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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi everyone! I wrote this post a few months ago. It is different in tone from what my blog has come to be. I am not quite sure what to make of it, but I would like to write something like it again. Can you tell me if it works?

    Of Gravity

    It is a kind of philosophical exploration of the experience of gravity. Any advice or comment is welcome. Thanks!


  2. Recently started a video blog website (
    Am curious what the easiest way for my friends to follow and/or be notified when I make new posts, besides posting on all the various social media sites. I see a few people have “follow” buttons but am unsure if that emails users or notifies via another means.


    1. Nice blog, what a great idea! The standard follow option on WP adds blogs you like onto your reader list – but for non WP users you can also add the option for them to follow by email, and friends/followers will be alerted by email each time you post.

      I only recently started my blog (, so have added widgets for all the ways for people to follow (email, wordpress, Twitter, Facebook, RSS), just to give readers the option to follow with whatever method they would like to (if they so choose) 🙂


  3. Hi Everybody,
    I published a new “heavy” post :

    Barcelona Hard Journey to the Secret Garden, An Analysis.

    And Also Started two new “series” :

    World XI 2014

    I hope to get some feedback on them (and anything on the blog if you wish).
    RATING is so important to me since in gives an accurate image of readers’ opinion, so PLEASE RATE.

    Thank you in advance, appreciate it.


    1. First off, I loved the photos you used-very striking. Your site exudes personality, though your About Page could be fleshed out a little more. And this may just be my personal taste, but I’d recommend using “centered” text sparingly unless it is a caption or poem. But overall great job and welcome to the blogosphere.


  4. Hey guys! I am working on a novel of mine, it’s called “The Burning Skies”. So far, updated two chapters in my blog. A world resembling the early medieval era an apocalypse has started. To tackle this apocalypse many young enthusiastic men have joined the army, one of them is called Elmar who has come to Aggard castle to enroll himself in the army. But if a place in the army was all he needed he perhaps might get more than what he was asking for.
    So, if you want to read the story go ahead and read it here The Burning Skies. So enjoy the story, and constructive reviews are highly appreciated!
    Also, visit my other writings or rather, writing What She Wanted. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I haven’t read this yet but I like the concept of it and I am a big fan of fantasy/historic stories (ie. Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit styles).
      I look forward to getting stuck in.
      I know how hard it is to write something like this. I have ideas for scripts but don’t know how to proceed so seeing you have written 2 chapters of your story is already inspiring me.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I hope I am doing a good job! Seriously, after I started working on it I realized how hard it is to evolve something like this. And ever since I updated the second chapter, I am feeling more and more like I just made a disaster in the second chapter. I am just waiting for somebody to tell it straight to my face. Or even if it is good, I just want someone to, well, tell me something so I can shake this feeling off. Anyway, will continue to write this I will finish it, disaster or no disaster. I need to learn a lesson about learning and it could come in both harsh or sweet way, I am ready to take it either way! What say?


      2. Hi Samin,
        I loved it and I can’t wait for chapter 3. You have a good concept and creative story.
        On the negative side, there are is a bit in the middle of chapter 2 that dragged on, so I got a bit sidetracked, and there are bits where you repeat the same word too many times – eg. left party to right party to left party to right party. I would suggest minimising how many times the word party is used or consider other words so it is less of a repeat.
        This is not personal, and definitely not a disaster 🙂
        I will read through it again, when I get time and make some other notes, then get back to you again. Is that OK?

        Thanks and keep up the good work.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey! Would love it if you checked out my blog, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 🙂 Thanks, and I’ll look at your blog in return.


  6. hello all,
    Im not sure how the BLOG world works just yet…but Im learning! I finally had the courage to post my thoughts on a new BLOG called VINTGEsol. Let me know what you think. 🙂
    THANKS for any feedback!


    1. Hi Arti. Took a look at your blog. Its a big step to be sure but I’m sure you’ll come to enjoy it. If I may offer one point of advice, some pictures would spruce up the site a lot. Instead of just telling us about you and your family, a photo you feel comfortable with sharing would draw potential readers to want to get to know you better – as well as corroborate your claims on how cute your little one is 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hi ben!
        thanx for the feedback, and to be honest Im just learning my way around the site. I will for sure take your advice of adding pictures, its just a matter of learning how to upload and add.
        Ive been trying to change and spruce up the theme especially, however Im learning here as well.
        thanx again and now I’ve officially had two readers…you and my hubby! 🙂

        thanx again.


  7. Hello guys! I wrote a post weeks ago and I wanted to place it in the weekly community pool to get some feedback, but it wasn’t until now that I can finally post it in here so I could know what you think about the topic, if it was lacking in material or, damn!, if my grammar seemed odd because it was written in a very tiring night ;P

    This is it:

    The Loving Wall Street

    The post is about the friendzone concept and a perception of how’s love treated nowdays. I thank anybody in advance for the help they can give! :3


    1. I read your post and though a bit on the long side, thought you were coherent and blatantly sincere in expressing your thoughts on the subject. Can’t ask for more than that.


      1. Oh, goodness! It was a bit long? My! And I tried to make it as short as possible…! I have this problem of extending a lot the things I want to do. Goodness, but I think I know where the long-ness came from, and I hope I can fix it next time.
        But thanks a bunch for the comment! 😀


      1. Welcome Alice. That’s an interesting topic and one that I’ve yet to come across, so if you blog well you should be able to estallsh yourself as an expert. Would recommend some more photos, both of the subject and one you feel comfortable with for your About Page. People like to see what and who they are reading. Thanks for sharing


    1. You have lots of interesting and varied posts here, I like your to-the-point writing style. It is clear and concise. Also, you have a cute baby!


  8. I have just started blogging – about baking for my son who has severe food allergies causing anaphylaxis. I’ve been motivated by our hospital treatment and the help we are finally receiving 10 years into his living with anaphylaxis. As I learn how many families really struggle…

    I was advised to put up a disclaimer – do you think I am too harsh or does my tongue in cheek stand out?


    1. Hi – I like the look of your blog. You ask about the disclaimer – the words ‘your stupidity’ jumped out at me. If I were a parent who’d just discovered that their child had anaphylaxis and if I was looking for a safe harbour of information and recipes, I wouldn’t feel welcome when I read those words. I’d be feeling bad enough already.

      I know what you mean – you have to protect yourself with a disclaimer. Maybe other people would smile at the obvious tongue in cheek nature of it, but it would leave an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Maybe there are other ways of making the point about you not being responsible for other people’s foolishness without actually calling them stupid.

      The rest of your disclaimer read helpful and clear to me. I thought it was very well put together.

      Good luck with your blog – it’ll be a useful support for lots of families.


      1. thanks for your thoughts and for taking the time to read and comment on it.

        That line has been bugging me as it felt a little harsh. I was surprised to be advised to write a disclaimer in the first place… I will see if anyone else comments – however the point of all I am doing is to empower others with children who suffer from anaphylaxis and try and support them not abuse them!
        I can pretty much guarantee that the line will disappear from the disclaimer – especially if the rest of it reads clearly…
        thanks again!


      2. No problem – I do think the rest of your disclaimer is admirably clear. It might even fill in gaps that people haven’t quite registered as important.

        I can see why you need to be clear that you’re not responsible if people use your information wrongly.
        I’m sure you’ll find a way to say it strongly but gently. You obviously have a way with words.


      3. cheers! I like your playing with words too… checked out your blog, ’tis very cool.
        As Ben spotted a missing “to” I had reason to go in and edit the page – the offending line now reads “I am not responsible for any experimenting with food that you do! ”
        Hopefully in the context of the rest of the page it will make sense… maybe ultimately there will be no line there at all…
        thanks for your time and encouragement


      4. That looks perfect. ‘Experimenting’ does convey a sense of humour mixed with a serious intent without putting anyone down. You’ve hit the nail on the head!
        Thanks for your kind words too.


    2. Took a look. While I can see that you meant to be a bit tongue in cheek, if I hadn’t read your comment first I’m not sure I would’ve picked up on it. Perhaps a bit more exaggeration? Also, in your first sentence, I believe you meant to say “to” a food. Hope it helps


      1. Thanks Ben!
        Not sure I can exaggerate it anymore!! I cannot believe that people can be so silly when it comes to anaphylaxis… but there we go – we are all so different and unique – mad in our own sane way…
        thanks for spotting the omitted to! I have inserted it and changed the offensive line to now read “I am not responsible for any experimenting with food that you do! ” hopefully that is clear enough in the context of the rest of my words. Thanks for taking the time to read, notice and comment – really appreciate it. Cheers!


  9. Good Day everyone……..I have issues with what and what to put in the blog…….can i have more ideas from you all

    thank you..


  10. Hi everyone,

    I have a new blog post:

    I’d like to know what you think about the length and flow of ideas throughout the post, e.g. do transitions seem natural?

    Also if you can recommend any good mental health blogs, or other resources related to Mental Illness Awareness Week, I’d really appreciate it if you can share them via comments on my blog post.

    Thanks so much!
    ~ Ziya


    1. Hi Ziya. I thought your post flowed quite well. As someone formerly diagnosed with clinical depression who has learned the coping skills to overcome it, I am in full favor of your message and mission to raise awareness. I hope too, you are able to get the assistance you need.


      1. Thanks, Ben. It’s been a struggle, but I have been able to access at least some assistance. The single most helpful professional has been my music therapist, whom my mom pays out of pocket with no reimbursement. I’m very fortunate and grateful that she is able to do so – and that my music therapist was willing to charge me the lowest possible rate. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) made it so my husband and I qualify for Medicaid, so we have access to psychiatric services and marriage counseling – both of which are definitely helping. The sheer number of people trying to access healthcare services at the level of coverage we have, and lack of infrastructure to accommodate all of us, makes it very difficult and frustrating to make appointments. We’ve come to expect a wait of at least a month, likely longer. The professionals we are able to see have very large caseloads and tend to be rushed, so we have to be very assertive to ensure that the ‘care’ we receive is actually beneficial.


    1. Your writing is intelligent and specific, so good job on that. I’d recommend adding some graphics and/or photos to increase the aesthetic appeal. And while you have an about page it is just a template. Filling it out and adding a pic will allow your potential readers to better connect to you.
