Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi Pressers! I’m about to officially launch my blogazine LiveWellBeFabulous next month and would love some feedback on its usability. A few questions I’d like to have answered: 1) was it easy to navigate? 2) Do you get the general feel of the message behind the content? 3) Any suggestions improvement are also welcome. In return, I’ll be happy to do the same for you, if needed.

    Happy Venturing,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good navigational set up. The site is visually appealing, the only thing I could suggest is changing the colour of the search button and subscribe button if you are able. It clashes with the pink tones. I couldn’t guess one general message from the content – it felt you have few interrelated ones going on.


    1. I think your opinions on the shows could be expanded upon further. Rather than using the space primarily to explain the premise to those who may not have seen it, I think the explanation could be shorter in favor of more of your opinion. Good concept though, and good luck with your class.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree with renofailure. Your critiques err towards the academic which is great from an assignment but bad for blogging. Have an opinion but don’t tell the reader; show them. Wow them with opinion, excerpts, and commentary on techniques used. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved this. Gave me images of an old alcoholic in this bar frequented by fisherman in my home town, and of the model ships in the bottles. Like he was tapped on one. That is how my mind put it together. Great emotion through emotionless words.


    1. If you have the time, please continue to post both blogs. The first lighthearted, and amusing blog is entertaining, but the second is obviously something that needs to be seen. I shared the second with a friend who I fear is in an emotionally abusive relationship. But continuing the first or merging the 2 may help to keep your spirits up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you renofailure! I do enjoy the first one but funny enough it’s harder to get topics that people will find amusing! Lol. The second one is definitelynone that needs to be put out there. I also think I lost my lighthearted side when I was in my emotionally abusive relationship. Now however I am myself again and so happy. You are more than welcome to ask if she wishes to speak to me to get more clarity. Not sure how to send you my email without the whole world seeing it.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey,

    I just started blogging today and I put up 2 posts. Would you be so kind as to check them out and give me some feedback?

    I don’t have a focus area as such as of now, but I want to write about food, fashion and life as I see it, my perspective. Please do check it out.

    Thank you very much.

    (I did comment once before, but i can’t see it in the comments here, sorry)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You have a great voice in your writing! I look forward to reading more of your posts as you continue to write. 🙂

      One suggestion I have would be to categorize and tag your posts so that it is easier to find them on your blog. Since you have made it clear that you will be writing about tons of stuff (which is awesome) this would make it easier for people to find what they are looking for. I know you have added some tags but they are slightly jumbled. Consider looking at the tags of some other posts to get an idea of how to tag for maximum results!


  3. I have blog that’s dedicated to writing prompts for people who want to practice writing. It’s open to anyone who’s a beginner at writing or an expert. I would like your feedback on what I need to improve and my blog in general.

    Here’s a post from the 21st. I have new prompts later in the day.

    What Do You Want to Read and Write for 2015?

    Thank you very much in advance. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. A very interesting blog! Reading through prompts is a great pre-writing exercise and a way to get creative motivation even if you’re an experienced writer. I’ll be sure to keep visiting to help with my own work 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m glad that you like my blog. I have more in store for this blog. I will check your blog out. I forgot to mention this on the Community Pool. Followers are allowed to send suggestions for improvements. I want this blog to be community based as well. Once again, thank you and enjoy! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Instant follow from me. I can’t stop myself with prompts. However, a few points on blogging writers and prompts.
      – They have to find it first so carefully tag each post as widely as you can or we can’t find them.
      – Bloggers who use these prompts like a challenge but they also like to feel like they are part of a community. They want to be able to read what others have written from the prompt and they want to be able to receive/give both commentary and constructive criticism. Theses no one way to go about this. Friday fictioneers uses inlinkz to provide a forum for writers to add their submission. Picture it and Write asks writers to leave a link in the comments section or two link back to the site.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will follow you too. I appreciate the input. That’s what I’m doing myself. I have commented and gave criticism to followers who have answered the prompts I’ve posted.

        What has been a challenge since starting this blog back in June is to not have a blog similar to other writing prompt blogs (though I could be wrong). So instead of my blog being similar to other blogs, I like to give my followers a chance to share there ideas as well (even though it hasn’t happened yet). Thank you for the follow. I’m looking at your blog right now.


    1. Took a look. You have a very easy to read style and take what must be a very difficult situation and let your sense of humor shine through. Wish you the best


    1. Hi. I liked the photos on your blog, especially the New York (where I live) and Tenby ones (where I have been). The format is clean and simple, and showcases the photos nicely. Have you considered writing a bit more between the photos, or maybe an introduction before you show the photo, with a description, then another photo, with a description? That might make it seem more like a travel blog. In any case, nice job and will be following you from now on, so keep it up!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Yes, I haven’t been able to read/look at all of them, but that is what I meant. Like I said though, the photos are good and the layout is clean and easy to look at without many distractions. I look forward to more.


      2. I love your pictures! I agree with the above commenter. There is so much to write about! Talk about the sites you saw, places you loved and the places you wish you avoided! I know pictures speak a thousand words, but you need to fill in the gap for us! The blog is really simple and clean otherwise!

        I also just started a travel blog! I’d appreciate your feedback :

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thank you for your feedback. You blog is amazing. The pictures have great quality.
        Try not to have lengthy word/discussion and a few pictures. Post more pictures of your destination. We want to see them! 🙂
        Definitely a follow from me 🙂


    2. I like the post, but I feel like it could use more analysis or description. I also started a travel blog,, and travel blogging — in my opinion — is wonderful when you find the happy medium between great pictures and irresistible written experiences to complement the pictures.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes I agree.
        Thank you for your feedback. I am working on analysis and description input.
        Your blog’s layout is simple and lovely. I’ll to suggest that you post more pictures on the location you visit. It would give viewers more perspective/idea of the location/destination, not just limiting them to one idea.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. I like the balance of simple words and enriched pictures. Still, I agree with Robert about possibly adding more descriptions between the pictures to further showcase the uniqueness of your experiences. Or you can add pictures with different facial expressions or reactions, so viewers can connect more emotionally. Other than that, beautiful, beautiful. You have a new follower 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    4. As a fellow travel blogger I felt prompted to take a look. My advice is to shorten your posts by showcasing only your best pics. Its like cutting a paragraph down to be more concise and therefore easier to read

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m ready to give up.

    I started about a year ago, and it’s been hard to maintain a steady, consistent schedule. I also realized that my blog name may be a bad one.


    Abstractitude – by its very name it alienates the audience. Maybe that’s why it never grew. I write about topics that interest me, and maybe that’s too “out there”. Random thoughts, short stories, some essays. I feel like crawling back into the proverbial hole.

    I have not found my audience, if they exist.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Remember to always ask yourself the question: Why am I blogging in the first place?

      Are you writing to entertain others? Or are you trying to gain a large audience? Conversely, are you blogging because you like to do it?

      I blog because I find it enjoyable, even if no one else finds my content as enjoyable as I do. You should reevaluate your goals for blogging, and if they do not match what you are doing, then adjust. Have a wonderful day!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I actually love the title. It is clever and makes me want to return. I agree with Aaron’s comment and also remember that though it is hard to do, a schedule does help. Typically I do a blog once a month, but in the first two weeks I try to heavily promote it via social media as much as possible (takes time).I have had some blogs that have taken off, and some that not many have read. Over Christmas I tried something different and posted a shorter blog every day through December. I wasn’t able to promote it as much yet cumulatively I got a lot of views. The answer….I think I will try something in between from now on. It is what you make of it, so stick with it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Why AM I blogging? I don’t know. For myself, definitely. I was encouraged by friends and family to start, but now that I’m here, I feel a bit abandoned.

        How can I adjust my goals?


      3. Read this post:

        It is one of my blog posts, and it discusses heeding the advice of others. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make, though.

        One way to adjust your goals would be to think about realistic and specific goals you personally want. Think of short-term goals, such as a goal of posting one blog post every two weeks, and then think of long-term goals, such as the goal of wanting to have 100 followers by the end of the year. You can use whatever numbers you want. Those are just examples.

        All the best,


      1. I see posts called Blogging 101, but I don’t know where to start. There are lots of posts for specific things. Is there a way to find a general post for beginners?


    2. There’s nothing wrong with the content or the name of your blog. The theme scheme is generic but easy to read, so thats not a problem.

      Blogging is social. Read as many other blogs as you can. Like, leave comments, interact. I know this sounds stupid given you’re publishing blogs to be read, but there so many blogs out there these days the only way to get readers is by self promotion.

      Also, to give your post the best chance possible to been seen in the reader tag them with as many appropriate, popular tags as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t spend so much time online, and when I am on WordPress, I’m usually looking at the Daily Prompt posts, or other Daily Posts. When I have content, I spend time editing it and formatting, and then I post and share it.

        It sounds terribly hypocritical, but I’m not an avid online reader. Reading for me is like a ritual almost, curled up on a comfy chair with soft lighting and a quiet background. Almost like a clean, blank canvas on which to can paint the author’s words.
        Online, it’s a glowing screen and a straight-backed chair. It’s not the same. If I spent hours reading blogs, my eyes would hurt and I’d have a headache. So I don’t get on much. I don’t explore, though I know I should. I could learn from others.

        Thank you for your advice.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Its advice I was given myself. 🙂 My blog had little traffic until I started really interacting with other blogs. With referencing to content editing I literally mean adding tags in the post editor rather then anything more complex. I tend to use 10 general tags and 5 specific tags to allow my post the best chance of being seen by non-followers. Blogging apparently used to be a game where you could just write, submit and watch the traffic come in…

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi – the name doesn’t put me off, but if you’re struggling with it, then you don’t have to keep it. Is there another name that you prefer?

      Don’t crawl back into any proverbial holes. 🙂 Your words deserve to be read and you never know who might find them. It’s not easy to shine when you’re just one small candle in the big candle forest of WordPress, but I’d say, keep burning unless you’re wearing yourself out with your writing.

      By the way – I enjoyed your post about question marks – I have a feeling you can frame questions in the middle of sentences in Spanish without following the question with a new sentence. And they have those cool upside down question marks to let people know that a question is coming. We could do with those in English punctuation.

      All good luck with your blog

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for those words. I’m not getting burnt out, I just feel like, what’s the use? I guess I’m at a low point of self-appreciation for my writing. And when I see that nobody cares – even my friends and family – it’s disheartening.

        Thank you, Elaine.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi again – I suppose the ‘use’ is that your writing might reach one person on the other side of the world and brighten their day, or inspire them to start writing too, make them think or make them fall in love with the English language. But they might not comment, so you might never know. That’s the trouble – you can’t see people smiling in appreciation as they read your words. I liked your words and I liked how you put them together.

        I’d think of your blog as a public sketchbook. A place where you practise. You’re like one of those old ladies doing tai-chi in the park. Nobody’s judging you. Your practice is your practice.

        Take a break from your blog if you’re struggling. Don’t become a slave to it. Write things in a small notebook, or a big notebook, or a diary instead. Keep the words moving in your head and there’ll come a day when you’re moved to write for the public again.

        Sorry – you didn’t ask for all that, but it would be a shame if you stopped arranging words on paper. Think of word-arranging as you’d think of flower-arranging. Please your own eye.

        Best wishes

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Where you live, don’t your parks fill up with old men and old women doing Tai-Chi in the mornings? Each one intent on their own movements, but part of the group? The first time I saw it was in San Francisco – you don’t see it much in the UK. That’s what I meant – doing something for your own sake and for its own sake, rather than for te entertainment of the public. 🙂


    4. A. Love the title.
      B. Blogging should be something your enjoy, not another thing you force yourself to so. So the way I see it, you have two options. Either stop doing it if you don’t feel like it and move on, or take some time to ask yourself what you enjoy from blogging. Is it taking the time to write? If so, you don’t really ”need” people to read you. I recommend finding the things you love about blogging and focusing on these.
      C. If you friends and family suggested that you start a blog and that you now feel abandonned, you could go right ahead and ask them if they read you, or what they had initially been interested in reading about from you. It’s possible they simply don’t think to go check out your blog. Maybe emailing them once a month could fix that?

      In any case, I absolutely understand that it can seem like a lot of work to ”connect” with other bloggers and read blogs if you barely have motivation to write your own. I do not often read blogs myself, not so much because I don’t enjoy them (I really do) but rather because I am way too busy. Running a few blogs, studying full-time and working has that side-effect. Yet I find that blogging withing engaging in the community simply isn’t the same. I don’t enjoy it as much, and it feels a little bit like talking to myself. So my blogging resolution of 2015 is to once again be active within the WordPress community. Give it a try, I know you’ll enjoy it!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! It is great that you decided to start a project together to celebrate your friendship an common interests! I hope you have fun blogging!

      So far I can’t say much about the blog as it is still pretty bare. It’s normal since you just started out!

      A. That first post would probably be a good starting point for an ”About” page. It’s a little short for a first post though in my opinion.
      B. I like that photo collage: did you make it? Creating your own images is a good reflex for bloggers. I really enjoy using PicMonkey or for that. You might consider adding a few images in the sidebar to add color and give readers a clear idea of what you blog about.
      C. You many not have written much yet, but I recommend you start creating categories already. I will look better than ”uncategorized” in the sidebar.
      D. Your blog is pretty new: I suggest putting the Archives menu lower in the sidebar.
      E. Add a photo of you two if you wish on top of the sidebar, and link to an About page. Show us photos of Dublin, or provide a link to you Pinterest profile, Twitter accounts, anything to allow us to learn more about you.

      I hope this feedback was useful! Have fun blogging together!


  5. Good afternoon everyone.

    My post ( on is about traveling as an outsider. I would love feedback on the site and post, and I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns. Thanks.

    Excerpt: “I would appreciate and enjoy reading about travel in the US from an outsider’s perspective because in order to best understand your culture and yourself, you need an outsider to provide analysis as well.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is there a rule for editing posts after you published them?

      Not at all! It’s your post — you can edit, shuffle, and rejig it as you see fit. Your subscribers only get a notification the first time the post it’s published, not every time you edit it, so you’re not spamming them when you make edits post-publication.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I recently started blogging and havent got many readers. I admire my latest post, ‘the abandoned ones’ the most, and request a feedback on it being interesting and catching attention or not. Also I would welcome comments and critics on my writing style.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Overall the content is fine. My advice would be to connect with other wordpress writers as much as possible. 🙂 I’m saying this almost every post ATM but blogging is social.


    1. You’ve chose a good theme. The post could be a little more structured since it has that slightly academic feel to it. I have had the bad luck to come into contact with dead bodies on occasion. The message in your post is important but this is one of those areas you have to a little bit careful discussing. Not everyone has my iron stomach. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks! Yes, sounding academic is something I always worry about, having just exited academia I still find myself in the habit! I know some people don’t necessarily like it, but it really affected me, and as ever with the blogosphere, writing helps me clarify my own thoughts! Thanks for the feedback anyway 🙂


      2. From a psychological point of view, please do get it out -_-. You may not have died but seeing a body can still cause PTSD. That’s the last thing you need. As for sounding like an academic – I still have that problem even though I graduated in 2013.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! You’re on the right track! You’ve got a logo, you’ve got a menu which lets us know we need to check back soon to learn about your other trips, you connected your blog to Facebook and Instagram, and there are nice photos and colors! I would recommend putting the follow button a little higher on the sidebar though!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sharon!
      Just visited your site, I like the name “Starlight daydreamer”
      The posts are very relatable. I especially liked the post about procrastination. Story of my life, for lack of better terms.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m not even 100% sure where the name came from any more, it just sort of happened! I’ve found a lot of people, particularly writers, have an unwanted relationship with procrastination. Oh well, someone has to!
        Thank you for reading!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, unwanted I’m still unsure, unsolicited for me probably 🙂 I think I sometimes enjoy pushing things aside.
        Have a look at my blog, if possible, and let me know what you think 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I just read through some of your posts. They’re really powerful. I won’t lie, ‘Well have you?’ hit a personal note for me. You have a wonderful writing style.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. It worked when I first tried it, but now it says the site is no longer available, the author has deleted the site.


      5. I think there could be something up with WordPress. I just tried going onto someone else’s page and was told it ‘doesn’t exist’ …?


      6. I’d like to believe so, if you can access it, it exists, clearly. I’ll try again later 🙂 Thanks though!


    2. Hi,
      As soon as I saw that your blog title includes the word ‘daydreamer’ like mine, I decided to click the link. After reading the first paragraph in your about page I realised that we actually have a lot in common too. I found your writing style really easy and enjoyable to read. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi!
        I agree, reading through your posts I think we have similar ideas and views on the world. I like your writing style too. It’s really conversational and relaxed, which makes it easier to get to know you, if that makes sense and isn’t creepy? =)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay, good! I have this habit of writing stuff, especially in comments, as though I actually know the person, and then I read it back and go, ‘Wait …’ =P

        Liked by 1 person

    3. As a fellow procrastinator and hopeful writer, I was glad to happen across your blog here on the Community Pool. I am, unfortunately, in a time crunch on my end so my comments on the blog will have to come later, but I was happy to add you to my list of blogs I follow. 🙂 I hope to get back to you very soon and comment my thoughts!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow, thank you so much! I appreciate you following me. Hopefully the posts will live up to any expectations you have =)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kate,
      like that you have a picture of yourself in a soccer stadium up on your blog – I am not a Real Madrid fan (instead support the club of my home town in Germany), but I like the image. I also like the design of your blog overall. If you wanted to improve something, you could work on the page navigation maybe – in general, I often find it a nice touch to be able to sort posts by country (maybe something for after your trip to Europe) on travel blogs. For my own blog, I also abbreviate the posts using the “read more” tag so that they don’t show the complete text on the front page. I think that makes it easier for the readers to browse through the posts and pick one they find interesting. In your header image, I would probably have tried using a version with higher contrast but I am not sure if that would look better or not (it’s a nice picture as it is too).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will definitely work on the navigation between different pages, thank you for the great suggestions! I really love the layout of your blog – I like the ability to only see a portion of each post. It makes the home page much more attractive and easy to read!


    2. I love you blog name. Travel Far, Eat Well – it sounds so smooth. I wish I could have come up with something like that. Your posts read like a travel diary, very informative and colorful. I have no issues with the layout (the photos are gorgeous and the font is easy on the eyes), but there are certainly more graphic blogs out there (like the 80s and intergalactic) if that’s your thing. But I wouldn’t change anything. Anyway, subscribed for future posts 🙂 And I’m also a RM fan!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Michelle! I’m so excited to share some of my favorite places in the Midwest. I hope there are some that you haven’t visited yet 🙂


      1. No. The thing is that i am a ‘Wordpress Virgin’ so i am just trying to get the hang of the site. I must have issued my posts as private by accident.

        I will look at my setting. Thanks.


      2. Oh. Sorry about that. I am still trying to get to grips with the site. I think i done so as “Private” by accident. Will look to change that. Thanks.


  7. I’m still really trying to figure this whole blogging thing out and haven’t even picked a true direction to go in, but I love to write and am hoping that through sharing some thoughts, I might help, entertain, or just bring together those that enjoy my writing. Here’s my latest blog post – I’d love any feedback or constructive criticism.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello!

      I enjoyed the book review! I found it interesting and I now want to get a copy of the book to read it myself. Success!

      I checked out your About page and there isn’t much there. I am a big fan of knowing who is behind the blogs I read. I also really like having easy access to widgets like category or tags clouds, archives menu, recent posts lists, etc. to have a clear idea of the contents of the blog. Right now, if I want to know what’s on your blog, I have to scroll down towards infinity and I can’t know how long that will take.

      I hope this feedback was useful! Regards!


    1. Hey, just tried to access your site but it doesn’t seem to be working. It requires for me to request access. Are your posts visible to everyone?


      1. Oh. Erm, i don’t know. This site is confusing. I will need to check my settings. Thanks for letting me know.


    2. I think your setting are now changed, but just in case you run into an issue later, you can change your site’s visibility — including setting it to “Private” — by going to Settings > Reading in your dashboard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh. Ok. Thank you for that; because through using WordPress on my phone and computer, the way in which the stuff are displayed is different.

        Thank you, anyway.


    1. Hi! Just visited your blog, I really like the layout, although the background is plain, it leaves room for all your photos (which I also liked).
      The detail you use in explaining your experiences paints a picture for your reader, truth be told I didn’t know a post about shoes could be so interesting 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello, many thanks for taking the time to visit my blog! Okay, I understand, thank you for your useful feedback on the layout 🙂 wow, thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words and hope you’ll become a regular viewer of dinosaurs and woodlice – it’d be great to have you on board! 🙂 🙂


      2. Thank you! I think an ‘about’ page would really work well on your site, as it’d be nice to know about you as a writer 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think your followers would love to get to know the face behind the name! I always find the about pages of blogs very interesting as you can almost connect with who is writing

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello! Just uploaded a post and I would really appreciate feedback on my work and the layout, which is also new 🙂

    I’d love to look at some of your blogs too

    Many thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the theme/colours of your blog 🙂 I seem to be on a rant about this today, but is there an About page that I’m missing? It’s the first thing I look for every time I visit a new blog.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes, the about page is somewhere on the sidelines, I shall add it as a widget 🙂 thank you for taking the time to have a look!


    2. I’m always very jealous of poets because I can’t write poetry for shit. And yours are so good, especially To Know Me. It sounds tortured and sophisticated but not pretentious, which is something I find in a lot of longer poems. I think your layout is fine, but it isn’t particularly memorable or unique. Maybe try something with images or more colors? Also, I agree with tashab95 – write an About page!! But seriously your writing is outrageous.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think this is the first time anyone has called my work sophisticated. Thank you 🙂
        About the layout, I’d tend to agree that the layout is nothing extraordinary, but it has come a long way 🙂 🙂
        The about page is coming soon 🙂
        Thank you so much

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I like your latest post! I like the layout but I think it would be great to see an About page, a category cloud and an Archives menu in the sidebar. When I visit a blog, I like to know:
      1. Who writes it, and what the blog is about;
      2. How long the blog has existed, how many people read it, how many posts there are. In other words, some stats or data!

      The layout it great to put emphasis on the writing, There are no distractions.

      I hope this was useful!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! Yes it was very helpful 🙂 The first page on the blog is the about me page, was that there?
        I’ll definitely include a menu and add the details such as number of posts 🙂
        Thank you again for your suggestions!
