Blog Taglines to Love

Tagline inspiration to help you perfect the phrase that welcomes readers to your blog.

Inspired to change your tagline but not sure how to do it? Check out this handy set of instructions.

Customization is a big part of the fun of starting a blog. From themes to widgets to unique comment form prompts and taglines, there are many ways to make your blog reflect your personal flair.

Your tagline is a short phrase or sentence that does the heavy lifting when it comes to setting context for your blog and helping readers to quickly learn what it is you’re writing about. Today, we’ll share some of our favorite taglines to help inspire you to create something unique and original for your site.

Looking to give your site a boost and reach new audiences? From a custom domain to more design options, there’s a plan that’s right for you.

A teeny tiny bit of hyperbole

Here are some things you might want to avoid to help your tagline stand out in the crowd:

  • Avoid repeating your site title. Your tagline is a space to share some context on what your site is about. Take advantage of it.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Thirty and 40 word taglines leave us breathless. Be concise.
  • Be original. Don’t let your blog’s tagline become another in the sea of “musings about thoughts.”

Blogger Kathy V.‘s hilarious tagline, “Because they let you become a parent even though you have NO IDEA what you’re doing” at Don’t Forget to Feed the Baby is the perfect introduction to her blog. Her tagline reflects the humor and sass she uses in her posts. Parents among her readership will no doubt relate to the never-ending joys, fears, and frustrations of ministering to an infant’s needs.

dontforget 2

A play on words

Some of you might recognize our Michelle W. from such places as Blogging U. As a photographer, Michelle shares her work at Pictures of Things. Her tagline, “Life in fifty nifty millimeters,” reflects her penchant for documenting her life and travels using a fifty millimeter lens, known as the “nifty fifty” in photographic circles.


Maximize with metaphor

Junk is a literary magazine featuring work from authors such as Cheryl Strayed. The word “junk” is also a street name for heroin, and Junk‘s tagline, “A literary fix” is a twist on the drug metaphor where, in this case, great reading delivers the high. Check out Junk‘s about page for more on the metaphor behind the magazine.


The salient quote

Using a favorite quotation as your tagline is a great way to inspire readers and help them understand your blog’s vision at the same time. At Imperfect Happiness, blogger Charity uses a Mary Oliver quote to welcome readers to her blog, which was inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project.


Get them laughing

UPWITSCREEK is a play on the English phrase “Up sh*t’s creek without a paddle,” referring to being in a canoe travelling in a river of excrement without a steering mechanism — a funny way to communicate that you’re in trouble and not sure how to get out of it, without getting muck all over you. Lisa Goodwin’s tagline, “Welcome to my world, grab a paddle,” is a cheeky variation on the phrase with a fun invitation to readers to join her for the ride.


More fantastic examples

Here are some bonus taglines for your inspiration:

  • Raising My Rainbow

    Adventures in Raising my Fabulous, Gender Creative Son

  • Natalia Antonova

    The sky is high. The Czar is far.

  • Projectophile

    \ˈprä-JECT-oh-fahyl\ (noun) 1. A lover of projects, especially those derived from scavenged materials and made more beautiful through paint, thread and sandpaper.

Your favorite taglines

Which taglines move you? Make you laugh? Make you kick yourself for not thinking of it first? Share your favorites in the comments.

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  1. Since mine is a humor blog and the title is a wordplay on Fairytales, I call it, “Once Upon Your Prime” and my tag is “Where you live happily ever laughter!”

    Two of my other faves are “Ned’s Blog” with the tag “Humor at the Speed of Life!” And man, he’s fast & witty!

    I also like Ben’s Bitter Blog with a tag, “We Make Bitter Better!” Wonder what he’d do with Butter!?

    Great post!! Love the examples.

    Liked by 22 people

  2. I’m a writer, and I used to end a lot of my short stories the same way: “Suddenly they all died. The end.” I thought it made for a pretty fantastic blog title. But for my tagline, I let my natural geekiness shine through by taking a cue from Yoda. Instead of, “Do or do not – there is no try,” I’ve got, “Write or write not – there is no aspiring.”

    I love wordplay, and I know I’ve seen a dozen others that do it well, but for the life of me, I can’t think of them at the moment. The examples here are all great, though, and I think my favorite might be UPWITSCREEK. That one’s just hilarious. đŸ™‚

    Liked by 17 people

  3. Technically, my title and tagline are a bit misleading:

    “Straight White Male”
    (Face it, you’re already offended.)

    Kinda sets it up to be a right-moderate political blog (which, actually, was the original intention), but I decided to go the less exhausting route and dish out absurdist/satirical humor instead. But it’s just. So. Catchy.

    Liked by 13 people

  4. I really enjoyed reading the post and the examples cited…really interesting. An interesting tag line I came across is : “A voice crying in the wilderness” The blog goes by the writers name.

    Mine is quite simple: the blog is Inspiring nuggets, tagline- positive and encouraging always.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Really love your examples! My tagline is quite boring in comparison, but no one will ever know because I can’t make it visible. I have it set up in “Settings~General~Tagline” and in “Appearance~Header~Show header text with your image” and in “Custimize~Site Title~Tagline~Display Header Text.” What’s strange is that the tagline used to be there and I didn’t notice exactly when it disappeared.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My tagline “a handcrafted forest of fun” is a play on my name. Mori is a Japanese pronunciation of my last name, and means forest in the same language. Since my main themes are nature and Japanese/Celtic inspired artisan projects it works for me^^

    Liked by 7 people