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    1. Hey I really enjoy your story. It’s well written and captivating. I would however recommend adding more to your website to draw more readers in. The website would be if you added some pictures that highlight your chapters that you’re working. The other suggestion would be to add some social media plugins. That way you’ll be able to connect with more people via Facebook or Twitter. Those are my suggestion. I look forward to reading more from you.

      Check out my website:

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi @Anveshapriya your website looks amazing. Its nice, clean, and easy to navigate to. Plus you have the social media plugins visible so anyone can share your work. The only suggestion I would have is your about section. You could beef that section up with a bit more description about yourself and your work. Other than that I don’t have anything to say about it. Just keep up the good work!! I look forward to reading more 🙂

        Check out my website:

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sure, for my “about” section. I wrote a biography of who I am and what I like to do. Since I enjoy graphic novels I talked about how I got into graphic novels, why I love creating graphic novels and what I hope to do in the future.

        So I would talk about why you enjoying writing, how you got started, where do you hope to go with you writing.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I find that you’re writing a serial really interesting. How does publishing a chapter at a time affect how you end each chapter (and what you put in each chapter)? I’ve been looking into serial writing for awhile. Any tips? Thanks for sharing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Firstly, this is the first time I am writing something so I am no expert. I suck at writing and that’s the reason feedback are really necessary for me in order to improve it. I just love reading novels and believe me I read a lot. So all those crazy ideas just pop in my head and one day I was like I am going to write too. So I did.
        I am still writing it. I don’t know how it will end. Sometimes I am afraid I will finish all those ideas and i will not be able to finish the serial. I just think of a scene and then I write and write till I think it should end now. I don’t have any ideas for today. and that’s it the end of that chapter and the beginning of new chapter.. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello everyone,
    I am very new to blogging and started it as I had written a book about teething babies and wanted to up my profile before I self-published it. I also have a fb page and started twitter and instagram- way too much technology for me lol. Anyway, I would really appreciate just someone to look over what I write about and let me know some honest feedback. I get the odd likes and comments and shares on fb, but people seem to do this much less these days and just rather quickly read but don’t interact further. The idea behind my blog is basically what ever comes to mind that day/week. I wanna cover all areas and not just be another mum page. I am also currently writing childrens books, so I want to get my pages right in order to attract more readers. Many thanks.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love the garden you made for your son – what a cute idea! To boost your posts, try tagging and categorizing them. This will help them appear to more users on WordPress (for example, the garden one can be tagged as “kids” “DIY” etc.). Share your blog posts on Twitter/FB/etc to get more views as well. And Community Pool is a great place, too! Follow folks and many times they will follow back.

      Would you be able to look at one of my posts?

      How Ballroom Dancing Redefined Femininity (for me, anyway)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I also have free wordpress, and yes, you can. 🙂 I do everything on a computer (the layout looks different on a mobile), but if you go to the page where you can write a new post, there are different options on the left. Tags/categories are one section, another is “sharing”, etc. Take a look for it! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello…I went to your blog and read a number of your posts. I also left comments. Likes are cool, but I believe we bloggers love comments even better!

      You mentioned that you write as interesting topics come to you. From what I can tell, your blog is already filling up with various themes, or maybe we should call them categories.

      Observation: You have cool categories, yet all of your posts are uncategorized. I’m puzzled?

      Suggestion: When a blog post jumps out at you, and you decide to write it, check to see if it has cousin!!!

      Categories help readers find something that interests them too. I have the time to wander up and down the page, not everyone does. It would be easier to scan your short list of categories than your growing number of posts. Just a mention.

      Keep rocking it!


  2. Hey everyone!! I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at my art website and give me some feedback. I’m an upcoming graphic novelist and digital artist. I posts about my graphic novel I’m working on and galleries I’ll be exhibiting in. Let me know what you think; maybe even share it with your friends!

    Liked by 6 people

    1. The X and the N of the header/logo are too dark. Minor characters page should have something similar to the Main character page. Perhaps a group shot of them? Though perhaps merging both the minor and major characters into a single menu with drop down menu for major and minor might be something to consider. Perhaps also merging “The Creator” and “About Xavian.” I might also change the “Pages” to something like “Xavian” or “read online.” It might also be good to make a menu for your upcoming events and gallery shows.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey thanks for your suggestions. I’ll try to fix the logo. Yeah I feel like I should combine my major and minors characters would be easier to navigate. I’ll add a new menu to show my upcoming gallery and events. Thank you so much for your suggestions.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey! Your blog provides me with such a great perspective of a person living in a country I don’t live in, which is why I love it! Your writing is raw and it truly sounds like the people you write about and it shows how much you care about your society and social environment.

        You’re doing a great job! Keep writing!

        Also, I think you might be interested in this blog:

        It also talks about a certain section of the society. If you have time, do give it a look! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, I’m Yanhao. And I’m Harvey. (Wait maybe we should do it in alphabetical order? Hmm, alright that looks better). Hi, I’m Harvey. And I’m Yanhao. (Maybe that’s a bit too formal? Fine, let’s try something else). Hey guys… okay screw this.
    We’re a couple of sixth formers writing about science and stuff because we have too much free time. So… yep.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Thanks a lot for the positive feedback!
        I really love your writing style but can’t say I’ve done a lot of dancing in my time 🙂
        Can’t wait to read more

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! I thought I had avoided a lot of adverbs (I’m not a fan of them either) but I guess a few must have slipped through!
        I’ve commented on your post on cussing because I enjoy a good swear every now & then 🙂


  4. Happy Monday! I believe the community pool is my favorite thing about Mondays. I love reading everyone’s new things. It inspires me to write and makes me glad I’m a part of this awesome community.
    Here is my latest about my struggles with the trend in popular fiction. Let me know what you think. (I think it’s a little choppy).

    Liked by 8 people

    1. I went, saw, read, replied.

      I liked your Rain post.

      Always noticed you have elected to use the Lovecraft theme. So did I at first. Then I started to suspect my readers might eventually have navigation problems. It’s even more difficult on a smaller screen, like phone.

      Just a mention.

      Loved the baby picture by the way!!!


      1. Thanks that you liked the picture.

        I used to use the “The Independent Publisher” theme at first and then moved to “Lovecraft”. Honestly, it would be of great help if you can suggest some better theme as I don’t have much knowledge on that. Thanks in advance. 🙂


      2. It appears you like checking out other blogs. At the end of each blog, at the very bottom, you will find the name of the theme. If you like that one, or become interested in a similar blog style…

        Check out WordPress Themes using Google. Many are free, some are premium. Just remember navigation AND responsiveness (able to see on any screen size) are both key.

        You have a potentially brilliant blog. Check out a few more themes and you’ll push out front even quicker!

        Highest and Best.


  5. Hello guys 😀
    I am Kahlo.. well my name says it all.
    If you are looking forward to check out some new blogs.. well mine is a week old.
    Well are you guys willing to our to check out my posts and waste, strike that, utilize your two minutes??
    Do tell me what you think about it..

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Love your layout. My personal suggestion would be on the “About” page, unbolding the text will make it little more different on the eye of the reader 🙂
      Happy Blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m kind of with Natalie on the paragraph issue. I’ve found that even (especially?) with short pieces, breaking them down into really quite short paragraphs helps readability and pacing. Before I started blogging I would have left them in bigger clumps.
        You conjure up some great imagery (particularly for someone like me who’s a long way from mountains). Roll on summer! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. loved it.. keep up your work.. do check out my blog if you got time. I am a poet too.. We could scheme together..


    1. I just did. The lord of the rings cover did it for me actually. I am into fantasy fiction stuff.. continue to inspire the geek in us.. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  6. If you could please go to my blog and check out my last blog post and type what you think the quote I posted means, or what it means to you that would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Good Day to You Basant,

    I’m impressed with how much of your own experience you share in this post.

    It moved me enough to leave a comment, even though the topic has nothing to do with my niche. It has to do with our human condition and our since of being safe.

    This is not only a wonderful post, but one that is moving and thought provoking.

    Thank you for your wonderful effort.

    My Best to You

    Liked by 3 people

    1. loved your easter post.. especially the picture of water drops on your window pane.. i think you should experiment more with your pictures and opt for more locations to challenge yourself!! All the best!


    1. I would change the name of your about page as I mistook it for a contac page by the title. I’d also be interestined in an about that tells us more about what a Spoonie is, who the primary loons featured will be, and perhaps some of your favorite toons.
      I love the photography. Very nicely done and the deer pics are pretty awesome.
      I would also recomend either expanding your tag cloud or adding some catagory menu options to help people find posts they liked or would be most interesting to them.


      1. Absolutely! I love the Welcome page. It helps people like myself who have family that live with chronic illness or even people who are just new to exploring self care with their chronic illness learn a bit more about you and terminology in the community. Wonder full job.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Good Day to You Megha,

    I’m not inclined to color and drawing a stick man is enough challenge for me.

    You’re relating to the intricate pattern as requiring “all your concentration – just like meditation”, make the idea very appealing.

    I hope you plan to scan and share your finished project after completion.

    Perhaps this is a good chance to offer a sharing experience to your readers?

    A very nice post!

    My Best to You

    Liked by 2 people

    1. brilliant.. and i agree with you. but i think the pace works out fine. You just have to elaborate hoe he’s the pawn.. otherwise your story was quite gripping.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. But i wanted to know, How you set your post as proper snippet Because whenever i shift to any theme my all posts arrange like a long newspaper ? I tried Adelle theme that you are using still same issue…


  9. Good Day to You,

    I’m not a crafts person, but like the step-by-step instruction and pictures.

    I’m using the Windows Edge browser and noticed that some of the larger pictures or at least the spaces that look more like a banner are just dark black. Are they supposed to be showing pictures?

    Aside from the image issue, it’s a very nice post.

    My Best to You

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello,
      For your comments to appear at the right place in the conversation, be sure to click on “Reply” under the comment to which you’re responding. Otherwise, your comment will appear unattached to the original comment (as happened a couple of times on this page).


  10. Hello! I had a nice encounter with a lovely Red-necked grebe in Vestamager, in the south of Copenhagen, last week. The bird was cooperative enough to let me take a few portraits while it fished: to thank it, I featured it on my blog. Go take a look and tell me what you think; I’m quite proud of the pictures, that’s unusual 🙂

    FOCUS: Red-necked grebe

    Liked by 3 people

    1. How obliging of the grebe to pose so well for you! Lovely photos. I like that you give the differences in names in each country in the text too. You could’ve just posted the photos but it’s good to have the interesting info to go along with it.


    2. Beautiful Photography! You are definitely gifted. Although I am not a huge bird lover, I found myself wanting to know more about the Red Neck Grebe! I also wanted to know more about you…that would be my only constructive advice. Nice Job!


    1. I LOVE photography myself and though I took a class, I left feeling a little more confused than when I started. Not such a bad thing, since, for me, I like wrestling with information until I figure it out. With that to say, I really love your photography. I was especially drawn to your landscape pictures, specifically with one with the cross, where the Pope stood. I like the layout of your blog. It’s easy to follow, visually pleasing. The only thing I wanted to know—which doesn’t look like its part of your process, is what did you do to get those shots? What are you learning as you take those, what are the challenges and what would you do different. I think you have all the makings of a wonderful photographer and blogger! Nice job!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Karyn thanks a lot for your comment, I will try to include this on my future post, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the photo101 dynamics, they give you each day a specific theme with tips for you to follow; most of these pics I took them with my phone, trying to get the perfect shoot for that day’s theme, I’ve tried my best not tu use old pics, of all that I’ve posted, maybe 4 or 5 are “old”

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