Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi guys! I’ve started my blog a week ago, and today I made my second post. My idea about this blog is to make people know more about places. I think when you visit a place, you should already know something about it. My last post is about Auschwitz, and I hope you like it 🙂


    I hope for your comments/suggestions/thoughts about it.
    Thank you all 🙂


    1. Love the idea! Just re-read posts before publishing to make sure there are no errors. Also, it would be nice to include what is happening now to the place (at least for the Aushwitz post, it was all about the past) Hope this helps 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You have me hooked, I definitely think their is a need for this kind of blog post. I followed you because I want to here more. Also, I totally relate to your situation.


    1. Ok-very cool blog. And I love the post about living life like you do when you travel. What a great concept! That post gets a whole lot of creativity going-you could even maybe do a post a week on the different aspects of Living life lie you are traveling! (just a thought).
      This community pool is really getting my blogging mind working! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Monday everyone! I just posted a self-explanatory “Motivational Monday” poster for fellow artists with very little copy.

    Was wondering – do people prefer to read more or less copy on a Monday morning. Am I over thinking this?

    Please take a look:
    Motivational Monday (short):

    Throwback Thursday (longer):

    Ephemeral Sharpie Mural – Throwback Thursday


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey there. I just started my blog. Took a lot of thought and preparing. I think I’m ready. Would love a review on my first publication. I want to know if I show the purpose clearly and that its catchy. Thanks much!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My turn! Please check out my work. Pull no punches, give me the good, the bad and the ugly. I will love any feedback.

    Thanks in advance.


    1. I checked out your blog and I like it. My only criticism stems from the fact that I don’t know what a woodlouse is. (Guessing that is the singular form?)
      I loved the 70’s music too, but lean farther into the Bowie camp than Dylan.
      Good luck to you Beckywoz!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much for checking out my blog! Well in England we call them woodlice (and yes, woodlouse singular) but I am not sure what they call them in America (where you are from?) I’ve just done a quick internet search for you and this should explain what they are!
        That’s great to hear, I also really like 1960’s and 50’s music. They are both really great, although I do have a soft spot for Dylan!
        Many, many thanks for checking out my blog reallifemarti 🙂


    1. Your blog looks older than 2 weeks. All of the lovely photography and the way it is put together, first made me want to re-look at my blog, and second, made me really want something sweet. Keep up the good work there Emily.


      1. Thank you so much for your input – this is so encouraging! Your blog is fantastic also. Following right now!


    2. the photography!!! My mouth is watering, and for only 2 weeks!!! This puts mine too shame. Such beautifully put together. Gonna have to work on my photography!!!! 🙂


      1. Thank you so much! That means the world to me! And your blog looks great – you have a lot of great information and reviews!


    3. Great collection of photos from the web, grouped together to fit the “theme” of your posts (love the valentines day post). I also like your posts containing original photos. The whole site looks very polished and well done


    1. I love the concept of your blog! What a neat topic. I was thinking that maybe it could be a bit more streamlined for navigation? I love the colors and all of the content but I was doing alot of scrolling down to read.
      Best wishes! I look forward to more topics!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I just followed! I really like your blog, but when you first open it, you only see the title. I recommend maybe a new theme, one where you have a sidebar with links and posts visible when you open it up. I use the Big Brother theme and I see that similar themes work well for beauty blogs, so you can have archives and folders on the side, which is a great option for beauty blogs, where people come for advice.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I love how honest the blog is, and how interesting. The color scheme is quite dull, though. Maybe a new theme? Your personality in your writing is so vivid, but on a white background it doesn’t really match. Also, I would refrain from using emojis, just because they don’t look very professional, but that’s totally stylistic.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You come across with a mature perspective that most adults can’t fathom. Myself included. Your snow day observance would have sounded like a rant coming from me. Well done.


  6. Hi, everybody! I started writing some months ago, trying to promote my coaching business.
    I publish in Romanian (my language), but I have some articles written in English. (see the second link below)
    My question is about the layout and then…I am an extremely visual person and I feel chained by having only one layer :-). Now is the third I use… is it ok for someone who reads it?
    I mean, if you would be my follower, would it bother you to see each and every week (maybe daily) changes in the layout/theme of the blog?
    Do you look for simplicity or you like to find your own way and be surprised by the content?

    Thank you in advance for your answers.


  7. Hi there! I blog about weight loss and recovering from disordered eating habits over at Let Her Eat Cake. Today I published a post on the topic of courage, shame, and connecting to other people through telling my story. It’s sort of a meta post about why I’m (deciding to continue) blogging, and I’d love to get some feedback. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Myra! Your blog looks as determined as your final words in the post! It’s neat and tidy, and that pink line shows that you are on a clear track.
      Yes, you’re vulnerable, as we all are! But power and resilience is on the side to the ones who have the balls to stand up and say “That’s me! Any comment? NO? Good, now shut up and listen how you start, you succeed, you fail, and than you re-start and keep on going to thrive! Yeah…I did it!”

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    2. Hello there, Myra. While I’m sure my understanding of an eating disorder is nowhere near perfect, I trust you’ll keep up with your recovery. You seem to have the ‘ I want to get better’ attitude, so you’ve got that going for yourself!

      As far as your writing goes, I’m following and that should say it all ^_^

      P.S. Love the name and the meaning behind it!

      Love, Just.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello All!
    I was looking for thoughts on my blog, specifically ease of viewing. Is it easy to navigate? I would also love specific input on this post…it was one of my favorites… The Decision.

    The Decision

    Is it a story that makes you want to know more? Does it say too little? Does it make you think? Would this kind of post be better than educational posts? Or a mixture of both?
    Thanks, and I look forward to reading others blogs in this community pool!


    1. Hi – I certainly found your site easy to navigate (I found myself tempted to another post to leave a comment).

      I thought The Decision had a light touch. I’d guess that a lot of adult children would identify with having to make those decisions about their parents’ care and being stuck in the in-between of children having to act like parents to their own parents.

      I don’t know why, but the brother’s voice seemed more like ordinary, fluid speech than the sister’s. He seemed to move the story on with his words. I might be your only reader who feels like that, so do with my opinion as you will 🙂

      Your blog reminded me of one of those Cabinets of Curiosities – with poetry, stories, factual things etc. to discover. I liked that.

      Good luck with it all
      Best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I love your opinion! I struggle the most with dialogue-so tips on voice are always welcome.
        I love the thought of a Cabinet of Curiosity. I guess that is what my blog is like. I haven’t been able to settle on just one topic (personal type stories, educational articles, poetry ) I have fun with them all! Maybe I don’t have to stick with just one area…
        Thank you so much for such an extensive reply. Also, I just LOVE your blog name and picture. It is lovely. I do plan on browsing your blog…
        Thanks again,

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey everybody! I just started my blog, actually my first post was right around this time yesterday! I write about my life situations/things I’ve been through or learned and how you can deal with a lot of crap life throws at you! I’d absolutely love for you to read it and hear what you have to say! Thanks so much! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loved the post about anxiety! Interesting to read, and also helpful for someone in a similar situation. Your blog theme could maybe do with a sprucing up, however I do like the basic and well organised look that it currently has 🙂

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    1. You did give the URL but didn’t link it… but I copied and pasted and found your site… I was just wondering why you decided to post ‘The Community Pool’… but maybe you have a good reason…. I’m going to look at your site again….I think you need to fix it… for people to be taken to the right site… Diane

      Liked by 1 person

      1. note: Your URL is

        BUT you have it incorrectly typed by your gravatar as embyrgrace23 You’ll need to fix that or no one will ever be linked to your site…. I’ll have another look tomorrow on your site… going to bed now.. Diane


  10. Recently wrote a post about funding for a non profit organization that holds a special place in my heart: Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times. Would love feedback on that post, and my overall blog. (A donation would be great too; read my story on my blog!) thanks 🙂


    1. Lovely to see you grow in to an autonomous being. I’m sure you will be fine on your trip remain aware, awake and not to mention, safe. You are most definitely taking a huge leap of faith. Sounds like you have your head on your shoulders. Enjoy.

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