Community Pool

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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. I blog at It’s humorous stories about family life. Just put up a new post. Looking for constructive criticism on layout, posts, pictures or whatever you think would make the blog more appealing. Am willing to do the same for others.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. hi I just started blog about how its like to be bipolar, and the obstacles in everyday life from my own point of view. But Its in norwegian so I’m not expecting any feedback on the writing. But i would like feedback on layouts, general views etc.. If you guys would be so kind:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your layout its really nice, I used google to translate your post and you are right! You do have to be strong to live with bi polar or any mental health disorders! Keep blogging. 🙂 We write about similar things so I know how hard it can be!


      1. Thank you so much:) And thank you for understanding, not everyone do! Just read some of your blog and you right we do have very similar topics. really relate to the doctor post breakdown!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Admittedly I can’t read a word (well, there may have been one I could read), but I like the stark color scheme, especially in conjunction with your topic. The addition of the photos is a great personal touch.


      1. Hehe norwegian is not so easy:P Thank you for taking the time to answer me:) I was afraid I over did the photos:S So thank you for nice feedback.


  3. This is my first posting in the community pool. I feel I need to explain my site before I ask for help from you all. I am a spiritual director, think religious counseling, working exclusively with moms, especially Catholic moms.

    What I am hoping for is to have anyone in the pool who is a mom with a spiritual side to look at my site and let me know if it is structured well, can be navigated easily and if the material seems to be helpful.

    Thank you all


  4. I’d love some feedback on two of my blogs. or I’ll be sure to return the favor!


  5. I’m just getting back to blogging after posting several times in 2011. My original posts were motherhood oriented (specifically, postpartum depression), but I’d like to branch out a bit. Can you take a look and let me know if my ideas are too wide-spread or do you think it’s a good idea to post about several different ideas/subjects?

    Thanks for any feedback!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s incredibly refreshing, the way you write. Very brisk but filled with humour and wit and charm. I applaud your plans for the revamp and wish you well. I’d personally fall way behind after attempting the first 3 or 4 things on the list 🙂 psst, crafty is as crafty does and being crafty is still cool so, yeah.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello fellow mom! I love your blog voice very warm and inviting. Your blogs sound like you are sitting around your kitchen table sharing a tea…love that.

      I understand the challenge of writing more! As for what to write about: Life


      1. Yes, I think the biggest challenge will be finding the time and inspiration to write more. Your comment about sitting around the kitchen table and sharing a tea…that made me say out loud “Awwww.” Thank you – it’s a great compliment!


    3. I have a little bit of a creative writing/journalism background. I love your style! The only recommendation I have is to spice up your titles and first sentences. Since most people browsing blogs will only read about the first 25-50 words to decide if a post is worth reading, it’s important to make those words count. Using a call to action is especially helpful. You could start by asking a hypothetical question, or by making a statement that makes your audience do a double-take (like I tried to do here

      Otherwise, I love the layout! I matches perfectly with a mom-themed blog.


  6. Hello everyone, I’m new to blogging and would love some feedback on my site. I’m trying to find my niche, improve my ‘About’ page, and create good content. Thank you so much for you time! 🙂


    1. I like the concept. My suggestion would be to read your posts out loud to yourself before you publish them. I found some typos that are very common, but can distract the reader from what you are trying to say.

      I would also expand on your “about” page. Maybe explain why you chose those three subjects as your basis for your blog.

      Also, you say your blog is dedicated to laughing, commiserating, and travelling, but the categories you list are different. Maybe make your categories the same as your dedications? To help people navigate a little easier?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am a sucker for white backgrounds. I have read that white is an easy color on the eyes and best for reading. You picture, of you I am assuming, is very attractive. So far a very good start. Now may I ask you a favour? would you review my own site:


      1. Thank you! Yes, it is (taken by my best friend). I enjoy minimalism so I was happy to find a simple theme. Your content gets an A+, but I feel as though your organization can ward off readers– only because its boldness seems overwhelming! Thank you again for your feedback and happy blogging!


      1. Thanks for the suggestion! I couldn’t agree more! I had no idea how big the ‘feature picture’ was, about gave my cat a heart attack when that popped up!!! I’ll take a look @ your blog! Thank you!


  7. Heyy 🙂
    I put up a new post online. We just started with our blog, but we’d love to become a bit more populair 🙂
    If you have some time, please check out our last post!
    Thank you so so much 😀


    1. Love the layout! You have the style of your blog matched to your content perfectly. My only suggestion is to read your post out loud to yourself before you post it. Or since there’s two of you, read it to each other.
      I only say this because I noticed a few typos, and they can be distracting to a reader. I have a bit of a background in creative writing/journalism, and you would not believe how much it can help to just hear your words out loud!


    2. Good luck! I used to edit quite a bit, and would be more than willing to look over posts if you ever wanted technical English advice. I was one of those nerds in college who did that for fun… don’t judge.


  8. Hello All! I’m new to the blogging scene and I am scared out of my kind. I know the emotions I want my blog to evoke and my about me section clearly states I have no direction. Does the randomness scare away readers? Also, I really really REALLY don’t want my blog to become my diary. Any suggestions as to show a little but of me without giving it all away? Thanks in Advance. Happy Blogging !


    1. Yes, the randomness is a bit of a turn-off. Don’t let that discourage you! I have a bit of a background in writing. The rule of thumb for me has always been that if I wouldn’t read about it, then I wouldn’t write about it.

      I would take your posts that seem random and categorize them. You seem to have an inclination to just write about your feelings of the day. This can work if you title them properly. Such as, “Random Thought Of The Day: fill in the blank.”

      THEN have a constant theme of maybe writing those deeper, heartfelt posts that you seem to really enjoy.

      Maybe this layout would allow you to indulge in the lighter stuff daily, and let you put more effort into the deeper stuff that’s the meat of your blog.

      Also, I don’t know if you noticed, but you have three of the same menu at the bottom of your blog. I did the same thing on accident. Still not sure how to get rid of it, but if you can figure it out, it would clean it up a little!


      1. Thanks for the feedback. I too come from a writing background (news, politics, and entertainment news). I’m so use to having direction this blank slate is nerve racking. I didn’t notice the menus but if I figure it out, I’ll get back to you.


  9. Hi fellow bloggers. Anyone have any advice on the theme I’m using right now? I like using darker colored themes, any advice would be appreciated. Sorry, but I can’t buy premium themes though.


  10. I have a few blogs, they keep growning but I’m very new to trying to actually engage readers or gain followers. I’d love any feedback on the following sites. The first is which is the front page for everything and what started it all, the second is my poetry site ( and my most recent is ( where I’m just blogging. Am I better off putting the poetry on the “” site? Sorry for the long question, truly any and all comments would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Wow. You have an amazing poetry voice. I’m truly impressed. I totally think you could combine both pages, because you describe the learning out loud page as a way for you to de-clutter, and poetry definitely helps that happen.

      Maybe you could have a weekly deal where you ask readers to suggest a topic that you write a poem on? I know using a call to action of some kind gets readers involved easier. Something like, “Pick A Topic Tuesday”

      Then, the suggestion with the most likes is the one you write about. It would challenge you as a poet, and encourage your followers to get involved with your writing.

      As for the other page, my only suggestion is maybe some catchier titles. Unfortunately, people really do judge a post by it’s title, and the first three sentences. This article is really helpful

      Overall, awesome job!


      1. Thank you so so much for the feedback, it’s hard to tell if you’re on the right track when you’re new to it. Definitely going to combine them and read your link! You’re awesome – thank you!


  11. Hi everyone, blogging is all about community and this community pool is truly handy. Thank you Ben for the post. I have been a blogger for over a year and besides WP I have created a facebook page to mirror my post. It is also a page for other bloggers to share their posts and for everyone to read and comment. I am inviting everyone to visit and like my page and if you have a facebook page please link it and I will visit and like it too. Have a nice day!


  12. Hi Guys,

    I have just recently moved my blog to WordPress and I would really appreciate your feedback on it.

    I have two main issues: the first one is the feature image, it takes for ever to load. The second one is the comment section, I feel that it is not easily recognisable and I would like to change it but don’t know how.

    I appreciate your comments.




    1. Your blog layout is clean and easily readable, and you have defined your target audience. Your writing style is engaging as well. Personally I did find the first paragraph of your About page to be a total turn-off. Religion and politics are certainly touchy subjects. Best of luck on your blogging venture!


      1. I read that back and realize it sounds quite rude. What I meant is that it may be a bit off-putting using the words “attacks on the Christian religion” and the questioning the intelligence of a nation (which may include a good portion of your readership).


      2. I’m aware that it’s a touchy subject. Is it a turn-off because it’s about religion and politics, or is it because of the way I worded it?


    2. I wasn’t able to respond directly under your last question. I admire you for taking a stand and openly discussing what you believe in. It is the way the paragraph is worded that rubbed me the wrong way. It seemed a bit aggressive and judgmental to me, but I am only one person and that may have been your intent to make your point.


  13. Hey all – I’ve been wondering whether I should change my theme? I keep trying to change it and then coming back to the one I have because…I don’t know why.
    Also, do you think a post or two a day is too much? Maybe look at my posts if the content makes a difference.
    Thank you ❤


    1. Hi,
      On that question about number of posts a day: I think couple of posts for a day works for your blog, since there is a variety in the heaviness of the subjects and also the post length. If you can keep that variety, you should be good.

      Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your writing voice is beautiful! Have you ever experimented with a different theme? You have a ton of content, and a very simple layout. Might be a little easier to navigate if your site was a little deeper?

        Just throwing it out there. I know it’s hard to change something like that once you have quite a few followers. Overall, I think it’s awesome.


    1. You have a great variety of topics organized well. The only real distraction is a few of the flickering photos on the righthand side. I was trying to read your poetry but was constantly distracted by the super fast changing images. Your “live now” message is fantastic! 🙂


    1. I actually love your theme of God and running. It’s unique! My advice: Ask God for direction and you can’t go wrong! I would appreciate if you took a look at my blog.


      1. Now following you! I enjoyed how detailed you were in your latest post and I really enjoyed how you asked your readers to give you reasons why they left the church. I thought that was a great way to interact with readers and those who follow you!


    1. You write with a maturity that belies your age 🙂 my feedback would be to be mindful of punctuation, grammar and the use of abbreviations. And, if you’re so inclined, to make the category titles on your homepage succinct so they grab attention instantly? Have fun and good luck.
