New year, new blog? Make it a great one.

Ready to get your new blog off to a great start (or kick-start your old one)? Blogging 101 returns on Monday, January 5.

New to blogging? A new session of our introductory blogging course starts on Monday, January 5 — and all bloggers are welcome, whether you blog on, a self-hosted WordPress blog, or somewhere else entirely.

Blogging 101 is four weeks of daily bite-size assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” — along with a supportive community to encourage you all the way through. At the end of the course, you’ll have a blog you’re proud and excited to publish, and that others are excited to read. Here’s how it works:

My blog has gone from being dull and plain to having widgets and all this shmancy tech stuff, and from having almost no followers to having a loyal following now!
– Microgalactic

  • And you'll get a badge! Who doesn't love a badge?

    And you’ll get a badge! Who doesn’t love a badge?

    Assignments fall into three broad categories — publishing posts and pages, customizing your blog, and engaging with the community — and are designed to build on one another.

  • We’ll post a new assignment here on The Daily Post each weekday at 12AM GMT. Each assignment will contain all the inspiration and instructions you need to complete it. Weekends are free (but we’ll suggest some ways you might want to spend them).
  • Participants will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance and resources.

You’ll walk away with six (or more!) published posts and a handful of drafts, a customized theme that reflects your personality, a small but growing audience, a good grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new online friends.

Registration is now closed, but Blogging 101 returns in February!

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  1. I signed up, I already have a blog on, but I’m thinking about buyng a domain to have it self hosted. Does anyone know if I need a self hosted blog to partecipate? Can I wait? Or is it just better to have it?


  2. This Blogging University 101 course should be helpful in helping in format and learn the best of the blogging world. I’m super excited to learn how to brush up my blog.


  3. Just in time! Exactly what I was looking for and even greater it is from WP directly!! It cannot get better than this. I have a few blogging sites, which I recently started (of which 2 on both my business sites), along with my partner. I also have a Guest Blog section on my site, so do feel free to put in your blog entry! Really looking forward to this and to meeting up new interesting people. 🙂


  4. What fun! I read about this just in time to start tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great time and learns a bunch!


  5. I signed up for the 101 class so I went ahead and went w Blue Host and setup a domaine, Now am confused because i played with it and it has MoJo on it so I cannot change theme to Adelle theme. Also looks more like it is under WP.ORG ont com. Could you see from there if the is able to be seen and chosen when I take the 101 class? My other orig domaine is katzcloseup WP. Thanks, kk


    1. If a site is hosted with BlueHost then, yes, it is a site, not a site. With self-hosted sites, you need to choose and upload themes yourself; they’re not pre-included. You should be able to upload Adelle if that’s the one you want to use.

      For the purposes of the course, it doesn’t matter if your site is .com or .org (or, for that matter, if it’s not on WordPress at all).
