Last call! The next Blogging 101 class begins Monday.

New to blogging? Build a solid foundation — and make some new friends — in Blogging 101.

New to blogging, and not sure where to start? Never fear, Blogging 101 is here! Fun and free, the next edition of our popular introductory course begins on Monday, January 5 — read on for the details and to register.

Blogging 101 is four weeks of daily bite-size assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” — along with a supportive community to encourage you all the way through. At the end of the course, you’ll have a blog you’re proud and excited to publish, and that others are excited to read. Here’s how it works:

  • Assignments fall into three broad categories — publishing posts and pages, customizing your blog, and engaging with the community — and are designed to build on one another.
  • We’ll post a new assignment here on The Daily Post each weekday at 12AM GMT. Each assignment will contain all the inspiration and instructions you need to complete it. Weekends are free (but we’ll suggest some ways you might want to spend them).
  • Participants will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

You’ll walk away with six (or more!) published posts and a handful of drafts, a customized theme that reflects your personality, a small but growing audience, a good grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new online friends.

Registration is closed, but Blogging 101 will be back in February!

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  1. Bummer! Just tried to register but the site wouldn’t let me. If you sign up, I recommend you participate wholeheartedly as you may not get a second chance (doesn’t look like I will).


    1. It’s the “s” in the “https” triggering a warning in your browser — you can either just delete the “s” (it’s totally safe, I promise), or fill out the form right in this post instead (eg, by visiting the post on The Daily Post rather than using the link in the email).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. There is no automated email for registering, but the welcome was just sent to those of you who registered over the weekend — check your spam folder, and let mw know if you didn’t receive anything.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there! I registered but haven’t received any email so far… I thought the course starts today? I can’t wait to start, so just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it. Thanks!


  3. Thanks people I have just sig up and is all willing to give it a go . Not that I think it will make me any better now ,but I think the future will be better ,
    With all the new things I expect to learn from this venture.


  4. Wrote my first Blogging101 post today. Even though I’ve been blogging elsewhere for quite some time, I am finding this course helpful, and I’m learning a lot more about how to use WordPress. Thank you!


    1. Registration just closed, but if you want to participate, let me know — I’ll add you manually, you shouldn’t be left out because I didn’t see your question in time 🙂

      In the meantime, you can find the first assignment by clicking on the Blogging U. logo on the home page; it’s just under the photo challenge.


    1. Registration has been closed for a few hours now, but the course will run again in February. Alternatively, all the assignments are publicly posted on The Daily Post, so you can work through the yourself.


    1. It’s designed to be adaptable for any kind of blog; we’ve had both personal and business bloggers do it. We’ll have another course in February, if you want to give it a whirl.


    1. This course is closed, but all the assignments are publicly available here if you want to give them a try — look for the Blogging U. seal on the home page here. We’ll also be running it again monthly, so feel free to join February’s group!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This course is closed, but all the assignments are publicly available here if you want to give them a try — look for the Blogging U. seal on the home page here. We’ll also be running it again monthly, so feel free to join February’s group!


  5. I had signed up to be notified when this class started but never got the word. So today is the 7th and I have missed two classes plus their assignments. How can I get involved now and hopefully catch up?


      1. Can you check your junk mail/spam? According to our records, you were send the welcome and email and you have access to the course site — use the link above to find all the assignments; each one also includes a link to the private site.


    1. There should be a “follow” option in the admin bar at the top of your screen; if not, there’s also a button at the bottom of the site — scroll all the way down, and look in the bottom left.


  6. I like the rustle of paper, the black ink stains all over my hands and clothes, and the challenge of opening and folding a broadsheet on a train or bus without jabbing my fellow passenger in the nose with my elbow 🙂
