Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. Very delicious! I got hungry as soon as I saw your blog! I like the added touch of comments and recollections with the recipes. I think that gives your readers a “hunger” for more. Keep posting!


  1. Hello fellow bloggers! A few months ago I decided to start a blog centered around literature, poetry, and my own philosophies. Now that I have gotten more into it and have begun to write more frequently, I’ve noticed that I don’t know the exact direction I want to take the blog in I don’t have a niche. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could come onto my blog, skim through the first few posts, and give me some feedback on what they felt was the overall theme of my blog. Much thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First, I am not a big poetry person, but I really liked yours. That is very rare, so kudos.

      As to your theme/niche, it seemed to me to be about the journey to become a fiction writer, in particular a novelist.
      The writing style seemed more that of a pantser than a plotter–which is fine–different writers have different methods.

      The prose posts were a little long for my taste and covered a lot of area. Have you considered breaking them down into smaller, single topic posts?

      Hope that helps. If it doesn’t, ignore it, because it’s just my opinion.


    1. I loved your treadmill post and left a comment on the site and started following your blog. The illustrations are perfect for the story, great as is the writing style. Funny, fun, and real.


  2. Hi everyone – wishing you all well. Just started a history blog and would be great to get in touch with more people. First time at this so any help would be great. Alex


  3. Hi guys! I recently starting blogging on WordPress, like many of you. I’ve been mainly focusing on poetry as of now, but will get into more subjects later on.

    I’m going to do my best to go through everyone’s posts/blogs and leave feedback/comments. If you guys could do so too, that would be awesome! Thanks a bunch.



  4. Looking for some feedback about my blog in general,
    Aesthetics, Content you name it!

    Here’s a snippet from my last blog post:

    “I had waken up earlier than my parents. The cut outs of Winnie the Pooh surrounded my bedroom walls. The sun shined so bright thru my little balcony window I could tell summer would be great! As I opened my bedroom door I could feel my pee filled dipper weigh down my tiny body. I slipped my fingers between the velcro-like tabs and released myself from that warm torturous shell.”

    Constructive criticism would be appreciated!



    1. I was curious about that snippet and enjoyed the whole post. It was funny and I figured it was true (can’t imagine making that up!). I am not sure how your navigation is working. I assumed the post that’s visible as you go to your site was your latest one, but now I am wondering if that was your “about me” section. It’s well-written and interesting, but perhaps you should categorize it in an “about me” section so readers don’t have to hunt for your current post. Great blog!


    1. Hi. Really liked your blog. I like your writing style. I think there could be a bit more color although that’s not too important. I think you aught to put more in your about page so people can get to know you. I think I’ll follow you and see what else you have.
      If you want to check out my blog and give me feedback on what you think. If you do like and think it has potential, please follow.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m trying to add a profile picture but I’m not sure how. I uploaded a picture and it’s not coming up on wordpress but it’s appearing on another site. I think it’s called gravatar? Thank you haha


      2. I haven’t experimented with profile pics on my blog. Your profile pic for wordpress will be the profile pic I do believe. Gravatar is kind of like where all of your information is. It’s got your picture and any other information you want to share. I don’t know anything else though. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.


    1. The theme works. I’d perhaps add a few more widgets on the right side – maybe a community roll or a tag category? That way people will click into your other posts as well 🙂


  5. I just started my blog,, to just catalogue thoughts and life experiences as a female in a male dominated, traditional field (engineering design of an oil & gas company) any feedback would be much appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your style and writing, but could contemplate trying a different theme 🙂 currently there are multiple lines separating the content, sharing functions, reblog buttons, and comment section, which makes the post feel disjointed. As a reader, continuity within each blog post gives a sense of closure. My two cents!


    1. Milo’s is nirvana for foodies 🙂 I would suggest a quick spellcheck prior to publishing posts? Also, and this is something I’m personally endeavouring to achieve, work on the quality of photos? I’ve come to understand how vital good images are in establishing your identity on the web. They make a world of difference.


  6. I’ve just joined the blogging community and would love some feedback. I have been writing since I was a child, but I have just recently begun to share my pieces. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated.


  7. Hello everyone! I have a travel and comment blog detailing the various shenanigans I get up to. I’m looking for feedback on the style of the actual content – particularly as to if I should try more serious pieces (like my visit to Dachau concentration camp) or more lighthearted ones (everything else). Also if any designers out there could feedback on the layout and colour palette of the blog that would be lovely!


    1. I immediately subscribed! My kind of humor. I’m really glad my experience in Venice wasn’t the same as yours!

      I like the style and the tone. You can say pretty much anything as long as it’s funny.

      I wouldn’t mind if rather than one long posting, this was 3 smaller ones. Even the Germany post which doesn’t have a lot of content is still funny on it’s own.

      I also didn’t mind dropping in on part 5 and it made me want to read the other parts. Your Disclaimer was funny but you may not need it.

      I’m a newby blogger, too so you should also get feedback from the blog-vets.


  8. hey fellow bloggerists,

    have just started doing a Friday roundup of various things i have had on my blog or discovered around the web [as many do] – would dig some visitation and general feedback on layout and suggestions and ideas to invite people to share their links that will make them more likely to do so… i realise a lot of people do this but since my readership is starting to to build up and be more regular and consistent, i thought this would prove a good experiment to do

    love and respect
    brett fish

    the Friday FANatic 14/11/2014


    1. I like it! The only thing I feel you might look into is how your page reacts on a smart phone screen. Currently on one and there is a lot if nothing between your header and your text. But not sure if you can change that at all and it’s not that bad.
      Other than that I like how your log looks like and looking forward to see more of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey, I just wrote this post and I really really like it, but I want to know if everyone else thinks it makes sense and draws a good connection? I’d love some feedback. It’s not very long!

    Also, I took the photo I put up with this poem, and was curious as to if it’s cool and/or goes well with the poem.

    Thank you all!
