Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

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  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hello everyone!

    I’d love some feedback on the content of my blog specifically. I don’t think I fit into a niche, but I stick with art, culture and life so let me know how I’m doing!

    Also, my most recent post Dear Me I would love to have read and commented on. It’s a letter to my younger self.



    1. The #DearMe movement on Youtube has been very inspiring to watch (I have yet to participate). You certainly give advice that applies to both your younger self and yourself today. While I liked the broad statements because they could be connected to just about anyone at any point in their life, I would have also liked to see more specificity about particular situations/memories from your past. Just a thought!


    1. I was struck by how “little” your little post was! Cute anecdote but I would have liked to see you expand upon the definition of the prefrontal cortex and a joke relating to it. Just a thought.


    1. Sooo many posts about International Women’s Day but yours was particularly successful because you brought your own unique perspective and life history to the day. You really have a knack for explaining where you come from/how it shapes who you are today. This does not come easy to most of us and many blog posts don’t read as well as yours because we make assumptions that our readers have a sense of our backgrounds when they are simply strangers. Quite an amazing post.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey, I’m new to WordPress. Thanks to some friends, I have got my blog all set up, I just need some followers. If you guys like basketball, you will love my blog, “Rise Up.” I keep you up-to-date while keeping it simple.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really enjoyed your post about self-esteem and I completely agree with what you are saying. Maybe you could add in the “read more” icon in your posts so that it’s easier to see the posts on your homepage. I prefer to do it that way on my blog, and its just a suggestion, for longer posts. Overall, great job on your post!


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    1. Normally I would agree with you that 1200 words is too long, but the way that you intersperse the photos with the text breaks it up really nicely so you never really feel like the post is getting too lengthy. There are a nice amount of photos and the text is an interesting insight into the changing character that we all experience as we grow older. Good job 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with Benedict: don’t think it’s too long either and the pictures certainly break things up. Of course you could shorten it here and there, but perhaps you could regard the freedom to go over your arbitrary 800 word guideline as another day you took off from the normal day to day routines of life. I really liked some of those pictures by the way! A very interesting post.


      1. Why thank you! Yes, 800 words is arbitrary — it seems like the right-ish length for a blog post to me. It’s just a guideline. But I really blew past it this time and I wondered if I crossed the line into uninteresting wordiness. Thanks for affirming that at least from your perspective that the length didn’t detract!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello lovelies!
    I write a blog about Christian things and my life as a Christian teenage girl. Please have a look at it and give me some feedback, I’m still quite new to wordpress so I’d love that so much!! ❤️😊😊

    Thank you xxx


    1. Amazing ‘about’ page. I love the images and the description feels just personal enough. Going through your posts now 🙂

      I am new to blogging and just published a new post today about consistency when it comes to disciplining kids. I would be grateful if you can have a look and comment back on the post instead of here cause I tend to get lost a bit. I figured since you were a teacher it might be something you wouldn’t mind reading and you may have some thoughts on the topic.



  4. Hi folks!

    I too am new to the “blogosphere” of WordPress, and am looking for any feedback (positive, negative, neutral) regarding the content and layout of our blog. We like to travel, and are using the blog to document our journey as we explore the country and try to find a place where we can put down roots – while trying to entertain readers along the way, and maybe put instill a little wanderlust in them too.

    I’d love to know what others think, and would be more than happy to return the favor for anyone else!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. hey everyone! I’m new to blogging and still trying to find my way. I was wondering if you could look at my blog and give me feedback on it as a whole. Is it something interesting that people would want to read? How to I get it out there? What can I do to make it better? Anything that you guys could tell me to help me develop and grow as a blogger would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, I like your writting and photos.

      Sometimes you may use shorter paragraphs if you wish people to read all your work or maybe use bold font to show important words, so the text would be scannable.

      I enjoyed you poetry very much.

      Your theme looks magical, the picture of city is breathtaking, after watching it I was really looking forwards your posts.

      I am not sure if I did not find it or if you did not write anything about it yet, but you say in your profile on the left that the blog is about your life in NYC, maybe you may tell us something about it? For example what are you studying, what people you meet, places you go. I was really looking forwards some stories as I have never been there myself. That would be nice.
      I am following you now and look forwards your next posts, bye.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. omg thank you so much! i hadn’t even realized that i hadn’t been putting posts about my life here in nyc. i will definitely be making a page for this, so thank you for pointing me in that direction. I hope you follow to see what is going on!


    2. Hi Tashina. Thank you for providing a link to your WordPress site. I really like the appearance of your blog. You have created a welcoming collection of featured images on the home page that add light, texture and dynamism to the blog. My suggestion about the content is to try experimenting with different introductory styles – such as commencing your post about John Donne and poetry with a quote from your own work …so that the most important element of your post – your own creative expression and original artwork –is given prominence. Other creative intros could include quotes from celebrated published authors, lyricists and/or political figures whom you admire, as well as visual artworks to show that your key catalysts are sourced from literary and performance artworks or great political oratory. Lastly, vary your sentence structure in your narration so that the majority of your sentences don’t always start with “I”. Good luck and best wishes, Carol Dixon.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thank you so much, i appreciate the suggestions and feedback, these are things i can use to improve my blogging work and I appreciate you taking out the time to write to me!


  6. Hi, I blog about traveling in Czech Republic, our national traditions and habits. I just started a new series about czech music. I will appreciate any feedback- is any information missing? should I translate the songs? anything you find, please tell me.

    I will take a look at your blog in return.

    My favourite czech music 02 -The Czech Nightingales

    Thank you and have a nice time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi – I enjoyed looking around your blog. I strayed away from the music and I’m going to try your carrot recipe. It looks delicious. Thanks for posting it!

      I wouldn’t translate the songs, personally. It’s really hard to translate songs, without losing the musicality of the language. I’d give a context for a song and maybe give an idea of a few important words or important phrases in English, but I’d never give a word for word translation. It usually sounds quite clumsy.

      Lots of luck with your blog


    1. I love your blog. The most recent post is great and very similar to what I go through. I love when a poem has a message and I feel like yours has just that, don’t let people tell you what to say and what not to say 🙂 I just published my first poem recently having come from a non-fiction writing background mainly, so I’d love it if someone who does it more regularly like yourself might care to offer some feedback 🙂 if you’re interested


      1. I’m always happy to support my fellow bloggers so I will definitely be checking out your blog!
        Thanks for reading and for the kind words!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Powerful. I especially like the details about breaking up/miscommunication in then Internet age (ex. finding out something via instagram from someone you used to know so well) We all can relate to at least parts of this tale. Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your blog, because its easy to read it feels like were talking to one another I can actually hear you if that makes since… I like that its educational and you explain things.. Do you have a about me page? I think you should get one if you don’t if you do let me know its common for meto mis things!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi.
    I just started a new weekly feature called Healthy Habits for Happy Humans. My idea is to address one baby step people can take each week to make progress toward their own weight and/or health related goals. I’ll post on the weekend so they are ready to go on Monday. All will be positive and emphasize the habit of practicing self-compassion. I’ll address topics such has attitude, environment, routines, mindful eating and accountability.
    Let me know what you think. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When looking for fitness/healthy living blogs, it’s sometimes hard to find ones that emphasize the values you clearly hold dear – self love, self care and acceptance. I’m excited to see more!


  8. Hi everyone I’m new to blogging so I would really appreciate if you could check out my blog and feel free to comment on it! I would also be grateful for some advice on how to make it better and more interesting! Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello all. I’m relatively new to blogging and it seems to me that tagging my posts and using some kind of hashtag or something is probably important. WOUld anyone have some advice on the best approach to take in that context, or any good articles on the subject you could point me towards? Many tx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. 20 year old girl deals with delusions of grandeur, feelings of inadequacy and just about everything else in between

    Any and all feedback on this post/my blog is welcome!


    And if you leave me some comments, I will be sure to return the favor! Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog! I love your pictures, they really give your reader a window into your life. Also your puppy is truly quite adorable. Very inspiring to hear about your triumphs. Keep it up!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us. Thank you, I recently started doing more picture posts to make my blog more personal. It used to be more essay-centric and I figured I should show my readers a bit of my life so they can get an idea of who I am! Thank you for helping all the ladies out there with your tips! xoxo


    1. One reason I love checking out the community pool are exactly for blogs like this! I love hearing experiences of people from vastly different cultural and ethnic backgrounds compared to my own. Continuing to spread awareness for the issues you face is something I admire deeply from your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s really encouraging! We’re trying our best to normalise the experiences that we have being brought up in two different and sometimes opposing cultures. While we laugh about it together, we think it’s key that we develop a position on some of these issues; serving to develop and mould us, the new generation. What do you think we should do to encourage discussions and people talking? Any feedback would be much appreciated! We’re here to learn. And please follow and comment! 😊
