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    1. Wow! You are one brave lady and I really admire the courage you have to tell your story. Your blog has a lovely lay out and I enjoy reading your posts: they have attitude and flair!
      On a technical side of things, make sure to begin your sentences with capital letters, it just makes it look more polished and professional. Keep blogging, I love what you have to say 🙂


  1. I too am brand new to blogging and have never done anything like it before other than tweet which is hardly the same aha! Would be greatly appreciative of feedback on my first post. Like I said I’ve no idea if I’m doing this right its just my opinions published on a site I suppose!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Don’t worry about doing it right, just do. I read your first two posts and thoroughly enjoyed them. Even though I had no idea what grime music is (I’m old and tragically unhip), you held my interest throughout the piece devoted to it. No easy feat. I hope you continue to share your thoughts.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Well thanks to you Lucy, I know a lot more about Grime music! Thank you 🙂 Your post is very well structured and give lots of information. There were a couple of little grammar/spelling mistakes but only very minor ones. I am looking forward to reading more and learning from you 🙂


    3. You blog looks excellent considering how new it is! the layout and quality of the work looks great. The only feedback I would give is to maybe use ‘Read More’ tags when making posts so the whole posts don’t show on the homepage, prevents you having to scroll for years when trying to get to old posts!


  2. Hello!
    I just launched a new Pinterest Page and I am really excited! I have also changed my layout a little bit. I was wondering if you could give me constructive criticism on both. As well if you would like to see more on a specific topic!

    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey all! Ive recently started a food, travel & lifestyle blog called liveeachdaylikeitsyourlast.com I’m not very tech savvy- so any feedback you have on my posts/layout/plugins and also content would be really really valued! In return of course I’d be happy to read your blog and share learnings too! I want to know if my content is any good and if you have fun reading my blog! I take feedback well so please be honest 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks so much christinaluu93! I just want a bigger following really! I’ve just read a few of your posts as well :). Your site is so mobile friendly and well structured!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, I just started a blog as a place to keep my writings. I am trying to turn it into a page that girls can come and read for encouragement and on Christian centered topics. Any ideas on how to get the word out? Thanks(:

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I have just begun to blog….kinda late for the party…but better late than never…
    I am an author, reviewer and now a blogger!
    I am considering not only posting books, reviews and giveaways from other authors but was even thinking on doing my reviews on video…making them more creative and personal! If anyone has other ideas please feel free to let me know. I am off to discover more content…thanks

    Liked by 4 people

  6. All,

    I recently embarked upon writing Science Fiction novels for a website I have created with the help of word press. I would compare my work to stories such as “The Hunger Games,” “Divergent,” and “The 5th Wave”. I understand many of you are busy chasing your own futures of the blogging world but if you’re looking for an original Science Fiction story then I would appreciate a view.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I love dystopian! I definitely want to keep an eye on your blog. I’d even be happy to publish a review of your work on my own blog if you like! I would suggest that your layout needs a little work. It was a little meh. Use the layout as a hook to catch people’s attention.


      1. Thank you for the feedback! I would be honored to have my work reviewed on your blog. Thanks for the tip about the layout, I’ll see if I can find one that’s more exciting.


  7. HI folks

    I recently did a blog about whether white women can write about black women’s history, prompted by a book I read.

    I posed a couple of questions for authors and readers about whether some topics should be off limits or not to some authors.

    I’d love some thoughts from people about this topic, but also whether this kind of blog works for you.


    Many thanks in advance,

    Liked by 3 people

    1. As an Afro-Latina woman who is also an activist this is a very touchy subject. To me, it depends on how you write, why you write, and if you truly understand what is like to be a black woman.


  8. I just started a blog about my life experiences (concerts, shows, lectures, my weekends), thoughts about issues in society, and travel. However, I am a HUGE procrastinator and I always end up blogging a few weeks after the event.

    I always backdate the posts (I posted two blogs today but dated them March 5 and March 9 – when the events occurred), but wonder if I should keep doing this or just keep the date current.

    Does backdating my posts make them harder for the general community to find?

    THANKS and does anyone else have this problem??


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Does backdating my posts make them harder for the general community to find?

      It does — it means that anyone looking for the tags you used won’t see them in the WordPress.com Reader unless they scroll past many, many screens (if at all).

      I really can’t think of any advantage to backdating posts — especially since you can simply mention the date of the event you’re referring to in the body of the post.


    1. This looks like a really good idea, especially if you post every day/frequently. I don’t know if it’s just my computer, but the text starts at a weird place next to the photo.

      I would suggest trying to have the photo aligned left (or right, or alternating align left/align right), so you can have your brief summary to the side of the photo.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It could be your computer. I do have the photo aligned to the left, and shrink it down then start the text next to it. Do you think it might be better to start the text underneath the photo? Thanks for reading and the helpful feedback.


      2. Hmm… I looked at it on a Mac and PC and the text starts at the bottom right of the photo. If you play around, you might be able to get the text to align to the top right side of the photo.

        Or you can try photos on the right side.

        Or text underneath the photo.
        Anything will be good, really!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeah, that’s where the text starts. The photo is aligned to the left, and I shrink it down as not to take up a lot of space. I’ll do another one on Saturday and try to remember to put the text underneath. Will you take a look then and see if it looks better with a change?


      4. Oh ok, I understand. I went into edit to play around and try and I couldn’t get the text to move. Copy and paste put it in the same spot. Even moving out several spaces, same thing. If I tried to align the text, the photo moved also.


  9. Hello beautiful writers! I recently started my own blog called healthyworkinggal and created my first post yesterday. I am still working to understand the features of wordpress. I wanted to reach out to you all and kindly ask if you could read my about me and tell me what you think. It is meant to introduce to my readers who I am the the purpose of me starting this blog. Is it focused? Does it seem like I am going off on a tangent? Is it engaging? Any advice would be greatly helpful, and I will do the same in return for you all 🙂 Thanks.


    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hello! Sorry about the technical difficulties Kasey! I recently changed my blog’s focus, but I would still love to hear your thoughts and feedback on my about me page!


    1. Just checked out your blog and I think it is a wonderful start. Why not add blogger to list of achievements right?! One piece of advice I can offer, and please choose to take it or leave it, is to break up your text into sections with headers. This makes it easier to read for the audience that you are targeting. Keep plugging along and I look forward to following you on your journey!


      Liked by 1 person

    2. I am excited to read more! I agree about breaking up with headers or images even. A great place to get “free” images is pixabay.com. You don’t have to cite or credit them (or pay). I found that images help break up the chunks of text (and it can be fun looking for the perfect picture). P.S I’m following you. I thought you were me from the beginning (almost 30, married, mom, etc).

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello dear fellows,

    I just started blogging. I always wrote, but I just thought, it was time to go public. It will really give a boost if you guys let me know what you think. I just posted my first blog tho, nothing very special. But I’ll be writing more every week, maybe even every day.
    But I’m not sure what to write about. I mean, I want to write about too many different things (short stories, photography, food, poems, literature, philosophical things, my life), so I was wondering if it would be troublesome to do so? Besides, my English is not that good, and again, I was wondering, if this could become tiresome? (I’m really working on this tho:))

    Here is the link to my blog: https://acaciaelata.wordpress.com/
    Thank you for your time and till next time!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Hello All,
    I have stared my travel blog: Travelogues of a Lover- Where the Paths Lead.
    I would love some feedback and comments on my blog!

    Over the last six years, my travels have taken me to many remote regions and allowed me to experience some very beautiful, adventurous, and emotionally powerful moments with nature and people. These experiences are etched deeply in my mind, for they have offered me knowledge and values that has altered my perception of the world.

    During my travels, I kept diaries where I wrote letters under a pen name to my imaginary missing travel companion/confidante about the various events and adventures I experienced as I migrated from one faraway remote place to another. My articles are a re-collection of those moments and days spent.

    Through my writing I hope to inspire people to travel and explore the world, wherever that may be, and create their own stories and adventures to share with the community.

    I would love some feedback on my blog! I’ve had it for a little while now, but I still struggle to post regularly when life gets busy.
    Please let me know what you think!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. both blogs could use some formatting. The Women of Warfare has numbers and then a space and then quotes. It is not the easiest to read.
      A Purpose Driven Achiever has better formatting, but the balance between your quotes, images, and text is off. You have your quotes lumped at the beginning, then some images, then large chunks of text.
      Other than that, good stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your feedback, which is useful and helpful. Part of the problem with the formatting in WoW is that when you input info into the page it changes of it’s own accord. I had a lot of problems with trying to fix the numbered layout.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve been working on this web serial for what feels like a lifetime (but is actually closer to a year) and while I know people are looking at it, I’m not getting any feedback!

    I’d love it if someone could pop over and let me know what your thoughts are!

    “An Irish-born thief of not-inconsiderable skill finds himself betrayed during a job and left to the mercies of the Parisian police. After nearly three years in jail, he finds himself unexpectedly released ahead of schedule with only one goal in mind: revenge. He quickly discovers that there are forces arrayed against him and, surprisingly, a considerable power supporting his efforts. With the assistance of a friendly cab driver, his ex-wife/former partner, and a rotating cast of characters from all across the globe, he throws himself headlong into conflict with the mysterious forces and discovers what really matters along the way.”

    Chapter 1

    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hi everyone! I am pretty new to the blogging world – I have published 3 posts so far about my life as a Scottish girl in China and would love if you could check out my page and let me know what you think – Is it funny? Is it informative? One of my main aims is that it doesn’t sound generic. I appreciate any and all feedback and will be happy to return the favour.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I really like your writing and the layout of your blog. Your advise about ‘feminine products’ reminded me of my friends living in Japan. I always had to bring extra that never made it home with me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much! The tampon thing was a big surprise to me, I guess I just took for granted that they would be readily available. It sort of highlights the issue even more that women still have very few options out there!


  14. Hi Everyone! I’m a fashion and lifestyle blogger. My current struggle is keeping my blog focused but still giving a good view of my life. I’m worried the weekly (ok usually weekly) fitness/running posts are too disconnected from my fashion posts. Would love some feedback!



    Liked by 3 people

    1. Kasey,
      I love your format, your images, and your writing. It’s great. You’re correct about your balance issues. If you want to keep your focus on fashion and running, try to have a schedule. Since you’re writing weekly maybe every other week switch topics. If you tend to have more of one topic than the other, maybe three on one and one of the other, just try to balance it. You can also pre-schedule your posts’ publishing to help you out when you have a day where you can write more than one post.
      I hope that helps. Keep up your awesome writing!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Good evening everyone! I started a blog mid Feb and I am looking for feedback as well. I am working through the Weight Watchers program and I am posting updates on that as well as incorporating my passion for life. I post handy lists, how-to’s, and recipes. I am working on streamlining everything and picking a more definitive direction for the blog. Thank you for any feedback you may have and I look forward to reading your blogs!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love your pictures and feel of your layout. I did not like that clicking on your blog did not immediately pop up your last post, but I had to click and find it. But I’m a picky one. I like what you’ve written and I’m very excited for your journey!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Great start so far! Some suggestions on writing skills is to focus on capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. What you have to say is beautiful but some readers are turned off by capitalization.

      One final suggestion is to see if you can make the text more visible. It doesn’t not contrast well with your background photo. I found myself scrolling the text to different parts of the picture so that I could read.

      I hope you continue to write. You have some beautiful things to say and with a little polish I can see you having great success. Best wishes!!


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for the feedback.
        I’ll keep working on the site, still haven’t figured out how to change the font or contrast just yet.

        Your blog is amazing I plan my meals for the week and I plan to use some of your recipes!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am enjoying your blog – all the tidbits, and the fact you teach Chemistry – icing on the cake! The only real feedback I have, other than the previous feedback I had seen about your blog {which I apologize, I’m on the wrong thread, please forgive me!} is that your latest post isn’t presented on your mainpage. The other thing that many blogs do, including yours, is not allow/show comments after every post; instead showing one after the other. If you are looking for readers to read content, I think this is perfect! I am happy to read one after the other. However, on my blog, I am writing for general feedback and when I don’t receive it, I understand that I may not be *speaking* to my audience. Do you find that having readers read comment and *like*, being encouraged to read on versus comment, is an attribute for your blog? I love the streamlinedness, but found myself reading and scrolling, not commenting. I’d love your thoughts. Beautiful blog!


    2. I agree on the background photo. It takes away from your writing and makes other images seem weirdly floating and out of place. Polish up on grammar. I know tumblr has great blogs on grammar and punctuation.
      Good luck and keep going!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I’ll handle the tags and posts. I actually have posted a question in the thread below about this as well. I started by having main categories I wanted to discuss: my writing, cancer, homeschooling, reading, games, fiction…and the list keeps growing. I’m seeing the reason for having a method for categories and tagging. I know a lot of bloggers do a few tags, some do a plethora, and I do something inbetween. When I started, I was thinking about “how would I want to find this” or “what if I want similar themes to show up as suggested next blog posts of mine for readers to be directed”. I would say: start small, like “poetry”, “water”, “love”, and then expand. I also tag mine with month and year so that I can go back and look up content or comment from a particular point in time a bit more easily. I see that being an attribute as my blog progresses and marking back previous years “on this date” and such. What I missed was an “About Me” page – did I miss it? I always like to read a bit about the author. If you look at my “About Me” page, it’s relatively short – and although I received some criticism about not being more verbose – one of my goals with my blog is to work on writing with fewer words — I’m verbose enough! http://bikurgurl.com/about/ — A few lines about what you’re plan is, even if you have no plan, and a picture – even if it’s not of you, but something you love, favorite place, meme, animal….it allows readers to know a little more about you, you become more personable, there’s value in knowing other bloggers, reading other writers – whatever your genre – and commenting, participating, and posting regularly. Along with linking to social media {Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc.}, you can find like-minded people to hone your craft – whatever it may be. Good Luck to you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s all about tweaking. I was spending time daily, but now I just tweak on the weekends {but find that there are more readers on the weekends, so it’s also good to get good content prepared and published then as well} – Good Luck!


      2. Thank you for your comment! (I’m also on the wrong thread now too but I couldn’t reply to your comment above) I am very new to themes. My layout isn’t “on purpose” as much as I would like it to be. I am still trying to figure out how to make it do what I want it too. I’m realizing that the things I want to change require an upgrade to premium wordpress. Once I have the funds for that I will definitely make bigger changes.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I totally understand what you mean and agree – and I certainly don’t mean to take away from your beautiful blog – but finding the right layout eludes me as well. I just picked the one that seemed to be best and went with it 😉 Thanks for reciprocating and stopping by my blog – I look forward to reading more of yours!

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Good morning everyone,
    I am fairly new here still having only blogged for roughly two weeks. I recently posted this in relation to the Daily Prompt.
    It’s a creative piece that details a woman within an abusive relationship. Abuse doesn’t have to be physical, and it doesn’t have to be violent.
    I would like to read everyone’s thoughts on the subject.


    Liked by 2 people

  17. Feel free to check out my latest post “Okay Ladies” discussing Beyoncé’s new song and music video “Formation” on my blog, totalbettytalk.com ! I discuss feminism, fashion, and more. Let me know if you read any of my posts and I’d love to check out your blog!

    Liked by 2 people