Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hello! I would love some feedback on my site. I have been neglecting it over the past few months, so there’s not too much there yet. But my goal is to dedicate more time to developing it. I also want to get rid of the box around my header and add some background color, just to the header, but that is a question I will ask help with from the support staff.

    Thank you in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Howdy,btwnyoume,
      If you are following the Blogging 101 course? You might consider making an “About” page? I liked the overall theme and it was interesting to read your few posts. How you came up with the blog title and why you have some time on your hands.

      Your logo is strong and it will be nice to see colour, for it’s a little black and white right now. The blog linked to, or re-posted, was interesting. I would like to see a few answers, to some of the questions posed. Right or wrong I would appreciate reading a stance.

      Generally most of the bloggers here? Are following the Blogging 101 syllabus. There does net seem to be an indication, that you are? So perhaps this is just a general plea for feedback?

      Looking good, so far, keep it going. Cheers, Jamie.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey everyone, I have just started blogging and I would really like your comments/ feedback on what I could do. Its something I want to do to reach out my perspectives on various aspects in life.
    I got a very valuable suggestion last time. Please do check it out and let me know 🙂
    is the link and I hope to see your perspectives on the same. Thanks! Have a nice day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey there! I’m kind of at a turning point with me blog in terms of content. Right now, I focus on my workout of the day and highlight casual ongoing a of my day. However, I’m Considering streamlining content to minimize topics, specifically workout of the day and beauty (fashion / cosmetics.)

    What type of blogs are your favorite? The ones that follow specific topics, or ones with a wide variety of topics?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like your blog. Catchy, the picture is great choice. As for me, it’s not that much whether the blog follows specific topics, or write on different ones. If I find something interesting, I read it, like or share it …:)

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi everyone! Am working on my blog, aiming to improve writing and content. There is still lots of things to add and modify but I would appreciate if you have a look to see if am going the right direction. Many thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi all ! 😀
    I am Paul and I just write something on my blog 🙂
    I started to write about my exams and I finished with how I discovered
    the personal development .
    Be free to check it out! 😉
    Thank you 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi!

    Once again I’ve decided to pick up journaling/blogging again. This time around I decided to get it all down and just hit publish without much thought or revision as I find that I can be over critical, then ultimately decide not to publish after all.

    I’m mainly looking for feedback on this specific post:

    It deals with feelings of loneliness and catharsis. I guess my question is, does it make sense? Does it flow? I’d love to have a writing style that is natural, the last thing I want to do is put out something that is forced.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it flows. I think there’s a great value to the untinkered-with word – as long as it reads like a clear flow from your mind to the page – which yours does.

      I’m sure there’ll be times when you’ll want to write and revise and revise again, but that writing will have a different feel to it – not better, nor worse, just different. To me, this post works just as it is.

      All good luck with your blog

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey everyone!

    I’ve recently started a blog and was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback or give me some tips on how to improve it.

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love what you are doing with your blog, showing so many different aspects of yourself, especially the cat’s day and the gift idea post. I am certainly going to keep those ideas in mind next time I am lost for a gift! I wanted to click like and looked for the usual comment section….??? I loved the look, clearness and balance of text and pictures.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello WordPress compatriots!

    I would love feedback on my most recent review, this time of Ms. Marvel, #1: Meta Morphosis. It’s my first review of a comic book, and I would like to know if I could have adjusted my format at all.

    Also, the second image was a full-page spread, and I would love it if readers could click on it to have it “embiggen” so to speak, rather than right-clicking off of my page.

    All feedback is good feedback, so thanks!

    Book Review – “Ms. Marvel, #1: Meta Morphosis” by G. Willow Wilson and Adrian Alphona


    1. For your second image to open full size in your own site, go to your post editor, click on your image, then on the pencil symbol, which will take you to the image editing screen. You’ll se a drop-down menu under “Display Settings.” Select “Image URL,” click Update, and once the image screen closes, click on Update again in the top-right area of the editor. That’s it — you’re set. It might sound like many steps, but the whole thing shouldn’t take you more than a minute.


      1. Hi. Thanks for the compliment. And I will certainly try to put some more color to my blog!
        Your blog is really good! The diversity of your subjects will definitely be an eye-catcher.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello beautiful human beings of the internet , i would really appreciate feedback on my blog ( its a self development blog ) , and i would love to provide feedback to others , thanks for reading and have a nice day .


  10. Hey, I have 3 blogs- one about me and my opinions and what I would do in different situations, another about feminism and other world issues, and the final is where I share my writing. I would love it if some of you would check them out!


    1. I really like so much about your blog, your header, your theme, the way your paragraphs are distributed. Overall winner.
      Please check out my blog too


    2. I truly loved your blog and I agree with every single word you wrote , defiantly following you and I would really appreciate if you took time to read my blog and give me feedback on it , thanks and again wonderful blog


  11. Hello beautiful human beings of the internet , i would really appreciate feedback on my blog ( its a self development blog ) , and i would love to provide feedback to others , thanks for reading and have a nice day .
