Community Pool

The place for feedback, advice, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. I feel a bit out of my element here. The blogs I have looked at (comments coming soon!) make me feel way out of my league. But I’m new to WordPress. I just started my blog not long ago. So many of the blogs I see are so well crafted. Mine seems to be just a bit of a mish mash of weird (or hopefully funny) thoughts and stories.

    How do I draw in more people, I mean get it out there. My biggest issue is that I write about work sometimes – and I’d rather not put my “real” name attached to it. So I want to find a way to connect more to other WordPress people and reach out here. Any tips?


  2. Hey everyone! I’m completely new to blogging, especially on this site and would love general feedback or some followers who are interested in what I write! If you comment I’ll comment back.


    1. Your blog is hilarious. I love the focus on pop culture and the nonchalant tone you employ. But when I click on the widgets section, it shows two identical rows of lists. I don’t know if that’s the way your theme is designed or if it’s a mistake…just in case haha. Anyway, good start and I look forward reading more 🙂


  3. I started my little wolf diary 2 years ago, but I find it difficult. The thing that gets me every time is that every new post or photograph I add is the photo the viewer sees first. As it is a diary I wanted the oldest post to appear first, to start at the beginning as it were.

    So I thought I’d change the dates to reverse the order. But all I ended up with is a confusing mess! Any help much appreciated… i’e is there an easy way to have the oldest posts visible first or should I just abandon that idea & have the newest posts first?


    1. Hi there – I was intrigued by your question (as I’d have no idea how to do it!) and found this on WordPress Support. Forgive me if it’s something obvious that you’ve already tried, but I thought it was worth putting here just in case you hadn’t.

      All best wishes with your blog – wolves need all the help and understanding they can get. There was an interesting radio programme on the BBC today, about our complicated relationship with them. You might find it interesting:


  4. Thank you for both links Singbetterenglish. Most helpful to me, I will have study it with a fresh mind but have bookmarked the first link for when I can get my head around it! Most importantly there is a way at least, so this new year I hope to push the diary on the way I always wanted it.

    Meantime I shall listen to the programme on our relationship with wolves in the other link.

    Have you ever read Wolf Totem? If you also have an interest in wolves maybe you will enjoy that book.

    All the best & thank you for your time & help!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m new to blogging and have just started a blog for family and friends to read about our recent move. I’m really excited to write and have a lot of things to post. But I don’t want to end up burning myself out, what’s a good pace to set? How often should I post?
    Any other feedback would be appreciated! Mahalo


  6. Hello everyone!! I just started blogging and I posted my first post here just 4 days ago and I would really love some feedback on what I am doing right OR wrong. Even both! It would really be of great help in helping me improve on my writing as well as knowing the do’s and don’ts of the blogging community. Thank you!


    1. Quick question: why should readers care about your world? I recommend adding a tagline underneath your blog title that answers that question or at least gives some sense of your blog’s character. “My World” tells your visitors nothing.


  7. Hi. My username continues to link to the first blog I created rather than the blog I’ve designated as my primary blog. How do I correct this? I know the Community Pool rules say requests should be about a specific post. But in this case it’s a comment. Thanks in advance.


  8. This is an update to my problem about my username not linking to my primary blog. After I clicked on my username in this forum, I noticed it does link to the primary blog. It’s my comment on the Blogging 101 Forum that links to my original blog. It seems, since my primary blog update was made after the Blogging 101 comment, that my username for that comment continues to link to the blog that was designated as primary at the time the comment was made. Now, I’m concerned that my Blogging 101 registration is connected to my original blog (a Candid Commonplace). And I need it to be connected to my primary blog (a Commonplace STUDIO). Clear as mud? I know . . . Thanks in advance!


    1. Hello,

      The primary blog you set for your account will apply everywhere your username is displayed on, including the Blogging 101 Commons. Your registration to that course was with your email address, not one specific website — so, going forward, your user name there should lead everyone to your preferred blog.


  9. I just spent two and a half hours trying to change the size and weight of my comment prompt font. I can change it in the inspect element window but it doesn’t stick. I am using the Ryu theme. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?


    1. This was so interesting! It was really well written and the title immediately drew me in. Definitely some good humor mixed in with it all. Your grandma sounds like a total badass.

      Overall the layout is really nice and organized. I love that you use pictures in a lot of your posts. Your writing is real good as well. I enjoyed reading a lot of your posts and I liked that they were on so many different topics!


  10. Hello, my name is Keisha I’ve been blogging since May, and am just now getting into the blogging community. I’m super excited about my recent post but know I can progress with out feedback. So feel free do so and I of course will return the favor!


  11. Hi y’all! I just started my blog and I’m looking for feedback/help.. It’s currently just a collection of my thoughts so if you think I should steer towards more of a theme of writing, have any tips on how to get more views, or just comments/criticisms in general, I’ll take it!


    1. Hi Paige,

      Can you post you blog/post site address in here so I can take a look? The normal hyperlink attached to everybody’s name doesn’t seem to be working for me.



  12. Hi everyone, I literally just started my blog today. I’m kinda just trying to keep it simple, documenting the life of an average, normal teenage girl from Australia. I don’t want it to become one of those religiously documented blogs, but I still want it to be interesting. Two posts already up. Have a look x


  13. Hiya, I am trying to get as much content as I can on my site regularly. I would like your opinion, should I stick to just the reviews or organise it a bit better? If you can let me know on here and I will get notified by email. Thanks in advance


    1. Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog. First, I liked how short and concise the posts were. They were also humorous, notably the one about traveling and falling in love with an eclair. I can relate to your posts, which makes me like them even more. On an editing note, I would call it “yoga routine” not “regime.” The latter sounds too harsh…for yoga!

      One more thing: One or two sentences about you in the “About” section. (I haven’t put this on my blog yet, so I am also “guilty” of such an omission.)


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey, thanks a ton for your feedback and for taking the time to visit the blog. Actually, the emphasis on the word “regime” was intentional because Ashtanga yoga is the most rigorous form of yoga among other yoga forms.
        I also did not add anything about myself in the about me section because I’m trying to keep this anonymous. I want people to follow me if they like my blog, not because they like me/know me and feel obliged to follow.
        But you do make a good point. I will try and add some info about me, without anything too specific that will give me away! 🙂
        Thanks once again for the feedback! 🙂 Much appreciated!


    1. Dude, I don’t even have suggestions at the moment. I just checked out your blog for a few minutes, and I love it. Of course I’m a science student, too… but bias aside, you have a really cool look on your blog. Unique, not too ‘busy’ or anything. I like.

      Liked by 1 person