Community Pool

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  1. Good Day to You anniebaruah,

    Your story is good writing and I think you are being a bit hard on yourself, judging by the comments here.

    How do you feel about adding paragraphs, just to break up the reading a little. I think it would help when reading it on a mobile phone.

    I’m impressed that this is your first time writing.

    I also agree that a well-placed image would help as well.

    My Best to You

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey there!

    We are a brand new blog – a platform started to discuss issues concerning women. We are motivated to provide an alternative narrative on womanhood, pop culture, patriarchal domination, sexism and other things along that line.

    If you’re interested in stuff like that or want to contribute an article, drawing, poem (anything, really), come check out our blog.

    URL to the blog:

    URL to our latest posts:

    The Story Behind The F Word | Part 1 :

    The Story Behind The F Word | Part 2 :

    Any feedback about our blog is most welcome.

    Thanks in advance!
    Happy blogging!

    ~The F Word | Team

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In my opinion, and even at this early stage, your blog has passion. It has bite. Your mission is clearly defined in the About.

      Nice artwork too.

      Wow…Go Team!


  3. Hi Everyone,

    We started a blog about 6 months ago (although we went public in December 2015) about the Genocide that took place in Bosnia.
    The blog was started because we went on a study tour of Bosnia with a charity called remembering Srebrenica. The purpose of the blog was to relay all that we learnt on that trip for others and try and spread a message that promoted peace and tolerance. As we are not a newspaper, we do include a lot of our own views and opinions as well as staying unbiased when it comes to the facts. We post once a week and have started addressing contemporary issues as well such as the war in Syria.
    What we would like to know is:
    1. What your views about the quality of the posts – are they good enough to draw you in? DO you read until the end, would you want to share with friends?

    2. Do they provide a new angle or perspective

    3. What do you think about the blogs aesthetics, do the homepages and posts draw you in?

    Thanks so much for your help, would love some honest reviews. Hope to also help a few of you, so shall start looking through the comments. Looking forward to your feedback!

    Liked by 5 people

      1. This grabbed my attention and as someone who posts about comparatively trivial matters, I really respect what you’re doing. Followed, and look forward to learning more about BiH from your posts. I was interested when BiH qualified for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil as many players had grown up away from “home.” Has sport, music, film helped heal the country and its people in any way? As I say, look forward to your posts!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Kieran,
        Thank you for taking the time to have a look at the blog and replying.

        I also very much liked your ideas – I actually started a draft post about football, but need to do loads more research before I can complete it.
        I was going to look at the rivalry and post war tension that still exists because when we were in Bosnia one of the survivors said that he can’t watch matches between Serbia and BiH due to the chants and taunts – so I was going to go down that route. But I really like the idea of ‘healing’ through sport, music etc – brings something more positive to the blog so is definitely something we will cover in the future.
        Again, many thanks for your feedback.
        Kind regards,

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks Ulia!

        If the truth is that “healing” is too optimistic, then tell that story too. I think people will be interested in the everyday passions of Bosnian people. If ever you want a second opinion on something, drop me a line.

        Best wishes,


        Liked by 1 person

  4. Good Day to You,

    Have you noticed how much automation there is on social media?

    I’ve been slowly growing a presence on Twitter here:


    A look at my profile will show that the ratio of “likes” to “tweets” seems to convey that my followers care about my activities.

    I decided to try and really get to know my audience, before starting to offer affiliate products. So, I published the following “post of questions” in an attempt to engage.

    There hasn’t been any.

    It seems my research needs more development, because I don’t just want to “sell”. If you visit the site, you’ll understand. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Only recently submitted the site to Google & Bing.

    How’s Our Trust Doing?

    My Best to You

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I just started my blog a few days ago. It’s a blog dedicated to mostly indie literature and my own literature that features poc and characters with disabilities. I’m having some trouble figuring out how to organize my blog. I cover three main aspects of literature; reviewing, free lit available on my blog, and my published works. I would also like to feature other authors and their work on my site in the near future. I’d like to keep my menu as simple as possible without making people struggle to find what they’re looking for.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I am new here so I’m pretty much oblivious. I’m not even sure what problems my blog faces. But i’ll be following you and pounce upon you whenever I need help.. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I started with your “About” page and wanted desperately to “like” it. There is not an option to do so, but I have to say I was completely drawn in and could not wait to read your blog after reading about Harker! I also am as “white as chalk”, work with children with autism, and am raising a biracial girl. Your blog totally speaks to me and many things I am passionate about.
      As for technical things…gosh! You are organized. I felt like navigating through your site was easy. It was bright and cheerful. I liked your images as well. I really have no words of advice for you! You are doing it beautifully! P.S I am now a loyal follower!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much! I’m glad it was easy for you to navigate. On a slightly unrelated note, do you have any advice on good reading to learn more about autism? I want to write an autistic character for a story I have in the works but my only experience with autism is a kid I had one class with in middle school.


      2. I would highly recommend anything written by Temple Grandin. She was one of the first diagnosed in America about 40 years ago. You can also watch the movie version (which follows her story well) and features Claire Danes. And although it is not novel like, more how-to-work with students with autism, I really value any and all books by Michelle Garcia Winner. Her methods are the ones primarily used in school and private practices. You can also look into ABA,–Applied Behavior Analysis (which is what I do), it will give you insight to some of the programs that are suited for children with autism, giving you a little more insight in to how many are wired. Hope this helps a little!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. continue your work.. your blog’s pretty intriguing.. Do check out mine.. I’m new in the block too..


    2. Hi 🙂
      I went through your blog. I loved it that you have put in sincere effort into your posts 🙂 your insights on introverts and friendship are quite relatable and you have managed to organise your thoughts very well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi guys, so I posted a blog post yesterday and would really appreciate it if you could check it out its called Easter and if you have time check out a few other blog posts of mine also. I am a Photography blogger but I also write even though its not a strong suite of mine and I do this so I can actually communicate with my audience so check out my blog post and thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I just started my blog a few days ago and for some reason in my last post I could not get my stanzas to be separated by a space/line break. Does anyone know how to control the format? In the editing stage it looks correct, but when I go to preview/publish, it put all the stanzas together. I just gave up and made the text different colors, but it would be helpful to know how to get the spaces/line breaks to stay.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I enjoyed your group of Haiku, Transitions. One thing you could do to separate them is to find a graphic of a line that looks good with your site, then insert it between each Haiku. If you store the line graphic in your Media file, it will be there for easy access any time you need it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi!

    Not new, but I could always use new visitors 🙂

    I blog about Dissociative identity Disorder, along with mental health in general. I’ve been through a lot in my life, and I really just want to help others.

    I would really appreciate you checking my blog out in return for checking yours out!!

    thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I think your blog is about travel and stuff right? So why not include some vibrant colors for the background, you could change your theme or customize it. Its upto you as your writing and titles are catchy. Other wise its pretty awesome!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I do travel, fashion and makeup. So kind of a mix. Do you have to buy a theme that can you customize that much or can you work with free ones?


  9. What a brilliant day! Thanks to everyone who commented and communicated.. looking forward to another day in the community pool!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello! I just went and checked out your blog and I really enjoyed it. It is simple and easy to navigate, and you write very well. I really related to your post “Being Social.” I get very overwhelmed by how difficult it has become to shut the world out for a little bit. I step away from my phone and I’ve missed a bunch of important messages and people are irritated!

      I have followed and am looking forward to future content. 🙂


      1. Hi 🙂
        Thank you so much for reading my posts and giving your valuable feedback on them 🙂
        I’m glad that you could relate to my content 🙂
        Thanks for following. Would come up with more content soon:)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the layout. For what my opinion is worth; I dont always read posts that are very long, but I like the bullet points. Those made it easier to read. Otherwise, love the content.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. All,

    I have recently began a new Science Fiction novel called “The Eighth Tribe: Humanity”. If you enjoyed novels such as “Divergent,” “The Hunger Games,” or “The 5th Wave” then there’s a good chance you would also find this story interesting! If you’re looking for a dystopian Sci-Fi novel to immerse yourself in then I would appreciate a view!

    Many Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hey guys!

    The F Word is a brand new blog – a platform to discuss issues concerning women. It is to provide an alternative narrative on womanhood, pop culture, patriarchal domination, sexism and other things along that line.

    If you’re interested in that kind of stuff please give it a look. Any feedback is welcome!

    URL to the blog:

    Thanks in advance!
    Happy blogging!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great work, with the blog. I’m Indian, so I can relate with much of how you’ve described our cultural stereotypes. It is true, and we need voices like yours.

      I rather liked your language too. I’m new, do check out my blog, and tell me about it. I would like your opinion.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your views on the concept of Internet Fame. It really puts in perspective how powerful the internet really is because of its ability of mass sharing. Good job!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are off to a great start. Your site is visually pleasing and the posts are easy to read. Your About page is the most extensive I’ve seen and does a nice job of giving us the backstory. Two things to consider as you progress are Tags and Categories. Tags will make it easier for some people to find your blog if they are searching the internet by keyword. Categories would give you a way to group your posts. For instance, you might have categories such as: Quotes, Memories, Book Progress, Screenplay Progress. Then, when you do a post, you can assign it to one of your categories. You would put your Categories in you Menu. My blog shows how Tags and Categories work.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi, haven’t really worked out my ‘niche’ yet, have started a personal blog, just me chatting and as I’m a newbie to the blogging family, would love some honest feedback whilst I’m finding my feet.
    Thanks X

    Liked by 2 people

    1. First: Love your layout. I’m a man but I have no shame in admitting that pink is the best color on the planet. I also enjoyed your writing style!


    2. LOVE your blog ! I am just starting my blog and after looking at yours, I’ve become a bit more confident. Your first or second post described how you were new to this and felt a bit discouraged, but by the last few posts it seems that you are much more comfortable. I guess it’s not as hard as it seems. I just need to take it one post at a time. I also followed you!


    1. I appreciate how you specify the distinction between man-haters and feminists. All people deserve equality and I like how you supply the fact that a gender war is not the answer to this dilemma. Also, nice theme!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I enjoyed reading your post. I like that you expressed that while you are a feminist there is a big difference between wanting gender equality and gender supremacy. I know of feminism but your post helped me to understand much better. So thanks ! And yes your layout is perfect for the blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi, so I started my blog a little while ago to see if I can maintain my passion for writing. Not quite sure if blogging is my thing, especially as I don’t have a specific topic I’ve decided to write about, so it has kind of just ended up with me ranting about things. Can anyone give me some feedback or tips about anything you can offer? Would be very grateful 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You seem worried about your ranting. I, personally, find ranting the most interesting type of blogs to read because it doesn’t water down what someone is thinking. Let it all come out! Your mental process is most intriguing part of your blog! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks, horrifyingly enough that’s drawing from personal experience of someone I’d have really not have liked to spend 2 years sitting next to in class… D:
        I really appreciate your comments, and I shall carry on ranting until I have something in particular to say, in which case I shall rant passionately about whatever that may be.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey there! One thing I would suggest is that I personally always click on the about page first thing, and you’ve yet to put something there. So that might be a good thing to do.

      I’m really enjoying your blog! You keep it super real and relatable. Love it.


      1. I am super grateful you’ve taken the time to read all of my posts, and even comment on them. It’s really constructive and much appreciated. I did kind of think I was just ranting to myself to keep my thoughts at bay and no one would care in the slightest about what I typed. Your comments made me smile 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    3. My suggestion is to establish some Categories. For instance, you might have TV, Job, School. Then you could make a plan to do a short review or observation about one of your TV programs each week and assign it to the TV category. Depending on your schedule and what happens at job and school, you could occasionally do a post about that and assign them to the relevant category. BTW, many of the TV shows you mentioned are ones I like as well 🙂


    4. I am very new to blogging as well. About two weeks ago I posted a rant as well. It has been, by far, the most viewed post to date. Keep ranting!


    5. I feel the same way! In all of my blogs I just feel like I get carried away in my mindless (and sometimes not-so-mindless) rants. But all of my friends have been encouraging me to keep writing, because at the end of the day its YOUR blog and you’re warranted to your opinion and your ranting. Especially if it’s entertaining! So keep doing you girl!


    1. The flow of your words is impeccable. The syllables are strung together in a way that makes them pleasing and enjoyable. Keep at it! 🙂


  14. Hello all, recently my blog has been nominated for a Liebster Award, if you want to check it out, let me know what you think! 🙂
    Matt. X

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Upon looking through a few of your writings it is easy to see why you would be nominated for such an award. Your style of writing is truly unique. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Your writing contains a meditative feel that is very comfortable to read. I enjoyed your explanation of the idea that beauty is in everything. Sometimes we can forget just how amazing the world around us really is. Great work! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person