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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi all, I currently have two sites, one is dedicated to my love of the law and the other my general thoughts and felling on topics and events. I express my point of view and try to pull no punches, my aim isn’t to offend but to be honest and state my point of view at the time of writing.

    They are: for my law related ramblings and for everything else.

    Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, I enjoyed how current your blog is. I get the personality thing. I, hopefully, have a comedic style of writing and its hard to convey that. Diving into each topic a bit more would help. Your blog is funny but you’re not giving enough content for the reader to process, doing this will give it more personality. Apart from that, great!
      Feel free to check out my blog and offer feedback


    1. A great blog, I always liked comic books and your pick of the week in the last post is one of my favourites!

      Clearly you love comics too. I will definitely be following!


  2. Good Afternoon fellow bloggers!
    Just wanted some feedback on my blog–my reason for commenting although that probably doesn’t need to be said. The link for my most “liked” post is below. All of my posts are true stories about my life, most of them being about my complicated relationships. Thanks for reading!

    Heavy Heat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Olivia. I just read your post… Wow! You write with such raw emotion and descriptive abandon. Given the subject matter, I know it must be difficult to publicize, but I applaud your courage.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey guys, I’m new to this blogging world and I would love some constructive feedback!
    I’d like feedback on my About page, I feel like it’s kind of lacking myself. Also I’d like some feedback about my content. I started it as a blog for my art, but I wonder if I should strictly only have artwork on there. Also for artist blogs what sort of information do people like to see?

    Anyways you can check me out here

    And I would be happy to provide feedback in return also!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great blog. Love the layout. The layout on my travel blog seems pedestrian in comparison. I see you’ve been in India recently. I am from India, and have written a post on a roadtrip within the country as well as one on Japan. Would be interesting to hear your thoughts.

      Cheers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Visually your blog is stunning. I love how clear all of the pictures are and the content of the posts themselves. My blog is quite random but I do have a section dedicated to travel. Since I am half Turkish I visited Istanbul and other places in Turkey last summer. It was a trip I definitely had to blog about. I would really appreciate any feedback 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Melis. Thank you very much for your feedback. I had a read of your post and I thought it was very well written. It was interesting to hear where you went each day. I went to Istanbul as well and loved it! It’s an amazing city

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi, I liked your story. You utilize a thought provoking choice of words for your descriptions. Just a thought, perhaps it’d be wiser to use fewer words in some places? For example in one place you say, “erudition, piquancy, and broad Southern accent.” Maybe instead of over-describing the dialogue you allow the dialogue to carry the tone you wish the reader to glean? I struggle with exactly the same problem so I just thought I’d share how I’ve been addressing this issue.

    I’d love for you to read through the travelogues on my site and give me some feedback, too. I wrote a breezy travelogue on a Roadtrip through India (as well as one on a week in Japan).

    Breaking Bad Roadtrip: Delhi to Darjeeling

    Breaking Bad Roadtrip: Buddha’s Bodh Gaya; A Bihari Odyssey

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you need more substance to your blog, as it doesn’t seem to be very clear as to what sort of blog it is. Obviously, I am no expert when it comes to blogging haha, just don’t worry about views and such and just enjoy writing and you will find people come to your blog 🙂 I’m going to subscribe, good luck 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. your blog looks like it has potential but wait until you have a few more posts out there to see if you can build a bigger audience!

        also I see that you don’t use any tags, I strongly suggest you do (only with relevant topics of course) because it’s far more likely for someone to browse through tags and stumble across your blog than for them to discover it by sheer serendipity 🙂


    1. Hi! I took a look at your site. The image at the top of the page is definitely eye-catching, and I like the open feel of the layout with the large, easy-to-read text. I think your idea of various posts slated for certain days of the week is a good one. I would think that would increase readership of those who are interested in specific aspects of your topic.

      The only thing I noted that seemed to be a glitch was in the recent comment section which is on a white background. Maybe it’s my computer, but I couldn’t see the text on the white background except for the word “on” in each one. When I moused over the place where the text should be, it did show up. Maybe you intend for it to be that way (some cool idea that I’m too old and obtuse to know or understand), but if not, that’s one thing to take a look at. Good luck with your blog!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. this might be personal preference but I am not a huge fan of how your home page is just an introduction to your blog or a post and all your other posts are found lower down.

        what are your thoughts on a more conventional structure where the posts just follow each other by chronological order or something like that? I only say this because I find it’s easier to catch someone’s interest with a few lines rather than just the title 🙂

        completely your choice though, I’ve seen super successful bloggers with similar blog layout to you

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it 🙂
        I’ve been having the same glitch with the comments section myself (I thought it might have just been my laptop) so I will make sure to check that out; not quite sure what has happened there!
        Thank you so much again ^_^

        I love the layout on your blog; it’s really clean and clear. You also make it easy to follow both your blog, and your other social media platforms (there’s nothing worse than wanting to follow someone, and being unable to spot the ‘follow’ button hidden somewhere amongst the clutter).

        The only other real thing I would suggest would perhaps be scheduling your blog posts ahead of time, as some seem close together (2-3 days) and others further apart (around 7 days), just so that readers may have an idea of when to expect an update.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. The layout I chose had a feature image at the top of the page – it’s why I went for that layout rather than some of the others where I preferred the sidebar. I’m afraid I’m not that experienced with the layouts – the only way I’ve been figuring it out is to play wound with the different options and see which looks good ^^; I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful! 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello, everyone! I have just started my very first blog — it is education- oriented, and certainly doesn’t have much on it yet. If you could take a look and make any suggestions of glaring mistakes I’ve made in setting it up, or specific comments regarding a post (there are 4), that would be great. I’d also love to know if you have recommendations that you think would make the look or the blog more effective. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hello!

      this isn’t really a glaring mistake but just personal preference, I think there are too many different fonts on your blog.

      your title bar and side bar titles are one font, the content another and your post titles yet another.

      maybe that’s something you can’t change, anyway it’s just a small irk.

      good luck with your blogging career! 🙂


      1. Thanks for the feedback, Maggy! I’m going to take another look at the fonts. To be honest, they are what the child theme I selected has as a default. I’m not too savvy about coding, but may look to see if I can make a change that will bring more continuity. Thanks for the input!


    1. Well it’s definitely engaging! The logo is in prime position and catches the eye immediately (which seems to be the idea). I like the layout/them you’ve chosen Nick – plenty of colour but not too distracting. The only thing I’d change is I’d throw the follow button closer to the top only because I had to go looking for it – although if your theme is anything like mine, it possibly doesn’t let you. Great job!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Cavan, congratulations on starting your blogs! I like the simple, clean style you’ve chosen– from what you’ve written so far they seem to “fit” you. In the book blog, I liked how you gave honest attention and feedback to the appropriateness of the books’ content for readers of various ages. I also thought it was great that you gave an alternative series recommendation for kids too young for this particular book.

      In your daily blog, I can see why you want to blog. You have lots of thoughts, ideas, and wonderings about things you are observing in life around you. You seem to think deeply about why people do what they do. A blog is a great place to sift through your thoughts in writing.

      i’m impressed with what I read. Good luck and continued success!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much, that helped a lot. Just so I can know, would this be the sort of blog you would follow? I dont mean in the way you have to follow it, just so I know what people like and do not like.


      2. Yes, I would follow it…. I am a teacher of 5th graders, and I enjoy your perspective on the books you are reading. I also think that other readers close to your age would be interested. Maybe you can find others doing similar blogs and follow them/ comment on their blogs, and encourage them to follow you back…. Good luck!


    2. The link to the personal blog doesn’t work. I enjoyed your post on Cherub. Book reviews are tricky – it’s hard to find the balance between being analytical and overly opinionated. You got the balance just right, and added some original insight too. Just a suggestion – have you thought about combining the two blogs? It might be easier in the future. Add a “categories” widget and split the blog into multiple sections.


  6. Hey guys, check out my blog
    It’s about the culture and traditions of Pakistan, tell me how to improve it and what you thought about it!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. So, I’ve recently started a blog of my own…well actually I created the blog page a few years back wrote a couple of posts then did nothing with it. I’m now starting fresh with a well thought out plan on what to write about and topics to post on, however I don’t like the background theme, I’ve tried messing with the colors, but still can’t get it too look nice.

    I would love anyone who knows the ins and outs of themes and backgrounds to tell me how exactly to change it so it looks more professional and readable.

    Any thoughts on the content would be nice as well, I plan to post new material 6 times a week (a lot I know, but i finally have the time to do it and the ideas to go with it.)

    I’m also open to suggestions of generic page pictures to post as the…header I think its called.

    Check me out at

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I really lived your post. It’s so true what you’re saying. So many people believe that there is full equality but underneath the surface there still is that hint there. You’re post outed this and simplified what it is. Stupidity. The colour of your skin is just that, a colour. Why should it define us?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your blog, the topic you chose was controversial but I dont think it will turn people away. I also like that you have chosen such a controversial topic, it sets you apart from the crowd. If you wouldnt mind giving me feedback and following me back, that would be appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi everyone! I’m very new to blogging but very interested in making it a bigger part of my life. Any feedback on my site would be appreciated. From layout, to navigation, to the actual content (although there isn’t much yet) I’d value anything, and I’ll offer my opinions on others as well. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi – I enjoyed reading your travelogue. I realised it’s the first time I’ve read any travel writing from the point of view of an Indian traveller. That was interesting. are there tons of Indian travel writers that I’ve never heard of?

      I read your Japan travel post and it was fascinating. I’d say, if it were mine, I’d divide the post up day by day. Then you’d keep your readers right to the end. Also they’d be reading more posts.The length is a bit daunting otherwise. Also – I read it on a laptop and the fact that the text had no borders meant that it read like an ancient manuscript and I was turning my head to take it all in. I didn’t mind after I got used to it, but have you checked how it looks on a mobile? It might be overwhelming.

      Good luck with your blog.
      All best wishes

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi- thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to read through my travelogues.

        The Japan blog was initially written as a daywise log but being technologically challenged as I am I ended up posting the whole lot together.

        There are quite a few excellent Indian writers out there. As for Indian travel writers in particular, I’d recommend the writings of VS Naipual. I don’t always agree with him but one can’t deny he is a writer of consummate skill.



      2. Yes, I’ve read VS Naipual novels, but I’d forgotten about his travel writing. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂 Your blog just reminded me how we, here in the UK, rely on British and American travel writers to tell us about the world.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That is true. Once you shift the cultural lens the story changes as well. 🙂 Did you also read through my posts on the roadtrip I undertook through north India? May I ask what you thought of it?

        Incidentally, a few years back I’d read a travel book by a young Indian writer called Aatish Taseer on his travels overland starting in Turkey and ending in North India. It was interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You’re absolutely right about the ‘cultural lens’ and it’s one we are only aware of when somebody else’s cultural lens is put in front of our eyes.

        I read your Delhi to Varanasi post. By the way – it was hard to find it underneath the Japan post. Was I missing a button to press or an index somewhere? Is there a list of posts that I missed? I don’t know if your theme has an Appearance/widgets option, but it might be worth exploring, so that readers can look beyond the front page.

        Anyway – it was an interesting post because you look for things that a Westerner travelling in India probably wouldn’t. Different things catch your eye. You use English in a slightly different way too – more Latinate words than are usual and words I think are current for you – like ‘mororised’, which I guess means ‘wearing Islamic clothing’?

        I didn’t quite get the Mr White thing. But I’m guessing you set it up in an earlier post?

        Thanks for the Aatish Taseer recommendation. I’ll look him up. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Hey, thanks again for your reply. And thanks for pointing out “mororised.” That was a typo! I meant to write “motorized”- nothing to do with Islamic clothing. 🙂

        The Mr. White thing comes from an inside joke referring to the TV series Breaking Bad. I alluded to it in the first part of the Delhi to Darjeeling post.

        These were the two blogs I’d put up on the India road trip- (the same as I posted above.):

        Breaking Bad Roadtrip: Delhi to Darjeeling

        Breaking Bad Roadtrip: Buddha’s Bodh Gaya; A Bihari Odyssey

        I’d originally written that blog having an Indian readership in mind. (Whom I’d expect to be familiar with the several colloquialisms and references I’ve thrown in.) I later tried to make my posts more culture neutral. The India posts will naturally be different from the Japan T’log in that respect.

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