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  1. Hi everyone , Happy Holi to all my friends . As a banker though i dont get much time, always felt to try using my flair for writing something on life, values,photo essays,spiritualism.. Just started blogging , would love to know your feedback,comments ,visits, to post me ahead ! Thank you all

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi!

      I really enjoyed reading your creative post: I especially liked the way the dialogue was in play form and how well it dealt with such a difficult issue. Impressive! My advice would be to keep writing and experimenting with different styles 🙂

      I am a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Punchpatty,

      I like the theme and layout and the posts are interesting (y)

      One idea I would personally love more information on (and you kind’ve touched lightly upon it in your “Beyond One Step From Diary To Blog” post, is how people might be able to turn blogging into cash, or even a career.

      We’ve all got our motivation for doing blogs, but how can get to our ultimate goal? Even if you don’t want to make money from blogging, how do you maximize visitors and views?

      Just a thought 🙂 let me know what you think.


    1. I’m sure there are lots of willing takers, if you’re willing to pay. If not, then self-editing will probably be your best option unless you have a friend that is willing to help.


    1. Hey, I had a read of your blog and like your writing. I’m a fan of posts like your “general log” to understand people, but I also thought your one about the impact of social media and linking it to Brussels. You could maybe even have gone a bit further with that one.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey kyril,

      First of all, change the theme. I’m not sure why, but a lot of people who are using this theme find that their homepage only displays blocks of green instead of the posts Featured Pictures. Just a heads up 🙂

      Loved your “What Is The Richest Place” post. Hadn’t ever thought of it like that before and it helped give me some morning motivation! More insightful posts like that and I’m sure you’ll get visitors!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi guys, am new in this field of blogging and i really want somebody to comment. on my blog their are inspirational quotes and poems. please comment and if pleased just hint for me to write my next. will be glad to view your comment.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey. I had a look at your blog. I think your writing is really creative. What I would be interested to see is what the inspiration is behind the post. I think maybe you want to leave them open for people to think about, I just sometimes like to know the story too, if that makes sense!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. just a suggestion. An about me page would be helpful. you could let people know what your blog is about, whether poetry or prose, is it about life styles or music, that sort of thing. Maybe a bit of info about you. Be careful using colors in the words..the lighter colors simply do not show up well on a white background. I am not sure that the abbreviations you are using in each post will go over well with many generations…so an about me page could let the public know what age grouping you are targeting and people in the other generations would know what’s there before getting confused. just IMO


  3. Hello!

    I got nominated for a #LiebsterAward which isn’t really an award but an opportunity to learn more about other bloggers and their blogs and then share your own. You answer 11 questions and then pose your own.

    If anyone is interested in taking part the link is here

    #LiebsterAward: 11 Questions

    You can either directly respond to all or whichever questions interest you in the comments or do the same in your own blog.

    If you go for the latter please let me know your blog link and Twitter handle so I can share.

    Look forward to seeing how you answer the questions!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi There,
    I recently started my blog. It helps me a lot relax and get away from daily drama. Today I posted my third article related to my work.

    Please do go through my site and let me know where I can improve.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tag posts correctly. Contribute to this forum by helping others – that’s how networks are formed. Blog consistently (weekly). Share your posts on social media. Participate in #sundayblogshare on Twitter. Leave comments on other people’s blogs. Follow like minded bloggers – they can be categorised on your reader.


  5. Thank you Grace , Glad you liked my post . went through your ” from bin ..there is still hope…published in Nov 15- an insightful read . Our daily materialistic life & indifferent attitude always take a toll on our other side of being human ..kudos to your feelings , way to go ! !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are on quite the adventure. It would be fun to have some kind of graphic to convey the image of super math teacher with a cape. Since you have an About Me page, you could the delete the About page. Congratulations on the award. http://gracelead.co


  6. Hi guys! I am new to blogging, online since February 11 only and that’s my first blogging experience. I was wondering if it is easy for readers to find my follow button? And also if there is a need to introduce the e-mail subscription feature – there was a separate widget if I don’t mix up? Any general comments on the look and feel would also be very appreciated!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Maria,

      Wow. Loved the layout of the blog almost immediately. Very refreshing, had never seen that theme in use before and it suits your message perfectly!

      On the home page, it is a little difficult to find the Follow button, and not every visitor will scroll to the bottom in search, though it is helpful that on your “Why would you want to subscribe to this post” link in the sidebar that the Follow button appears on the side and in plain view.

      Very interesting multi-national and multi-lingual family life too!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. what a GREAT theme for your blog! I was very impressed by it. concerning the pop up option for an email subscription…personally I hate the pop-ups. they actually annoy me so much that I will close the page and never read the blog. if there is a way to make it a part of a page, go for it. otherwise I wouldn’t do it.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey guys.
    I would really like to know how to make my blogs more enjoyable. Please check it out. Also, I really wanna know if collaboration between bloggers is possible and if yes, I would love to collaborate with one of you lovely people. I just put up a post about Sunshine Blogger Award.
    Thanks in advance.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Happy Holi.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey theworldisnotagainstme,

      I checked out your blog and found it really fun. Your meme game is strong (y)

      What are your thoughts for collaborating with fellow bloggers? I was thinking about it myself a while back but couldn’t foresee a clear-cut route.

      Have a good day 🙂


      1. Hey Jason,
        I do love my memes. So I think it would be great for meeting and getting to know other bloggers and it will help get more traffic. They could do different things like interviews and games and so on.


    2. Collaboration is essential. It’s the best way to share and find new and interesting blogs. I’ve guest posted and interviewed a range of voices in the past two years. It can be a great way to get exposure for your own blog if you return the favour. Best of luck.


  8. Hey,

    Just started first ever two posts, just wanted any feedback. Gunna keep going and see what direction my blog goes in but at the moment I’m going for a witty unmumsy mum sort of blog following my house decorating, my kiddies and dogs, and organising my thoughts trying to take the positive from every situation. Thanks! ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

  9. hi everyone! I’ve just started a blog and would love if you could go check it out. Its a place where I plan to express my thought and update myself and viewers on just plain cool stuff. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Robyn!

      I have enjoyed looking at your blog and exploring it. I really like the idea behind it and its deeper emotional quality. I think the idea is very original, however for future improvement I would like to see perhaps more blog posts because its going really well 🙂

      I am also a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny


  10. Hi everyone. Just launched my first blog 2 days ago. Friendly and constructive feedback on content, design etc would be more than welcome! It’s a lifestyle blog about my new move from city to country living. ☺

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Things are looking good so far. Thanks for explaining your use of lower case. I was wondering about it and then your About page answered my question. I agree that writing can be therapeutic. Wouldn’t it be great if you found a way to blend the study of law and writing? We are each a unique blend of things. It’s satisfying when those parts play well together. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the feedback!
        And I really like lowercase letters for that reason. I’m kind of a suckish person xD
        I think one day I might combine those two , I guess I’ll just have to see where life leads me, but I do hope it leads me to writing!
        I hope you’ll check in with my blog every now and again and keep giving me feedback. I really want to improve my writing, and people telling me what they want will definitely help!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Carol!

      I have really enjoyed reading your story and exploring your site. I especially like the grey modern layout which makes it easy to browse/read. I’m also quite into the story! Love it so far 😀

      I am a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny


  11. Hi Everyone! I have been blogging for the last 5 months and would like to get more feedback as well as more readers and to get readers to comment on my blogs. please check it out and give me some feedback! I appreciate it! Oh…I have been blogging while travelling, without a laptop (which is challenging, I assure you), so there is limitations on how I can improve at the moment, but will soon have the opportunity to update and change stuff soon. http://www.momentstocreate.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey momentstocreate,

      Very, very cool blog. Living the life most of us want to! Great pics too to give us a taste of the exotic places you’ve been.

      Honestly not sure how you could improve on what you’ve got…as a fitness nut myself though, if I were able to travel to the places you have, I’d look to incorporate something sporty. Like a bootcamp at a Thai boxing gym…something along those lines.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. i have the ingredients listed already on my grocery list for the week………..will let you know what i think after tomorrow’s shopping spree!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Just so others in the swimming pool know, I tried these cupcakes. both with coconut and without (the hubby doesn’t like coconut). The cakes were moister with the coconut and a bit sweeter. They are extremely easy to make and taste wonderful.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. For anyone interested in a quick little commenting challenge, please take a look at THIS.

    The rules are simple:

    Just write three six-word-long stories, fitting to the image I chose. The stories don’t have to be connected to one another, each story can be different.

    Feeling up for a little creative challenge today? Come on over and share your stories with me.

    Looking forward to reading YOUR stories.

    See you soon,


    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hiding behind the wall of the web allows us to be more candid and transparent. Aside from general musings about things going on in the world, I also post personal (sometimes a little too personal) snippets from my own little world. You’ll read about work frustrations, Bible devotions, adventures in being married (sex, expenses, opinions, disagreements, sex, roles, chores, parenting, and also sex, to name a few), experiences in becoming a wife (and maybe one day a mother), family, friends, advice, and regarding the overall human condition.

    I’d like to connect with ladies and fellas who can collaborate and contribute to the experience.

    I only have a few musings posted so far, so don’t wear yourself out reading all two of my posts 😉

    Follow my adventures, I’ll follow yours, and maybe we’ll all learn a little something along the way.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Despite the fact you don’t like introductions, I love your introduction! It’s very humorous! Your layout is amazing too! Do you mind sharing what layout you have? Or could you recommend something similar? I’m being too picky with my layout and not sure if I like it. Disclaimer: I can’t afford to buy a layout. :/


      1. Hey I’m all about free layouts! The one I’m sporting is called Hemingway Rewritten. Then I chose a color block that looked like charcoal and teal. It was one of the featured free layouts that came with the blog.
        Don’t put too much thought into your layout for now! I just chose one (literally just clicked on it). You can always change your layout later on!
        *I’ve been reading other peoples Intro’s and I’m trying to figure out a better way to introduce myself. I know intros are important, but I always want to skip intros and get right to the meat of it. Whenever I make a new friend, I like to learn as much as possible about them straightaway, so that we can skip the awkward introductory phase. It’s a blessing and a curse, I don’t know why I’m so impatient with Intros!!!!
        so I’m working on that as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I understand your view on introductions. I can be bad with introductions too but we can both work on that as individuals! After I finish up packing, I’ll have more time to scroll through the layouts and take my time with it. I want to look professional. 🙂


      3. I’d say choose one that’s simple then. Too much color, in my opinion, makes it seem like a diary and less of a professional blog. If you’re unsure, choose a layout that’s easy to follow. Then when you have more time you can decide how you want viewers to see your blog for the first time and go from there 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Everyone! I am a blogger from Karachi and I have recently started a Mommy Blog. Please check it out:
    Requesting some feedback on how I can work on its SEO as it is a free package and no PlugIns are possible. Thanks!


    1. Your site is well-organized and you write well. Your little tangents amused me and they weren’t so lengthy that they ruined the flow of the story. The header is beautiful and makes me wonder if that’s what happens in your house while your baby naps 🙂 Regarding SEO: I’m thinking good tags would be one key. Another would be having titles for your posts that are short and include key words for the post. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I just rediscovered my blog that I created two years ago and have got back into writing again. I updated my layout and have wrote two new posts today and yesterday. I’m looking for feedback with my layout and my posts. (some followers too, hopefully! :D)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Spencer!

      Well done for rediscovering your blog! Writing is an enjoyable hobby. The overall look of your blog is very eye-catching and modern, however for future improvement I would suggest using images of greater similarity and perhaps more text, if that’s possible 🙂 but so far, it’s going great!

      I am also a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?

      Thanks, Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I have found the best way to get followers is to be one. commenting on other’s sites will strike up conversations and people will ask for your web addy to go see what you write about. connect up with social media sites. write a lot..by that I mean just post regularly and people will notice you.

      Liked by 1 person