Community Pool

It’s time for this week’s Community Pool! Duck-shaped life savers: optional.

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once!
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. I read a few of you post and I would not say they’re boring at all. As you continue blogging you’ll get a sense of what works and what doesn’t. I think so far you are off to a good start.


    1. Oh my gosh I love your blog. I want to be you when I’m 40. Embrace life and keep doing what makes you happy! Your blog made me smile and laugh. Keep it up.


    1. By engaging with your audience. Find people with similar blogs to your own niche or subjects that interest you, subscribe, read and comment. Basically, do for other people what you are asking them to do for you! Posting is only 50% of the experience, the other is the blogging community – good luck!


    1. Hi! I love the layout of your blog, I think it works really well with your photos. I also love your gastronomy series–you have a great eye for angles with food and those supermarket shots are excellent. My only qualm is with your photos of models. I don’t really get the concepts you have behind the shots, and the lighting leaves them looking flat. If you’re shooting outside, do it an hour before sunset to catch the “golden hour.” If you are shooting inside, make sure you have a lot of light from the front and back of the person, not above them. Otherwise, I think your framing is strong, and most people don’t have that skill. I’ll definitely be following you for more!
      I’d love some commentary on my blog too: (I’m primarily a written blogger but starting to include my photography also)


  1. I wrote a short short story just before I went to bed last night and wrote it up earlier today. What do you guys think of it?


    1. Hey Matthew! Your language is beautiful, and I enjoyed the movement of this short piece–like moving through someone else’s mind.

      However, I’m not really sure what to latch onto. What’s the conflict? What’s the purpose? What’s it for? It doesn’t really have a story arc. I need some kind of frame to view it through if that makes sense.

      I can almost imagine this better as a series of poems. Have you considered writing it in verse?



      1. Hi Sarah! Thanks for your comment. I liked your poem about the mints – mainly because I love mints too and it seemed very romantic 🙂 you could say it transported me.

        I think you’re right about my piece, it just bubbles like the kettle and settles again. The thing to do next would be to chain it into something else: I did consider having the phone ring at the end, which would perhaps initiate something else happening. That in turn could provide the means for injecting a bit more oomph into what exists at the moment.

        At the end of the day, it was a bit of free writing of everything that came in to my head as I went to sleep. That probably explains the rhythms. It does seem as though it will lend itself to a conversion to version – the next time one of these tumbles out I will give that a try!

        Thanks again for your comment, have a lovely Sunday!


      1. Thanks I shall follow your whimsical short stories with interest. I was nearly asleep when I wrote it, which might explain why it’s rather easy to get lost in it. It also doesn’t go very far but I could not continue any further when I picked it up again this morning.


      2. I’m new here so forgive me if this is a silly question. But I was trying to “follow” you and couldn’t find a link for that?


      3. My blog is self-hosted, so there’s no following – I think that’s why anyway. You can subscribe for e-mail updates though if you like that kind of thing!


  2. Hello everyone! I recently started a blog to share my poetry and other writings with the world. I’ve never actually done this before, I was always very secretive about my poetry, so I’d appreciate it greatly if you were to drop by and give me feedback. Do you like it? Do you think it’s terrible or redundant? Thank you in advance. Oh, and here’s the link:


    1. Hey, Sara? Yes? I would love to see an About section to either learn more about you, the author, or the purpose of your blog. I’m always curious to know these things. =)

      I enjoy writing. Congratulations on taking the leap! Sharing your poetry for the first time can be nerve wracking. I’m curious about the quotes, though. Are they quotes by you or someone else? If someone else, I’d like to know who.

      It’s not redundant or terrible. I like your layout. It’s simple, clean, and the yellow… mm! I’m a fan.

      All the best,


    2. Me too! I didn’t even really know what blogging was until one week ago. I started my own blog and began writing Short Stories, Poetry, and Life Musings. I like your poem What Man Has Done To Man. 🙂
      And I left a comment about creative ideas.
      Check mine out if you’d like.


  3. I recently started blogging and would love some feedback on my posts and maybe if you like you can follow.

    I posted Part One of a short story series I’m working on and would loooooove comments, feedback, constructive criticism. Whatever you have to say is welcomed!

    I’m fairly new to this whole writing, blogging, poetry writing and would love some advice.



    1. I really enjoyed Intoxicate – part one. The detail and story grabbed my attention and evoked my curiosity.


      1. i really liked some of your post, the arctic monkeys one caught my eye it was because of the artist tough, bt liked your writing as well and would love to see your writing under influence of artists like Steven Wilson and Porcupine tree for instance, give them a listen maybe.
        Just a suggestion tough 🙂
        Specific tracks would be : Heart attack at the layby – Porcupine tree,
        Drive home – Steven Wilson


      2. Thank you so much!
        I will absolutely give them a listen – and we’ll both see if come up with a story / experience to go along with them.

        But thank you for your suggestions, this kind of comment is my favorite! 🙂 Suggest songs any time!


  4. Hi everyone! I started my blog of a mixed bag of write ups about a year ago, and ended up neglecting it. Getting back is turning out to be quite a difficult task. Please check out my recent posts and leave criticism, feedback or anything that communicates what’s right or wrong with what I’m doing. All responses are appreciated. Thanks.


      1. Love your writing style and your first post. Food is such a comfort that brings people together. Looking forward to reading more!


    1. Love your writing style and your first post. Food is such a comfort that brings people together. Looking forward to reading more! And I love the second person!


    2. Love your blog, your writing is intriguing and beautiful! May God continue to richly bless the gift he has bestowed on you!


      1. Thanks, I dislike second person and was quite surprised to find myself writing in it. I remember been horrified by having to do an exercise in second person at Uni but it seems to be working here, good to know that someone likes it.


  5. Hi! My posts either steer in the Philosophy/Psychology direction or Humor. The Humor posts actually do quite well, but I wish I could get a larger readership for the the Philosophy ones. It would be very kind if my fellow bloggers could tell me how I could improve these.

    Of Reaching Out With Nobody There



    1. I’m a final year psychology undergraduate so find your posts that are linked to psychology really interesting! Well done


      1. Thank you so much! I have a minor in Psychology and I’ve been wanting to study again, at least informally. Wonderful to know that someone from Psych thinks they are of use!


      2. Informally is definitely the way forward. Dissertation Doom is most definitely a way to kill any love for learning 😉 oh and the memorising stuff on memory for cognition exams … That I can’t remember 😉 haha, definitely useful!


      3. He he, very true! I just have very fond memories of my Psych minor, even though some of the teachers could have done with some therapy themselves! I used to be so anxious about the laboratory work. How ironic is that!


      4. Oh I have loved every minute but I’m sure I have suppressed the stress in my subconscious somewhere 😉 where’s Freud when you need him (cough*jokes)


      5. Ha ha! I’ve noticed that Psych students are the ones who are most satisfied with their area of study. Tricks of the trade, huh, as maintaining that stance of calm and neutrality is required for counselling!


    1. Writing a blog is a very personal thing, I think it is difficult for people to suggest stuff as then it becomes other people’s blogs rather than your own. The daily prompt on here is sometimes a good place for inspiration (although a lot of them are dross (imo)). Also I am sure there was a 365 posts thing that WP came up with that is like the Daily Post but…erm different. That is here

      Or if you like writing then maybe some short stories, I sometimes find pics on the internet and write stories around them.

      Good lukc on your blog though.


  6. Hello everyone! My blog is where I post pictures and video and I was wondering if anyone could take some time and offer general feedback on the site. Any feedback or constructive criticism would be great! Thanks


  7. If you enjoy science you might like my blog I’m looking to make it enjoyable for any level of reader, without other scientists becoming bored, since they usually like science the most! I’ll be posting a minimum of once a week for the foreseeable future, so any opinions regarding this would be helpful.



    1. hhhhhh. Check out my blog’s name: quantum passion. At first, I wanted to write about physics but I ended up doing something ENTIRELY different. I’ll be checking on your blog. Good luck.


    2. With only one post up (I couldnt find any more) it is difficult to comment. I think the theme suits the subject matter, I enjoyed the post that is up there, it was understandable 🙂 to someone that doesn’t get science.

      Your about page needs a bit of info as it is just the standard, generic wordpress text atm.


    1. Hi Minnat! I really like how your blog is relatable and your voice comes through. This is hard to do, and it may work better once you actually GET to college, but make sure you have a takeaway at the end of your post. What does this mean for you, in the grand scheme of things? What might it mean for your readers in a broad way? Your last post is about how scheduling is a nightmare; how might the university make it better? Having a resounding point attracts readers, especially if they aren’t experiencing the same thing, because then we can realize the actual IMPACT of what you’re discussing. Generally, though, I like what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. I’m following you for more!
      I’m also a college student, you may want to read some of my college posts at


      1. Thank you so much for your feedback! I will definitely implement what you said into my blog posts now. Also, I am now a big fan of your blog and am now your newest follower! Again, thank you so much!


    2. Hi, I really like what you’ve posted so far. Your posts are filled with humor and the funny images are a great touch. Keep it up.


  8. How do you get your post read by more than just yourself? I already have my blog posting on Facebook and LinkedIn, however it has been over a month and I am the only person who has viewed it.


    1. Start reading other people’s blogs. Comment and like things which speak to you. This is a community of its own who are so supportive of each other. I find the more I venture out and value the writing of others, the more God blesses my blog. Happy blogging! Now I’m off to check out your blog…


  9. Hi there!

    I’ve recently launched my new blog . It will be revolving mostly about cars and photography. Would love some feedback on my first posts. Is the logo looking good or do I need to make more adjustments to integrate it better into the theme I chose?

    Constrictive criticism would be appreciated 🙂



    1. I really like the layout of your site. The homepage, although gorgeous, confused me a bit. Maybe have an “enter site” type button in the middle to make navigation obvious. Also, it appears your theme doesn’t truncate your posts to put a “read more” after a few sentences. Luckily, you can do that manually. It’ll make your site more concise and encourage readers to click on your actual posts.
      Otherwise, I LOVE the photography. I’m not that into cars, but a good photo can make me appreciate any subject. Keep up the good work!


    2. What a great design! It’s powerful and elegant. I’m really looking forward to reading your road trip post :).
      One question- You didn’ t want to put follow button and like button, or I just couldn’t see them?
      Have a nice day!


      1. Hi, thanks for the compliment! I didn’t integrate social media buttons for now as I haven’t really found a way to put them in without breaking up the design too much. Plus there is always the issue of data logging. I’ve clearly stated that I don’t store my visitors’ data and I will try to limit logging from third parties where I can even if that comes at the cost of somewhat lower share numbers an exposure.


      1. Thanks a lot! I have to apologize, because I’ve just noticed that I, accidentally, left a post presenting my blog in your comment line.
        When it comes to the design of my blog, it’s pretty clear that the serious polishing is needed 🙂


      1. Thanks so much for the compliment! By the way, I would absolutely LOVE to visit India; I’ve heard that it is beautiful and the people there are very kind and friendly.


  10. Hi all, I have a book review blog and I’m trying to breath life into it. It gained some traction early on and then life happened and I had to step away. Now I’m back and I feel like my reviews are fluff. I’m trying to stay away from the academic review/analysis (I was an English Lit major). So, I’d love some feedback and any suggestions.


    1. I think what makes a good book review is a writer with some wit. There’s got to be something that makes your review have some teeth- I think it’d be cool to read a bunch of different books within a genre or with similar themes and compare them or even group review them. I think that way you’d add some grit and prompt your readers to comment and remark on your thoughts. Typical academic reviews can be boring but sometimes classic, so perhaps switching it up will help you develop as a writer and blogger – not to mention help your blog be super well-rounded.



    2. Hi – I think Leaf made some really good points.

      I think you’re being a bit hard on yourself to call your reviews ‘fluff’ but when I read your posts I couldn’t pick up a real enthusiasm or love, or hate for the books. (Might be my fault!)

      I think it’s really hard when you’ve studied English Literature to be forever fighting off the Eng Lit method of writing reviews. That’s going to sap your writing energy. There are useful tools hiding in among the dry academic method – if you polish up the ones that are useful to you, then you’ll be all set to turn your spotlight on books that you really care about, one way or the other.

      Those are the books that you’ll want to spend your time on – and the ones that your readers will want to spend time reading about. And arguing/agreeing with you about.

      Best of luck with your blog.


      1. Thanks for the feedback. And yes that English Lit thing is hard to shake. I still have in the back of mind and struggle with the remain impartial aspect, which is why you probably don’t get a real since of enthusiasm for what I’ve read. I’ll definitely have to work on bringing my opinions to the forefront.


      2. I was thinking about it again and had this idea – do you review self published books too? You might find yourself becoming a trusted voice for self published books – especially if there’s a particular type of book that you enjoy. If you enjoy the hunt for buried treasure, then you might discover some overlooked gems. And your blog readers would be grateful – you’d be like a vintage clothes shop for people who didn’t have time to sift through tables of clothes at jumble sales!
        You could interview self published writers too – writers and readers are always interested in what makes people tick. Have you seen Chuck Wendig’s blog where he has guest spots for writers to talk about :5 things I learnt writing …..

        It would take the pressure off you, would switch things up a bit and might be an inspiration for others. Also, it would help (good) unknown writers to get read.

        Just a thought.

        Ad, as far as the impartial v opinion expressing reviewing – I suppose you have to think of your two different audiences. Academia v the rest of the world. We code switch in language all the time, so just imagine an audience for your blog reviews – a friend, a relative, a neighbour, the owner of your local chip shop – have them in mind and tell them why the book is, or isn’t worth cracking open.

        Good luck and keep writing!


  11. Hey everybody! I started taking photos about two months ago and posting them on here. I recently started a YouTube channel and posted my first video Friday. It’s not much, just a simple slideshow, but I was super happy with it. I spent a lot of time trying to get it just right. What do you think?

    I’ll Walk You Through It


    1. I think its great that you have started a blog because of your love for photography. Your blog is very organized and looks like it has a lot of potential.


      1. thank you! your feedback is really appreciated!! I hope you liked the stories and weren’t freaked out by the ones that were on the edgy side


      2. oh good! I was worried it would scare people away because they’re not your usual blog post but I’m so glad you liked them!


      3. I can see why it might be a turn off… still I’m pretty sure there are people out there that like your style.


      4. and of course not all of my posts are like that! most are about more normal things, plus the small bit of poetry, I was just worried since it was the most recent post, but I’m so glad you received it well:) Thank you so much for your feedback!


      5. thank you! your feedback is really appreciated!! I hope you liked the stories and weren’t freaked out by the ones that were on the edgy side


  12. What do you think of the series of collage characters I’ve been making? Do you think the poetry captioned along with them makes the character more readable or does it take away from the artwork itself?

    Here’s a link to one of my latest:

    Feedback is greatly appreciated 🙂


    1. The content is good, but maybe a little bit of color would spruce up your blog a bit. I’ve never really liked the all white look, but it’s a matter of personal preference. Keep on blogging 🙂


    2. I’m learning Brazilian Portuguese and I’m interested in Brazil, so I will be keeping an eye on your blog! I agree with Life Blog that a little color makes things more interesting visually.

      I use the same theme as you do on my blog and even changing the background color behind the posts from gray to *something* can help. You might want to think about adding a header image as well, since the default title/subtitle is small with the Twenty Twelve theme.


      1. Hey, thank you so much for your feedback! I’ll change colors and see how it gets 😀 I’m really happy to know you’re learning Brazilian Portuguese! Keep in touch, my plan is to write posts using both English and Portuguese.


    3. Hi Maria – you write from the heart. That’s obvious. And powerful.

      I’d agree with Life Blog a bit about colour. I’d say – if there’d been a photo of your chopped off hair on the floor of the salon or the back of your head with your new, very short hair, then that would have been powerful (and would have helped me to imagine it). What do they say – a picture’s worth a thousand words?

      I was looking at Paris Pinched’s post about flea markets here and thinking how perfectly her photos illustrated things. Even though they’re not ‘arty’ photos, they’re helpful photos.

      Your words are certainly enough, but some pictures might help readers, especially those who’ve never been to Brazil, to be with you as you write.

      All good luck with your blog.


      1. Hello! Thank you very much for your feedback! And Thank you also for this great idea! I hadn’t thought about publishing photos, but I think I’ll give it a try. 😀


      1. Thanks so much for your feedback. You were right – it doesn’t clutter anything. I just applied the widget (is ‘applied’ the right word??) and the template I’m using puts it at the bottom of the page anyway 🙂 Thanks again
