Registration is open for February’s Blogging U. courses!

Give your blog a boost with Blogging 101 or Blogging 201, or express yourself in verse with our newest course, Writing 201: Poetry.

Note: Blogging 101 and Blogging 201 are the same courses previously offered by Blogging U. Feel free to take them again, but be aware that we will cover the same topics.

Looking for a way to grow your blog, strengthen your technical blogging chops, develop a writing habit, connect with other bloggers, or all four? Welcome to Blogging U.

February’s Courses

Blogging U. courses are a great way to work toward your blogging goals, bolstered by our best advice and the support of other bloggers just like you. This February, we’re offering three courses:

I thought I knew something about blogging and that my blog is good enough. I thought I would cope alone. But this challenge showed me how much further can I go without even pushing that much, and how these fantastic people I’ve met are my everyday support.

– Anna at Tantoverde

Blogging 101: Zero to Hero (February 2 – 27)

Blogging 101 is four weeks of bite-size blogging assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” Assignments help you publish posts, customize your blog, and engage with the community.

You’ll walk away with published posts and a handful of drafts, a theme that reflects your personality, a small (but growing!) audience, a grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new friends.

Blogging 201: Branding and Growth (February 2 – 13)

Blogging 201 is a two-week challenge to give your blog a serious kick start.

We’ll help you define your blog’s brand and make sure it’s effective and consistent, build your audience both on and beyond, use your blog’s stats to grow your traffic, and bring your existing posts fresh attention. You don’t need to have completed Blogging 101 to register, although that makes a great foundation.

Writing 201: Poetry (February 16 – 27)

Writing 201: Poetry is our first poetry-focused course, where anyone who dabbles in verse (or wants to start) can practice the poet’s craft with a supportive community of like-minded bloggers.

Another two-week course, we’ll offer daily doses of inspiration to help you ramp up your writing rhythm, and explore poetic devices and forms — from similes and limericks to enjambment and sonnets — for those who wish to expand their poetic horizons. Poets of all styles, outlooks, and backgrounds are welcome (including those who have none).

How do Blogging U. courses work?

Initially, I could not write very much, but I kept trying and realized I was getting more and more comfortable with expressing myself. Thanks for helping me get comfortable in my own voice.

–  Ish Kish Mish

Blogging U. courses exist for one reason: to help you meet your own blogging and writing goals.

  • Courses are free, flexible, and open to all.
  • You’ll get a new task to complete each day, along with our best advice and favorite resources. Do them on your own time, and interpret them however makes sense for your specific blog and personal goals — we’re not grading you, we’re not checking to make sure you complete every task, and there’s no “wrong” way to use the resources we give you.
  • We’ll post new assignments here on The Daily Post each weekday at 12AM GMT. Each assignment will contain all the inspiration and instructions you need to complete it. Weekends are free.
  • Each course will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

How do I register?

To register, just fill out this short form. Registration for each course remains open until the day the course begins. Note that you won’t receive an automated confirmation email, but you’ll receive a welcome email with more detailed instructions a few days before your course(s) begin.

Registration for Blogging 101 and 201 is now closed, but you can still register for Writing 201: Poetry:

Happy blogging!

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    1. Colony of cats 🙂 sounds nice/ fun & I’m a little intrigued … 🙂 couldn’t find a link to your blog (none on your avatar ) would love to have a look .. 🙂


  1. I can’t wait! I started my blog in late December and have been doing my best to keep at it, but I don’t really know what I’m doing, even though I enjoy it a lot. So blogging 101 is very exciting for me. AND I write poetry but haven’t been as much in the last couple of weeks so I am really looking forward to some inspiration. What an awesome community 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I just registered for Blogging 101 and Writing 201. I am new to blogging (well, new to sticking with it…) so I really feel like this will help me. I would really like to take 201, as well, but I am hoping that there will be another opportunity soon!

    As for writing, I recently tried my hand at poetry and I think I might have a knack for it, I just need to learn more. Thank you for offering these courses, I am excited to learn and grow! 🙂


  3. I am very excited to take 101! Over the past year I gained over 500 followers, but I am not utilizing WordPress’ amazing design and creative writing resources. This will be fun!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi michelle,
    please explain me a little bit about the two week course of blogging 201. How it is different from blogging 101? and is it about writing?
    I have participated in blogging 101 and writing 201 long form course and now I’d like them to be removed from my site.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah, this poetry workshop may be exactly what I need! I just made one of resolutions this year to try poetry, as a way of working on my style…So I’m hoping to learn a lot 🙂


  6. I signed up for Blogging 101 before, but it was before I had published my first post, so I didn’t participate that much. Going to try again now that I have 3 (!) posts under my belt….looking forward to growing in this area.


  7. I was just signing up for 201 but after reading so many enthusiastic comments about poetry maybe I should join that one too 🙂 … although 101 was somewhat time consuming .. in the wrapping my head around widgets colours themes thingy’s n what nots … but I’m guessing I should be fairly safe with poetry not having quite those hurdles … It’s been rather fun & certainly interesting so far . .. so in I jump 😉


  8. I made myself a blog nearly three years ago and never knew what to do with it, so I thought, “no time like the present” and I just signed up for the ‘Zero to Hero’ course. I am looking forward to it. I hope to learn how to express myself and maybe narrow down what I want to cover in my blog …


  9. I believe I signed up for 101 writing and 201 there is 2 you cant take together so I jope I did it right !


  10. I look forward to anything that will make me a better writer and to a commnity of bloggers with constructive criticisms. 201 here I come


  11. Hello,

    I’ve had a mishap with registration for Blogging 201 and, I think also, Writing 201. I changed my email address after registering which is why I think I am not able to get into the Commons. Is this something that can be fixed please?


