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    1. SO MUCH YES TO THIS!!!! I commented on your blog but I loved the entire thing. I am a huge proponent for building independence in children and not lamenting those important milestones into self discovery and independence. As the daughter of not one but 2 parent figures with NPD, I related so much to everything you said. I subscribed to your blog. Looking forward to reading more!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I have started my blog about 4-5 months ago and am really getting into blogging more and more every day and I have gotten into some really deep things from my life that I have been wanting to express and more to come! check it out!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi everyone! Some more of muses, musings, inspirations and nonsense. I’m going to give it a go here, too. The blog I cherish with all my heart is a compilation of a fairy’s observations and reflections on life happening around her. From self-guidance to magic creation in brief format. Nothing literary but some kind of attempt to distill that art that is coming out of my soul every day.
    Question for you: pick a note and let me know if it makes sense to you at all, please!! I am so in the dark and don’t even know whether what I write is disgustingly crazy nonsense or something worth pursuing.
    Any comments on the pink square format would also be highly appreciated…
    Lots of thanks, Yulxc

    Liked by 3 people

    1. When you described it, I wasn’t sure it would be my speed, but then I read it and I have to say – I kind of LOVE it. But – I feel it’s missing something. Like – photography or art work – it would be cool with some ethereal pieces to support what you are writing. That might not be what you’re looking for and maybe you want to the words to create its own imagery – but definitely keep going with it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. D’oh I thought the “m” was months not minutes so looks like all the posts are recent – derrrr…. I’m looking for courage to share this blog with the rest of the world BTW – it is new and I haven’t shared it with too many people. Looking for feedback first!


  4. hey everyone! I am still new here. Although i have had the blog a while i am finding it hard to make time to write . Hence i do not have a lot of content. i am hoping to fix that though.I am also a little confused about the content i want to write on. Nevertheless if you guys can check out my writing style and my writing itself specifically and can give me a few pointers ,especially if i am any good or not?it would really help. I created the blog in the hope to strengthen and build my writing muscle. So please help me out!


    thank you so much!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I went through the same dilemma of what to write on and even made that my very first blog entry (Falling into Blogness LOL). But after I out that out there, little by little it started to evolve and develop what it’s about on its own. The trick is to keep writing until you etch out all out!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey, y’all! I’m pretty new to the blogging game, and have started a blog on WordPress. I just revamped it, so now it includes helpful articles on the food and beverage industry, plus my personal recipes and pics. I want to accumulate followers on here so badly, and I am trying to find the best way to do that. Since I started this blog in October ’15, I was approached by Huffington Post to become a part of their blogging community, and all 3 pieces have been published, while to of those have been featured in the publication! But, how do I get all those ‘likes’ to turn into followers on my blog here?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey shanazuriamara!

      Checked out your blog and loved the look of the linguine with white clam sauce!

      As a fitness nut, I’m constantly on the lookout for cheap and nutritious diet plans, but am yet to stumble upon one that’s specific enough. I know the ideal is a 40:40:20 ratio of protein:carbs:fats, but I don’t know what ingredients to use to make a meal comprising of that!

      I think if you managed to make your meals specific to someones needs in such a way, you’d be on to a winner!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for checking it out! I don’t know if I can do that, as I cook comfort food. The reason I started posting my recipes, is because my followers on social media sites constantly ask for them, when I post pics of my food! That is a great idea, though, someone should do it! I will try and post more pics of my whole meals, with a protein, carb, and veggies. Just gradually compiling them. Thamks, again!


      2. Hmm…well how about specifying certain dishes to suit certain moods (we all like a bit of ice-cream when were upset, maybe you could recommend a particular combination?)

        And just from a personal point of view, I always look for nutritional info (yes, I always look at the back of a packet before I but it!), so for likeminded visitors, maybe you could post the breakdown of what the dish contains too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hahahaha I hate ice cream. The gist of my blog is comfort food, so that would be the mood. I don’t know if I would even know how to post nutrition info, but I will research it. With the recipe, the ingredients wouldn’t be too difficult to find that out, I’m sure. If I see that is the direction I need to take, I will follow suit. For now, I’m going to push comfort food, and customer/server relations in restaurants and bars. I like how you think, hopefully it is something I can use in the future! Thanks again!


      4. You did!!! Any way that I can use my brain to come up with other ways to attract visitors is golden, and you got me thinking!! I hope you follow, and I want to follow you!!


  6. Hi all!

    I’ve recently started a website + blog about my city: Da Nang in Vietnam. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions to improve the website.

    The idea is to have an informative website about my city and a parallel blog with videos, events, things to do in Da Nang (and that are going on), later on I will also add some sort of Vietnamese cooking blog 🙂



    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a lovely idea. I would add my opinions but I have never read a Harry Potter book. The rules are pretty clear the only thing I would suggest is to explain what you mean by hurt/heal. I am assuming if you hurt a book that would mean that it was your least favorite book and if you heal a book it would be your most favorite but I could see how people might get confused as to what you mean by the words. I hope this helps.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow everyone!!!! I am stuck at home with a sick child today and I have to say – I thoroughly enjoyed checking out all these blogs. I would love more posts and forums like this to meet my fellow newish bloggers out there! If you haven’t followed me already – please do and I’ll follow you back. I’m very interactive on people’s blogs and enjoy building a sense of community!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Dharma in Heels,

      Checked out your blog and loved your tongue-in-cheek, easy to read style. I’ve got some feedback that my posts are too long (which even I admit they are), and I’m going to look to incorporate a more short and sweet style like yours further down the line.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m very new to the blogging world! My family, of course thinks I’m awesome no matter what….so I’d love some feedback from seasoned bloggers! My blog is themed around my DIY projects but is family oriented, with a bit my personal life thrown in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Holy cow! just LOOK at what you have accomplished! I wish I was half as brave as you. excellent start on that blog..just don’t stop and soon you will have thousands following you. Love Milly too.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I really loved your blog! I’ve never heard of the skincare line you had mentioned but it seems like it might work pretty well for me (our skin seems very similar). Maybe add the youtube video into the post so viewers can directly watch on site.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. That’s a great way to think. It’s important to feel like you have something to share and like minded people out there. I could be wrong but I only see one post so far? Keep going. I am obsessed with beauty and fashion blogs!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Feedback on my new blog (first post) would be hugely appreciated. Still working on the layout of the blog but would like to know how you think it reads. Any tips welcomed! Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It would be helpful to fill out your About page to tell the purpose of your blog. The yellow seems overly bright. A softer shade of yellow would be more soothing on the eyes. Your post made sense. I like how you used sub-headings to break it into logical pieces. http://gracelead.co

      Liked by 2 people

    1. would love to see an about me page, just a bit of information on what the blog is all about or maybe a bit of personal info. You have a couple of spelling errors in your latest blog but the substance is really good.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Love it ! Love it ! I love how you have a dfrnt mantra at the end of ur posts . The font used to write this is dreamy , fantasy like – correlating with your theme of inspiration. I love the pictures and how everything just flows into each other. It’s perfectly threaded ! Well done girl !

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I would suggest an about me page..just a bit of info on where you are going with the blog and who you are. also just checking other’s blogs and commenting will get them over to your site.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. HI guys,
    I recently posted a series blog(my first).


    I took photos and presented a little information as a teaser for our local community to attend a series of Live music evenings in our local park.
    The season was a success and we will probably do it again next year, no doubt I will blog it again.

    Im curious as to how they come across to a wider audience. too much info? too little info? what could I do more to encourage people to attend?
    I am not a promoter or anything this was purely a voluntary thing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your site is visually pleasing. The post seemed lengthy though most was the photos. There was more than enough information for a person to determine whether they might have an interest in attending future events. On your About page, it would be nice to see a few words that tells the purpose of your blog. Regarding encouraging people to attend next season, you could break your long post into a series of short posts that you do one a week leading up to the event. http://gracelead.co


      1. Yes Ive been told that I need to open it out a little, It was mostly being shared on local social media. I need to think that others may also come upon it and want some general info. About page is under construction 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, everyone, Truly here. I’ve been sharing a weekly post for six weeks (with a few short ones in between–ones that say more about who I am) and I would really appreciate some additional feedback on my latest (or any you choose :). As for “Tried Goeth Before A Fall” (March 20/16)–it’s an exercise in “putting myself out there” and facing the challenge head on. Perhaps you will relate to the conundrum of wanting to contribute to the good in the world, but becoming unsettled with even the merest hint of success. If this sounds confusing, the post should clear things up. If it doesn’t, perhaps it will give you some comfort to know that you are not alone 🙂 I think you will enjoy my whimsical, playful approach to growing pains. Thanking you in advance. And, be sure that I will happily return the favour. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Truly,

      I read your post and could relate to many of the topics you covered. I can certainly understand that fear of success is equally, if not more powerful, than the fear of failure. Failing is easy; being successful takes hard-work and cojones! Not everyone can be a success, but everyone can (primitively speaking) be a failure.

      How do you feel you have been held back by your fear of success?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you mean in general…or, as relates to writing? In general, there have been plenty of times when I’ve been really self-deprecating when I have been given special recognition…I’m working on it, but I am much more comfortable giving lavish praise (genuinely) than getting it. I’m determined to push through though…I shouldn’t “dim down”, nor should anyone else…
        How about you…in what way do you relate (not to put you on the spot…feel free to sidestep the question 🙂 )


      2. Both. I’ve been involved with soccer my entire life, but many of my fears of success have come away from the field of play too. On it, I was afraid that I would look foolish if I tried a skill and failed, even though I knew I had it in my repertoire and was capable. Off it, I’m sure I had many of the same problems you’ve experienced.

        I guess our justification for such self-depreciation is that it spurs us on to achieve bigger and better things, but I’m sure you, like me, would like to be able to give yourself a big, proverbial pat on the back sometimes.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks for the reply and for sharing…that’s what posts are for, right? I think for me, the hardest part comes when I do give myself a proverbial pat on the back…something about that can start a chain reaction of insecurity…but, I can also be an overachiever, so it becomes a cycle of working really hard, then feeling awkward and uncomfortable when I succeed at a certain level. However, I am working on it and will not give up finding ways to give my best 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time, interest, and energy to connect 🙂


      4. I understand perfectly what you mean. We get uncomfortable sitting at the top of the tree and beat ourselves up with every branch we can find on our self-inflicted way down.

        Nice to meet you, keep in touch. I’ll be looking out for your blogs…I hope to see you achieving…and learning to love yourself for it! All the best.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you 🙂 I will “follow” you….we can encourage each other…that’s what it’s all about. Thank you for sharing your generous spirit…”see” you later 🙂


  12. So I added a couple of things to make it easier to follow my current series that I have running. If you could let me know what you think, I’d appreciate it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hello! I’m looking for more blogs to follow. If you post about books and writing and stuff like that, please do comment and I’ll check out your blog.

    And if you post about Les Miserables (specifically the brick) then I will follow the heck out of your blog. (I’m not obsessed what are you talking about?)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey there! I’ve only veen up for a couple hours, but I’ve got a few posts up already and I hope to post more about writing and books.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hello
    Im a newbie here (first day) and just started a blog called LDRTimes.
    Its about being in a LDR and will offer advice & tips on how to make one flourish.


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