wonderful to get some constructive criticism. I’m mixing styles to find my niche so I’d love to know styles to keep. Here is the link

    The Dark Side

    I’ll gladly return the favour 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. In my imagination it is. The age gap is just ridiculous and she is carried away by the attention. Not too smart too. But I see what you mean. I’ll thread carefully in future 🙂 Thank You Leanne


      1. You can reblog their post or you could choose a word to use as a link.
        Highlight the word you want to use as a link and using the little button that looks like two linked chains, click that, it will then give you the option to put a link into the box. If you know the web address type it in, if not then open the webpage in your browser and copy the link, then just paste it into the text box that appears when you click the link button… Does that make any sense at all lol! X

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It does make sense 😀 Actually I have linked stuff before, but I never knew we could do that with blogs too 😛
        Also, how does the blogger know that we’ve linked them in our post ?

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I’m still wondering that because sometimes we get what’s called a ‘ping back’ which means WordPress acknowledged that someone linked your blog and you have to approve it like you would a comment… Othe times it doesn’t. It think it works eat if your linking to a post directly instead of just the blog itself and I also think that blogger who don’t have .wordpress in their site address don’t get notified. I always go back an comment on the most recent post from the blog ive linked to just letting them know ive linked them 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Ohooo ! That cleared it up 😀 Thank you so so much 🙂 You have an amazing blog ! Keep up the awesome work Ma’am !

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Faye, OMG you just blew me away! what an incredible post and project (ProjectRememberingMe). Your post was so inspiring and I absolutely love the whole project idea. I am going to practice it, nomination or not it’s that good of an idea and boy doI ever need it. I am definitely a new follower.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay! I’m so pleased you like it! feel free to join in and nominate people if you want! I will follow and link you in now 🙂

        *happy dance* *wiggles bum*


    1. I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say “blogging community” but here’s a suggestion anyway. WordPress has a lot of different “challenges” and daily events going on that bring all kinds of different bloggers together. You can access them through the post a day link. This is the link: if you click on the different tabs you’ll see different headings for stuff going on. Good luck

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am on all three of the above social plat forms ma’am, if you could then would you please tell me the names of the blogging communities prevalent on the above platforms ?


      2. There are many different types of blogging groups and sites on these platforms. I don’t know off hand which ones there are that would suit you so you best bet is to just do a search. Simply type in “Blogging” on Twitter and Google+ and on Facebook search under their communities section.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi there everyone! I’m curious to hear people’s thoughts on how posts are structured on my blog – is it better to see all posts in their entirety on the home page or to see just a snippet of each post and then click through more if you’re interested? I have examples of both on my blog. The first seems to be the standard but I’m debating whether the second way encourages/ discourages engagement.

    P.S. Thanks to the lovely people who gave feedback on my blog last week and took the time to visit and leave comments!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I prefer the snippet of posts. It’s a lot harder to gauge what your site is about if I have to scroll through an entire page of posts as opposed to just reading synopses and opening my favorite one.


      1. Thanks for your response, Andrea! That definitely makes a lot of sense and I’ve been leaning toward that approach. I’m just worried that people will not take the time to click through things.
        One method I tried for a while was to have the most recent post be fully displayed while everything else is shown as a snippet. Do you think that might help?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Jhaneel, I sort of have the same dilemma myself.However, I looked at your blog and in my meager opinion I liked the set up that shows a snippet of each post. Then people can quickly get a feel and interest in a lot more of the posts on your blog and can click on their favourites as they please. I know as a reader that set up keeps on a blog a lot longer.


      1. Thanks, Amanda! That’s been my thought too — and I’m thinking it might also encourage people to comment because they can see the comment section when they click through to the blog post.
        But I know some readers don’t like the extra work. Decisions, decisions..

        Liked by 1 person

      1. That makes sense a lot of sense. I definitely have some longer ones and think they probably take up too much real estate on the home page in their full form. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Looks like most people are for snippets.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. the challenge for me is trying to decide where to insert the “read more” line! Leaving enough in to give readers a sense of what I am writing about, but not too much that it is overwhelming


      3. I know! It’s like an art. I usually try to include at least one photo and enough to get readers interested. It’s even better when I can insert the line right after a question or cliff-hanger.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved your latest post on how we let our dreams affect us, I absolutely love it. My reason as to why I let my dreams affect is because they’re simply mine :p

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I love your blog! I’m glad you wrote about why dreams make such a big impact on us, because I wake up most mornings wondering why the hell did I dream something so bizarre! Your post was so insightful and informative! Great read 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. First off, is your last name really Taggart? Taggart is Dagny’s last name (and her brother, I think Jim) in Atlas Shrugged.
      Anyway, biography piece is good, just not for me.


  5. That had me laughing! Baby hand soaps! The shit people buy lol! Great post btw, I didn’t see any duplicate photos?? I know I’ve recently stopped using featured photos because my theme doesn’t support them anyway, also, on my reader, if there’s an image in the post and a separate image hasn’t been set as a featured image, the first image included in the post automatically becomes the featured post anyway xx


  6. Hi everyone!

    I started my blog a little over a month ago and it has taken a turn away from where I originally expected it to go. I was planning on building a blog where others could share their own experiences while reading my own. I struggle with many medical disorders including fibromyalgia and have grown up in abusive households.

    Because I have ended up telling more of a series of stories related to one certain area I was wondering if I should add more “pages” instead of just having the “categories” bar. I’m not sure if this would make my blog easier to follow for certain material.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow your blog is so powerful! I ended up reading for the better part of an hour, you have a lovely writing style. I don’t know about pages but You could put a list of your categories in your sidebar, that would help organize things. Also you’ve got to put like and comment and share buttons at the bottom of each post. I wanted tolike everything but I couldn’t see where to do that. Just don’t stop writing. 🙂


      1. It means so much that you stopped by and actually read my posts! So thank you so much for that!

        I’ve honestly been trying to figure out how to get the “like” and “share” button on the bottom of my posts just on my front page but I think my theme prevents that from showing up. You have to actually click the post to be able to do that.

        If anyone knows how to fix this let me know!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Every theme is different so I wouldn’t know off hand. Seems odd though because I’ve used a few themes and managed to get them. What is your theme again?


      3. I’m in the middle of writing a post this minute but I’ll see what I can find out in a bit for you.


      4. Okay, your theme does have the like, comment and socialmedia buttons available for under each post. Go to your WP-Admin menu, select “settings” and then select “sharing.” Here you can check off all the stuff you want to show under each post. To set up comments go to “discussion” also under “settings” and you can set it up there. Hope this makes sense.


      5. Hi, I was just wondering if you had a chance to try setting up the likes buttons and if it worked out okay. Take your time. I would just like to hear how it worked out for you when you get a chance. 🙂


      6. The likes and shares I was able to fix. It was exactly where you told me they would be. So now after every post on my homepage you can see those buttons. I still can’t figure out how to get the comment section to be added at the bottom. The settings with discussion didn’t seem to have anywhere to add that but people can still comment if they click either how many comments or the actual post. Again thank you so much for the help!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. You can create pages. WP Admin, click on Pages on the left side (c&p your posts onto pages- btw, read more tags don’t work in pages). Create a new page with each type of story, and put it in your menu. Oh get to the menu through WP Admin. Check the pages that you want to move to your menu. Save and that’s kind of how you get it. Be careful of the tiers when you have subpages. I know I have it on mines.


    1. You have a tonal issue. I think I understand your intention, to use alternatively heavy and light language to avoid overwhelming the reader, but your switches come too quickly.

      I like your metaphors, but were I you, I would diversify them. Fear Tsunami is a good phrase, but it loses intensity each time you use it.

      Finally, depending on your intended audience, you may want to switch the word fanny. In American English fanny is a euphemism for one’s backside, not one’s vagina.

      I hope this is helpful,

      Liked by 1 person

    2. As a man I can’t say I can truly relate to the nature of your fear (though I’m not a big fan of prostate cancers either) but your explanation of your personal loss from which it derives was honest & put the piece in context

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi everyone,
    I’ve posted on my blog twice this week and would really appreciate some feedback. My first post was called “believing in myself” and my second post talks about a new weekly feature I am starting called “quote of the week”. I always welcome feedback/constructive criticism as it helps me to improve the quality of my blog.

    Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I have recently just published my first cooking video on my site using I-Movie on my mac. I’d love to get some feedback on the quality of the video (lighting, audio, etc.) and the general content of how I present. I am up for any criticism at all. I won’t take it personal trust me
    I know I should keep this brief but I’d also love suggestions on how to get a nice looking header on my site. All of the pictures of food that I’ve taken will not upload into the header area since they are typically too small. I know that there is a recommended pixel size but I cannot seem to figure out how to adjust them. If I can’t use my pictures I’d use something from the web. Any suggestions or assistance would be great. The site is:

    and the post I am seeking feedback on is the first one you’ll see as soon as you log onto the site “Avocado Dressing with Sautéed Chicken over Mixed Greens”. Thank you so much for any and all feedback!


    1. Just to let you know there is an amazing image resixing and fixing and everything website that is easy and FREE. It’s called Picmonkey. You can resize all of your pics there so that they really make a statement including your header.


    1. While I can’t relate to the mom thing the way others can, I enjoyed your style. I also feel moved to follow your example and write an apology letter to clothes I no longer fit into (& I can’t blame pregnancy)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for the comment. I just read your pep talk rant and… Jesus that was insight into something I’ve never heard or experienced. I am following your blog to read more. Your perspective on things is breathtaking.


    1. Very funny tominalbion! It certainly works.

      As a Canadian I can identify with most of the items on your list (especially the apologizing and politeness) which isn’t surprising considering the connections between our two countries.

      Except the beans on toast. Don’t get that one.


      You see what I mean!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for your feedback and I’m glad that you liked the post! I’ve heard that you Canadians are similar in many respects to us Brits 🙂


    2. Great post, will comment more on the blog but it’s fun and British [i just have the passport and the mum] and relatable – nice one and there should definitely be a sequel that involves sports and expecting your sides to lose…

      love brett fish


    1. Do people know about it? I tried to read the whole post, but I got bored. Sorry. If you feel proud of it, stay proud of it. Don’t take any crap from anybody.


    2. i have to agree with Leanne, it is a little long perhaps but i just kept wanting something to happen and it didn’t – feel like it needed something more – really wanted to like it but just felt a bit empty which i guess juxtaposes off the desert and gives it a short story feel so maybe a Wes Anderson movie or something… don’t think pics would have helped – maybe some more colourful description of you and your ex and what went wrong and flashback to some of that drama… not sure…


  9. Actually, I just wish to say that I have my first anniversary today and I wrote about it here:

    My blog is one year old

    Thank you for the platform, as for the readers, they will come at their own pace. My stuff is not about immediately seeking feedback, it is sharing my world with the rest of the population, and those who wish to explore it are always welcome, but I won’t entice anybody on purpose or contort myself to please more of them.

    It is a bit as when I forgot my scrapbook with quotes and song bits and stuff under the bench in high school and the boy who sat in my chair during morning classes wrote in: “Sorry for having read your scrapbook. Great quotations.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not interested in alcohol, but it’s your blog so blog about whatever you want. Your about page corresponds to your first post, so that’s good. Since you just started, I can’t really give you any other feedback. Put more stuff up and I can give you something else like how it looks.


    2. It’s great that you’re writing about something that you’re obviously interested in. Is your blog going to have a theme or just go wherever your thoughts take you? I really enjoyed the first post, keep it up!


    1. I like your use of the theme, especially the (intentional or not) descent into a purely black background as one scrolls down.
      I do find myself focusing on the pictures themselves rather than your comments on their subject for the busier images at the top. Perhaps you could try diminishing the brightness of the images so make the white of the text stand out better.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think you replied to the wrong post, I don’t recall having either movie or tv lists on my blog. Such would be difficult given my lack of television.


    2. I’m also a big fan of the theme you’ve used, it works really well with the tv/film focus. Your posts are informative and focus on things that I’m interested in (I’m a sucker for a good list) so it’s a great blog for me! Keep up the good work!


    1. Hi think you can do that with any theme, just insert the ‘read more’ tag where you want the break to be. There is a button on the top, near the link to button 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Go to Settings in your dashboard and then to the “Reading” menu. Scroll down a bit to the “For each article in a feed:” option and click “summary” instead of “full post”.

      The “read more” tag mentioned by Lisa is for posts on your site, not in the WordPress reader.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hey, everyone. If anyone enjoys short fiction stories I have started my first blog. I would love any feed back. I am still working on how to customize my blog. Thank you!
