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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hey everybody!
    So i recently started a blog, and so naturally are a bit unsure about the design/layout and posts! It would really really help if some of you could take a look at it, and maybe comment and follow too( if you want to). I would really appreciate criticism !
    My blog address is
    Its basically about life and the miseries/happiness associated with it.
    Anyone who comments or follows, I will personally review and comment on three of their blog posts.
    If you like what you see, please please follow! :))

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi,
      I’ve just looked at your blog and I love the theme. I always say that my blog is for the optimists and dreamers as I always aspire to make my blog something that is positive. Your writing style is enjoyable to read and the layout is clear. I’ve followed your blog because I look forward to reading future posts 🙂

      I would love to receive some feedback on my blog if possible. Thanks x

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I want to say hello to all and ask for some advice and feedback on my posts. I don’t mind if you have negative comments. Criticism in all forms can lead to better posts. Please don’t take offense to anything I write as everything is mere opinion unless otherwise stated. Peace to you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve written some interesting posts and clearly the blog is a very personal one so I commend you on your bravery. I felt the your prose was perhaps a better quality than your poetry, simply because you’re poetry is very loose and in some ways, came across as a little unformed. While you could clearly see your personality come through in the prose, in the poetry I could see you using phrasing that comes up a lot in that style of poem. For example, “everything confuses leaving my mind in turmoil” doesn’t actually tell us much about you or your personal experiences. It’s generic, not individual and personal poetry should leave the reader feeling like they’ve had the chance to walk in your skin, and see through your eyes.
      Best of luck with the blog, you’ve made a good start.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your comment. I just threw those poems together out of emotion. Your right about their form and I will try to get back in touch with my poetry writing side. My writing is very controversial in my home and social circles. I get many negative comments from those close to me but they do not see what I am trying to create with my words. I will not give up and am also writing a book about my years hitch-hiking the US. Very surreal experience.


      2. Where do you live. Reading your work from the U.K, there isn’t much that comes across as that controversial. At least not that I saw and I’m sure I went through all of your posts.


      3. Well the posts are really topics that are closely related to situations in my personal life. The controversy is just between me and those aware of the situations. I am from Joplin, Missouri U.S.
        Where in the U.K. are you from?


      4. I have another site where my language is quite vulgar in most peoples eyes. Yet I use the obsenities to draw the reader in. Its a completely different writing style I wanted to try but I myself doubt now that I have heard how terrible it is from people around me. My girlfriend even thinks the posts on this site are bad and states she has all the proof she needs referring to the fact I have no comments.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I haven’t taken offence at all. I saw the comment beneath the second post and I agree that sharing this on facebook would be a bad idea. You have to balance your audiences and if your face book is open to family, friends and a younger audience, monitor what you put up. The post itself is rather engaging and the swearing does give it edge, if that’s the writing technique you want to use then that’s fine, my advice would be to keep that style to a separate site. There is an audience for it, and I found it quite amusing in places. It’s certainly not terrible writing.


      6. Thank you. Yes that is why I have seperate sites. I read a few of your poems and I must say your quite talented. I was actually inspired to write a haiku. I used to write a great deal of poetry in my 20’s but not so much anymore.


      7. I find it’s something that ebs and flows. Reading poetry helps with keeping my own creative juice going though. Modern, traditional, as long as I’m reading I’m also writing more I find.


      8. Yeah its great writing. I read Wuthering Heights and was drawn in. I just posted some of my art partnered with a haiku. I really like to draw. People say I own never-ending creativity. I draw, write, play guitar, sing, and build furniture. I just need to create. It completes me.


      9. That’s a good way to be.
        I really like you’re haiku. Personally I would have it so all the haiku sits beneath the image, with is also beautiful, just to give the post a cleaner look. The drawing has an almost Mackintosh appearance to it. Very interesting.


      10. I use pencil and sketch my artwork til everything is just right then I go over the pencil with gel pen and fill it in with gel too. I barely let the pen touch the page so as not to leave pen strokes. Very OCD about it lol. And I’m very new to doing anything online. Was for the longest time a writer who only used pen and paper. I will fix it thanks for noticing.


  3. I really love my blog. Like the design what I have made as well as what comes up in my mind – what about I write. But still stays the feeling that something misses. Could you give your point of view? Maybe my ‘basic English skills’? Because I write in two languages. Don’t know. Looking forward to hear from you. Have a nice day!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, everyone! I would appreciate feedback on my blog:

    I’m also confused about making categories. I made a page (“Ultimate Blog Challenge”), and I made the category so that the posts would go under that page, but it’s not working and the posts won’t go under that category. Does anyone have any idea about what I may have done wrong?

    Also, in addition to talking about life in general, my blog runs a series of posts on how to achieve a 4.0 GPA in college. If anyone is mainly writing about college or writing to college students, I would love to network and perhaps work out some guest blogs! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pages and categories are different things, if you want the posts you’re categorized “Ultimate Blog Challenge” to appear beneath that page when a reader hovers over the menu you need to go to your dashboard, appearance, and then menus. On the column left to ‘menu’ structure you need to find the ‘categories’ drop down. I don’t know how many categories you have so if ‘Ultimate Blog Challenge’ doesn’t come up in most used check view all. Then add this to your menu, and once you have drag it up so it sits below the page ‘Ultimate Blog Challenge’ as a sub item. This should do what I think you’re asking for. Hope it helps.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey 🙂
      You have a very interesting blog. I personally loved the slide show of all your different type of works, which to me was very eye catching.

      Although, the color contrast between the background and the post section is what appeals the most to me, since its very readable, you could play with a few colors here and there and make it look more inviting.

      Also it would help if you reduce the number of posts showing on the front page. Cause not a lot of people would scroll down so much!

      But then again, these are just my views! 🙂

      LoonyHP at

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you very much, I’ll look at reducing the number of posts on the front page and perhaps playing around with colour a little. I’m glad you liked the slideshow, it took me a while to work out how to get it up there.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey there people of the blogging world! I hope you’re doing well ^_^
    I certainly would be extremely happy and humbled if you’d take you time to look at my blog and suggest/criticize any thing about it! is my blog, and I shall also make it a point to visit your blog and hope to give back a feedback too 🙂

    Thank you so much ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mohammad, I read your blog post on terrorism. It appears to be well thought out and presented. You chose a difficult but nevertheless a vital topic for your first post. All the best, from India. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d say you can afford to go a little longer than your last post but longer posts generally put off some readers. (Annoyingly.)
      How regularly you post depends on you really, I try and post two or three times a week but posting once a week on a regular basis can be just as effective. Being regular is the key.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Tried out a new theme for my blog!!! 🙂
    I think it looks good. What do you guys think?
    Any suggestions on how to make it look better or which widgets should I add?

    Also, have a look at a few posts that attracts your attention. Don’t forget to give your reviews.

    Thanks and Regards, 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Theme looks awesome!

      Do widgets incorporate into the circle theme in the same way, if so a top posts and pages widget would work well to highlight older content that is popular?

      love your work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank You Art’s art. I’ll have to check it out if the widgets work.
        I wasn’t sure about it hence I thought reaching out to the community would help.
        I’ll make sure to inform you if I find a way to add the widget. Thank you for your inputs. 🙂


    2. Your new theme does look good! One thing I didn’t like though was the way the text or the title is over the picture. It’s kind of hard to read. The widgets are already fine, and I like the effect of the + sign! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks a lot Babyruthbeer!! 🙂
        I know sometimes it gets difficult to read the text. I tried a few changes to make it look better, but the customization is possible after I purchase the theme which I am not comfortable with right now.


    1. I don’t find it cumbersome, in fact I like the theme. I have not been happy with any of the themes I’ve tried. what is the name of the theme you are using?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it looks great. The only thing I would add is a little “about” snapshot on the right rail. You have an interesting life and it may draw more followers in:)


  7. I am very new to blogging, so any suggestions will be helpful. However, in particular I wrote this post (I guess this is the correct way to get you there) when the post went to Facebook, I decided that I liked the post enough to pay to boost it. The next day Facebook said that the post wasn’t approved for an ad post… something about the ratio of text to pictures. Any insight on this or how to improve it? and remember I’m a newbie so please explain the esoteric jargon. THANKS POOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your post was funny, you have a rambling style that made me chuckle a couple of times. your punchline at the end didn’t have quite the stab as I think was intended, you could try shortening the sentence or changing the wording to get the best out of this joke!

      It is worth noting that humour is objective and your particular brand may not suit everyone.

      Just keep writing and you’ll find what works for you.
      I like your blog and will be following!

      I do humour too, a very different type though, much more silly. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thrilled to get any constructive feedback on my new blog I am struggling in particular with my “About” section on the right rail but not sure why. Any thoughts or am I dwelling too much? Please help me end the madness.

    Thanks so much and will check out as many blogs as I can; loving the blogosphere:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was over visiting your site before I read your question. The first thing that I looked at was your About page, and I love it. It is personable, warm, and welcoming. Then I read some of your posts, and I am your newest follower. I love the healthy tips and the moments of appreciation for this lovely life! Best, Karen 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi Elizabeth – I’d agree with Karen – your About page is informative and friendly. It’s the way you might introduce yourself to a new neighbour or somebody you’ve just met who you think might become a good friend in the future. It’s welcoming too. I’m impressed.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you SO much and love that you are following. Will continue to work hard to provide you with a site that is creative, fun and useful:)
        P.S. I love your New Year’s story. E


  9. A few new blog posts, one is a little controversial but I’m really not looking for any cyber arguments! But would be great of people to take a look at my posts and give their feedback 🙂 Thanks a lot! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello! I am having difficulty with my posts showing correctly on my front page. I have the front page set for ‘displaying with your latest posts;’ however, that is not how the page is being displayed. I posted two articles on 1/19/15 and a post from 1/9/15 is displaying on the front page. Please advise.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Dawn,
      It seems like you managed to sort out whatever issue you were experiencing — I just visited your site and your latest posts are showing on top, as you wanted them to.


  11. Hello Blogging Community! I have been sitting in amateur mode for my blog for over 6 months, basically just writing for family and friends, although that was never my intent. I’m trying to complete this Blogging 101 and learn as much as I can about content, design and marketing. I would love an objective look at my blog content and welcome all feedback, if anyone has a minute. .

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