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  1. Hey guys. My blog is basically about my struggles and victories over depression. I’d love any feedback. I’m trying to be super honest, but also positive. Check it out here: https://therealjaynedoe.wordpress.com/

    The name Jayne Doe relates to how someone struggling with depression feels unknown by those around them. A Jane Doe being an anonymous female party.

    Let me know what you think.

    Any feedback is totally welcome

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello
      I read the first poem and insert, I can appreciate your feelings, since mine have often been the same and I entrap myself as well. I don’t know if it is psychological like, depression, social anxiety or just the preference of an introvert who only needs one person. I to have experienced the bad mood thoughts, I didn’t know that is what it is until the doctor told me. And have begun to self talk me out of these vengeful angry moods.
      I have began to write about my past here and some of the things it has forced me to deal with. I have been hurt in a way that affected my life so negatively and removed my mother from me, if she ever existed. Now it seems I will be free of my children as well and will walk free at last. Don’t mean to blog to you through my comments.
      What I should say is, your grammar looked perfect to me, your writing and subject interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The theme could be improved to suit the fitness theme more. Your blog posts could have much more visual? Content can be improved to be less “dry.


  2. i just started my blog,i dont have any followers so please guide me to improve my writing skills,about ideas,things to do and not to do,somethings like that.i would like your advice
    .thank you

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello! I’m a professional basketball player and an aspiring author. I’d love for my blog to have more followers so that I can receive feedback. I post about life as a pro athlete, information for college-bound athletes and other life things in general. I’m planning on sharing some fiction that I have been writing but I’m still finding some direction for my blog. If you’d like to check it out that would be fantastic. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey Alex,

      I checked out your blog: interesting stuff! As a former pro-sportsman it was interesting to see what life is like still in the big-time, even though I’m from a completely different sport.

      I was thinking about blogging about the unknown side of soccer as a pro-athlete that is mostly kept hush-hush. I don’t doubt you’ve got plenty of locker-room stories too, but I feel it might compromise relationships with friends and colleagues still in the field, even if its bound to get visitors. What do you think?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Jason! Thanks so much for your feedback. I have so much that I could say but yes, you are right, it could compromise a lot. I think one day when I retire I may explore it, but for right now I’m not sure it’s the best idea! It’s a little amusing isn’t it? The way sports are portrayed in the media and the way it is behind closed doors?


      2. If only people knew! I guess it could have worked if we hadn’t already been so upfront with our identities like The Secret Footballer who writes for the Guardian… http://www.theguardian.com/football/series/the-secret-footballer if you want to check it out.

        Nevertheless, we both still have some interesting stuff we CAN say, and experiences (hopefully!) a few people want to hear about! I was actually between Fresno and New York when I was deciding on which University to go to, so but for the allure of the Big Apple, our paths might’ve crossed a lot sooner!


  4. Hi everyone, what great support this offers us new bloggers! Would someone please give me some feedback as well? I would love feedback on on the peice itself, does it flow and seemingly connect the points I’m trying to make? And also, pictures. Should I include some or just leave it as is? I only have two posts so if you have commentary on both, just one or even after looking at it for face value real quick, all feedback would be appreciated! raisingagalaxy.com. I look forward to reading your blogs as well!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I can’t seem to find the posts but I really like the concept. The title reminds me of raising hope. I am gonna follow you so that I get to see your new posts. Looking forward to experiencing your journey with you. Sorry to be a shameless idiot but could you maybe check out my blog as well?


    1. Hey theladiespage,

      Cool blog. Could definitely relate to your post about frat parties! I could taste the Coors Light reluctantly reappearing through my nose. Good, yet so so bad memories!

      Liked the pics from Turks & Caicos, maybe some info on the trip would have been good too. I’ve never been and I’m sure people would want to hear what its like there 🙂


  5. I have a lot of ideas and interests. I would love advice on how to refine the theme of one’s blog. I have started a few blogs and have been paralyzed as to what direction to go. How does one find their niche? Any advice or list of questions that can help focus on what the blog should be about? Are there any writing prompts or filters that others use to help them write relevant content? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So far, it appears that your blog is about the things in life that matter, both large and small. It’s helpful to readers if you have an About page. You could copy content from your first post and place it there. Some blogs have a narrow focus, others do not. Only you can decide what works for you. Your site is attractive and you express yourself clearly in your posts. Over time, you may find that you have a few topics that you revisit in posts. Those could become your Categories (ex. Beyond Fear, Little Things Matter, Big Things in Life…). http://gracelead.co


  6. Hello! Please check out my blog and tell me a few things that can be improved on! Your opinion would mean the world to me! much appreciated

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hey, sorry for saying this but I would be really grateful if you could head over and check out my blog too.


    1. Hey feimui,

      Aside from salivating at all the pictures of amazing food, I loved your blog.

      Couldn’t figure out where you are based, but saw you’d been to Hong Kong. As someone who plans to go there in the future, a blog about the best places to go (whether that be for location, quality, entertainment, etc) to go and eat would be very interesting (y)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hello! Im based in Singapore! Though I go to hongkong very frequently. Thank you for your kind words, means a lot to me. Will definitely consider writing a guide to hongkongs best local stuff! I will check out ur blog later! :-),


      2. Not a bad place to be! I have a friend there and he absolutely loves it!

        That would be great. It’d give people a good sense of which places to check out, visiting “foodies” in particular.


  7. Ben, you might want to post the most frequently ignored tips in Red & italics possibly?? This is my 1st visit here for guidance immediately after registration and all I have seen so far is “Read my entire blog & tell me what you think” DID ANYONE READ TGE TIPS OTHER THAN MYSELF?!? I don’t have time nor the inclination. I came here for tips, guidance, pointers, tweaks, etc. I’m so disappointed I have to look elsewhere for info instead of the blogging site I registered with…..
    I might need to rethink my choice. Bloggers that are illiterate or simply don’t bother to read…. Try podcasts people, then you can hear yourself too. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello,

      The Community Pool is where we actually invite people to find other interested readers who might offer them friendly, peer-to-peer feedback on their blogs.

      It sounds like you’re looking for more information-based resources, which is perfectly understandable! We’ve got you covered on that front too — we have an entire site dedicated to tutorials on the various aspects of building your blog, which you can find here:

      We also have very deep and rich archives here at The Daily Post with posts on topics bloggers care about, from customizing your site (https://wordpress.com/dailypost/2015/07/29/colors-lines-customization-roundup/) to learning about blogging etiquette (https://wordpress.com/dailypost/2015/07/08/blogging-etiquette-roundup/).

      I hope you give these other resources a look, as they might be more in line with what you were looking for.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. One thing you might find useful about the Community Pool is to simply get other bloggers’ reactions to your blog. Most of us are not experts. Some of us have read and apply the instructions and others have not. My reaction to your blog so far is that it is visually pleasing. You may want to fill out your About page to let us know the purpose of your blog. Good luck, whatever you decide to do. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you kindly for your encouragement. I had literally signed up approximately 5-7 mins prior. I was figuring out how to get things setup & organized from the start so I didn’t obsess and waste time tweaking it until I got do frustrated I just trashed the app. Someone gave me helpful links that will be more specific. Scanning instead of reading & comprehending is a huge pet peeve of mine….I won’t beat a dead horse, but my point was and is accurate. Unfortunately. I think that’s a large part of world issues, everybody’s talking and nobody is listening. 😦

        I look forward to growing and learning and sharing with you all.


  8. Hey there! I’ve officially just launched my blog for the first time ever yesterday and it is so exciting, yet also terrifying. I want to blog about things that are of interest to me, yet trying to not become like every other blogger out there these days. Although there are only just a few posts, I would definitely love to hear how I can improve and get a little feedback. Thanks everyone!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Bonjour, cannelleetchocolatblog!

      I took a look at your blog and enjoyed the hot yoga post. I’ve never tried it but it is on my to-do list, as I’m sure it’s on other peoples too…I think it was a masterstroke of yours to give the visitors the best locations and a little information on each of them. That is after all the main purpose for people going on the internet…to find out information.

      Maybe you could find new niche yoga tips or trends, try them out yourself, and then blog about it to let your visitors know! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey guys, just posted my fifth post. I started over a week ago. I love all the people who have helped me so far. I would be so happy if you guys could check out my blog and I would be more than happy to check out yours too.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Bonjour, cannelleetchocolatblog!

    I took a look at your blog and enjoyed the hot yoga post. I’ve never tried it but it is on my to-do list, as I’m sure it’s on other peoples too…I think it was a masterstroke of yours to give the visitors the best locations and a little information on each of them. That is after all the main purpose for people going on the internet…to find out information.

    Maybe you could find new niche yoga tips or trends, try them out yourself, and then blog about it to let your visitors know! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi everyone!

    I’m just starting out with blogging and published a review post yesterday. It’s a review of LUSH products and I understand this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but any advice on how the blog looks, sounds etc would be so appreciated!

    Any thoughts or criticisms welcome! 🙂 Thank you

    I’m looking forward to reading some new blogs!

    Rachel xx


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Looking good. Like the contrast of white background with black text and what I see as clear, splashy pics. One thing my eyes weren’t a fan of was how I could still see part of the page as I scrolled down but under where the main menu is at the top. Might just be my tired old eyes though! Marianne


    1. Your site is well-organized and I like your style of writing. What I wonder about is your graphics. I didn’t get the connection of the animals photo on your origin of food post. On your header, while I like the peasant clip art, you might want to do a shaded background for some visual appeal since the rest of your site is fairly minimalistic. http://gracelead.co


      1. The image with the mice was supposed to be them inside some bread, but I can see how they distract from that! And yeah maybe I will try and add a bit more into the header image, thanks for the feedback!


    2. Had to scroll down too much on home page – perhaps consider limiting the number that appear there, which will then generate an “older posts” link to get to more? Also my old eyes found the site title, tagline, and main menu at top too small, think a font a bit better would jump out at me and grab my attention a bit better. Do really like the font you’re using though, works well with what your site is all about. Marianne


  12. Hey guys, I’ve realized that somewhere there has been a mix up and my name would link people to raisingTHEgalaxy, a site I’m not using instead of raisingAgalaxy? Any suggestions on how to correct this? And maybe I already have? If someone clicks on my name can you give me input on whether you see my posts or not and if you don’t do you have any input on how to correct this? The site that I am hoping people will connect with is raisingagalaxy.com. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If you go to your profile (click your name/icon in the upper right corner of the page) you’ll see an option to “manage which sites appear in your profile”, where you can unlink the site you are no longer using and add in your new/current site. Also in your “account settings” you can set the web address to be shown with your comments.


      1. Yes, I can confirm that clicking your name now takes people to “raisingagalaxy.com”. And wow, I love your tagline. Really intriguing.


  13. Hey all. I’ve just started my blog and would love some feedback. It’s a bit bare at the moment but looking to add some photography eventually. Still figuring out how to use wordpress though so not sure how to add stuff like pictures or a profile picture. Hope you can check me out if any of you have time. X

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your site is looking good so far. I enjoyed your poetry. Is there some reason that you use “i” instead of “I”? A good next step would be to fill out your About page and tell your readers the purpose of your blog. http://gracelead.co


    2. Agree about About page, it’s the firs place I usually go when landing on a new site. Like the theme you’ve picked, visually looks good to me. You’re off to a good start. The WP support pages, Daily Post, and courses are great places to self-learn now to do things, might want to check those out. Marianne


    1. I really enjoyed going through your blog. Your pictures are beautiful and in a way, soothing to look at. Your writing flows nicely as well. My suggestion is to include a main theme of what you’re posting about in your About page: how different post types tie into what you’re trying to say.
      I’m excited to read/see more!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi everyone! I really want to have my own gravatar image but I don’t know how?! Please can someone help me? Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Go to your profile by clicking your username/icon in the upper right hand corner of the page, then hover over where your image is and you should get an option to “update profile photo”.


      1. Thanks Marianne I am glad that you enjoyed the blog post and you saw my point of view and you were able grasp where I was coming from. Thank you for the nice comment and I hope you check out more of my blog posts to come.Thanks

        Liked by 1 person