Community Pool

Feedback, camaraderie, and free popsicles! (Free popsicles: not included.)

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. Suzie–I am just happy you made it out alive. I like that you broke in into three parts. I needed to catch my breath. Oh yeah, karma is a real bitch. This was emotionally draining, for me, but at least it had a happy ending for you. Thankfully.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Wow, an intense story written very well. You chose a good place to break between Parts 1, 2, and 3, and I thought the writing was interesting and kept me reading. I’m glad you were able to write about your experience– and I’m glad it ended well for you!


    3. An extremely brave post that was very well written. I have only read the first part as that was quite full on. I look forward to reading the others. Sharing your experience will make those that have experienced similar events feel that they are not alone.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Emotional abuse is awful. I share your thoughts on the law change – a good move, indeed! It was brave to have shared that part of your life, and I’m glad you felt you could share it with us. Well written – it certainly gets the point across without having to go into details of every incident. I do like how you link it to your next post. Very clever. Will follow.

      Liked by 2 people

    5. I thoroughly Enjoyed your story. I have to say, I hated to read of the terrible circumstances you found yourself in though. it does in fact put in perspective of how easy it is to fall victim. I was a victim as well. Only I married him. We were together for 10 years before I “got my belly full”. Its nice to know that I am not alone. Lesson Learned…Right? 😉


    6. Your writing style reminds me of my girlfriends. It’s personal and raw and powerful. It was well written thank you for sharing such a personal and moving chapter in your life. I read it and took it as a tale of triumph and success over odds that weren’t stacked in your favor.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mara,

      I checked out your blog and I quite like your layout. Its easy to use and I especially liked that I didn’t have to go looking for the subscribe/ follow button.

      The subject is not my field but it seemed to flow pretty well.

      Hope that helps



      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello, Gav, thanks a lot for taking the time to give me this detailed feedback! It’s good news too 🙂 Have a great late summer and happy blogging!


      1. That’s good news! I was worried that the post might be too boring or too specialist, so it’s reassuring to see that it turned out readable after all 🙂 It’s helpful to know when planning future posts for my blog! Thank you very much for your feeedback and happy blogging!


    2. Congrats! I liked this post– I thought it was written in a way that made it interesting and easy to follow. I think it fits in with your blog just fine! 🙂


      1. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and comment! I’m very glad to hear that you found the post OK 🙂 Have a great summer and happy blogging!


    3. I really enjoyed reading that post. I found it entertaining and at the same time challenging to myself to look up some of the referenced I didn’t know. But those didn’t hinder in any way. It felt light and easy to follow until the end.


      1. Thanks a lot for reading and leaving a feedback! It means a lot, I’m glad that the whole thing ended up as readable 🙂 I wish you happy blogging and a great summer (or the rest of it)!


    1. I just read bits and parts of your blog — which by the way has an awesome design! — and I think you’re well focused and fun to read. This is not as much of an advice as rather compliment 😉


      1. Haha thank you! It took me a long time to be happy with the layout and there’s still things I wanna change!
        Thanks for the lovely feedback! Xxx

        Liked by 2 people

    2. For some reason I’m reminded of those random posts by Auntie Sparknotes – and I love it. 🙂 It’s really good and I don’t have much to say for feedback other than a great job c;

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Your writing style is perfect. I noticed one typo and one potential typo (“this is a girls dream” should be “girl’s”), and I think you meant “good girl crush” rather than “girl girl crush.” I notice typos in my own blog more than I’d ever like to admit. I love your format. I love the flow of your Emma Stone post. I have been reading A LOT of blogs lately and it seems a common pitfall is being too wordy or losing intrigue. Yours is great!!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh gosh! How embarrassing, I never pick up mistakes in my own posts! I have done a few this style and a few longer ones, so good to know that people are enjoying both!
        Thanks for your great feedback! x

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I really like your blog– I think the style is very natural and easy to read. Gained a follower here! Keep it up 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Really cool blog layout. I especially liked your signature at the end of your post. Do you do that on all your posts (haven’t looked yet)? Leaving the reader with a list of ideas you do to help yourself works well. Plus, you pull your readers in by ending the post with them sharing their ideas. You’re onto something good here.


      1. Great feedback, thanks lovely. I do have that little signature at the end each time 😊 thanks so much xox


    6. I love the color scheme and it is a layout that is not only pleasing to the eye it is easy to navigate around. If I visit a blog and cannot locate their about me section right away I generally head for the hills 🙂 Great job


    1. Definitely get your about me or about the blog section typed up when you get a chance. I personally feel this is one of the first places people check out to see if it is the type of person or blog they are interested in to begin with. Welcome to blogville!


  1. I’m currently in the military and I started my blog about a month ago. I usually post a link on Facebook and Twitter. Outside of that, I don’t do much to advertise my blog. What are some ways in which I can increase traffic?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Be sure to use tags and slugs effectively! WordPress has lots of articles and resources to inform you of how to do that 🙂 Also, be sure that you’re not exhausting your friends on Twitter and Facebook with an overwhelming amount of posts. You can also share it personally with people that you know/trust.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good tip about about “not exhausting your friends with an overwhelming amount of posts.”!

        It is quite tricky with friends and having them review what you have written. Because some friends can give good advice (if they are the type of audience for what you are writing).


    2. Commenting and helping out other bloggers will earn you a circle of followers who actually are willing to help you out. The Daily Post has a lot of articles on how to help your blogging experience. Check them out 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. beautiful blog.
        you now have one more follower.
        ps. again, this is how you get more followers. interact with people and take part in writing prompts or challenges or any other community events.
        with your quality posts, followers are sure to come.
        pps. don’t change the look of you blog


    3. beautiful blog.
      you now have one more follower.
      ps. again, this is how you get more followers. interact with people and take part in writing prompts or challenges or any other community events.
      with your quality posts, followers are sure to come.
      pps. don’t change the look of you blog

      Liked by 1 person

    4. I highly recommend following similar blogs on social media and sharing relevant posts with those bloggers. Many are willing to share or re-tweet for a fellow blogger. Also joining blogger groups helps as everyone scratches each others’ backs.


    5. Like a lot of people have said, following others and engaging with their posts is the best way to increase traffic. Be careful not too share your posts on Facebook too frequently because people will stop following the links (like catdiggedydog said). I’d say get a Google+ account and share your posts on there, as well. You can join different communities and tag your posts/put them in categories so people can find similar posts easily. Hopefully that was somewhat helpful! And definitely keep blogging 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    6. One of the best ways I’ve found is the tag-bar. Are you filling out as many tags as possible per post? Some people say that it’s too attention-seeking, but honestly, how is google going to find the page if you don’t tag it properly? ^.^ You can check out my blog for examples, if you’d like?

      Liked by 1 person

    7. I am not exactly a blogging veteran but I have been able to build a bit by just spending time doing exactly this. Reading and visiting blogs and commenting and then following those I like which usually gets me a follow in return. Also use tags on every post (not more than a few!) but mostly just taking time to visit and interact with other blogs is the key! Good material so far though, and from one psych major to another Welcome!


    1. I like your blog a lot: it has a clean, professional design and a great variety of topics. The latter is slightly problematic to me too though — I’m not sure what the blog is about, and even though your About page says you have a lot of hobbies, I’d love to know something more specific. Perhaps hint at some of your hobbies so that the reader knows what to expect? Other than that, I think you’re doing very well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thank you very much.
        i do pay a lot attention to detail and the final look is a result of many days of experiments.
        i have been thinking of the ‘about’ page for quite a while now and after your advice i’ll be sure to give it a check.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. There are a lot of different things you cover – it does seem a little random. 😛 But I think that’s a good thing since it’s fresh and not too predictable. That’s my own opinion c: I also do like your theme (same as mine!) Great job.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi Abhineet — have you considered creating a blog for each topic?

      Maybe combining Writing/Photography/Art – Blog #1
      Quotes – Blog #2

      On your about page you mentioned: “Here’s a brief outline of what you’ll find here:”

      scrolling down, You’ve included a link to your tech blog…which you mentioned is a separate blog

      The more you can simplify (and find which topic you’d like to spend time the most), the more it is easier for visitors (and readers).

      Though you do say that the blog was created out of boredom. 🙂 If you like that feel (like having a shoebox full of stuff) — I’m sure there are those who love that sort of thing too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thanks.
        And I have been considering that.
        And for now, I’ve kept the tech part and quotations separate. i.e. I have daone exactly what you had said this afternoon.

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I think the blog is good, there is a lot of thought and effort and detail in the layout. I wouldn’t get too much more complicated with it though because most people like blogs to be clean, simple and easy to navigate which you currently have going for you! I love the photography, I can never get enough photo browsing! Overall great layout and great concept

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I really enjoyed your post. I think chasing a dream career is something we all struggle with. So often our passion for doing what we love doesn’t deliver when it comes to taking care of our financial needs! I’m glad that you have set a plan to follow your goals, and with you the best in seeing them come true. As for the post, it is well written, although there could be some re-wording and organization. I recommend outlining before you write. While it seemed to follow a logical sequence, at times the transitions were kind of tough. Focus on transitional sentences and topic sentences between paragraphs. I am by no means an expert, but I’ve found that mapping out my thoughts on paper before getting behind the computer is a good way to make it come all come out how I envisioned. Hope this helped and good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, yes I thought as much! I always write in my notebook first, and this time I just copied what I had written rather than re-jig it a bit! Thank you for your feedback! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I thought it was a good post and I enjoyed reading it. However, I agree with Zonk in that some lines could be re-worede to be more easily understood. such as “I came out of university with the same problem I had aged 17,” it doesn’t flow too well. I think reading though what you have written before you post a few times is a good idea. However I think you have a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing more work from you in the future! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you and thank you haha. Yeah I will definitely be posting revised versions for the future… 🙂


    3. I like your post – mostly because it’s very balanced between being serious and having tidbits of funny parts to lighten it up. The topic also applies to everyone, so it’s something we all can identify with and take to heart. Love it 🙂 What really got me was the quote and the last line. It was the perfect way to end it!


  2. Hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
    I’m going to be blunt and to the point. I have written a book and the time is nearing when it will be published. I am presenting my blog merely for the fact that I believe popularity will help me achieve my goal of getting published. That being said, here is my blog:
    Any comments, likes, or follows would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Do you all think it’s effective to have a lifestyle blog that has a little bit of everything? On mine, I do book reviews, tv reviews, music reviews, as well as lifestyle posts and creative writing. I prioritize my audience, but don’t want to lose track of what I love to do, which I never want to confine.

    For example, I wrote about Taylor Swift’s newest song:


    1. I’m new to this as well. I think it depends on the goal of your blog. If you want a lot of traffic, shares and comments, it may be in your interest to consider the audience and write what sells. On the other hand, if it’s a lifestyle blog that you enjoy keeping and sharing with your friends, I don’t think there is anything wrong with staying the course! I feel like the followers you get by sharing your personal feelings and day to day experiences will be more devoted than the passerby dropping in for the latest and greatest in celebrity gossip. I look forward to reading your posts!


      1. True! Thanks for setting into context, Zonk 🙂 It started out as a personal/lifestyle blog but I’m also trying to push my boundaries and hone my writing skills. I also started a completely new food critic blog, as a result of branching out. It’s been great so far.


    2. I’m not sure if it would be “effective” but I think that if you are going to make a blog then you should make it about what you want it to be about. Zonk (this guy is everywhere today) says how dedicated people who want to hear your personal feelings will stick around. However, if that is what you want then it may take a little longer to get more followers. Once you do though I see you having a fun and vibrant community. Keep doing what you are doing! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Sean! That’s true, I should stay true to what I enjoy. Followers are great, but if I’m unhappy or not authentic in what I produce, then it’s ultimately not worth it. Thanks for your advice.


    3. I think it’s fine to have a “lifestyle” blog which doesn’t focus on one particular topic. My first blog is just that–a medley of memories, mommying, beauty, tattoos–just everything. I changed the title to My Enchanted Life, I hope you’ll check it out and see what I mean about not having a “focus.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello! I suppose having a focus can be limiting at times, right? That was my first thought, and as a blogger in high school, I didn’t want that. I’ll check out your blog. Thanks for your advice!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Well I’m a bit of a newbie here, but I can try to answer 🙂 Blogging for me is a way to release stress and calm down, as well as connect with others. If you feel inspired to write about anything at all, go for it. Don’t worry too much about the audience. It will come as time goes on! And think about this – maybe a variety will attract more people? Haha, hope so 😀


    5. Catdiggedydog I think blogs that have a bit of random are great. Having a very specific niche blog can limit what you post and what people expect so right on keep doing your thing!


    1. Nice clear design focusing on content. The subject is niche, but in a good way so you will get a certain type of follower. The posts are concise and not too wordy.

      My french isn’t great so can’t comment on the content. Looks good to me!


  4. Hello everyone. I recently started an opinion news blog aimed at synthesizing the major news of the day into succinct analysis and opinion without becoming bogged down in the partisan quagmire. I’ve been searching for a community of news bloggers with little luck. Any feedback on our recent OPEDs, the (very simple) site layout, or information on news blog communities would be much appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey man, I feel like you deserve a response after everything that you have written on others comments.

      I’m sorry to say that I’m probably not what your looking for (a news blogger) but I can say that your posts seem to be very informative. Your site layout is very clean and gets you right into the news.

      I don’t know any other news bloggers but I wish you luck in your search and hope you find some soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the encouragement, man! I’ll work it out one way or another. I enjoy being in a community of people passionate about writing, regardless of what they write about. Appreciate the comment on my work!


    2. Hi Zonk, like Sean I’m probably not your target market but I like the conciseness of your posts. A small suggestion I would make (and it’s only my opinion), would be to make the font a little smaller – there is a lot loading on one page, and one size smaller would reduce the need to scroll.

      Also, the hyperlinks although underlined, would be better served if a different colour to main text. Scanning through the article I didn’t realise they were clickable until I hovered my mouse over them.

      Just my opinion! Best of luck!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I like the idea! I also do like your layout, but I would tweak it a bit. Maybe you could have a header so we can click on the news we’re most interested in, or sort it out by topic. I also really like the name. 😀 It’s quite creative!


  5. Hi from South Africa, we started our blog 5 months ago, trying to be true to us, our loves (nature), our life (dad at home, working traveling mom) and our experiences with our boy as first time parents after 17 years of marriage. Afrikaans being our first language, we hope that we express ourselves well enough in english and we try and provide good photos to back the story. So, what do you think about the blog and do you have any comment on the content provided.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Looks very professional. There is a lot of information at first glance which kind of made me feel a little bit lost. But, I can see that you use social channels to market the blog and already have a good online presence + following which explains the extra widgets.

      The pictures are excellent and you have a beautiful son. Nice work!


    1. Touching post Charl – Very honest and refreshing. A social presence, like the option of a facebook page follow would be nice, but of course that’s a personal choice.

      I like the way you have your small bio at the end of each post too. Might have to steal that idea! 🙂


      1. Haha steal away! Yeah still got to work on the whole connecting thing, but quite like keeping my blogging spear separate too, so will have to think of some solutions 🙂

        Thanks for taking the time to read it ☺️


    1. HI Selysin – the stars aligned today. This morning I watched Doctor Who (nice Dalek pic btw), booked a flight to Scotland for the weekend and spoke with my brother on the phone who is living in Wellington, NZ!

      After reading your bio, and your latest post I figured I’d stay tuned for future posts. I found the LonCon post interesting (I’m an aspiring writer). 2/3 pics per post is the sweet spot for me, and helps break up the text nicely if neatly packaged in the right way.

      Best of luck!


      1. Thanks for the follow Aidan. Those stars are definitely aligning, Wellington is the home of the small press I mentioned in my post.

        I’ve never used pictures before (and I’ve only used one map) so I’m a little unsure about them, nothing like a little trial and error though.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey everyone!!

    I’d love to get some feedback on my site as a whole as I do it for a little bit of comedy therapy. The design itself is an experiment that I know isn’t working too well but I’m working on that, but happy to leave links to some of the more popular posts I’ve made. I look forward to hearing back from folks and maybe even getting a follower or two!


    1. I really loved your work, it is so beautiful and thrilling. But may I suggest changing the theme? There’s too much unused white space. Or maybe add a sidebar.
      And I’d appreciate it if you reviewed my writing. 🙂


      1. Hey there! Thank you for the kind comments– I’ll consider changing the theme (I haven’t found one that I liked better though) 🙂 Oh and yes, I have read “Diary of a Yazidi Girl” and I think it was an absolutely interesting entry via a unique perspective! 🙂 I think it would be nice if you could inject more emotions / personal anecdotes (?) into it? Just my 2 cents worth only though. 😛 Have a great week ahead! 😀


  7. Hi Guys!

    I’d love to know where people tend to get most of their traffic. At the moment, mine comes through Facebook though I’m considering setting up Twitter but worried I might be spreading myself too thin, taking me away from the main goal of writing original, interesting content.

    Would love to hear some prolific bloggers thoughts out there and how they manage this balancing act of writing/promoting.


    1. I don’t post to facebook or twitter, mostly because my blog is separate from my social life. However, I just try to help others out. Commenting and liking on other posts with thoughtful ideas are much appreciated, and may also earn you some more followers!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. For bloggers, using social media like Twitter can be time consumming.

      If you try to craft good tweets (hashtags, shout outs to other users, funny or interesting) and if you want to tweets regularly (which is how tweeting works best to provide visibility for your blog), you might spend a lot of time on Twitter instead of writing content for your blog.

      There are some simple solutions however. You can use a service which allows you to publish on Facebook, Twitter and other social media all at one (buffer, hootsuite, etc.).

      You can also connect your blog to your social media accounts so that each post will go live on social media as you post it. Just check ”sharing” in ”Settings” on your dashboard.

      You can ”reblog” old posts from your archives once a week or once a month on social media to generate traffic to your old content and feed your social media accounts.

      You can give shout outs to new followers.


      Using social media is not the simplest thing but if you read a little about it and develop your own simple strategy, you’ll connect with people who share your interests, discover relevant news and events and grow your audience, even if gradually. That’s my experience with The Geek Anthropologist blog at least!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Excellent advice Marie-Pierre.

        Thank you for taking the time to write such a considerate response. Funny you mention about the social media service like Hootsuite. It’s actually a company I’m joining next week, so will be learning a lot more about driving traffic and building social awareness.

        Thanks again!


  8. Hi there! I’d love to have some feedback and suggestions for improvement on a few of my recent posts. I feel like I’ve been in a rut of late!
    Thank you!


    1. Hi Kevin. I read a few of your posts including the Entourage one which I enjoyed. Creatively, you’ve mentioned that you’ve hit walls before in your writing – can’t say I suffer the problem much. There is plenty happening in the world right now to form an opinion on, from Man U’s self-destruction to Ice Bucket Challenges.

      Maybe let those inspire your next posts?


  9. Hello Everyone, I recently started a blog with the specific theme of living life at the lake. We’ll be making some big changes in the next few months as well as building a house. I’d appreciate feedback on the design and setup. I’d also appreciate a little constructive criticism on this post. Thanks in advance.

    The Next Step – Let’s Build a House


    1. Hi Alana. Love your photos and videos. I like the simple design of your blog and you are clearly very passionate in your writing.

      Some suggestions… I personally wouldn’t be a fan of that specific font or colour. I prefer old school Arial/Times Roman, but that’s my own personal taste. Also, there is a big block of gray on the right side of the page when loaded on my laptop. That is a lot of wasted space which could either be used with widgets, or to include more of your text instead of scrolling further down the page.

      Otherwise, great job!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Aidan, I thoroughly apprecaite the time you spent on my blog. Unfortunately, the dead space on the left can’t be changed until I move from a free wordpress format to a paying one. I really agree that it’s under utilized space!!! Thanks for all your feedback.


  10. Hey there,
    I hope you enjoy the rests of your weekend- I am blogging for quite a time, posting mainly photos and some texts.
    Could you give me some feedback? About my style of photography or writing? It would be great 😀

    thanks 🙂


    1. Hello! You have a good eye for photography (your landscape and coin shots are fantastic! 🙂 ), but in order to make your blog look more appealing (in terms of layout) you may want to seek a more consistent style? That’s just my own opinion though, consistency strikes me harder! 😀


      1. Thanks a lot for your quick feedback 🙂
        What do you think of when talking about consistency? I’d like to improve in style and everything- visiting London next week it’d be interesting to know what you wanted to express… Maybe I just don’t get it because my English is still a bit crappy (sorry for that)… Could you explain yourself a bit further?
        Thanks for the nice words for my pictures 😀 never thought the answers would be that kind 🙂


      2. ah- okay, got it… 🙂 thanks for this explanation- I’ll work on something to take as a style 🙂


  11. Hello everyone! I’ve been blogging for a little while now and I’m happy with what I put out but I feel like I have lost some direction and I think that is bringing the blog down. If you would be so kind as to stop by and let me know your general impression of my blog that would be awesome! I just want to know if people are enjoying my content, thanks for your time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think your blog is lovely 😀 But well maybe a different theme will make the blog’s look more captivating since at first sight I think the layout is kinda not so organized and disconnected ( but your photos are great! believe me 🙂 )


    2. I like the text posts. However, the daily photos thing reminds me of Tumblr. That’s not bad in itself, but perhaps more words would help, if you know what I mean.


      1. Ya I get you. I see how it would remind you of tumbler, I’ll think about adding some background to when and where I took the pictures. Thanks for the input 🙂


    3. Hi Sean. Beautiful pics – I really like your photo posts. You’re a fairly prolific blogger so maybe worth taking some time off to get your focus and direction back?


      1. I could, that’s a possibility. I’s like to keep posting though so maybe I could post every other day rather then every day if I need a break, that way it gives me a day to recharge. Thanks for the advice 🙂


    1. I cannot write poetry, and it takes well written poetry to draw me in. I read a couple of poems, and really enjoyed the read. Your words expressed your feelings in a very genuine way.
      I absolutely love the theme you have chosen, the simplicity of each single picture matches your poems and stories perfectly.
      Am now following your blog. Looking forward to reading more Thanks


      1. Sorry for the delay. In reply to your question, your feelings come through in the times of heartache. The one poem that really stands out is “If You Go, I Go” With this poetry, you open the door or window a crack, regarding your dear sister. Details are left to my imagination, “Is she going to be okay”. Not knowing the entire story, will keep a person returning.
        …..and I really do sincerely hope everything is okay.


    1. I love it! The site looks great! I’m curious if you bought the premium package to get more customization. Or you don’t have to answer that. In any case, I think that you have an interesting perspective and a great looking site. I look forward to seeing what you post in the future 🙂


      1. Thank you, and thanks for the follow. 🙂 Nah, I didn’t buy the premium package, I think I got lucky with finding the right theme. To me it’s not perfect, but thanks for the feedback!


      2. Oh yes, I was planning on having a drawing for every post, but I failed that commitment upon the second post. Trust me, it gets so much easier to draw when you’re bored, yet relaxed. 😉


    2. I love the theme. It’s so perfect for your title, and I really like the way your posts show your personality! There’s also a bit of bluntness that’s interesting 🙂 You just gained a follower c:


      1. Thank you 😀 I took a look at your blog too, and you have just gained a follower as well. :]
