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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hello, I am new to the blogging world, I am curious as to what people think and how I can improve my page. It is basically about family history and genealogy but I find myself posting other stuff as well. Please let me know what you think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I liked your “Gut or God” post. I hope you post more like this. I have had similar occurrences in my life. It’s good to see how others respond to God’s nudgings.


    2. Make sure you tell people that you include “God” and “Lord” because that doesn’t have to do with genealogy. If I knew “God” and “Lord” were a part of it, I would’ve stayed away.

      Your first “Ancestor of the Day” is interesting. Don’t we all at some point want to find our origin (genealogically)? I would suggest you work on your (past-)tense, punctuation, and typing. It disrupts my reading when you’re quoting something that’s quoting something else.

      Hope this is useful.


    1. Thanks for your post. I read the “I don’t know why” post and found it warm and fuzzy. I’m glad you have found that kind of love. Congrats on the 17 years.

      But I really wanted to comment on your unbreakable post. As a dude that left me a bit teary. I know exactly what you mean about the trolls having nothing better to do than try to spread their bad attitude odor all over everyone else. It really stings me sometimes to see how an innocent act can be twisted and perverted because someone needs to prove themselves.

      Kudos to you for “turning them off”. I do that with the radio a lot. I always say to myself, “My Finger Is Powerful!!!” as I push the off button. Then I go to an audio book or something to finish my commute.

      So thanks for your posts. I’m a follower.

      Now for the selfish part. Could you check out my post if you get a sec at . I’m a new blogger and could really use any advice you have. Thanks if you do and have a blessed day if you don’t.

      Take care.



      1. Hi Jeff,
        Thank you for such detailed and thoughtful feedback! I’ve been over having a read about Danny and Beeker, and it is a thoroughly enjoyable story. At least, until it takes an unexpected turn at the end there… 🙂
        Thank you again for taking the time to visit my blog!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I just read, “I don’t know why, I just do.” I hear the personal tone, but conversational…if there’s another way of applying conversational, let me know. I have it stuck in my mind as something similar to a dialogue or where someone else can add something. This is just you sharing with the world.

      I can imagine it like a parent or grandparent telling this story to their kids and grandkids. I write this not to imply that you are old; I write this as this is a warm story that gets passed down through generations, and family members gather to hear this love story 100 times and are still glued to every word.

      Hope this helps.



      1. Hi Leanne,

        Thank you for leaving such a well thought out comment. I intended for conversational to mean chatty, casual, or informal as opposed to as dialogue. I appreciate your taking the time to read my post and offering your honest feedback.

        Best of luck with your novel! I am sorry there are bad people in the world who do such things as happened to you.



      2. Hi Karen,

        Since “conversational” is cleared up, then I can see a group of girlfriends out at lunch and see you sharing this with a new member to the group.

        Thanks for your thoughts.

        Leanne Lieu


  2. Hello all, I have started my blog as a way to channel my thoughts and especially share what I’ve learned about health and real food in these last few years. It’s also a way to “shut up” in real life and let those who want to hear what I have to say come to me instead 🙂 Just published this — would love to hear your thoughts:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I really liked the poetic style of your blog and by leaving a few questions open ended for the reader to interpret their own decisions.
      I thought the layout of the blog suited your content and the ‘About’ page was very personal which is going to make readers feel a greater attachment to what you are writing.
      Keep up the great work!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with macygan. The minimalist theme clashes with your content. Maybe try a more magazine-like theme, or one with a bit more color (dark or otherwise)?


    1. Hi, I had a look a look at your blog and I think your prose is beautiful, especially in the “storms” post. The content is fascinating too, but the theme doesn’t draw me in. It’s a bit too plain and the text takes up too much of the screen, which makes it a bit difficult to read. But the writing is fantastic 🙂


    2. I just read, “A Happy Life” and it’s late where I am. I can hear your voice telling me all that in a tone of tranquility (it’s also evident since you don’t use ! for your 2 followers). Looks good.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your blog theme! It fits perfectly with your food-oriented posts. Your writing is fun and engaging too, but I do wish there was more to read about yourself and your life. Maybe write something in the “About” section? Because that’s what draws a lot of people to a blog. Hope this is helpful and I’m excited to follow your journey 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aside from some mis-typings, I think that what you write is suitable for what your opinion is. Due to present-day media tactics, we lack this – presenting both sides equally – and then make our decision fully informed. But I don’t really know this. I’m an American and we have our own problems. Personally, I think the No More Page 3 should also use something like ask the audience of page 3 if they would want their daughter(s), sister(s), wife/wives, mother(s), aunt(s), cousin(s) to be on page 3. No More Page 3 should also conduct a survey or something similar and ask why those girls would knowingly pose for page 3. If they have financial issues that need to be met or they’re from a broken home and need some psychological help. No More Page 3 should also have good lawyer connections and ask those sexual offenders in court if page 3 had anything to do with it. No More Page 3 can get a lot done if there were more attainable goals in between the end goal.


    1. Hi – I enjoyed reading your posts. I like their energy and their chattiness. The font is a bit small for me – but that could just be my ancient eyes! Have you got an About page? I missed that.


      1. I like the layout. Very simple and crisp yet creative. Ditto on the font size. As far as the writing goes, if your aim is to capture folks, consider – once you’ve got things on the page – making the first sentence the hook, like in journalistic writing. Don’t bury the lead. Right now it reads as a journal entry, which has its own power that way, too.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for answering! I still don’t have an About page, I’m still trying to figure out what to write there!!! 😱

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello all! I just started a new blog on here, actually just yesterday, and I’d love some constructive feedback. There is only one post so far so there isn’t a whole lot to judge yet. But it’d be very helpful to me! I have blogged elsewhere sporadically over the last 6 years or so but I wanted to give it a new shot here, due to some recent life changes. Anyhow, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks tons!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shelby,

      I think a really good way to get followers is to read their posts and give solid feedback and comments. That will encourage them to read your post and that will make following you more likely.

      There are so many people writing blogs that it’s difficult to have your posts read by others. It’s good to be proactive and try to make it happen. Just my two cents.


      Liked by 4 people

  4. Hey guys, so I have just started my blog about a month or so ago and only have a few posts. Im not particularly worried about a theme in my writing because I only write when I am inspired to do so. But I do have in mind two different categories I frequently write about, I have called them ‘life thoughts’ and ‘Love and the like…’
    anyways, my question is how in the world do i put those two categories on my blog so that I can separate my blogs based on what I write about?
    I have tried to figure it out myself but I haven’t had any luck.
    (i hope what I’m asking makes sense, if not, let me know!) thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can create categories and pages. I forgot how to create categories but I create pages enough to remember.

      1. Create the page and label them appropriately
      [0a. Dashboard/WP Admin
      0b. On left side, find “Pages”
      0c. Add New]
      2. Publish them
      3a. Write content on those pages and continue to update
      3b. Write posts and put a link to those pages
      Note: You have to publish the pages first to be able to insert a link to the pages
      4. Voila!

      This is my example.


    1. Your blog was very moving. I also wrote a post on the Sydney siege today. I can’t seem to stop thinking about how it is possible that the perpetrator was out on bail. A lot of questions to be answered over the next few days. Good luck with your blog, yours was a poignant post.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m a senior in high school who started blogging a few months ago. Would like some feedback on some of my latest posts and some idea on what else I should post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congratulations on the six-figures! I scanned your posts for Dec. and wonder if you plan on mentioning something Christmas-y for every post in Dec. BTW, on “Desserts, Anyone?” I think you can replace “more juicy” with “juicier.”


    1. Hi! I had a quick look at your blog and it’s so hilarious and genuine. Your popcorn post is one of the best things I’ve read. Didn’t have time to read anything other than your Motherhood posts, but I’ll definitely come back and explore more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Cute stories. I kind of wanted it to feel like it was moving faster – as I know your life does with kids. I think using really descriptive action verbs and shorter sentences helps with this.


  6. Hello fellow bloggers! As I’m still pretty new into blogging for I only have this blog for a couple of months, any kind of feedback is more than welcome! I enjoy reading comments on my posts especially if they are a critic or a different opinion. Feel free to scroll through my posts and do let me know on what I need to work on [ I apologize for my theme being such that you have to scroll down endlessly in order to see a new post, I’m working on finding a more practical theme] I will make sure I check out your blogs as well and of course follow some 🙂 Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Awesome! I’ve been excited to start blogging and have a community to share my whims and my inspirations with. Right now, I call it a blog about appreciating the simple beauties in a complex world. It’s a mixture of poetry, essay and artwork. So my questions…1) what stands out to you as its “signature”? Do you see a coherent theme that I don’t? I hope it is inspiring… a little moment of quiet and wonder in people’s busy day. 2) Also suggestions on making the layout more engaging while still using the free version of wordpress. Thanks!


    1. 1. To me, your signature is the mixture of poetry, writing, and artwork. If you describe these 3 qualities somewhere on your page, your readers will see it coherently, maybe your tagline, but that spot is taken. Maybe on your “About” page? I like the way “Winter Wonderland” is set up. You have a short description followed by pictures to make us literally see them and get jealous. “Still Life in Costa Rica” is also excellent.

      2. Your current layout is fine. I think it defines your signature or what makes your blog special or different from others’ as I’ve written above. Though, since it’s winter, I’ve seen people with this falling snow thing they activated, so maybe you can apply that temporarily.

      Other suggestion:
      For the NatGeo, I would suggest you add some sort of blurb that gives readers an extra reason why you posted it. Plus, I think the post makes it more yours, if that makes sense.

      Hope this helps. Drop by my site to take a read. If it interests you, keep reading. If not, please come back for the 10th chapter. I’ve been recently informed that “nothing happens until chapter 10.”


  8. Hi everyone. I just recently started my site, Wags & Feathers, and would love some feedback on my first blog post. You can find it at How is the length? Did you enjoy the picture? Should there be more/different pictures? Was the writing effective? I will also take general comments about my blog and how it is constructed, if you care to browse. Thanks so much for the consideration!


    1. I think your blog has the potential to be really popular, if you can make it more relatable. Your anecdotes and stories are really sweet and make a good read, but I struggle as a reader to see what they’re doing for ME, if you know what I mean? Unless the purpose of your blog is solely a diary, I think you would benefit from a little more description and relating to the audience in order to secure a better connection, and fulfil the purpose you seem to be trying to achieve: entertainment. 🙂

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