Community Pool

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Things I like:
    1. Your haiku’s
    2. Your poetry
    3. Those arrows on the side

    Thing I suggest:
    1. Color – effective use of color can change people’s moods. Pink is used to calm aggressive people. That’s why some aggressive prisoners’ cells are pink or have pink wallpaper.

    Thing I want to know:
    1. What did you do to get your haiku’s single-spaced?


  2. Hi, it’s me again. I tried following these directions to get my daily challenge post listed: “In the meantime, those affected should feel free to share their challenge entries as links in the comments of each challenge post. ” However, I’ve been unable to locate comments for the challenge post. Can someone please post a link to the comments for the daily challenge? I’m supposed to post my link there until the pingback issue is resolved. Thanks.


  3. Hi all, I started writing a blog as I had just moved to a new place and wanted to use my blog as a place for people who know me to follow where and what I am up to. Have no idea if what i’m writing is appropriate, fun, entertaining and how to increase my readership. Also whether the theme that i have chosen is appropriate and how to make it better. Any help will be appreciated and happy to visit your blog and provide feedback too. K

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think it was too technical. I actually think it could have used a little more science facts. I am an end Alzheimer’s advocate so I would have loved to hear more on the implications.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I found your blog very interesting! I was hoping you might include some studies or statistics that would back up your argument. I’m sure they’re out there and I would’ve liked to read more about the research that has been done on this topic.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for your input LittleT 🙂
        All of the information in my blogs is based on my personal knowledge/experiences + education. I remember many studies explored these topics and I’ll definitely consider adding them in next time. I just wanted to make sure the blog was a light read and got the point across.

        Thank you for your input 😀


      2. Your point was well made and I completely agreed! If you have time I would love your feedback on my blog. I just started a few weeks ago, so there are only 3 posts, but I would love your thoughts on my content and layout (which is extremely simple at this point). Any feedback would be helpful!


  4. Hi everyone!
    I just started blogging a few weeks ago and would love any feedback I can get. Is the layout appropriate? Am I using tags effectively? Could the titles of my posts be stronger? There are only 3 posts so far, so if you could read 1 of the 3 and give me your feedback on the content I would greatly appreciate that! My blog is storytelling. I want to be vulnerable and sincere and use my stories to connect with others, make others laugh, offer hope, and I want them to be relatable. Thank you for your help!!!


  5. Hi there!
    I started blogging a little over a month ago. My blog is really just my many crazy thoughts about turning 50. I’m trying to write casually, like I speak. It’s really just sharing my journey. What I have noticed is that I am horrible proofreader. I will read it over a few times, post it and go back a day later and find all kinds of grammar issues or typos! Would love your feedback on my writing style, including blunt feedback on my grammar and typo issues – I’m thinking there are more than I have found. Hoping I copied the link correctly! Thanks so much for your assistance!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi ksfifty
      I only read the first latest post about moving your mom but I found it very readable and engaging. I think you have a good writing style that flows really well. I didn’t notice any typos, just a few missing commas here and there. Are there novels or stories in the offing? My ears perked up at the mention of Lansing because although I am Australian and living in Australia, I did spend 18 months in East Lansing when I was 15.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks John! Right niw no novels or stories. But i have always dreamed of being a writer, so maybe in the future! Thanks for the comments. Was that east lansing in Australia or here in the US? My lansing is a south suburb of chicago. Thanks again!


  6. Hi everyone, just created my first proper blog on bloglovin’ but I am struggling a little with the header. Despite uploading at the recommended pixel size the design tools insist on cropping the image. However, I’m wondering if the cropped image is more graphically pleasing, perhaps even arty. What is supposed to be there, are my complete book covers but is the cropped design more interesting? I’d appreciate feedback. Thanks.


  7. What a beautiful blog! You truly do address some of the loudest thoughts that we have, as a human race, and it is worded wonderfully while challenging the reader to stretch themselves and grow. The only suggestion I could think to contribute would be to solicit more interaction/discussion from your commentators, to see if more of a collective voice would spark greater change or introspection.
    I will be more carefully about the typos. Thank you 🙂


  8. Hello, all. I would love to receive feedback on my blog.

    In particular, I am partial to the theme I have used but am not sure if it works for readers, so would appreciate any suggestions.

    Also, if you venture as far as my FB page, I would be grateful for some more likes and would be delighted to return the favour.

    Many thanks.

    Liked by 2 people