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  1. Hey guys!! My blog is all about being the best, happiest person you can be, and changing your life for he better. My blog posts may be small, but they talk about large, important issues. I would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog, and leave some feedback! (If you leave a comment on one of my posts, I can check out your page too!) here’s my latest post>>>> Opressors | thecontinuationproject


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Just commented! I love the premise of your blog — short and sweet. It’s a great way to write! 🙂 One suggestion: consider adding photos! You can showcase your own work or use photos online marked Creative Commons (free to use for noncommercial purposes). Posts with pictures often do better than those without.

      Would you be able to look at one of mine? 🙂

      But You’re Not a REAL Tomboy!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Julie, I just left a comment on your blog. I like everything about it. The content is great and has a very personal touch without too many words! The colors and layout are nice; very clean and straight forward.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! My blog is focuses on good news stories, because we hear enough of all the bad ones in the news every day anyway. My article yesterday, because it was the International Day of Happiness, was all about happiness and how to be happier. Please, please give my blog a look and if you enjoyed an article, then like it, or comment if you found something particularly interesting, or would like me to write about something.

    Thank you so much! Follow me if you want to hear about good news stories!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I followed the lord of the trekkies one as I am a massive nerd, but I was a bit confused that a blog called lord of the trekkies has a picture of legolas as it’s header? just a thought, keep the good nerdy work!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. it is quite easy to get around your blog site. love the header pic by the way. Appreciated the explanation for the blog and wish more people (self included) would do the same. Nothing worse than seeing a great blog name and deciding what will be there then finding out it is totally different than expected….and boring to boot. Your blog isn’t even CLOSE to boring. great writing style that captures a reader and won’t let go until the end of the post.


    2. Hi Fay,
      Your blog is really nice. It’s fun and inspiring. I am thankful you’ll take the time to share you thoughts and tips. It’s difficult to know how to help sometimes or even if we should help at all. So your tips are great. I love that you are so colorful and shows how fun you must be. The font you chose for your site reflects that perfectly. Plus, it’s easy to navigate and that’s important! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work! If you have a spare minute or two, please drop by my site and let me know your general impression. I’m open to feedback. Thanks!


      1. See, when I click on your username in comments it gives me the option but I couldn’t find an option to follow via wordpress on the blog itself – that’s literally the only improvement I would suggest1


  3. Hello Everyone,

    I started a new blog for my book club and would love some feedback. My goal is to encourage others to read and share their comments. I hope to make the site inviting, fun, and useful.
    My original blog is still hosted on WordPress and I’m not sure of the best way to do things. Do I leave the original as is or move the old content over to the new site? As a newbie, I’ve go a long way to go but would truly appreciate some advice from all of you experts! Thanks!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I moved my old blog posts from one site to another…and should have just re-blogged them instead. would have made life much easier for me. I think it depends on whether or not you are at all computer literate..I am not and need a six-year-old’s assistance on a daily basis.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello! I’m very new to blogging, but not writing, so I’d love feedback on my content. I do a bit of poetry and fiction writing and was wondering if you have seen this done well and what tags people use. I also do a fair amount of essay writing about politics, popular culture and style. A hodgepodge, I know! How would you suggest to mix these topics well and how to target my specific audience? Thank you all!

    Here is a link to my blog: https://quietasitskeptblog.wordpress.com

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, I liked your post about baking bread and creating something with your family. What I like about your blog in general is that you have a strong voice and are not afraid to use it!


    2. About the Tags, I way I do it is to comb through the content of my post and ask myself, if I were looking to read some posts what would be the key words I search for. These words I make them my tags that are related to the post. Hope that helps!
      Happy Blogging 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello all,

    New to blogging. My blog is about life after sexual abuse. I know that a lot of people are scared to talk about it or share experiences. I write because its something that changes your life but it is possible to push past all those feelings and find good. I hope my blog helps others who may have had similar experiences or know someone. I hope to help others to understand why we think, do or say things sometimes. Let me know, nothing is graphic in my blog just my thinking process in daily life and how I struggle sometimes to love myself. Curious if this is something others would read and benefit from. I also hope to improve my witting skills.

    Thank you for your time and eyes 🙂 and suggestions.


    Liked by 6 people

  6. Hello fellow bloggers!

    Last week, I mentioned my new series project and, as of today, it’s been officially launched!. Entitled “Making A Difference”, if you like all things inspiring, make sure to check it out. By the way, if you know anyone who seems to fit the project, please let me know, I’d be happy to feature their portrait in my series.

    Here’s the link: https://thehighheeledpapergirl.wordpress.com/2016/03/19/making-a-change-portrait-series-1/


    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a good tip on keeping a notebook. I especially liked that you made it clear how it has helped you. Have you considered adding categories to your site. What if a reader is only interested in posts on writing tips? It would be nice to be able to click on that category and just read those posts. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey guys!
    I just created a blog about traveling and my adventures leading up to the world race! Please help me improve my page and give me helpful hints!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. excellent post. you do realize you will get all kinds of naysayers, but thanks so much for writing what you did. EXCELLENT post!


      1. I have a BA in Christian Education and counseling and have been “arguing politely” the points you raised for years. So glad to see someone else with the same POV. Cheers!


      2. I no longer attend any churches. I was raised anglican, moved about through numerous protestant churches, made pilgrimages to Israel. I think of myself as spiritual rather than religious now as I no longer “fit” any mainstream church families.


    1. Really cute kitten! It’s amazing that you start your first blog when you’re 11… I had no idea of blogging when I was 11 years old 🙂
      Good luck with your new blog!


    1. It is visually appealing. Your About page is helpful and interesting. Thanks for encouraging us to “geek out.” Have you thought about creating some categories? You may have some readers who are particularly interested in just one of your recurring topics. By assigning each post to a category, you would make it easier for them to find what you’ve posted on their favorite topic. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! If I could ask for a suggestion, would you suggest that they are organized by specific fandoms or by more broader topics such as Books, Film, TV etc? By the way, as one Christian to another, I appreciate the message and purpose of the site you linked!


      1. Eventually! I know I tend to skew towards Ancient Greek and Roman names because Classical Studies is one of my majors in school, but name-wise I study everything and would be happy to write about Irish and Celtic names at some point. Even so, I myself have a lot of Scottish, Irish, and Welsh ancestry and it will be important to look into this.
        Thanks for reading, and thanks for the suggestion! I hope I can put up this kind of post within the next week. If you’re interested, my latest post was on Roman names!


    1. Just commented – very nice! I love writing prompts and you did a great job with “Eyes” 🙂 If you’re looking for suggestions, you could always add a photo! No big deal if you don’t have one, though.

      Would you be willing to check out one of my posts?

      But You’re Not a REAL Tomboy!


    1. You need to add some colour and look at your theme. It’s not very inviting and is mainly black (unless something weird happened when I linked in). Maybe go for a colourful, child-like theme and get some pics in there too. Do you use your phone to write posts? The latest one had multiple commas/other punctuation in too many places. However the overall content seems quite well done and definitely has a shared point.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think your site will fill a need. Since the focus is parenting, a more “fun” look would better relate to your topic. Try switching to a theme that is more casual and colorful in appearance. Perhaps add a graphic to our header that somehow conveys the idea of parenting. http://gracelead.co


    3. your posts are wonderfully thoughtful and helpful to parents. I would change the theme though, as the black/white, while very clean looking, isn’t what one would hope for in a parenting blog. the use of photos, or color could only improve the looks IMO.


    1. I looked at the 15 pieces of advice post as well as the post about saying no – I loved the saying no one 🙂 It rang very true with me, and I also think that the photo contrasted better with the words (vs the black and white photo with the black and white words). But great content either way!

      Would you be willing to look at one of my posts?

      Questioning Gender Neutrality

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