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  1. Hey guys! Just started my first ever blog in January. I’ve never shared my writing with the world (besides a few close loved ones) before this and would love some feedback, positive, negative, or otherwise. So please come check me out and of course, I’ll return the favor 🙂

    A Little Intro…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I read your About Page which was well written and interesting enough for me to follow. Kudos and respect goes to you for opening up online. I know it can be incredibly therapeutic for a lot of people. Best of luck.


  2. Hey there everyone 🙂
    I am a new addition to the blogging family and I just need advice on a first post .. I have been thinking about ideas but I just need one that’s eye catching because I really kind of want to make a success of this blog .. If anyone could help I would appreciate it xx
    – Nova ..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. you have a good start to the blog. I would suggest a darker color for the typeset though, it is very difficult to read the posts with a light grey type and white background. So far as posts, it is difficult to give an answer there. Write about what you know, find a subject that you love and just talk about it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the feedback. I haven’t noticed the type colour so thank you for bringing that to my attention! I hope you stay in tune to my blog because I will be posting a lot from now on!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow.. I think you’re a really good writer.. I will definitely keep reading your blog. I really enjoyed just scrolling through it now, and I will be making time to read it all. Keep up the good work 🙂 x
      – Nova

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Your writing is excellent. You might want to retitle “Home” to “About” or “About Me” since that would better reflect the content. Technically, your Home page is what shows when we click your URL, in others words, your stream of posts. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi guys,

    I have recently uploaded my second blog in a series of posts that focus on 6 of the most serious dangers women face around the world. My hope is that these posts can provide a platform for discussion on such pressing humanitarian issues. I truly appreciate visits and getting these issues further into the public conscience. My link is https://letstalkdevelopmentsite.wordpress.com/ for anyone interested. Thanks for your time

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m in LA too and married to someone in the film industry, so I understand where you’re coming from. Your blog is great! It’s fun and definitely makes me want to cheer you on. I have a formatting suggestion: a slightly larger font and don’t center the whole post, at least not the main paragraphs. It makes it hard to read. The interview idea is very smart and interesting. It’s especially important for women in your industry. All the best!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Greetings from Canada!
    Just back to blogging after almost 6 mos away and would like to refresh my site. Have a test one I started last fall to try out a new theme and such. Looking for feedback on the real one (old look) versus the test (possible new look) one.
    Real one is here:
    Test one is here, taking you to a post with specific questions/notes I have for you:
    Any/all feedback appreciated, thanks muchly … Marianne

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I really like your new design! It is much more inviting with the new colors and I like the About widget on the side. I think that is something I would like to try as well. A larger font might be helpful. I look forward to reading about your travels.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh thanks so much Melanie – you’re the first one to comment and I really want the feedback so I’m so happy for yours. I agree on the positives, those things I like myself. Larger font though I hadn’t considered so will play around with that some. Thanks again for your time and thoughts … Marianne

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey!
    Advice needed on the content of my blog and tips to improve? Any feedback is welcome positive or negative!

    Thanks in advance
    Delilah xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey All!
    I started a new blog this month to help readers get to the most useful information they need to learn. I cover topics ranging from self development and personal growth to career advise and habits. I will also have lots of fun topic posts to relax every once in a while. 🙂
    I have one intro and two topic posts so far. I’d love your feedback on anything you can provide: design, writing, subject suggestions, clarity, etc.



    Liked by 2 people

    1. My suggestion is typing the first few words into google and seeing what predictive text they present. That can help. Alternatively, use Hubspot Blog Top Generator which can give you ideas around blog titles based on a few general topics that you enter. Best of luck.


    1. Less is more when you’re starting off. Strip everything that you don’t need or don’t plan to use from the sidebar. Focus on creating content to connect with people (tagging it with some general and particular topics). Once you start developing your following, you can play with things a little bit. Walk before you can run.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Critical feedback alert! I haven’t read your post because the length of it scared me right off the page. I would suggest breaking your posts into smaller, more manageable bites. Interested followers are more likely to hook on your bait that way.


    1. Hi Dignam. You got my follow primarily because you’re also Irish, but also because I like the theme and content of what you’ve written. Best wishes from this Antrim man.


  7. Hi everyone, I just recently started a blog but it’s not a writing blog, it’s a DIY. I have never done anything like this before and would love some insight/advise on making it fun and user friendly.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like the objective of your blog and it’s clear you have a passion for DIY. I have no doubt that as you grow your projects and correctly tag your posts, you’ll develop a little tribe of like-minded DIY enthusiasts. I suggest you blog weekly, not necessarily about specific projects, but mentioning your inspiration so people can get a better understanding of who you are and pin a voice to the site. Best of luck

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for taking a look! I will do some research on what tagging my posts means 🙂

        I debated “talking” to my readers a little more but my coworker made a comment that she just scrolled through to look at the pictures. I guess I shied away.


    1. Interesting site! I would suggest tagging your posts a little better. Optimal is 8-12 tags which gives you plenty of creative space to be found by similar people on the same journey as you, or those who are interested in your adventures. Best of luck!


    1. Hey – first thing that struck me is that I love the layout – great choice of colours and fonts.

      I also really enjoyed your writing and it’s rare for me to like blogs like yours with poetry style posts. I’ve given you a follow and look forward to your next posts!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Yaz!

      I love it! I think the image is really creative, and shows a deeper perspective of the building through the yellow colour. Good luck on further days on your photo class!

      I am a newer blogger who enjoys writing about a variety of topics. Would you mind giving me a shot?


      Jenny xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey guys i need your help as if i don’t know how to make my home page as well as i don’t want to buy a theme right now .So can we make our home page free ? Like if people see my home page except one blog all are in green color and i don’t know the reason ..i want to make it more good :p

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Tania,

      On your My Site sidebar there should be a Theme option…click on that then where it says “All” in the top right corner of the screen, click on that and change it to “Free”. Then select which theme best suits the message your are trying to convey in your blog and HEY-PRESTO! 🙂

      Hope that helped.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Its all good, stuff is great and content is quite to the point. This Broadwalk theme you’re using, it basically looks stunning with featured photos added to each post. Add them and your blog will swarm.


      1. While drafting a new post, you can find a featured photo option in the left hand menu bar. You can upload one featured pic per post.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I liked the way you write and the content is good. The theme would be best used though by adding pictures to your posts. then the pic pops up on the home page. the green is a bit hard on the eyes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. there is a button that says “add media”. click that button and it will ask if you want to use a photo in your library (which you wont have yet because you haven’t uploaded any) or if you want to upload. click upload and it will open a box into your computers photo files. then choose the photo and click “add”. it’s easier than it sounds

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Blog-Land! I have decided to take the leap and crate my first blog: a humorous look at “Murphy’s Law”. I am still playing around, but was having some issues with the Facebook widget. I was trying to use it to link to my FB Group page, but it said the web address was invalid, so I took it down. Does it not allow you to link to a FB group page? Any design/content advice would also be much appreciated. https://justshaveyourlegs.wordpress.com. many thanks in advance.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. do NOT change anything, and yes you can redirect your blog to a facebook page. I unfortunately can not tell you HOW to do so as I had my twelve year old grand daughter do it for me. it’s some sort of feedy thingy somewhere in the stuff that is listed just to confuse you. did that help? lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Suze, you are a darling and many thanks. It did help by telling me it CAN be done, so now that I know it can, it shall become my mission until it is! And if I can’t figure it out, I will let my 8 yeAr old son have a look and he will fix it.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Love the title of your blog! I’m not a huge fan of the pink theme. I’d suggest adding a photo/image, or making some alterations in the style of your posts e.g. italics, bold, headings just to break up the passages a little. It will read better. Also, remember to tag and categorise your posts – this will help strangers find your content. Best of luck!


    2. your title is wonderful….your kiddos are adorable. You have a nice style of writing. I would suggest that you use the “read more” option in the editor. this makes your content shorter on the home page and opens a second page for the reader to read everything. You can have many more posts on the home page that way. good start!


  10. Please Help
    Can anyone guide me how I can add “Press this” widget on my blog. It’s a self hosted blog. I know how to add “Press this” feature in browser bookmark/favorite.

    Actually, I want to know how I can add this feature on my blog posts. I want to add this feature in my blog because this will enable the readers (who usually don’t have “Press this” feature in their browser) of my blog posts to share my blog content.
    Here is the blog link http://bhaili.com/free-printable-coloring-page/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Megha,

      The easiest way, I find, is to go through your site homepage and find the Meta link at the bottom that says Site Admin. Click on that.

      Then you will be redirected to another page which will have a sidebar on the left hand side. Go to Settings and then Sharing. You should then arrive at a page that has Enabled Services. You should then (hopefully) be able to drag the Press This button and it will then appear on your posts.

      Hope this helped!


      1. Thanks Jason for your reply. However, I don’t see “Press This” button under Available Services section.

        Just to inform, mine is self-hosted blog, so not sure if that could be the reason for “Press This” button not showing up under available services.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. you need to install the JetPack beforehand for the self hosted sites. I was able to add things once the jetpack was installed on my self hosted site.
      it is free. go through the plugins section on the editor you use and simply add plugin, then search for jetpack.


  11. I actually am planning to post stuffs of different criteria in different pages. Can anyone help me if there is any such option or technique to select which page the drafted post has to be published to? I don’t want a single posts page.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you can have categories that you assign to each post. unfortunately I believe all posts regardless of category are posted to a single main page.


      1. Thanks for the suggestion. I have already been using tags for the similar segregation, but doesn’t seem clean enough.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi, everyone. I have never been here before. I am told blogs are about design and content. I think I have some content, but little knowledge of design despite having attended Blogging 101 at least.
    My most recent post is http://dream4fun.com/2016/03/24/live-your-dream/ and it tries to give some pointers on DIY stuckness issues and relates closely to my blog about the importance of dreams.

    So how does it look? Is it attractive enough to make you want to read? Is the info structured ok to make sense? Does it leave you wanting to know more and visit other pages on my blog?
    Would appreciate any advice.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Dream4Fun,

      Cool idea for the blog!

      Personally I found it a little difficult to read, with information too scattered (although I am borderline OCD about this stuff!) I think due to the theme. The info, however, is relevant once you read it, but it could be structured in a way that better grabs the visitors attention.

      Once I read a few lines though, I visited some other pages on your site, so I really do think its a question of finding the right theme that satisfies the eye of aesthetically needy visitors like myself!

      Hope that helped! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes Jason it helps. Frankly I started the blog as a place to empty stuff out of my head because I was going nuts with it all jostling about. Now I have some of the stuff out of the way I feel a lot freer. So I am a lot happier now it’s in progress.
        Will I ever find a theme? Well I have a few themes that I might use if I can be bothered to collect it all together. It was never meant for other people anyway, just for my sanity. So Yes I will be organizing the things I write going forward a little better, but I also imagine the theme I choose will evolve. Such is life.
        Many thanks for reading any of what I write. I really appreciate that and hope you may have got an idea at least from that. It’s the most important subject in the world for me, so I will just carry on building my cathedral.
        Thanks indeed again.


  13. hey everyone. I’ve been on here for a few months and i never really cared at first whether or not someone read my blog but now I’d like it if someone would. I started it because i needed an outlet to just speak my mind about issues going on in my life and issues going on in the world. I wanted to write this stuff because i figure someone out there will be able to relate to my stories, maybe even find comfort in knowing that there is someone else out there who is struggling with the trials and tribulations of life just like they are. I am working on being better about posting more often, i’d really like it if someone would look at my stuff and just tell me what they think or refer someone they know who they think might like what i write. Please let me know what any of you guys think by leaving a comment on my posts. My web address is https://shaigirl96.wordpress.com

    I’d really appreciate it

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for taking a look and i appreciate the follow. I took a look at your page too and you have some amazing writing on there. I look forward to reading more of your posts

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey shaigirl96,

      I can relate to your post about losing friends! If you manage to keep hold of one childhood friend your entire life, then you’ve done well, as my grandfather used to say!

      I think a lot of people will be able to relate what you post about, but they will also be looking for information on how it helps them. Maybe you could say how you plan on getting that friend back, or even to notice you, or why its best that you both parted paths for X,Y,Z reason. That way people can apply it to their own situation.

      Hope my ramblings helped 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for checking out my posts and for the feedback. I will definitely start adding possible solutions and expanding more on my situations and how i could deal with them or how i dealt with them
