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    1. You writing is pleasant. Some added color to your design would allow your words and images to pop even more. An “About” page would engage your readers more with your writing journey.


    1. you post about Vince and his brother really touched me. Your writing is poignant and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I would suggest completing the about me page, giving a brief idea of who you are and what the blog is about. most people will head straight for that page before reading any posts. don’t hesitate in adding pictures either, they do enhance a blog and catch people’s eyes. welcome.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Your story about Vince made me tear up. I can connect with you on how losing a loved one so quickly and suddenly is devastating. Your bully story is excellent. I loved it. Again, I can connect with you on that. I’ve been bullied a lot too back in the high school days. Aside from your stories, I like the theme. I’m definitely following you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Dad,

      Tagging posts will help them to be found by your target market -e.g. military, father, dad etc. Also, an image here or there would help. In this day and age with our attention span more limited than ever, a little image would draw the reader into your site, whether it be in the header, in the blog post or in an About Me section (which you should create so we know who you are and your story).

      Best of luck,


    1. Hi Mimi,

      I would suggest adding an image for each blog post. It can make the content that follows it, a little easier to read. Something to hook the reader. You could be adding more tags too to widen the net and bring in more people. 8-12 tags is the optimal – use them.

      Best of luck!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tech. I like your theme. I read your first blog post. Some good tips. Make sure to tag your posts correctly with the right keywords. It will help people to find you more easily, e.g. using words like technology, saving, lost files etc. Best of luck!


    2. I like your theme as well. I took a business writing class and one thing I do want to ask is are you trying to reach a specific audience? Perhaps someone who isn’t technologically advanced may have a hard time understanding some of the terminology you use. Maybe a simpler description of the jump drives you mention would help. Aside from that, I like your blog and I hope you gain many techy followers! 🙂


      1. Thank you for that. I was definitely wondering if I was able to bring it down a notch from my typical techy lingo. My audience will vary based on subject. So, I will use your advice and write for the audience I am meaning to speak to.

        Thanks again for taking the time 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Your site is attractive. Although your post is a bit lengthy, it is well-written. I’m thinking your thoughts will be helpful to those with similar struggles. All of us have some type of struggle and it can be helpful to know we aren’t alone in that. My only suggestion at this point would be to increase the size of your text. My eyes aren’t the strongest and I had to adjust my screen to see the words. http://gracelead.co


  1. I was also wondering if there’s a way to incorporate a Facebook comments plug-in? But the only thing I’ve found is when someone wants to leave a reply that they click change. It may just seem a little too complicated for someone who isn’t necessarily on wordpress.


    1. I don’t think there is (I am probably wrong though) lol . you can connect your bog to fb and other social media but the comments on fb stay there. they will show as comments in your reader though. a mod would be able to fully answer this question.


  2. Hi everyone, I just started WordPress in 2015 and have been more actively involved recently. I would love to get some feedback on layout design and some guideline on blogging. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi everyone, just looking for some feedback on my blog! It’s very new (only 9 days old) and I just want to make sure I’m on the right track. I don’t know whether it’s best to blog about one thing all the time (my blog is about my experience with anxiety and depression) or to just blog about anything and everything? The site is https://sadaptation.wordpress.com/ , I’d love any feedback you have to offer. Thanks so much! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like I got some real insight into your experiences, partly because you got your frustrations across well.

      That surely depends on the purpose of your blog – you might want to keep to the topic and target a specific audience, but I personally think blogs should be your place to express yourself on anything.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for checking out my blog 🙂 Yes I suppose I’ll just see which direction it goes, I might end up making it something completely different but who knows. Thanks for your feedback!


    2. For 9-days old, your site is wonderful. The layout is eye-pleasing and well-organized. Your About page is helpful in orienting us to your blog. Your post was easy to read and logical. Regarding content, some blogs stay on one topic while others are diverse. Either way is fine. It depends on the purpose of your blog. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Food and Travel blog here! I also enjoy a little photography. Would really love for you to check out my blog, I could use some advice. It’s all jsut food there, hope you enjoy. Do follow please, I’ll do the same. Thanks! 🙂



    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t wanna seem rude but your writing style is really annoying. You seem like you don’t care about the reader. I am sorry but I really don’t see creativity in your posts.( I am so sorry. I won’t do any more of these. This is my last one I promise. Maybe One more after this. Sorry)


      1. I hope you know I am kidding and if anyone is reading this, check her(or his ) blog out cuz it’s awesome.


      2. For all the people reading this, I was kidding. Fluffychinchilla and I are schoolmates.


  5. Love it if people could check out my blog… Ask me some questions, or recommend some ideas! I blog about my pageant life and charity work and it would be nice for me to answer any misconceptions etc xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your content is interesting so far. I was not aware of the focus on charity work with pageants. There are a couple of things to consider on your site layout. Your top part with the progress on your charities might be better in a separate column. That means when we enter your site, we’d see your latest post in one column with the charity progress next to it in the other column. It would also be helpful if you added an About page that briefly tells us the purpose of your blog. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s great thanks so much for the feedback. I’ve just added an about page. I’m really new to the layout of WordPress etc, and can’t figure out how to get the columns you mention. Can you help?

        Thanks again! I’m glad you found it interesting.


    2. Under Personalize, click the “Customize” option next to Themes. What you can do there will depend on the features that your current Theme allows. If your theme won’t allow columns, you might want to create a Page for your charity work and move the information there. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I would be so glad if you could check out my blog. I just posted ‘Sunshine Blogger Award(Part 2)'(I know, as if it wasn’t crazy enough that one person nominated me). Also, if you want me to check out your blogs, please leave a comment cuz I really love reading.
    Have a nice day.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the positives. Just altered to that theme but I write (try to) and arty design is not my forte alas. Really appreciate your thoughts 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. um, yep. I think the majority of people will fail to read to the end as they will be either angered, horrified or disgusted by the image you evoke in that first statement. Would be a shame as the remaining words are thought provoking.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Hey! I write about politics (mainly UK). I’m more interested in feedback on my articles than finding followers, so do tell me what you honestly think about my writing. Too boring? Badly structured?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi!

      I have read and explored some of your blog and I believe it is neither boring nor badly structured: yet carefully argued and well written. I like how you have stuck to the facts and have dealt with such a challenging subject as politics. I think you should keep going and experimenting with it, and see what happens! 🙂

      I am also a UK blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for reading 🙂
        Wow the topics you talk about are so diverse! How do you have so many different ideas, and you say politics is challenging. And I can’t imagine having put my past English stuff online.
        I find it interesting that you seem to put a thoughtful picture at the end of your posts, whereas I put one at the top. It has a very different effect.

        Keep at your community,

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Your personal content is endearing and friendly. You make some nice points about why we do things in our lives and how habits are formed. Your layout is easy to follow. More on your home buying and small renovation projects would be perfect for your blog. Consider writing about other habits or preferences you have had to compromise or share in your relationship.Those always lead to great insights on human behavior and how we don’t always like each other but we always love each other. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there!

      I have really enjoyed reading your most recent post on Toronto and exploring the rest of your blog: and I really like it! I think you are doing very well, so I would recommend you keep on experimenting with writing about different places and you’ll improve very quickly! 🙂

      I am also a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Jenny. I took a quick look at your blog and as an initial visitor I would say I don’t know who or what you are targeting. Maybe it’s a general blog. Maybe some background on who you are would help the reader.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you very much. It’s a general blog incorporating a variety of topics, aimed to sustain a more general reader. I’m not limiting myself to any particular audience 🙂 thank you for your point, I recognise this can become an issue x


  8. Before I go off to sleep, I would like to request you to check out my blog. I will make sure I return the favour.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You have a charming writing style 🙂 I especially LOVE your “Deceptive Restaurants” post! Hahaha! Very entertaining! Now, as a whole I’d say your blog is nice but it could do with a few photos (or anything more visual) on the sidebar.
      I’d really appreciate it if you could visit my blog and give me some feedback 🙂


      1. Mystery Date with a Book, I love your blog! Beautiful layout. My suggestion–resize your logo so that it isn’t the only thing that you see when you open your blog. It would serve its purpose well at about half of the current size.
        Happy blogging!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. You have a nice site and honestly, it doesn’t matter how many followers you’ve got as long as you’re enjoying your writing… I mean, I had zero followers for my entire first year of blogging! Keep up the good work!- wolfcalls

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey Mystery Date with a Book,

    I’ve been blogging for three months and only got the same amount of followers!

    I personally think your blog looks great, I loved the layout and colours, and I don’t think your lack of followers is down to that or the content which is also fine. Connecting with other bloggers is a good way to go if you want more followers – all of mine came from connecting in this group – so maybe try posting in a few more Community Pool type forums specifically at bloggers who could form part of your “target market” (for lack of a better term!). Let me know how you get on 🙂 Good luck.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Wolfcalls!

      I have read some of your poetry,and it is very impressive! I enjoy the emotional and more subtle aspect of your writing. For advice, I’d recommend to keep going and experimenting with different styles! 🙂

      I am also newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Your blog layout is good and you write well. I enjoyed your Mercutio post. One thing I did as I began to build my site is build a plan for future posts. I put myself on a once a week schedule. I made a list of potential topics and began to create the posts. When I get in a writing mood, I create several posts at one sitting and schedule them to release one a week. That way I have no stress if I get distracted one week. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you very much. That’s a really key point so thanks for bringing it up. It’s absolutely true that I have on and off periods for writing and sometimes my posts get a little inconsistent 🙂 a schedule is something which I definitely am hoping to be building up to.


    1. Hi Justine!

      I have just explored your blog, and I think it is excellent! I must congratulate you for the manuscripts, they are very beautiful 🙂 I can totally relate to the points you’ve made about how copying stimulates learning, but for improvement perhaps you could give a deeper argument into why this is so 🙂

      I am a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

    2. From my experience, your point is valid. One of my favorite things to do is look at someone else’s work for inspiration. I find something about it I like, then do a variation on a theme. Your mandalas remind me of zentangling. http://gracelead.co


    1. I like the look of the site. Your posts are easy to read and enjoyable. One thing to consider would be to add some Tags to your posts. This could help people more easily find things of interest. Another possibility would be to create Categories for your posts (if you can find a way to group them). Again, this would help a reader find things of most interest. http://gracelead.co

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